1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-13 08:59:10
xìn xiāng


letterbox; mailbox; postbox; letter box; post-office box

letterbox n.邮筒;信箱

mailbox n.信箱(用于接收寄送的信件);邮件收发箱(电子或实体);电子信箱

postbox n.邮筒;投递箱;公共邮件收集箱

letter box n.信箱;邮筒;投信口;信件投递口;邮箱

  • 在邮递员的帮助下, 汤姆从信箱里出来了.

    With the help of the postman, Tom went out of the letter - box.

  • 比利:你的收信箱里有多少封电子邮件?

    Billy: How many emails do you have in your inbox?

  • “直达信箱”表示它遵循了所有的正规程序。

    Letterbox Direct said it had followed all the correct procedures.

  • 那么你的语音信箱呢?

    How about your office voicemail?

  • 如果是语音信箱,就留个口信。

    Leave a message if you get voicemail.

  • 我可以在他的语音信箱里留话 吗 ?

    Can I leave him a voice in mail?

  • 昨天她在信箱里发现了一张宣传单。

    Yesterday she found this leaflet in her letter-box.

  • 邮差刚刚塞进一些信件在我们的信箱,爷爷。

    The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.

  • 邮差刚刚塞进一些信件在我们的信箱, 爷爷.

    The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.

  • 你怎样称呼一个到达你信箱里面的人?

    What do you call a man who arrives in your letter box ?

  • 将你手机关机,让信息转到语音信箱

    Switch off your phone and allow messages to go to voicemail.

  • 我看到了右上角的媒体信箱

    I saw that little media box in the upper right hand corner.

  • 他们用木板草草地做成了两个粗糙的信箱.

    They knocked together two rough mailboxes with wooden boards.

  • 他正在通话,我就在他的语音信箱留了言。

    He was on a call, so I left a message on his voice mail.

  • 信箱里塞满了信件.

    The box was crammed with letters.

  • 他从自己的信箱里取出一份叫《大陆军》的月报.

    From his box he extracted his monthly Grand Army paper.

  • 我偶然发现了一个打开着的信箱,但它不隶属于任何一个房屋,然后我检查了一下,发现里面有一封外发邮件。

    As I came across a box that was up but with no house, I checked, and there was mail—outgoing mail—in it.

  • 希尔弗瑟姆邮政信箱222号,荷兰广播电台

    Radio Netherlands, PO Box 222, Hilversum

  • 我可以申请一个邮局的私人信箱吗?

    Can I apply for a personal mail box at the post office?

  • 每天早晨公寓里每个人都去各自的信箱取信.

    Everybody in the apartment building went to their mailbox each morning.

  • 我会让我的秘书把这份文件放在我的信箱里,等我回来的时候就可以拿到。

    I'll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I'll get it when I return.

  • 他回来了,手里拿着信箱里取出的信件。

    He returned with the content of the letter box in his hand.

  • 其中一个信箱上写着:约翰?

    The mailbox read John C.

  • 苏菲打开园门时查看了一下信箱

    As Sophie opened her garden gate, she looked in the mailbox.

  • 你有电子信箱 吗 ?

    Do you have an E - mail box?

  • 给我的语音信箱留言。

    Leave a message on my voicemail.

  • 他写道,戴着全脸面纱的穆斯林妇女看起来像信箱或银行抢劫犯。

    He wrote the Muslim women who wore the full face veil looked like letter boxes or bank robbers.

  • 把这封信从信箱的投信口投进去.

    Post the letter through the slit in the letter box.

  • 2002年,《世界新闻报》窃听了失踪女学生米莉·道勒的语音信箱,之后发现她已被杀害。

    In 2002, News of the World had apparently hacked into the voice-mail of a missing schoolgirl, Milly Dowler, who was later found murdered.

  • 邮局用来收集信件的信箱的号码。

    The number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collected.

  • 下一步是寄信人地址, 在左上角潦草的几笔: “ 华盛顿州, 贝灵汉, 642号信箱. ”

    Next the return address, carelessly scrabbled in the upper left: " Box 642, Bellingham, Washington. "

  • 汤姆爬进了信箱里,然后从里面将门关上.

    Tom climbed into in the letter box and shut the door from the inside.

  • 他们的信箱里充满了提出强硬要求和恫吓的信.

    Their mail was being packed with importuning or threatening letters.

  • 电话响了,我就等它进入语音信箱

    If the phone rings, I let it go to voicemail.

  • 我在邮局租了一个邮政信箱

    I rented a P.O. Box at the post office.

  • 他拿了一大块硬纸板,画了一个乞求归还自行车的牌子,然后把牌子系在了信箱上。

    He got a large piece of cardboard, painted a sign begging for the bicycle to be returned, and tied the sign to the letterbox.

  • 我检查了他的语音信箱,我所担心的被证实。

    I checked his voicemail and my fears were confirmed.

  • 你可以通过邮政信箱接收邮件。

    You can receive mail through a P.O. Box.

  • 现在以您的电子邮件或邮政信箱为例。

    Now consider your email or postal mailbox.

  • 他倾听新的一天从昏睡中醒来:碗橱上的表滴滴答答急促地响个不停,信箱突然咔哒响了一声。

    He listens to the awakening of the new day: the clock on the dresser ticks hurriedly and the letter box snaps awake.

  • 小心,在你开信箱前要先确定那些寄件人是谁。

    Be careful, make sure you know the senders before you open the email.

  • 第二天她的信箱里有封信。

    The next day there was a letter in her letterbox.

  • 当你退出程序时,你将会收到一个对话箱提醒你在发信信箱中还有一些邮件。

    You'll get a dialogue box when exiting the program reminding you that there are still e-mails in your outbox.

  • 思绪象不平静的风在信箱里蜿蜒著。

    Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box.

  • 邮递员刚把一些信件投进了我们的信箱

    The mailman just dropped some mail in our box.

  • 谁会将它放在信箱里呢。

    Who could have dropped it in the mailbox?

  • 离这里最近的邮政信箱在哪儿?

    Where is the nearest letter box?

  • 我将信投入信箱.

    I dropped the letter into the mail - box.

  • 请将信寄到我的邮政信箱

    Please send the letter to my P.O. Box.

  • 我的语音信箱里有她含混不清的留言。

    There was a garbled message from her on my voicemail.

  • 信箱在这面墙的另一侧。

    The mailboxes are on the other side of this wall.

  • 天冷的时候能明显感觉到从信箱那边吹来的过堂风。

    On a cold day there can be quite a draught from the letterbox.

  • 不久前,一张神秘的圣诞卡片从我们的信箱里掉了出来。

    Not long ago, a mysterious Christmas card dropped through our mail slot.

  • 你就不能消停会吗?我马上就开。你工作怎么样了?快开信箱

    Will you relax? I'll get it in a minute. How was work? Open the mail!

  • 莱纳德没时间聊天,他要去开信箱

    Leonard doesn't have time to chat, he has to get the mail.

  • 一定要开信箱。你还要提醒我几次呀?

    Be sure to check the mail. How many times are you gonna tell me?

  • 不过话说回来,如果转到语音信箱的话,我就能一遍遍地回味了。

    On the other hand, if I let it go to voicemail, I could play it over and over.

  • 去入侵她电话里的的语音信箱

    to hack onto her voicemail on her phone

  • 莱纳德,在你的简单世界里,你是个举世无双的天才。语音信箱,真是奇了怪了。

    You know, Leonard, in your own simple way, you may be the wisest of us all. Voice mail. Curiouser and curiouser.


信箱 xìnxiāng

[letterbox;mailbox;pillar-box] 邮局设置的供人投寄信件的箱子



英语 mailbox, post office box

德语 Briefkasten (S)​, Postkasten (S)​

法语 boîte aux lettres


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of