1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 09:37:41
gǎn jué


feel; sense; perceive; experience; be aware of


feel; feeling; air; idea; sense; isensation; perception; mpression; consciousness; sense perception; suspicion; humour; aesthesis


sensitive; perceptive; sentient; sensory

feel v.感觉;感觉到;察觉;察觉到;意识到;体会到;触;触摸;摸;摸起来;摸索;探索;试探;觉得;体会;感受;经历;使人感觉…;有…的感觉;有…的印象;以为;认为;相信;同情;怜悯;受(强烈)影响

sense n.感觉;官能;感官;意义;意思;含义;目的;趋势;方向;指向;意图;直觉;意向;合理性;判断力;理解力;辨别力;识别能力;感觉器官;(大众的)意见;益处;有用性;健全的心智

perceive v.感知;察觉;意识到;认识到;理解;感觉到;注意到;看待;将…视为;将…理解为

experience n.经验;体验;感受;阅历;(一次)经历

be aware of vphr.注意;意识到;知道;了解;察觉到

feeling n.情感;感觉;触觉;同情;直觉;情绪;感受;印象;意识;激情;情操;感情反应;对…的感受;同情;气氛;

air n.空气;大气;航空;通风;天空;气氛;气质;风度;神态;感觉;摆架子;样子;曲调;旋律

idea n.想法;主意;观点;看法;原则;信念;理解;了解;猜想;目标;意图;(柏拉图哲学)理念

perception n.感知;认识;感觉;见解;悟性;观念;看法;印象;直觉;知觉;洞察力;理解力;感知能力;认识能力

consciousness n.意识;知觉;感觉;自觉;观念;觉悟;察觉;看法;认识;清醒状态;精神活动;心智状态;存在感

suspicion n.猜想;猜疑;怀疑;嫌疑;不信任;不放心;不好的预感;少量;少许;一点

humour n.幽默感;幽默;滑稽;心情;情绪;体液(古医学中认为体内四种液体的平衡与健康和情绪有关);迁就;顺应(某人的心情或愿望)

sensitive adj.敏感的;脆弱的;易受影响的;须谨慎对待的;感光的;灵敏的;易激怒的;易被惹恼的;善解人意的;细腻的;体贴的;保密的;需谨慎处理的;反应迅速的;感觉敏锐的;有悟性的;艺术感觉好的

perceptive adj.有洞察力的;敏锐的;理解力强的;思维敏捷的;有辨识能力的;感觉敏锐的;有感知能力的;觉察的;识别的

sentient adj.有知觉力的;有感知能力的;能感知的;能感受的;有意识的;感觉敏锐的

sensory adj.感觉的;感官的;知觉的;传递感觉的;与感官(或感觉)有关的;感觉器官的

  • 冬季会让人感觉疲乏无力。

    Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired.

  • 她突然感觉怒火中烧。

    She felt a sudden surge of anger.

  • 觉得他们感觉如何?

    How do you think they feel?

  • 感觉我似乎应该开始歌唱。

    I feel as if I should break into song.

  • 她仍然患有严重的胃痉挛,感觉疼痛、疲乏、抑郁。

    She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.

  • 她喜悦的感觉是短暂的。

    Her sense of triumph was short-lived.

  • 显然你对此感觉很坚定。

    Obviously you feel very strongly about this.

  • 我醒来感觉很不舒服。

    I woke up feeling like shit.

  • 你对安妮有什么感觉

    How do you feel towards Anne?

  • 感觉完全放松了下来。

    He felt totally chilled.

  • 感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。

    I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.

  • 我开始感觉到特别困。

    I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy.

  • 饭后他感觉身子很沉,不想动。

    He felt very heavy and sluggish after the meal.

  • 这音乐带给他一种完满和自由的感觉

    The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.

  • 我双脚湿透,感觉都冻到骨头里了。

    I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.

  • 感觉身体不太好。

    I'm not feeling very well.

  • 多谢,我今天感觉好多了。

    I'm feeling miles better today, thanks.

  • 奥利弗现在感觉如何?

    How does Oliver feel now?

  • 感觉大地在脚下颤动。

    He felt the earth tremble under him.

  • 他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉

    He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.

  • 他上飞机时问我感觉如何。

    As he got on to the plane, he asked me how I was feeling.

  • 我有种被人监视的奇怪感觉

    I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched.

  • 我今天感觉好多了。

    I'm feeling a lot better today.

  • 我今天感觉特别好。

    I feel great today.

  • 她揉了揉胳膊,感觉很疼就停下了。

    She rubbed her arms, but they hurt and she desisted.

  • 感觉心脏跳得更快了。

    I felt my heart beating faster.

  • 感觉到后腰一阵剧痛。

    I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.

  • 珍娜说我感觉不舒服。

    I feel sick said Jenna.

  • 几周之后她感觉好些了。

    After a few weeks she was feeling stronger.

  • 笑让我们感觉更快乐。

    Laughing helps us feel happier.

  • 雾蒙蒙,寒冷的空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。

    The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.

  • 我们在新鲜空气中感觉很好。

    We feel good in the fresh air.

  • 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。

    Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.

  • 老妇人现在感觉怎么样?

    How does the old woman feel now?

  • 爸爸现在感觉怎么样?

    How does Dad feel now?

  • 昨天从拉斯维加斯到圣迭戈都感觉到了这几股冲击波。

    The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.

  • 我几乎没睡,感觉挺难受。

    I hardly slept at all and felt pretty awful.

  • 格蕾塔开始感觉好些了。

    Greta began to feel better.

  • 我今天感觉不太舒服。

    I don't feel too good today.

  • 我从未有过如此安全的感觉

    I couldn't remember ever having felt so safe and secure.

  • 感觉自己正在超越时空。

    She felt herself transcending time and space.

  • 我依然感觉有些不适。

    I was still feeling a bit under the weather.

  • 在昨日星辰客栈,我总有种宾至如归的感觉

    I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn.

  • 你现在感觉怎么样?

    How are you feeling now?

  • 你对它们有什么感觉

    How do you feel about them?

  • 感觉怎么样,爸爸?

    How do you feel, Dad?

  • 他从未感觉这么好过。

    He feels better than he has ever felt before.

  • 感觉喉咙有点刺痛。

    He felt a pricking sensation in his throat.

  • 感觉这就像是天底下最荒凉的地方。

    It felt like the loneliest place in the world.

  • 这个房子感觉太封闭了。

    The house felt too claustrophobic.

  • 他醒来感觉精神完全恢复了。

    He awoke feeling completely refreshed.

  • 萨姆感觉她满脸通红。

    Sam felt her cheeks flush red.

  • 感觉与世无争。

    She felt at peace with the world.

  • 感觉好些了我很高兴。

    I'm glad (that) you're feeling better.

  • 他承认自己缺乏动力,感觉懒散。

    He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.

  • 即便是有一种,天地相接的感觉,而不是其他的。

    There is very little separation, even if there is a sense that the sky is impinging on the earth and not the other way around.

  • 是谁在恶意中伤呢?我感觉...

    Who's sending this debasing dish? I have a feeling...

  • 但我也感觉得到,尤其是我儿子带朋友回来时,也许我早认识了。

    But I feel the same thing often when my son brings his friends, maybe that I've known for a long time.

  • 我以为它能让你感觉好一点。

    I thought it would make you feel better when you woke up.

  • 现在感觉如何?累啊。

    How do you feel? I'm tired.

  • 起初我们觉得这和直观感觉很不相符,因为我们知道在原子核,出的概率密度是最高的。

    At first it might be counter-intuitive because we know the probability density at the nucleus is the greatest.

  • 菲比?你有这种感觉也没关系。

    Phoebe. Yeah? Phoebe, it's okay that you feel this way.

  • 但是如果整容可以让他们自我感觉更良好,我当然不会阻止他们接受整容手术。

    But I certainly won't stop them from seeking plastic surgery if that makes them feel better about themselves.

  • 所以它在这些时候都被呈现了出来,而且是同等地呈现了出来-,让我们回头看看,这种空无一物的感觉

    So, that's present in all of these moments, but--equally present-- I want to get back to this sense of blankness.

  • 无法思考,请试着想象一下,无法思考或感觉或听或看的感觉

    I won't think anything. And you try to imagine what it's like to not think or feel or hear or see.

  • 自那之后,米尔顿的读者们面对的就,不仅是他的作品,还有这种难以言喻的充满力量的感觉,这种感觉暗含在几乎米尔顿的一切写作中。

    And readers of Milton ever since have had to confront not just Milton's writing but this unspeakable sense of empowerment that underlies just about everything that Milton writes.

  • 我听着这首曲子,感觉像我正站在路中央,然后牛车动了,牛车可以从任何方向开动,这没有关系

    I hear this as me being in the center and this oxcart starting-- It could start at either side. It doesn't matter.

  • 它们让我感觉很热。

    They feel hot.

  • 当时的南方就开始有那种感觉了,至少南方的领导层就开始有那种感觉了,那还是十九世纪二三十年代

    And that is exactly what the South began to see itself as, at least Southern leadership began to see itself as, as early as the 1820s and 1830s.

  • 知道自己快死了是什么感觉

    How does it feel to be dying?

  • 他比同时代的任何人都沉湎于古典文学感觉上的美,一种经典的传统的美。

    He is more steeped in the sensuous beauty of classical literature, the classical tradition, than probably anyone else of his generation.

  • 我说过叶芝看待现代是,以一种害怕和好奇的感觉,一种难以压抑的冲动。

    I said that Yeats looks on the modern with a sense of both horror and a fascination, a compulsion almost.

  • 总之,如果你戴着一个现代橄榄球头盔,前面还有面具,你就能稍微体会一下那种感觉了,但这还是跟铜质头盔的感觉,相去甚远的

    Anyway, if you imagine sort of putting on a modern football helmet, with that mask in front of you, you would begin to get an idea, only begin to get an idea of what it was like to have that bronze helmet on your head.

  • 这里面也有一点心理分析的成分,将迷失在过去的感觉归因于,是威尔斯母亲的去世。

    And that is the sort of psycho-analytic one, ascribing this sense of lost in the past, to the death of Welles's mother.

  • 如果你仔细的观察的话,它试图给人一种单电子系统的感觉

    And, if you look carefully, it tries to give the sense of a one electron system.

  • 我不懂俄语,所以我不用俄语读,而就用这个英语中通行的俄语替代词,这样感觉是不是挺傻的。

    I don't know a word of Russian, and so I actually try to avoid using the rather well-known Russian equivalents for these terms because I feel like an idiot.

  • 这本身就是辩解理由:,如果能感觉好,为什么不感觉好呢?

    And that, in and of itself is justification: ? why not feel good, if we can feel good?

  • 我也不知道,就是感觉不像家。

    I don't know, it just doesn't feel like home.

  • 感觉他们是每六周跟我要一次钱。

    It feels like they're asking for money, like, every six weeks.

  • 这怎么怪怪的?你也感觉到了吗?

    I'm sorry, is there something going on here? Do you feel it too?

  • 感觉真棒。是啊,非常棒。

    So glad we did this. It feels so good. It does. It feels really good.

  • 视频音乐传达出的那种诱惑感,很像人类对脂肪的感觉

    So that music, the sort of seductive feel that was in this video is how humans feel about fat.

  • 而应该是,我们不得不相信灵魂,因为所有物理对象,所有的机器都没有感觉

    Perhaps the argument should be, "We have to believe in souls because no mere physical object, no machine could feel."

  • 啊!我现在感觉还真特别真爽啊。

    Well, gosh. That makes me feel so special and good.

  • 为什么我感觉胃里一直犯恶心?

    Why do I have a sick feeling in my stomach?

  • 对不起嘛,我感觉自己就像个白痴。

    I'm sorry. I feel like such an idiot.

  • 第二个发现是自我感觉良好,你不管在什么方面都比一般人优秀,你们每个人都这样认为。

    The second one is, you're terrific, you are better than average in every possible way, each one of you.

  • 经济学家常百思不得其解,但我感觉经济与货币政策有很大干系。

    Economists when researching it all over the place, but I feel a lot has to do with monetary policy.

  • 回到这儿感觉如何?

    So how does it feel to be back here?

  • 坦白说,我感觉自己被利用了。

    I feel used, not going to lie.

  • 今日的治疗针对的正是这种感觉

    And that's exactly the feeling we want to address with this course of treatment.

  • 你会发现,当你因为什么事感到低落,你想表达自己的感觉时,这个句型特别有用。

    You will find this pattern very useful anytime you're not feeling happy about something and you want to express yourself.

  • 你现在感觉如何,古斯?

    And how are you feeling, Gus?

  • 在这里,试图沟通,或者说意图形式的,感觉变得模糊。

    Here, the cloud becomes the obscuring of this sense of intent to communicate or a sense of meaning's pattern.

  • 而那就是你想要的,因为电子间的斥力只有当它们,离得非常非常近时才能感觉得到。

    And that's what you want because the electron repulsion is only felt when you are in really, really close.

  • 他们究竟把谁当目标又是怎么发现目标的,尽管我有一种感觉,他们的途径和我们的差不多。

    exactly who they were targeting and how, though I got the sense that their approach was similar to ours.

  • 我想这是要给我们一个有活力的家庭,对话存在于他们之间的感觉,但是它也表明了一个明显的事实。

    I think it's to give us a dynamic sense of the family conversation going on between them, but it also addresses one of those obvious things.

  • 我们对最终乐章感觉如何,这感觉从何而来

    Well, how do we feel now about the finale and why?

  • 感觉就像是末日真的来临了。

    This feels like it really is the end.

  • 感觉你们在看待这个,问题时,就像剥洋葱一样。

    It seems like the moment you begin to look at this question, you were just like peeling the onion.

  • 这让我怀疑,他们是不是在暗示,我应该退休了,感觉那就像是个退休派对

    It made me wonder if they were trying to tell that I should retire; it felt like a retirement party.

  • 因此,当你下周拿到考卷的时候,你会感觉一切都很熟悉,对考卷的形式也感觉很舒服,所以你将能够马上全身心地投入到考试中去,开始答题。

    So when you go into the exam a week from today, it'll all look really familiar, you'll be comfortable with the format and you can just dive right in and start answering the questions.

  • 现在感觉好点了吗?好一点点了。羚羊夫人。噢,你也感觉不舒服吗,佐伊?我怕我一会儿会感觉不舒服。我能坐前面去吗?以防万一。

    There, is that better? A little bit. Madam Gazelle. Oh, do you feel sick too, Zoe? I might feel sick later, can I sit at front just in case?

  • 另一方面,使你们对设计更有感觉,尤其是你的程序要适用于更多的应用环境或,要运行不止几秒钟时间的时候。

    And two, to give you a better sense of design especially as your programs get a little more involved and they play or they run for more than just a few seconds time.

  • 感觉怎么样?很累。

    How do you feel? Tired.


感觉 gǎnjué

[sense;sensibility;sensation] 动物及人体接受外界传来的及发自体内组织和器官的刺激之特性


感觉 gǎnjué

[be aware of; feel;perceive] 觉得,认为





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of