1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-14 17:04:42
fán wén rù jié


red tape; unnecessary formalities; superfluous procedures; bureaucratic procedures; excessive regulations; overelaborate rules

red tape n.繁文缛节;繁琐手续;官僚习气;官僚作风;过分的正式手续;不必要的官方形式主义


red tape; unnecessary formalities; superfluous procedures; bureaucratic procedures; excessive regulations; overelaborate rules

  • 以前办理执照要面对繁文缛节,每到一处都得送礼.

    The previous long paper trail might require a bribe at every stop.

  • 不用繁文缛节限制工作

    Without tying business up in red tape

  • 几乎任何活动都会遇到繁文缛节的麻烦。

    Red tape snags almost every activity.

  • 可支配的那点点钱都花在官僚主义的繁文缛节上了。

    The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.

  • 他们面对一大堆繁文缛节

    They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.

  • 外交官们认为繁文缛节造成的延迟是在所难免的。

    Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.

  • 几乎任何活动都会遇到繁文缛节的麻烦。

    Red tape snags almost every activity.

  • 我不想再去搞签证了,繁文缛节太多。

    I've given up trying to get a visa; there is too much red tape involved.

  • 申请批准牵涉许多繁文缛节.

    Applying for approval involves a great deal of red tape.

  • 我觉得这种场合的繁文缛节十分讨厌.

    I found the formality of the occasion irritating.

  • 商人们抱怨太多的繁文缛节阻碍他们的道路。

    Businessmen complain that too much red tape clogs their way.

  • 国家生产率越低,差距也就越大,要抛弃的繁文缛节也就越多。

    The lower a country's productivity, the more it has to gain by catching up—and the more damage red tape can do.

  • 人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节

    People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.

  • 有半数企业提出雇佣监管比较繁重,29%的企业举例列举了官方规划方面的繁文缛节

    Employment regulations were also mentioned by half the businesses as burdensome, with 29 per cent citing planning red tape.

  • 一些企业抱怨,由于害怕被起诉,他们的工作中充满繁文缛节

    Businesses complain that fear of being sued clogs up the workplace with silly rules and paperwork.

  • 我们可以非常快速地反应,因为我们没有繁文缛节,没有必要接受高权限的管理审批等等。

    We can respond very quickly as we have no red tape, no need for higher management approval, etc.

  • 这个项目陷入困境,被官僚主义的繁文缛节所困扰。

    The project got mired in bureaucratic red tape.

  • 官僚主义的繁文缛节可以使即使是最高效的公司无能为力。

    Bureaucratic red tape can hamstring even the most efficient companies.

  • 这个计划快被繁文缛节搞乱了.

    The plan is getting snarled up by red tape.

  • 繁文缛节正被削减.

    Red tape is being cut.

  • 繁文缛节阻碍了我们为采取行动而作的所有努力。

    Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.

  • 繁文缛节正被削减。

    Red tape is being cut.

  • 但大部分比赛场所或是逐渐破损,或是受到繁文缛节限制(无法开发).

    But most venues are either rotting or bound in tape.

  • 到处都是繁文缛节,我到任何地方他们都推诿不办.

    Red tape everywhere I went. They sent me from pillar to post.

  • 繁文缛节也将会被删减。

    Red tape will be cut.

  • 它们通常有着大量的繁文缛节, 打地盘战或不愿承担风险.

    They usually have lots of red tape, turf wars and are risk - averse.

  • 摈弃那些束缚建设的繁文缛节就能加速各种企业的创立。

    Cutting the red tape that ties up construction projects could speed up the creation of all sorts of businesses.

  • 而这正是最近几年美国所经历的,就像它自己卫星工业就纠结于繁文缛节的难题之中。

    And that is what has happened to America in recent years, as its satellite industry has been entangled in Gordian knots of red tape.

  • 咱们省去繁文缛节,开始讨论实质问题吧。

    Let's skip the formalities and get down to business.

  • 能用的那点儿小钱被繁文缛节拖得遥遥无期。

    The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.

  • 要为中美洲经济注入更多活力,方法之一就是加强交通运输建设,同时削减繁文缛节

    One way of injecting more dynamism into Central America's economies would be by improving transport links and cutting red tape.

  • 繁文缛节也拖延了经济增长;这种作风有许多源自西班牙过于夸张的中央放权。

    Growth is also held back by red tape. Much of this stems from Spain's exaggerated decentralisation.

  • 我们正在出售几英亩数年都未曾使用的联邦办公地点,而且我们将去除繁文缛节以便摆脱更多负担。

    We're selling acres of federal office space that hasn't been used in years, and we will cut through red tape to get rid of more.

  • 他把他们从繁文缛节中解脱出来.

    He gives them a relief from good manners.

  • 然而,管理人员却抱怨,繁文缛节与其他非关税壁垒是更大的拦路石。

    Executives complain, though, that red tape and other non-tariff barriers are a far bigger hurdle.

  • 这一大套繁文缛节结束后, 罗宾拿起笛子, 吹了一支曲子.

    After a great number of civilities , Robin took the pipes, and played a piece of music.

  • 私人企业则被官方颁布的繁文缛节扼杀。

    Private firms are strangled with red tape.

  • 桂温·米恩忙于起飞前的一些繁文缛节.

    Gwen Meighen occupied with pre - takeoff rituals.

  • 作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。

    As a painter, he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints.

  • 官僚主义的繁文缛节常常是创新的阻碍。

    Bureaucratic red tape is often a holdback to innovation.

  • 艾尔顿不喜欢喝下午茶这样的繁文缛节.

    Elton hated the whole system of afternoon tea.

  • 到处都是繁文缛节,我到任何地方他们都推诿不办.

    Red tape everywhere I went. They sent me from pillar to post.

  • 管理层允许工程师在他们需要的任何时候把设备带回家而不需要通过任何繁文缛节

    Management allowed engineers to take equipment home whenever they needed to, without having to go through a lot of red tape.

  • 商人们抱怨太多的繁文缛节阻碍他们的道路。

    Businessmen complain that too much red tape clogs their way.

  • 因为研究人员非常清楚地知道,跳过繁文缛节的金箍可能比科学自身要难得多。

    And as researchers know all too well, jumping through bureaucratic hoops can be harder than the science itself.

  • 我不想再去搞签证了, 繁文缛节太多.

    I've given up trying to get a visa; there is too much red tape involved.

  • 不过,您可能已经注意到,上面的示例中涉及到相当多的繁文缛节

    You might have noticed, however, that there was considerable ceremony involved in the previous example.

  • 另外一些则适得其反,造成更多繁文缛节与人浮于事的现象。

    Others have proven counterproductive, creating more red tape and fatigue than results.

  • 我们可以非常快速地反应,因为我们没有繁文缛节,没有必要接受高权限的管理审批,等等。

    We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need for higher management approval.

  • 塞尔维亚与黑山近期采取的减少繁文缛节的工作使公司目前可以只用15天的时间就开始运行。

    Recent efforts to cut red tape in Serbia and Montenegro now mean a company can start operating in just 15 days.

  • 第三大限制是,欧洲企业家至今仍要同恼人的“繁文缛节”做抗争。

    Third, European entrepreneurs must still contend with thick red tape.

  • 旧世界的习俗和繁文缛节纷纷映入眼帘,我似乎清清楚楚目睹了一切。

    I seemed to see it all so clearly, the rituals and tonalities of that old world.

  • 现在的约会游戏是高度复杂的,其中的繁文缛节就像个雷区。

    The modern dating game is highly complex and courting rituals can be a minefield.

  • 要想开始创业,你得忍受一大堆繁文缛节

    You have to go through endless red tape to start up a business.

  • 你们可以直接跳过那些加入社团的繁文缛节,因为我们会成为社团的领导者,这就是所谓的史麦科必然性理论。

    You can skip whatever formal hooey it takes to join 'cause we're gonna run this club. This is known as the Smackle theory of inevitability.


繁文缛节 fánwén-rùjié

[mumbo jumbo;prolix style and hackneyed rites;unnecessary and overelaborate formalities] 烦琐而多余的礼节。也指烦琐而多余的事项或手续




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of