1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 09:17:52
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Roentgen; Xray; unit of radiation

roentgen n.伦琴(X射线单位);伦琴单位;伦琴射线量单位;伦琴(姓氏)

Xray n.X光

  • 伦琴发现了x射线; 这里发现了很多古物.

    Roentgen discovered X - rays; Darwin found many new species on the Galapagos Islands.

  • 我喜欢离开人们通行的小路,而走荆棘丛生的崎岖山路。——伦琴

    I like to leave people traffic lane, and rugged walk is fraught with risk.

  • 远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴

    From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

  • 直到1892年,特斯拉才知道这是威廉伦琴后来被确定为的X光。

    By 1892, Tesla became aware of what Wilhelm Rntgen later identified as effects of X-rays.

  • 事实上单独某一个波长的射线就可以产生好象一束单色光一样的纯净的伦琴射线。

    Instead, a single wavelength can be selected to produce the X-ray equivalent of a pure-colour beam of light.

  • 然而,在脚注,这是表示,后者并不指定的景象相似,伦琴,或有能力飞:。

    However, in the footnote it is indicated that the latter does not designate the sight of similar to roentgen or to the ability to fly:.

  • 伦琴对X射线 作了进一步研究.

    Rontgen went on to try to find out more about these strange invisible rays.

  • 威尔海尔姆·伦琴发现了X射线。

    Whilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays.

  • 上述电离室可作次级标准伦琴计和防护剂量测量用。

    All of them can be used as secondary standard Rontgen meter and in protection dose measurement.

  • 伦琴卫星的工作轨道意味着它可能在南纬和北纬53度之间的任何地方坠落,这是一个在北边包括英国、而南边包括南美洲南部一角的一个地带。

    Rosat's operating orbit meant it could have come down anywhere between 53 degrees north and south latitude - a zone that encompasses the UK in the north and the tip of south America in the south.

  • 远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴.

    From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

  • 伦琴发现了x射线对世界科学贡献很大.

    Rontgen's having discovered X - rays contributed much to world's science.

  • 伦琴发现了x射线对世界科学贡献很大。

    Rontgen's having discovered X-rays contributed much to world's science .

  • 法国物理学家伦琴小时候学习成绩很好,但很顽皮。

    Roentgen, French physicist got a good credit as a child, but he is naughty.

  • 伦琴确信,荧光效应不是起因于阴极射线。

    Rontgen was certain that the fluorescent effect was not due to cathode rays.

  • 威廉?伦琴发现了 X 射线.

    William Roentgen discovered X - rays.

  • 光最早是由一个名为威廉,K -伦琴的德国物理学家于1895年几乎是偶然发现的。

    Rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident.

  • 当初伦琴的意外发现如今已变成了一个医学奇迹。

    So what began as Roentgen's happy accident has become a medical marvel.

  • 威廉?伦琴发现了x射线。

    William Roentgen discovered X - rays.

  • 伦琴发现了x射线对世界科学贡献很大。

    Rontgen's having discovered X-rays contributed much to world's science.

  • x光最早是由一个名为威廉,K -伦琴的德国物理学家于1895年几乎是偶然发现的。

    X - rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident.

  • 相位对比成像是伦琴发现X线以来,人们对X线的成像特征、成像过程认识的拓展与深化。

    Phase contrast technology is a development and deepening of peoples understanding of X-ray imaging characteristics and imaging process.

  • 1895年,威廉·伦琴偶然发现阴极射线管能使涂有一层氰亚铂酸盐钡的薄相纸发光,甚至当阴极射线管和相纸分别放在不同的房间时也能发光。

    In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.

  • X射线第一次被观察和记录是在1895年,当时德国科学家威尔姆·康拉德·伦琴在使用真空管做实验时意外发现了X射线。 与光线和无线电波一样,X射线也是一种电磁辐射。

    X-rayswere first observed and documented in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a Germanscientist who found them quite by accident when experimenting with vacuumtubes.

  • 自由空气电离室中的电离作用是量度x和r射线照射量 ( 伦琴 ) 的标准方法.

    Ionization in a free - air chamber is the standard process for measuring x - and r - ray exposure ( in roentgens ).

  • 本章主要通过伦琴的三篇通讯和一篇采访伦琴的报告论述发现过程。

    Roentgens communications and a newspapers report for Roentgen are referred.

  • 伦琴对这一现象作了仔细研究。

    The Rontgen made a careful research to this phenomenon.

  • 在实际应用时, 测量仪器并不能直接测定伦琴数.

    In actual practice, measuring instruments do not directly determine the number of roentgens.

  • 众所周知的是医学用的X 射线, 但是它们并不是聚焦成象的——只是光线通过身体投下的影子,利用的是1895年威廉·伦琴率先发明的技术。

    Medical X - rays are well - known, but they are not focused images castray discoverer Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

  • 伦琴卫星是一只X射线望远镜,同时拥有由加强型碳纤维复合材料制成的镜子系统。

    Rosat was an X-ray telescope mission and had a mirror system made of a reinforced carbon composite material.

  • 这张伦琴妻子手部的X光相片拍摄于1895年12月,是现存最早的人体局部X光相片。

    This X-ray of Röntgen's wife's hand was taken in December 1895 and is the oldest surviving X-ray image of a part of the human body.

  • 伦琴把这种新射线称为x射线,其他科学家为纪念他而把这种射线命名为伦琴射线。

    Rontgen called these new rays X2rays, which were named Rontgen rays by other scientists in honor of him.

  • 充分这项研究的结果,对射频消融治疗肾肿瘤,出现在2007年8月发行的美国x线学杂志刊登的由美国伦琴射线社会。

    The full results of this study on radiofrequency ablation of kidney tumors appear in the August 2007 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology, published by the American Roentgen Ray Society.

  • 伦琴把手放在 X 射线前面时, 只见到手上的骨头.

    Rontgen put his hand before X - ray, he saw the bones of his hands only.

  • 伦琴的发现,一石激起千层浪.

    Rontgen's discovery was a stone with its waves.

  • 伦琴把手放在X射线前面时,只见到手上的骨头。

    When Rontgen put his hand before the X-ray, he saw the bones of his hands only.

  • 众所周知的是医学用的 X 射线, 但是它们并不是聚焦成象的——只是光线通过身体投下的影子,利用的是1895年威廉·伦琴率先发明的技术.

    Medical X - rays are well - known, but they are not focused images castray discoverer Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

  • 伦琴把这种新射线称为X 射线,其他科学家为纪念他而把这种射线命名为伦琴射线。

    Rontgen called these new rays X2rays, which were named Rontgen rays by other scientists in honor of him.

  • 伦琴发现了x射线; 这里发现了很多古物。

    Roentgen discovered X - rays; Darwin found many new species on the Galapagos Islands.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of