1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 15:56:05
jìn yì cí


synonym; equivalent word; near-synonym

synonym n.同义词;同义项;[生物](分类学中的)同物异名

  • 词典中通常会列出一个词的近义词和反义词。

    Dictionaries usually list synonyms and antonyms of a word.

  • 这很不利于对外汉语同义词、近义词教学的开展。

    That is a disadvantage of carrying out the teaching of Chinese to foreigners.

  • 近年来,许多语言学家和英语教师一直关注于对英语近义词的研究。

    The study of English near-synonyms has been the concern of many linguists and foreign language teachers in recent years.

  • 如果用一个词语来形容这些方法的话,那就是“不专业”,而它的近义词是“不靠谱”。

    If there is a word to describe all these methods, that would be unprofessional, which is also called no-good.

  • 请大家记住,一般近义词都会是两个词中间有一个字重复。

    Please remember, general synonyms will be two words have an intermediate word repetition.

  • 本手册是为帮助读者熟练、确地使用现代汉语常用的近义词而编写的。

    This handbook is specially complied for the purpose of helping the readers to use near-synonyms properly and accurately.

  • 近义词要学会分辨他们的区别,使用起来更加确切。

    You may learn more if you can keep an eye on the usage of the words in different contexts while reading or doing your homework.

  • 所以那时候,dash已经变成了splash(飞溅)的近义词。 后者也是在18世纪初期才进入英语。

    So dash had become synonymous with splash, also a word that was only just coming into the language by the early 1700s.

  • 丰富的近义词一方面使英语的表达精确细致,另一方面也给英语学习者带来许多困难。

    While the richness of English synonyms makes the expression more precise and subtle, it poses a lot of difficulties to English learners as well.

  • 受汉语动词近义词的影响。

    The influence of the verbparasynonyms in Chinese language;

  • 在写作中使用近义词可以使语言更加丰富。

    Using synonyms in writing can make the language richer.

  • 复制的近义词是粘贴。

    Replication is the near-synonym paste.

  • 英、汉同义词的主体构成分别是相对同义词近义词

    Both English synonyms and Chinese ones are mainly composed of relative synonyms and approximate synonyms.

  • 一把筷子折不断 再问: 一刹那间的近义词

    One chopstick is easy to break but a bunch of chopsticks are not easy to break.

  • 在词语偏误中,近义词的使用偏误是较为突出的一类.

    Error of synonym using is a quite outstanding kind among the error of word using.

  • {巨大的近义词}。

    The box is big.

  • 我其实想说,Lucifer不是Satan(撒旦)的近义词吗?

    I mean isn't Lucifer a synonym for Satan?

  • 老师会给我们一串词,让我们查字典,反义词,近义词,同义词,造句。

    We were given a list of words that we needed to look up in the dictionary Antonyms, Synonyms, Construct sentences.

  • 在词语偏误中,近义词的使用偏误是较为突出的一类。

    Error of synonym using is a quite outstanding kind among the error of word using.

  • 本书的目的在于帮助学习者避免和减少在近义词应用上的错误。

    This book aims at helping the readers reduce and avoid mistakes in the use of Chinese homoionym.

  • 简介:本工具书从对外汉语教学的实际需要出发,选出《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中420组使用时易混淆近义词,从词义、配、法等方面作了细致的描写和辨析,并举了大量的例句.

    This dictionary tackles with 420 pairs of the most confusing near - synonyms from the HSK Guideline.

  • 波尔图和波特酒几乎是近义词,也同样有丰富的历史。

    Porto is nearly synonymous to port wine, and also its rich history.

  • 别把这两个近义词混淆了。

    Don't mix up this pair of synonyms.

  • “爱”的近义词是什么?

    What's another word for "love"?

  • 学习近义词有助于扩展词汇量。

    Learning synonyms helps to expand vocabulary.

  • 爱的近义词是什么?

    What's another word for love?

  • 汉语同义词分为等义词 (或完全同义词 )和近义词

    Chinese synonyms can also be divided into two kinds: equal synonyms (or complete synonyms) and approximate synonyms.

  • 近义词的辨析历来是汉语学习的一个重点。

    To distinguish the numerous near-synonyms is always a focal point in terms of learning Chinese.

  • 交通已经成为空气污染的近义词

    Traffic has become synonymous with air pollution.

  • 我一般扩大词汇量的方法是:在一个已知词的基础上,找出跟该词意思相近的生词,就是近义词

    I like to expand my own vocabulary by finding new words that mean the same thing as words I already know. These words that mean the same thing are called synonyms.

  • 这是一坚定的近义词种已经灭绝的鱼.

    This is extinct species of fish.

  • 例如,airy和fresh是一对近义词,但我们却不能使用粗体的airy作为此项目列的标题。

    For example, one word-processing program suggests airy as a synonym for fresh, but airy wouldn't make sense as the bold heading of this bullet item.

  • 在印度的部分地区,儿媳妇不得使用开头的字母和公公婆婆名字相同的词,这要求她使用近义词

    In parts of India, a daughter-in-law is not allowed to use words that begin with the same letters as her in-laws' names, requiring her to use a parallel vocabulary.

  • 在词语偏误中,近义词的使用偏误是较为突出的一类.

    Error of synonym using is a quite outstanding kind among the error of word using.

  • 先在不真实篇章,然后在真实篇章中练习运用同义词和近义词

    Practice in using synonyms and near synonyms in inauthentic and then authentic texts.

  • 当然对于它的近义词与反义词我们也要掌握。

    Also make sure to learn synonyms or antonyms.

  • 他在演讲中使用了很多近义词来避免重复。

    He used many synonyms in his speech to avoid repetition.

  • 该理解没错:牛津字典和Merriam韦氏字典以及英语同义词字典都把“治理”放在“管理”的近义词中。

    This is correct understanding: Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries as well as English synonym Dictionary include 'governance' as a remote synonym to 'management'.

  • 因此在对外汉语词汇教学中同义词、近义词的教学十分重要。

    Therefore, the education of the word of synonym and near is very important in the education of the vocabulary of foreign Chinese.

  • "快乐"和"高兴"是近义词

    "Happy" and "joyful" are synonyms.

  • 氢元素和氧敬爱的近义词是什么元素构成了水。

    The elements hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.

  • 英、汉同义词的主体构成分别是相对同义词和近义词

    Both English synonyms and Chinese ones are mainly composed of relative synonyms and approximate synonyms.

  • 并根据其特点讨论了近义词连用形式在语言表达上有完整语义、强调词义、协调语句等功能。

    According to these characteristics, the chapter discusses functions of the synonym combination in language useage, which include completing semantemes, emphasizing meanings and harmonizing sentences.


近义词 jìnyìcí

[parasynonyms] 意思相近的词


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of