1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-28 17:05:05
cuò wù


error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; slip; misstep; falsity; bloomer; erratum


wrong; out; incorrect; erroneous; mistaken; false; faulty; improper; inaccurate; fallacious


wrong; incorrectly; wrongly; erroneously; mistakenly; amiss




by mistake; in error; be wrong; be incorrect; be mistaken; be in error; go wrong; slip up



error n.谬误;差错;过失;误解;误差;偏差;纰漏;失误动作(体育比赛中);[计算机]系统错误

mistake n.错误;过失;(言语或行为上的)失误;(用词或数字等上的)口误;误解;差错;疏忽;失策;误判

fault n.缺陷;缺点;错误;过错;过失;故障;毛病;瑕疵;不足;责任;(地壳岩层的)断层;(体育比赛中的)失误动作;发球失误

flaw n.缺陷;瑕疵;毛病;错误;不足;弱点;裂纹;裂痕

blue adj.蓝色的;天蓝色的;天蓝的;蔚蓝的;(因寒冷或窒息而变得)青紫的;忧郁的;沮丧的;抑郁的;悲伤的;悲观的;淫秽的;色情的;带有性暗示的;忠诚的;忠实的;严肃的

blunder n.严重错误;愚蠢的错误;粗心的错误;大错;失策;疏忽;过失;失误

slip v.滑倒;失足;滑落;脱落;溜走;悄悄地走;偷偷塞进;滑行;打滑;下降;变差;陷入;迅速穿上;迅速脱下;摆脱;挣脱;飞逝;过得飞快;

misstep n.失误;过失;错误;失策;踏错;失足;走错步伐

falsity n.虚伪;虚假;错误;不真实

bloomer n.开花植物;大面包;错误;失误;晚熟者

erratum n.勘误;错误;勘误表;印刷错误;校正表

wrong adj.错误的;不恰当的;不适宜的;不合适的;不道德的;不公正的;不正常的;有毛病的;失常的;不合乎事实的;弄错的;坏的

out adv.在外面;在室外;从(某个数目或集)中;出;向外;出来;(日、月、星辰等)出现;公开;发行;显露;缺少;用尽;结束;大声地;出界;完全地;彻底地;不在家;不在办公室;在罢工中;<非正式>已公开同性恋身份;不在图书馆;已借出;离开(某地)边缘;远离(某地或陆地);出局;除掉;清除;用尽;结束;殆尽;在退潮期;不在服务状态;不在运行状态;<非正式>已公开同性恋身份

incorrect adj.不正确的;有误的

erroneous adj.错误的;不正确的;误导的;谬误的;不精确的;失误的

mistaken adj.误会;误认;误解;将…错当成;(mistake的过去分词)

false adj.错误的;不正确的;假的;不真实的;伪造的;人造的;非天生的;站不住脚的;全无根据的;表里不一的;不真诚的;不忠诚的;不忠实的;非法的;妄动的

faulty adj.错误的;有缺陷的;有缺点的;有毛病的;有故障的;不完善的;运作不正常的

improper adj.不正当的;不适当的;不合适的;不道德的;不得体的;不诚实的;不合规范的;不合标准的

inaccurate adj.不准确的;不精确的;不严密的;有误差的;错误的

fallacious adj.谬误的;不合理的;靠不住的;使人误解的

incorrectly adv.不正确地;错误地;不适当地

wrongly adv.错误地;不道德地;不公正地

erroneously adv.错误地;不正确

mistakenly adv.错误地;被误解地;曲解地

amiss adj.不对;不正常;错误的;不合适的;不恰当的

by mistake phr.错误地;无意中;非故意地;偶然

in error 错误地

go wrong vphr.出错;出差错;情况出岔子;出故障;失败;走入歧途;变坏;变质;误入歧途;发生问题;出现问题;变得不顺利;行为不端

slip up vphr.出差错;失误;疏忽;不小心犯错

mis- prefix错误;误;不当;坏

  • 我经常在语法上犯错误

    I often make mistakes in grammar.

  • 他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。

    They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.

  • 牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。

    Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.

  • 我犯了个愚蠢的错误

    I made a stupid mistake.

  • 报告列举了23处错误

    The report itemizes 23 different faults.

  • 他终于纠正了自己的错误说法,提出要减少费用。

    He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.

  • 我们犯了一个很大的错误

    We've made a dreadful mistake.

  • 在她看来,那样做是错误的。

    It was, in her judgement , the wrong thing to do.

  • 这是个极其恶劣的错误

    It's all been a ghastly mistake.

  • 仿效他的做法是错误的。

    It would be a mistake to follow his example.

  • 我小心翼翼避免犯太多的愚蠢错误

    I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.

  • 维森佐没能发现这个错误

    Vicenzo failed to spot the error.

  • 它批评主要承包商在其最初估价中犯了严重的错误

    It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.

  • 那是一个愚蠢的错误

    That was a stupid mistake.

  • 答案正确打钩,错误打叉。

    Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong.

  • 他的预订中有个错误

    There was a mistake over his booking.

  • 我的一些错误非常有趣。

    Some of my mistakes were very funny.

  • 她满篇都是愚蠢的错误

    Her work is full of silly mistakes.

  • 作出的决定是正确的,但理由可能是错误的。

    The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons.

  • 那是个错误,我们永远不会再犯了。

    That was a mistake. We'll never do it again.

  • 他承认了全部错误

    He admitted all his mistakes.

  • 他指出了我作业中的错误

    He points out my mistakes in the homework.

  • 琳玲犯了一个语法错误

    Lingling made a mistake in grammar.

  • 总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。

    The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.

  • 哎呀,出了个小错误

    Whoops, that was a mistake.

  • 人们开始不停地纠正他的错误,之后他的神经就出现了问题。

    He developed nervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.

  • 他愚蠢的错误让他很生气。

    His stupid mistake made him angry.

  • 拼写错误经常是由于匆忙而造成的。

    Spelling mistakes are often just the result of haste.

  • 我很快就看出错误所在了。

    I soon spotted what the mistake was.

  • 男孩们嘲笑他的愚蠢错误

    The boys laughed at him for the foolish mistake.

  • 我们错误地以为她会同意。

    We were wrong to assume that she'd agree.

  • 有一些程序错误需要改正。

    There are some programming errors that need correction.

  • 这是学英语的人常犯的错误

    It's a common mistake among learners of English.

  • 但是指出错误合适吗?

    But is it OK to point out the mistake?

  • 我总是犯同样的错误

    I keep making the same mistakes.

  • 这是他们几乎总要犯的错误

    It's a mistake they almost always make.

  • 检查拼写和语法错误

    Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.

  • 这些数字往往是用错误的方法计算出来的,所用的都是特别挑选出来的对自己有利的样本组。

    These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.

  • 这篇文章错误太多。

    There are too many mistakes in this essay.

  • 他不愿承认自己的错误

    He was loath to admit his mistake.

  • 我爽快地承认我犯了错误

    I freely admit that I made a mistake.

  • 愚以为这里有点错误

    I would humbly suggest that there is something wrong here.

  • 你犯的错误太多了。

    You made too many mistakes.

  • 他为自己的错误感到羞愧。

    He felt ashamed of his mistake.

  • 她是无辜的;那是身份判断错误

    She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity.

  • 我但愿没人注意到我的错误

    I prayed that nobody would notice my mistake.

  • 如果键入错误的密码,程序即中止。

    If the wrong password is given the program aborts.

  • 他具有看到自己错误的能力。

    He had a faculty for seeing his own mistakes.

  • 俱乐部专门为高尔夫学员制作录像,以纠正他们的错误

    The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults.

  • 哪个校长只要犯了这样的错误都会被开除。

    Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out.

  • 他犯了妥协早了的致命错误

    He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.

  • 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。

    Most of the problems were due to human error.

  • 他要求纠正他所声称的不公正的降级这一错误

    He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.

  • 他让我们纠正错误,否则后果自负。

    He told us to put it right, or else.

  • 所以记住,就像我们对学生说的,你不能害怕犯错误

    So just keep in mind, like we're talking about with the student, you can't be afraid of making mistakes

  • 我犯了个神蠢的错误。你说啥?

    I've made a horrible mistake. What are you talking about?

  • 而依迪斯一个极端天真的读者,正如德曼所说,错误地将这个修辞问句理解成一个语法型问句:,“区别在哪里呢,我想知道“

    Edith, a reader of sublime simplicity, as de Man says, misinterprets the rhetorical question as a grammatical question: "What is the difference? I'm curious to know."

  • 让我的程序更漂亮些,在这个清理美化代码的过程中,我常常无意中发现我的错误

    And in the process of tidying it up and making it prettier, I'll often by accident find the bug.

  • 但他事实上抛出一个异常,异常就在这里,这是一个下标错误,它是试图去取超出范围的元素造成的。

    The exception is right there. It's an index error, that is it's trying to do something going beyond the range of what this thing could deal with.

  • 他说是你逼他趟这趟浑水的。他认为这是个错误的决定。

    He said you bullied him into it. That he thought it was a mistake.

  • 错误?你放到哪里去了?她的皮包里?他放到哪里了?

    A mistake? What were you trying to put it in? Her purse? Where did he put it?

  • 第一,基本结构是,你有一个,指向数据的指针,但是那个指针和数据,是分开的,通常错误是声明了一个指针,但是没有指向一个数据。

    Number one, the basic structure is that you have a pointer and it points over to a pointee, but the pointer and pointee are separate and the common error is to set up a pointer but to forget to give it a pointee.

  • 好的,这揭露了一种错误,也就是,其它文体假设自己指出了其它一些人们从未意识到的问题。

    Well, it is the disclosure of error that other forms of discourse supposing themselves to refer to things remain unaware of.

  • 我不想对你犯同样的错误,唐纳德。

    I don't wanna make the same mistake with you, Donald.

  • 你不需要这样来操作,比如,手动地加入小数点来修正这个错误

    You don't need this hack of just, like, manually adding a decimal point just to fix that problem.

  • 我不会跟你犯同样的错误

    I won't make the same mistake you did.

  • 我不知道你在想什么,但这是个错误。什么是个错误

    I don't know what you're thinking, but it's a mistake. What's a mistake?

  • 我想在公司中人们可能会犯的一个错误是,建立非常亲密的友情。

    I think one of the mistakes that I think you can make in a company is to build really close friendships.

  • 相反,被适当地理解的哲学正是在,对前有的错误有了完整认知的时候所形成的。

    On the contrary, philosophy properly understood is what comes into being when one has achieved full recognition of a preexisting error.

  • 非常古老错误的进化论观点认为,进化塑造了动物,他们只是幸存的机器。

    A very old, very wrong view of evolution is that evolution has shaped animals such that they're merely survival machines.

  • 如果你们得到了这些编译错误,当你编译的时候,注意这里有很多关键帮助-,这里很多帮助信息。

    If you're getting these compilation errors, well, -- when you compile, notice there's a number of key help -- the number of helpful tidbits here.

  • 负强化是指取消正面刺激[奖励],这是个常见的错误

    Negative reinforcement is the removal of a positive stimulus. It's a common mistake.

  • 很多人都信奉它,但正如克里克所指出的,如今的科学共识认为二元论是错误

    A lot rests on it, but as Crick points out; the scientific consensus now is that dualism is wrong.

  • 人们会想“如果我搬到-,尤其是在白天-,要是搬去加州,我会更快乐?“,错误

    People think, " Well, if I move-- especially in the day-light-- if I move to California, I'll be happier, right?" Wrong.

  • 因此我们应该回头想想,这是不是我在整个程序中都,在犯的一个系统性错误,而不是匆匆忙忙的去修复这一个,如果确实是系统性错误的话?

    So you say well, rather than rushing off and fixing this one bug, let me pull back and ask, bug is this a systematic mistake that I've made throughout the program?

  • 因为这意味着,你的程序依然会返回一个值,但是这个值可能不是你想要的,你可能还分辨不出来,而且这种情况会传播,结果会沿着正果计算过程传播下去,直到产生一个灾难性的错误

    Because it says, your program will still give you a value, but it may not be what you intended, and you can't always tell, and that may propagate it's way down through a whole bunch of other computations before it causes some catastrophic failure.

  • 同样的错误在罗比给丝路的评价里出现了四次。

    And it's the same mistake that shows up four times in Robbie's reviews on Silk Road.

  • 你还没发现自己的错误,是吗?根本就没错误

    You don't see your mistake, do you? There's no mistake.

  • 我听说你是因为一个错误而发现的这个元素。是的。

    So, I understand that you actually discovered this element by mistake. Yes.

  • 儿童们总是会犯些语法错误,但随后这些错误无需纠正也都消失了

    Children make grammatical mistakes all the time but then they go away and they go away without correction.

  • 不是吧,至少我没有感觉到。这是一个巨大的错误

    No. Not that I was aware anyway. What a colossal mistake.

  • 事情很突然,艾丽西娅留下是个错误,你将永远是威尔的下属。

    It just happened. Alicia. Staying is a mistake. You'll always be under Will.

  • 我举手了吧?,我当然写过犯这种错误的程序了,我也尝试过应用含有这种错误的代码,不错,好的卫生,我还是要用这个词,对我们有帮助,养成写防卫性,代码的好习惯,是你应该做的,一系列事情之一,也是我们日后要做的主要的事情。

    I've certainly written code that has this problem, I've tried to use my own code that has this problem, and good to us, right, good hygiene, I'm going to use that word again here, of getting into the habit of writing defensive code up front, it's part of that collection of things that you ought to do is a great thing to do.

  • 雇佣你是我犯过的最愚蠢的错误

    Hiring you was the worst mistake I have ever made.

  • 是啊,那是个错误。严重错误。他们都在想啥啊? 很可能是交朋友之类的吧。

    Yes, that was a mistake. Ghastly. What were they thinking of? Probably something about trying to make friends.

  • 我觉得这是个错误,你这是追他。让我去做以色列的工作。

    I think this is a mistake. You're chasing him. Let me work with Israel.

  • 所以如果你想攻击都市的空气质量,这可能是一个错误的方向,对吗?

    So, if you want to attack urban air quality, this is probably moving in the wrong direction, OK?

  • 并不是因为你只犯了一两个错误,然后这些错误结婚了。

    Not because you made one or two and they mated and produced many more bugs.

  • 这是他一生最大的错误。他清楚这一点。

    That was the biggest mistake of his life. He knew that.

  • 约翰·弥尔顿犯下了一个错误,他犯下了一个文学上的错误,而且我认为所有的编辑都知道,这个错误斯潘塞没犯过。

    John Milton has made a mistake. He's made a literary mistake and, as I think all editors know, Spenser does not.

  • 这篇文章有名也是因为弥尔顿做了一些,他几乎从未做过的事,弥尔顿犯了一个错误

    The passage is also famous because in it Milton does something that he almost never does. Milton has made a mistake.

  • 他就不能说“因此有关他的,都是错误“,这对于荷马的抵触是这样的强烈。

    He can't even bring himself to say, "Thus he relates, erring," so powerful is this defense against Homer.

  • 像弥尔顿笔下的罪恶之神,斯潘塞笔下的“错误“是一位,一半女人一半毒蛇的怪物,她从各个方面具体化了宗教错误

    Like Milton's Sin, Spenser's Errour is half woman, half serpent, and in a lot of ways she embodies the very problem of religious error.

  • 就是人是很愚蠢的,会犯错误的,因此,你要这样设计你的程序,以达到当犯错误时避免大事故的目的。

    And will make mistakes. And therefore, you write your programs so that catastrophes don't occur when those mistakes are made.

  • 好,当你的代码语法,没错误,并且也有正确的静态语义,你去运行它的时候会发生什么呢?

    OK. What happens if you actually have something that's both syntactically correct, and appears to have correct static semantics, and you run it?

  • 我以为这书是关于你的,而不是我们。这一切就是个错误

    I thought this was supposed to be about you, not us. The whole thing was a mistake.

  • 生活就是一连串这样的错误

    Life is a series of colossal mistakes.

  • 这是个天大的错误,菲比,我不敢告诉他。瑞秋…

    This was such a huge mistake. I can't tell him Phoebe. I can't, I can't. Rachel.

  • 他们可不会犯这种低级错误

    These people don't make those kind of mistakes.

  • 我们就会去尝试着修复程序,但是今天我强调的,并不是怎么去修复,而是怎么找出来错误原因。

    And then of course, once we figure out why not, we try and fix it. but today I'm going to emphasize not how do you fix it, but how do you find out what's wrong.

  • 我们先来讨论一下选β的理由,我要强调一下这里没有错误的答案

    Let's talk to the Beta's a second; let me just emphasize at this stage there are no wrong answers.

  • 他们错误地把,可能的愤怒,侵犯或暴力,解释为爱。

    They misattribute that, what might be anger, what might even be aggression and violence, to an expression of love.

  • 我想做的是-,有时你的解释是正确的,但是有趣的解释是,是那些你犯了张冠李戴的错误-,你错误了认为是爱,而实际可能是其他的原因。

    I think what I want to do-- And sometimes that explanation is accurate, but the ones that are interesting here are the ones where you misattribute the cause of the arousal-- you make a mistake and think it's love when it might be due to something else.


错误 cuòwù

(1) [error]∶闪失


(2) [wrong]∶不正确,与客观实际不符合




繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。