1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 09:00:54


isn't it

  • 你当时是在开车

    Were you driving at that time?

  • 有梦想就有未来。

    Without dreams, we HAs no future.

  • 你能画出这些线条

    Can you draw these lines?

  • 你想吃些菜花吗?

    Would you like some broccoli?

  • 爬那梯子时小心点儿。上次不就出事了

    Be careful climbing that ladder. Look what happened last time.

  • 他难道不是你见过的最美的事物

    Isn't he just the most beautiful thing you ever saw?

  • 你能看见那些自行车

    Can you see the bikes?

  • 灌篮高手的熬头部分很有趣儿,不是?一路玩吧。

    Hi guys, the first part of slam dunk is fun, isn't it? that's play with it.

  • 孩子们喜欢上他了

    Did the children take to him?

  • 生活中有多少麻烦不都是由清谈引起的.

    How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk!

  • 你是在公平竞争

    Are you playing fair?

  • 锡尔弗敦路,是这条路

    Silvertown Way, was that the road?

  • 今天特殊,下不为例.

    Today is a special case. I won't do it again.

  • 现在也不重要了,不是

    It doesn't matter now, does it?

  • “你的几个儿子好?”——“谢谢关心。”

    "How are your boys?" — "How nice of you to ask."

  • 他难道会当真

    Can he be serious?

  • 这班火车会在牛津停

    Does this train stop at Oxford?

  • 你有传染病史?你晕船

    Did you have any infected diseases before ? Are you seasick ?

  • 你知道任何关于大象的笑话

    Do you know any jokes about elephant?

  • 这曾是你们的计划

    Was this your plan?

  • 会有热情减退的时候

    Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?

  • 五月的花儿红呀红似火.

    Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May.

  • 我可以给你打电话

    Can I call you on the phone?

  • 对他绞刑不是太便宜了

    Wouldn't it be too good for him to hang?

  • 需要筷子?汤勺,叉子

    Do you need chopsticks ? spoon ? forks ?

  • 是个散步的好天气。是

    Nice day to be outside, isn't it?

  • 我能借用你的语文书

    May I borrow your Chinese book?

  • 你把我的药带来了

    Did you bring my pills?

  • 你知道青霉素是如何工作的

    Do you know how penicillin works?

  • 这没问题。不就是及时通知大家

    That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time.

  • 这些是他们的连衣裙

    Are these their dresses?

  • 难道我们不是注定的一对

    Weren't we meant to be?

  • 你了解我抽的这些味道怪异的香烟

    You know these funny cigarettes I smoke?

  • 我可以提个建议

    Might I make a suggestion?

  • 水族馆里有鲨鱼

    Are there sharks in aquarium?

  • 我们能把手藏着

    Can we hide our hands?

  • 你能帮我穿衣服

    Can you help me get dressed?

  • 你有他的地址和电话号码

    Do you have an address and phone number for him?

  • 斯齐普, 你在这儿?

    Skip, are you here?

  • “玛丽·安还好?”——“她很好,”她平静地说。

    "Is Mary Ann O.K?" — "She's fine," she said evenly.

  • 种庄稼不除草不是见鬼 ?

    Isn't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields?

  • 机械真的会思考

    Can machines really think?

  • 真的只是运气和机遇

    Is it just luck and chance?

  • 谢谢,每个人都有了?

    Thank you. Has everybody got?

  • 你不觉得她太有点儿附庸风雅了

    Didn't you find her a little bit too arty?

  • 她睡醒了 ?

    Has she waked up yet?

  • “你要来?”他激动地说,“那太好了!简直难以置信!”

    "You're coming?" he said excitedly. "That's fantastic! That's incredible!"

  • 幼儿园老师说甚我做甚

    I did whatever the kindergarten teachers told me to DO.

  • 我们找到皇帝了?

    Have we found the emperor?

  • 你真的认为我能够得到我想要的东西

    Do you really think I could get the exact thing I want?

  • 总有事情,是

    Lt's always something, isn't it?

  • 还记得那个明亮的秋天

    Do you remember the bright august?

  • 好安静,我们是唯一的客人

    Very quiet here, isn't it? Are we the only guests?

  • 你有列过大学愿望清单

    Have you ever made a university bucket list?

  • 当时没有人在那里照顾你

    And there was no one there to take care of you?

  • 你们听到有什东西嗡嗡叫

    You guys hear a ringing?

  • 如果我们要将某些东西首尾连在一起,在这个圈里循环,你就会看到它的奇妙之处了,譬如,你在字母表末,好,我继续,这些变量都是些什

    We'll actually see it's a wonderful way of effectively looping yourself back around, for instance if you're at the end of the alphabet So what about those variables?

  • 我们那些以贞操之名作出的牺牲,会得到报偿

    Are we recompensed in some way for all of those sacrifices ? that we make in the name of virtue?

  • 只发现了他一人?就他一个。

    Just him? Just him.

  • 你们记得《十四行诗第七首》,“时光飞逝,弥尔顿写给自己23岁生日那个悲伤的日子的十四行诗。

    You remember Sonnet Seven, "How Soon Hath Time," the sonnet that he had written on the sad occasion of his twenty-third birthday.

  • 但就是你的决定啊,难不成不是?这次不是,这个任务可是美航局明确反对的。

    But it is, no, isn't it? Up to you? Not this time. This is something NASA expressly rejected.

  • 我对政治可不感冒。是

    Politics isn't really my area of expertise. Really?

  • 我不能要。你不是需要钱

    No, I can't. Don't you need money?

  • 因为演野兽,阿瓦南,还有王子的都是同一个演员,我有一个问题,可以说

    Because it's the same actor who plays the Beast Avenant, and then again Prince Charming I had a question ? That's OK?

  • 您在静下心来,写诗,进行艺术,创造时,也是实践这种理念

    So is this something you do in your own artistic practice with when you are sitting down, writing a poem?

  • 我不太确定,因为要先提出一个以前说过的,形而上学的问题,就是,灵魂可以分裂

    I'm not quite sure,because we have to turn to a metaphysical question that we've touched upon before,namely,can souls split?

  • 我已经知道哪一句声明出问题了,一些和我预期不同的事情发生了,有人能告诉我bug在哪儿

    So something has happened there that wasn't what I expected. Who wants to tell me what that bug is? Yeah?

  • 有人邀请你去黑色城堡探险

    You were invited on a quest to the black castle?

  • 当然我们不要求你,要能知道具体这些位置是多少,但你们要能够相对比较它们。

    Obviously we don't expect you to know exactly what the distances are, but you should be able to compare them relatively.

  • 所以我们会使用互联网实现随需视频,那会成为杀手级应用?会有数百万人,就在他们想看的时候看到视频

    So will we be using the internet for video on-demand, will that be the killer app? Will millions of people wide watch this video right when they want to watch it?

  • 复杂度是多少?,对的,对数级的?,为什呢?,学生:对数级的?

    So in fact, what does that suggest about the order of growth here? What is the complexity of this? Yeah. Logarithmic. Why?

  • 你热爱生活,宝贝?是的。

    Do you like life, sweetheart? Yes.

  • 即使我们说,知道,精神和和声一点也不一样。

    Even if we were to say you know what, the mind is not much like harmony at all.

  • 或者900年区别大?,这个数字的规模才是问题关键所在?

    Does it really matter to you whether your code is going to take 300 years or 900 years to run?

  • 我得写下来,这是把列表的长度平方,对

    And I have this, to write it out, this is order the length of the list squared, OK?

  • 所以别刺激她,记住了

    She's kind of emotional, so no one say anything to set her off, okay?

  • 你听过德瑞克方程式

    Ok, really, are you familiar the Drake equation?

  • 爸妈是搞音乐的?不是。

    Parents are musicians? No.

  • 你对我的照顾满意

    Are you satisfied with your care?

  • 开始起了作用,我们要分析的话,我要想一想我在做什,我抓住了每一点

    So this is a place where the amortized cost actually helps me out. And as the gentleman at the back said, the question he asked is right, it depends on what I'm trying to do.

  • 所以答案是否定的,好的,那我们能在线性时间内排序

    And that's the kind of instinct I'd like you to get into thinking about. So the answer here is no.

  • 拿一些吧。真的?你肯定

    Take some. Really? I mean, are you sure?

  • 这两个点是同一个点?,我已经写了一小块代码,可以提供这个功能,但是你知道的我可以做的,最简单的事情就是说好,嗯?,等等,我为什不直接去看看,这两个东西相等不相等呢?

    Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?

  • 在您的例子中,这也是我们评价一首好诗方法

    Is that, in that comparison, is that a way we can judge what is a good poem?

  • 所以如果你碰到了一个,你不懂的问题,好?求助,可以是精神科,可以是一个助教,我推荐助教。

    So if you run into a problem set that just, you don't get, all right? Seek help. Could be psychiatric help, could be a TA. I recommend the TA.

  • 我们在超我之物降临时会准备好,还是说我们对于这种灵感的来临毫无控制?

    How ready can we be for this kind of endeavor, or is this something that really has to come at its own pace?

  • 有DNA信息?有头发。

    Confirmation DNA? I got hair.

  • 我们省略这一套,行

    Could we dispense with the formalities, do you think?

  • 戴着眼镜我也能看出来没人举手,有想法?大家来帮帮我吧,你们对这个算法的增长率是怎认为的?

    What do you think? Even with these glasses on, I can see no hands up, any suggestions? Somebody help me out.

  • 合并起来,而那些小列表,我又会把他们拆成更小的列表,再排序,这会给我,一个更高效的算法

    Where those pieces, I would do the same thing with, I would divide them up into smaller chunks, and sort those. Is that going to give me a more efficient algorithm?

  • 你们好,你们是我的家人

    Hello. Are you my family?

  • 这种劲头越来越大,这种追求繁荣的论调,甚至在非洲都出现了,我想问的是,在这样的大背景下,受苦还能存在

    and that's spreading. This prosperity preaching is going on in Africa. And my question is, where does that leave suffering?

  • ?好噢,我能骑摩托车吗?

    You ready to go? Yeah. Oh, can I drive the motorcycle?

  • 近些年来,在中华人民共和国,人们又重拾起对已逝的帝国时代浓厚的兴趣。仿佛时光倒流了,不是

    In recent years, in the People's Republic of China, there has been a revival of interest in the imperial past. Going back in time, isn't it?

  • 等同于,我能继续活下去,那是死亡,死亡是生命的终结

    is like asking, "Might I still be alive after" well what's death? Death is the end of life.

  • 我是指,你们认为大学就其核心来说,认为公正是它们的义务之一

    I mean do you think universities at their core have an intention of being just places?

  • 这几乎是--可能?,弥尔顿几乎是想,像摩西一样第一次讲述,创世纪和人类的堕落。

    It's almost as if -- could this be? It's almost as if Milton wants to narrate the events of the Creation and the Fall with the same kind of firstness that Moses did.

  • 彼特?为什?那是什

    Pete? Why? What is it?

  • 我说过了?噢,不。

    I did? Oh, no.

  • 有问题?,线性复杂度的算法,当进行了一个,常量级步数的操作的时候,将问题的规模缩小了一个。

    Linear algorithms tend to be things where, at one pass-through, you reduce the problem by a constant amount by one. If you reduce it by two, 1 it's going to be the same thing.

  • 三个中占有两个就不错了“,这首歌是谁唱的来着“,是肉块乐队吗?,是

    who was it who sang the song "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad" ? Was that Meat Loaf? Who was it?

  • 你们难道不讨厌站在那儿等你回答问题,的教授?虽然他有糖果做奖品哦,用少于线性时间完成可能

    Any thoughts? Don't you hate professors who stand here waiting for you to answer, even when they have candy?

  • 所以你不需要当一个批评家;,但是你要坚强,知道?,你可以是平常人,因为这是一个平常人的故事。

    So you don't have to be a critic; you have to be strong; but you know what? You can be the average man, because this is a story about the average man.

  • 但你看得到,缺电子的地方分布在,与中心等距的一个球面上?

    But can you see that the centers of electron deficiency lie on a sphere equidistant from the center?


ma ㄇㄚ

  • 旧同“吗”。
  • 旧同“嘛”。

me ㄇㄜ

  • 词尾:怎~。这~。多~。什~。
  • 助词,表示含蓄语气,用在前半句末了:不让你去~,你又要去。

yāo ㄧㄠˉ

  • 同“幺”。

英语 interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender

德语 eins ( Aussprache der Ziffer 1 )​ (Adj)​,jünste (Adj)​,klein, fein, winzig, unbedeutend (Adj)

法语 un (chiffre utilisé pour épeler un numéro)​,petit,as (jeu)​









(1) 用作歌词中的衬字。如:五月的花儿,红呀么红似火

(2) 另见 yāo;mó;ma


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of