1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 12:59:15
cháng shì


try; attempt; introduce; sample; experiment; go out for; make the effort to; make an attempt to do sth.; dip a toe in the water; try hand at; have a go at


attempt; trial; try; crack; effort; foray; endeavor; experiment; experimentation; shot; taste

try v.尝试;试图;努力;尽力;试验;测试;审判;审讯;评判;检验;探究;调查;争取;挑战;试穿(衣服);试用(产品)

attempt v.尝试;努力;企图;试图;试图做;试图达成;试图完成;试图解决

introduce v.介绍;把…介绍(给);推出;提出;推行;开始;创设;引见;引入;引进(动物或植物);导入;植入;插入;主持(节目);使尝试;使初次了解;使开始了解;作为…的开头;作为…的开端;提议讨论;将(法案)提交讨论

sample v.采样;取样;稍加探究;浅尝;尝试;节录;选录;采样(音乐制作中从其他音乐作品中截取片段);数字化采样(将模拟信号转换为数字信号的过程);取(模拟信号)的瞬间;试听(音乐或声音);评估;试穿(衣物);试验(产品或服务);浏览

experiment n.实验;试验;实验性研究;科学研究方法;实验项目;实验操作

go out for 为...出去

have a go at vphr.尝试;试图;攻击;批评;责备

trial n.审理;(对能力、质量、性能等的)试验;测试;实验;试用;试飞(飞机等);试演(戏剧等);试听(音乐等);比赛;试用期;试行;(法院的)审讯

crack n.裂缝;裂纹;破裂;(突然的)爆裂声;噼啪声;(可听到响声的)重击;猛击;俏皮话;(尤指挖苦人的)玩笑;讽刺;尝试;挑战;令人愉快的经历;精彩的表演;高品质的可卡因(俗称);难题;难关;(精神的)不正常;怪人;疯子;<口>片刻;瞬间;<非正式>股沟;窄缝;破解码;好时光

effort n.努力;尽力;艰难的尝试;力气;精力;有组织的活动;努力的结果;成就;努力的结果;成就

foray n.(改变职业、活动的)尝试;短暂尝试;初步尝试;突袭;袭击;突击;短暂访问(新地方);短途(寻物);(对新领域的)涉足

endeavor v.尽力;努力;竭尽全力;试图;力图;致力于;争取

experimentation n.实验;试验;实验法

shot v.射击;发射;射中;射伤;射杀;投掷;给…注射;(shoot的过去式和过去分词)

taste n.味道;口味;滋味;味觉;品味;鉴赏力;偏好;兴趣;爱好;感受;体验;审美;趣味;偏爱;一口;一点儿;少许品尝的东西;<美俚>酒

  • 律师和会计们开始尝试理清银行复杂的事务。

    Lawyers and accountants began trying to untangle the complex affairs of the bank.

  • 我不会尝试去逐字地背那些演说。

    I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.

  • 他对我们不在行的尝试嗤之以鼻。

    He scoffed at our amateurish attempts.

  • 你最想尝试哪一个?为什么?

    Which would you most like to try? Why?

  • 各大学正开始尝试进入管理教育领域。

    Universities are dipping their toes in the waters of management education.

  • 我再次尝试联系我的表妹琼。

    I tried again to get ahold of my cousin Joan.

  • 尝试着使自己习惯那些紧绷的绷带。

    She tried to accustom herself to the tight bandages.

  • 我一直乐于尝试新的品种。

    I'm always pleased to try out a new variety.

  • 可能需要多次尝试,但这件事值得坚持做下去。

    It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it.

  • 这是一次好的尝试但未真正奏效。

    It was a good try but it didn't really come off.

  • 我被迫尝试一次骑马疾驰。

    I was forced to attempt a gallop.

  • 她从未放弃过探究我内心深处情感的尝试

    She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.

  • 我头几次的投诉尝试都有点儿犹豫。

    My first attempts at complaining were kind of tentative.

  • 这名重量级拳击冠军将尝试挑战霍利菲尔德的世界冠军头衔。

    The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield's world title.

  • 英国最早尝试在爱尔兰开拓殖民地是在12世纪。

    The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century.

  • 然后他劝我尝试冰球。

    He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.

  • 我想你没有尝试与乔治和谈过,是吗?

    I don't think you've ever tried parleying with Jorge, have you?

  • 这项尝试注定失败。

    The attempt was doomed to failure.

  • 一些人只是想尝试一下自杀,但却不幸真的身亡了。

    Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it.

  • 国会应该抗拒尝试快速经济调整的诱惑。

    Congress should resist the temptation to try quick economic fixes.

  • 尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了会计。

    He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.

  • 扩展业务的尝试使这家公司陷入困境。

    The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.

  • 第一次尝试,还算不错。

    That wasn't bad for a first attempt.

  • 反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。

    An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.

  • 尝试正确地读第二个单词。

    Try to read the second one correctly.

  • 我们认为威逼他们屈服的尝试可能会适得其反。

    We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive.

  • 尝试选择相似的颜色。

    Try to pick similar colours.

  • 之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。

    An attempt was then made to dive the sump.

  • 我认为是尝试新方法的时候了。

    I think it's time we tried a fresh approach.

  • 她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。

    She was given every encouragement to try something new.

  • 对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励。

    You should encourage your child's attempts at self-expression.

  • 叛军屡次尝试强攻这座建筑。

    The rebel soldiers tried repeatedly to storm the building.

  • 重要的是要不断尝试

    The important thing is to keep trying.

  • 我决定尝试一些令人兴奋的事情。

    I decided to try something exciting.

  • 他没有尝试着掩饰或隐瞒自己的感受。

    He didn't attempt to dissimulate or conceal his true feelings.

  • 尝试着修理它,逗得劳伦斯笑得前仰后合。

    My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter.

  • 我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。

    I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.

  • 他总是渴望拥有新的经历,而且永远愿意尝试

    He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.

  • 尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。

    Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities.

  • 他勉励他的同志,“尝试以勤奋来实现目标。”

    He exhorted his companions, "Try to accomplish your aim with diligence."

  • 尝试看到事情好的一面。

    Try to look on the bright side.

  • 你可以尝试篮球俱乐部。

    You can try the basketball club.

  • 作出一种寓教于乐的尝试

    An attempt was made to intertwine the amusing with the educational.

  • 虽屡遭挫折,他们仍不断尝试乘气球环游世界。

    Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.

  • 当学生时他尝试过几年集体生活。

    As a student he tried communal living for a few years.

  • 他能解开其他人甚至不敢尝试的绳结。

    He could unravel a knot that others wouldn't even attempt.

  • 你应该尝试解决它们。

    You should try to solve them.

  • 尝试跟随音乐的节拍。

    Try to follow the beat of the music.

  • 当局中途放弃了任何有序地分发食品的尝试

    The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food in an orderly fashion.

  • 我一直乐于尝试新产品。

    I'm always pleased to try out a new variety.

  • 嗯,插一句,我那时正尝试戒烟。

    Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.

  • 东盟已经尝试将合作范围拓展到安全领域。

    ASEAN has branched out tentatively into the security business.

  • 全体船员努力尝试重新启动发动机,但结果徒劳无功。

    The crew fought a losing battle to try to restart the engines.

  • 尝试和所有同学交谈。

    Try to talk to all of your classmates.

  • 尝试过钓鱼,但他真的不在行。

    He tried his hand at fishing, but he wasn't really very good at it.

  • 他认为,贯彻到底的渴望,能够给语言带来活力,而Menelaiad正是他为此所做的一次尝试

    He thinks that following out desire can renew language, and Menelaiad, I think, is his attempt at doing that.

  • 但你必须尝试,掌握。日子一天天过去我们越来越不像人。

    But you must try, Master. With every passing day we become less human.

  • 是时候我尝试一些新的东西。

    It's time I try something new.

  • 这是一个放松好好享受阳光的地方,您可以尝试立桨冲浪。

    It is a relaxing place to enjoy the sunshine and try stand-up paddle boarding.

  • 实际上我已经没有机会尝试新事物了,而且也不用过学期了,但你们有更多的时间。

    There will in fact never be a good time to try something new, and there will actually never be a semester where you do have that more time.

  • 他是这样的诗人,和他妻子一起,尝试着,自动写作,他们相信死人通过活人说话。

    This is a poet who, with his wife, practiced automatic writing, who believed that the dead spoke through the living.

  • 我们尝试更具挑战性的。

    Let's try something a little more challenging.

  • 这个论证尝试证明的就是,这个心灵肯定和我的身体是不同的

    What the argument attempts to show is that this mind must be something separate from my body.

  • 你得仔细聆听她所说的话,尝试透过她的眼睛看森林。

    You need to listen to what she says. Try to see the forest through her eyes.

  • 完事之后,你尝试一下我的工作,如果不喜欢,可以走人。

    And when you're done, you try my job. You don't like it, you walk away.

  • 想办法试一试很正常,如果失败了,坦白承认,然后重新来过,但重要的是要尝试

    It is common sense to take a method and try it. And if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

  • 我放弃了。莱丽,我尝试过很多次了,想要一直掌控一切是不可能的。

    I give up. Riley, as much as I try, it's impossible to control what goes on all the time.

  • 然后我们将会尝试演示去看看,是否可以确信我们能够很好的,做出这个类型的计算,我们将在课程中做一个测试。

    And then we're going to try a demo to see if we can convince ourselves that the kind of calculations we make work out perfectly, and we'll do a test up here about half way through class.

  • 对,我会去尝试,如果结果不是这样的,你们知道的,有些人会把结果传回去的,噢!

    Right. I'm going to try, if I don't make it, you know, just get somebody to pass back, whoa!

  • 但重要的,是要尝试,谢谢,天佑美利坚合众国。

    But above all, we must try something. Thank you, and God Bless the United States of America.

  • 尝试以下方法,步骤一:选择海浪中等但比较规律的一天。

    Try this method. Step 1: Choose a day when waves are moderate, but regular.

  • 让我们解释这个笼统的观点通过一起读诗,尝试去听罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗“桦树“,在211页,诺顿。

    Let's illustrate these general points by just reading together and trying to hear the beginning of Robert Frost's poem "Birches," on page 211 in The Norton.

  • 这个观点对于尝试理解法国大革命很重要,绝对主义和专制主义是有区别的

    This will be important to try and understand the French revolution, La Revolution francaise, that there's a difference between absolutism and despotism.

  • 现在我们尝试,找出如何描述平衡态以及,什么东西表明自发性。

    OK, so now let's try to formulate how to describe the equilibrium state and what dictates spontaneity.

  • 他并没有使他的简报保持沉默,但是他也尝试每张投影片限制一个关键概念。

    He doesn't dumb down his presentations, but he does try to limit each slide to one key idea.

  • 我们是要依赖个人行为和教育,还是尝试去改变环境呢

    Do we rely on the individual behavior and education, or do we try to do something about the environment?

  • 因此,我们一直尝试,以更为学术的姿态,更为严谨的态度来思考,不同的方式,可能产生的不同结果。

    So I mean, we tried to be as academic about it as possible in trying to think rigorously through the different results that will guide if we go to different directions.

  • 可以尝试迭代剔除劣势策略,然后看看会不会趋向于某种结果

    We could do that; we could try iteratively deleting dominated strategies and see if that process converged.

  • 要去尝试看成果。有区别吗?约翰。你还没有集中你的精力。

    Well, try seeing accomplishment. Is there a difference? John, you haven't focused.

  • 尤其是就我未来职业方面,我正在尝试形成自己的观点,提出我的研究问题。

    especially as I am trying to develop my own thoughts and my own research questions for my future career.

  • 我本想说第一次尝试时,但即便是修行多年的人,也会走神十分钟之久,方才意识到自己刚做了白日梦。

    I was going to say when you first start doing this, even people who have been doing it for a long time still go off on ten-minute daydreams before realizing that their minds were wondering.

  • 我和妈妈决定了,因为我们不知道自己喜欢什么,所以就什么都尝试一下。

    Ma and I have decided that because we don't know what we like, we get to try everything.

  • 试着看着歌词,听着声音,尝试着去和节拍。

    so try to read the lyrics and listening the voice and the sounds and try to play with them.

  • 也是世界上最早的几个程序员之一,她正尝试着完成一个,复杂的求反正切的程序。

    Who was also one of the word's first programmers. So she was trying to write this program, and it didn't work.

  • 人们尝试建立一个模型,第一个有意义的模型是,。J汤姆逊,that,of,J。,J。,Thompson,在1904年发表的。

    Well, people took a stab at modeling it, and the first model worth talking about is J who published this model in 1904.

  • 在他最后一部散文小说《向西去啊》有一句,再尝试,再失败,却更好地失败。

    The wonderful line he has in his last prose-fiction "Worstward Ho", Try again, fail again, fail better.

  • 所以我认为和声的类比是个尝试,而且是不错的尝试,尝试解读物理学家如何思考精神。

    So the harmony analogy is I think an attempt, and not a bad attempt, at gesturing towards the question how do physicalists think about the mind.

  • 我不确定自己是不是还应该当律师,或许新的萨维应该尝试一下别的工作。

    Well, I'm just not sure I should still be a lawyer. I mean, maybe new Savi should try something new.

  • 如果我们尝试计算一个,松阪发出快球的波长,我们首先需要考虑速度,每小时为42英里。

    So, if we're trying to figure out the wavelength of a Matsuzaka fastball, we need to consider the velocity first, which is 42 miles per hour.

  • 我们愿意尝试任何事。你可以喝一种药草茶。

    Well, we are ready to try anything. Okay, there's an herbal tea you can drink. Okay.

  • 弥尔顿是如此厚颜无耻地引用斯潘塞的“错误“因为,在某种程度上他想标榜斯潘塞的寓言,是文学上的一个错误尝试

    Milton is alluding so unashamedly here to Spenser's Errour because, I think, on some level he wants to brand Spenserian allegory as an erroneous literary practice.

  • 嗨,爸爸?你曾否想要尝试全新的事物,却害怕朋友对你的看法吗?

    Hey, Dad? Did you ever want to try something new, but were afraid of what your friends think?

  • 刚刚那一刻,那些爱心们从底部上浮到顶部,饼干人则向左向右移动,它们似乎都随着音乐的律动而变化着,也许这是那个制作该动画的同学,不断尝试的结果。

    In just a moment the hearts are gonna start flowing from bottom to top and the cookies are gonna start moving left and right and they seem to be somewhat synchronized with the music, perhaps based on trial and error by the student who implemented this one.

  • 于是我正好是比尔·克林顿的反面,他尝试过大麻,但没有吸入,而我呢,明白吗,我没有尝试,但吸入了。

    So I yes, I was the kind of opposite of Bill Clinton who tried marijuana but didn't inhale. See, I didn't try marijuana but I did inhale.

  • 但别尝试在一天之内完成,喝太多水其实很危险。

    But don't try to sneak it all in one day. Drinking too much water can actually be dangerous.

  • 我们就会去尝试着修复程序,但是今天我强调的,并不是怎么去修复,而是怎么找出来错误原因。

    And then of course, once we figure out why not, we try and fix it. but today I'm going to emphasize not how do you fix it, but how do you find out what's wrong.

  • 但你也别一下子做太多尝试,你记得那个,一下子做太多尝试的小女孩吧。

    Yeah but, you don't want to try to much too fast. You know? I mean, you do remember what happened to the little girl that tried to much too fast don't you?

  • 新政成功了那么多年,但在新政失效前,我们得尝试更新的东西。

    The New Deal succeeded for many years, but we must now try something newer before it fails us.

  • 这说明你试着任何尝试关于,使一个电子在这样一个系统中,确定其明确的位置是没有意义的。

    It tells you that any attempt to try to specify, to localize the position of an electron in such a system is futile.

  • 苏格拉底了解到,那些想改革他人者,必需先自我改革,但许多尝试,模仿他的人并没有仔细分辨这一点。

    Socrates understands that those who want to reform others must reform themselves, but many who've tried to imitate him have been less careful.

  • 现在我们来听一下这首歌究竟是什么样的,然后我们来尝试专攻它的低音部分。

    And then we'll see exactly what it is that he's doing here so we're going to try to lock in on the bass.

  • 我会尝试找些客观的资料,并发到网上

    So, I might try to find a more even-handed account and put that up on the website.


尝试 chángshì

[have a shot;try;attempt] 试一试;试验





云南 n. Yunnan; Yunnan province。

文章 n. article; essay; text; writing; writings; paper;

营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。