1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-09 13:10:56

troublemaker; mischief-maker; rioter; culprit; offender

troublemaker n.捣乱者;闹事者;搅局者;惹事生非者;搬弄是非者

mischief-maker 挑拨离间的人;淘气包

rioter n.暴徒;暴民;喝酒狂闹的人

culprit n.罪犯;犯人;肇事者;罪魁祸首;问题根源;问题成因

offender n.罪犯;冒犯者;妨害…的人(或事物);犯规者;违法者

  • 科学也许是引发这种恐慌的肇事者之一,但是它也对我们为何会如此的惊恐提供了一些解释。

    Science may be a culprit, but it also offers some explanation for why we can be so fearful.

  • 然而,法官称事故造成严重后果,再加上事故发生后肇事者逃离现场。

    However the judge said the consequences of the accident was severe, plus he fled the scene after the incident.

  • 如果彭宇真的是肇事者 呢 ?

    What if Peng really did that?

  • 我觉得肇事者在某一层面同时也是受害者。

    I think there is always a duality of a victim within the instigator.

  • 肇事者在一片斥责声中被带离现场。

    The perpetrator was condemned by the audience and was taken away after the incident.

  • 这起交通事故的肇事者被警方通缉。

    The wrecker of the traffic accident is wanted by the police.

  • 通常肇事者必须用他们自己的保险来赔偿给其他人。

    Normally, the person who causes the accident must use their own insurance to pay for damage to other people.

  • 警方正在拘捕这起交通是的肇事者

    The police are arresting the troublemaker in the traffic accident.

  • 我记得肇事者是个喝醉的男人。

    I remember the peace breaker was a drunk man.

  • 都成了碎片。监控器又拍下了一名肇事者

    Pieces. The security cameras have caught a new culprit.

  • 照我看来, 那个肇事者不应受到责备.

    In my opinion, no blame can be attached to the pursuer for the accident.

  • 法官将这起犯罪描述为极其恶劣的,并判处肇事者终身监禁。

    The judge described the crime as heinous and sentenced the perpetrator to life in prison.

  • 对于这些照片中种种行为的不正当性不存在任何争议,也没有任何事实受到掩盖,可让罪行肇事者逍遥法外。

    There is no debate as to whether what is reflected in those photos is wrong, and nothing has been concealed to absolve perpetrators of crimes.

  • 你就是打碎窗子的肇事者吗?

    Are you the culprit who broke this window?

  • 一位巴黎警方发言人表示这种破坏行为“不会被容忍”,将会尽全力将肇事者捉拿归案。

    A Paris police spokesman said such attacks would 'not be tolerated' and that everything would be done to bring the vandals to justice.

  • 我不知道灾祸从何时起,也不知道肇事者是谁.

    We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it.

  • 房地产是首要的肇事者

    Real estate is the primary culprit.

  • 2010年2月27日:拉姆塞腓骨和胫骨骨折(就是小腿整个断了).肇事者肖克罗斯.

    Feb 27 th 2010 - Aaron Ramsey has his fibula and tibia broken, leg air , by Ryan Shawcross.

  • 我将继续和警方全力合作,将肇事者绳之于法.

    Asthe beginning I will continue the police my fullest cooperation to bring the perpetrators to justice.

  • 肇事者无法给出详述的解释。

    The peacebreaker could not provide an explicit explanation.

  • 跟南京的彭一样,他也被指为肇事者

    Like Peng in Nanjing, he too was accused of causing the accident.

  • 我们不知道灾祸从何而起,也不知道肇事者是谁。

    We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it.

  • 有关各方应迅速调查此次事件,将肇事者绳之以法,防止此类事件再次发生。

    Parties concerned should immediately carry out investigation into the incident, bring the perpetrators to justice and avoid recurrence of similar incidents.

  • 根据研究来看,之前的撞击“肇事者”是一颗直径大约1640英尺(500米)的小行星。

    According to the study, the previous impact was caused by a 1,640-foot-wide (500-meter-wide) asteroid.

  • 海军罪案调查处鼓励受害者与肇事者保持通信。

    NCIS encourages victims to maintain their communications with the perpetrators.

  • 据说五角大楼的调查报告及对肇事者的犯罪指控到现在仍然悬而未决.

    Its report — and criminal charges — are said to be pending.

  • 我们不知道灾祸从何而起,也不知道肇事者是谁。

    We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it.

  • 有几人受了伤。肇事者无法给出详述的解释。

    Several people were injured.The peace breaker could not provide an explicit explanation.

  • 在气候变化问题上,农业既是肇事者也是受害者。

    Agriculture is both culprit and victim when it comes to climate change.

  • 我们知道肇事者

    We know the perpetrator.

  • 肇事者必须被找到,逮捕,并被足够地惩罚,为孩子的死亡也为没有及时停下。

    The culprits must be tracked down, arrested, prosecuted and adequately punished for the death of the child and for failing to stop.

  • 这是必须纠正的行为,而且也将那些肇事者绳之以法。

    It is necessary to correct the violations, but also bring to justice those responsible.

  • 正义不只是惩罚肇事者

    Justice is not only about punishing the perpetrator.

  • 新德里对巴基斯坦大使说,印度要巴基斯坦对肇事者采取严厉行动。

    New Delhi told Pakistan's ambassador that it wants strong action against those responsible.

  • 研究揭示了越来越多的对受害者的影响以及肇事者的动机。

    Research has revealed more and more about effects on victims and the motives of the perpetrators.

  • 你就是打碎窗子的肇事者吗?

    Are you the culprit who broke this window?

  • 农业既是肇事者也是受害者。

    Agriculture both culprit and victim.

  • 他说,没有目击者,要查明肇事者是一个几乎不可能完成的任务。

    There are no witnesses, and it is a nearly impossible task to identify the perpetrators, he said.

  • 汽车事故调查者受到指责说他偏向肇事者

    The car accident investigator is accused of being one-sided, favoring the offender.

  • 跟南京的彭一样,他也被指为肇事者

    Like Peng in Nanjing, he too was accused of causing the accident.

  • 哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者

    Which driver was to blame for the accident?

  • 我记得肇事者是个喝醉的男人。

    I remember the peace breaker was a drunk man.

  • 由乔的中耳通往他的咽喉的耳咽管是肇事者.

    The eustachian tube, leading from the middle ear to Joe's throat, is the culprit.

  • 毫不奇怪我们都想纪念亡者,报复肇事者并确保这种事情再也不要发生。

    It's hardly surprising that we want to honor the dead, avenge the attack and make sure it doesn't happen again.

  • 他向当局告发了肇事者.

    He denounced the offenders to the authorities.

  • 听着,你他妈的找出肇事者,结束这一切,否则我会亲自送你们上西天。

    Well then, hear this. You reel in those fucking cunts and end it, or by God, I'll bury the lot of yas.



英语 offender, culprit

德语 Giftmischerin, Giftmischer (fig.)​ (S)​

法语 auteur de l'accident, fauteur de troubles


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of