1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:24:01

a surname

a surname 姓氏;姓

  • 地方长官在1743年确实发动了一次进攻.

    The Governor of Prome did indeed lead a in 1743 raid.

  • 试论胜京《钢琴前奏曲二十四首》。

    On the Piano-performing of Liao Sheng Jing s "Twenty-four Piano Preludes""

  • 只有在这里才能看到几个警察。

    Only here were the police visible in any strength at all.

  • 许多大亨们都住在莫斯科郊区普京别墅附近的卢布夫富人区。

    Many tycoons live in the wealthy ghetto of Rublyovskoye Shosse, near Putin's dacha on the edge of Moscow.

  • 在派出所建了一间名为“家庭爱心房”的特殊房间,他在那里帮助留守儿童完成家庭作业,并在业余时间教他们安全知识。

    Liao has built a special room named "family love room" in the police station, where Liao helped these left-behind children with their homework and taught them about safety in his spare time.

  • 少年的语文 、 数学老师兼班主任姓.

    Young Chinese, Maths Teacher and class teacher surnamed Liao.

  • 正品在论坛上大声呼吁。

    Liao loud calls at the forum.

  • 他的看法荒古怪,她颇有见识地劝他面对现实.

    His ideas were quaint and fantastic . She brought him judiciously to earth.

  • 他说了一些非常荒的话,我们都责备他.

    He said something very absurd and we took him up on it.

  • 在印度尼西亚国内,情况最严重的地区就是内省。

    Within Indonesia, the situation is most critical in Riau.

  • 得知男孩连每月100元的学校生活费都付不起时,他感到难过,并开始每个月带上100块钱去他家。

    When Liao learned that the boy couldn't even afford the 100 yuan monthly school living fees, he felt upset and began going to his home every month, bringing 100 yuan.

  • 用理论来推动实践,用实践来修正或补充理论。——沫沙。

    To promote the practice with theory, to revise or supplement theory with practice.

  • 有经验的老手, 无论官也好兵也好, 都无几.

    The experienced personnel , enlisted and officers alike , were a sparse lot.

  • 什卡生气地挥手示意他离开。

    Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.

  • 黄金报还援引应明(音)的话说,疲软的美元使得增加黄金储备更为必要.

    A weak dollar had also made more gold holdings necessary, it quoted Liao Yingmin as saying.

  • 晚饭后,小男孩搂住叔叔的脖子,亲切地问道:“叔叔,我可以叫你爸爸吗?”

    After dinner, the boy put his arm around Liao's neck and asked sweetly, "Uncle Liao, can I call you daddy?"

  • 文胜校长赴韩国访问考察。

    Headmaster Liao Wensheng visited Korea for research.

  • 就在沈凡的计划马上就要实现的时候,被家人发现了。

    In Shen's plan is about to be realized, Liao family found.

  • 深受感动,下定决心要做一个好“父亲”。

    Liao was deeply moved, and he made up his mind to be a good "father".

  • “库恩斯给我找了不少麻烦。” 先生说。

    “Koons gave me a lot of problems, ” Mr. Liao said.

  • 生日,四人一起过了热闹的一天.

    The four friends spent at Jade's home , celebrating her birthday.

  • :这是我们招集新会员的现场。

    This is the scene of our calling up members.

  • 女士也是中国大陆对外国帮助矛盾态度的证人。

    Ms Liao can also testify to the mainland's ambivalent attitude when it comes to letting outsiders help.

  • 桂林 ( 桂花社区居民 ): 我爱人炒股, 我只是参谋.

    Liu Guilin ( fragrans community ): I love stocks, I just staff.

  • 此外,“家庭爱心房”里的电脑扮演着不可或缺的角色,因为它为提供了一个宝贵的机会,可以帮助那些父母远在外地工作的孩子上网聊天。

    Moreover, a computer in the "family love room" plays an indispensable role because it offers a precious opportunity for Liao to help children whose parents are working far away to chat with them online.

  • 普京是在掩映在松华林中在新奥加沃的别墅接见的该俱乐部成员的。

    Putin met the group at his dacha in Novo-Ogaryovo, among pine and birch forests just outside Moscow.

  • 这种大胆妄为正是先生成功的关键.

    Such chutzpah seems to be the key to Mr.

  • 可怜的阿沙三岁丧父, 被带到外祖父家.

    Poor allyson three years old, and was brought to my grandfather's tear.

  • 尽管已经点燃了从前的爱好,霍夫曼对于年轻时选择化学也无遗憾。

    Despite having rekindled this other love, Hoffmann has no regrets about choosing chemistry as a young man.

  • 诺兹德夫当时气得面红耳赤.

    Nozdreff fired up at once.

  • 这种大胆妄为正是先生成功的关键。

    Such chutzpah seems to be the key to Mr.

  • 陈秋兰, 美玲 ( 1999 ) 崭新而实用的英语教学, 敦煌,台北.

    Halliwell, Susan ( 1992 ) Teaching English in the Primary Classroom, Longman.

  • 我想要和先生说话。

    I would like to talk to Mr. Liao.

  • 落选的候选人天文有些沮丧.

    Liao Tianwen, who failed to be elected , looked a bit disappointed.

  • 向东又拿大民老婆和儿子的安全威胁他,大民没办法同意了。

    To the east LiaoDaMin took his wife and sons safety threat to him, LiaoDaMin cant agreed.

  • 是清代一户姓人家的住宅。

    Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty.

  • 莫吉夫市政厅是白俄罗斯17世纪民用建筑的最好纪念物之一。

    The Mahilyow Town Hall is one of the best memorials of civil architecture in Belarus related to the 17th century.

  • 常润制衣厂的女士说,许多生产商必须净化原材料来源。

    Ms. Liao at the Changrun factory says many producers are essentially scavenging to source raw material.

  • 什克恼火地挥手让他离开。

    Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.

  • 建筑看起来很小,无生气,旗杆上也没挂国旗。

    The building looked tiny and abandoned and there was no flag on the pole.

  • 成凯找董洪昌时和知道他负伤,柳欣梅只能带他一人过去,成凯让雷招娣先回去。

    Liao Chengkai find Dong Hongchang and Liu Xinmei know he was wounded, he can only take a person in the past, Liao Chengkai let Lei Zhaodi go back first.

  • 明几乎每天都要跑步或慢跑。

    Liao Ming does running or jogging almost every day.

  • 像印尼其它地区一样,内省的泥炭土也在逐渐消失。

    As elsewhere in Indonesia, peat in Riau is disappearing.

  • 正品在论坛上大声呼吁。

    Liao loud calls at the forum.

  • 对于崇拜者来说,少林寺代表着功夫的道义和身强体壮。

    For admirers such as Liao, the temple stands for the moral and physical strength of kung fu.

  • 刚过张家口, 佳朋友的车就出了毛病.

    Shortly leaving Zhangjiakou , her friend's car was on the blink.

  • 去年中秋节时,带了一公斤肉和猪蹄回家。

    During last year's Mid Autumn Festival, Liao carried a kilo of meat and pig's feet to his home.

  • 对于崇拜者来说,少林寺代表着功夫的道义和身强体壮。

    For admirers such as Liao, the temple stands for the moral and physical strength of kung fu.

  • 程云发此时发现小玉知道的太多了,要凤山手下杀了小玉,却被柳秋月赶来营救了。

    Cloud hair found jade know too much, at this time will kill jade Liao Fengshan hands, the moon was willow rescue.

  • 他来到家,期望得到一个答案。

    He came to Liao, expecting an answer.



liào ㄌㄧㄠˋ

     ◎ 姓。

英语 surname; name of an ancient state

德语 Liào (Eig, Fam)

法语 (nom de famille)​





(1) 古国名 [Liao state]

南阳郡,县三十六:… 湖阳[县],故 国也。——《汉书》






假借为“寥”。空旷 [vast;broad]


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of