1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 15:27:36


be widowed; lose a spouse; become a widow; become a widower

  • 小野很清楚地记得丧偶的那晚听到他们在唱歌。

    Ono vividly remembers hearing them singing the night she was widowed.

  • 本研究还另外发现,不管男性和女性,没结过婚的人明显没有离婚或丧偶的人大方。

    The study also found that people, both males and females, who had never been married were significantly less generous than people who were divorced or widowed.

  • 报告上说,“虽然丧偶可能会导致精神和身体上的疾病,但是有配偶不一定就能够保证健康。

    Although loss of a spouse can provoke adverse mental and physical health changes, the simple presence of a spouse is not necessarily protective.

  • 然而,这些研究中的大部分没有将分居、离婚、丧偶的人和从未结过婚的人区分开来。

    Most of these studies, however, haven't distinguished between people who are separated, divorced or widowed and those who have never been married.

  • 分居价值- 0.24分,丧偶价值- 0.19分,离婚价值- 0.09分。

    Being separated is worth -0.24, widowed -0.19 and divorced -0.09.

  • 很多人因战乱丧偶.

    Many people were widowed by the war.

  • 这只天鹅在两年前丧偶,他所在的乡村俱乐部临近泽西岛的飞机场。

    Whooper, who lives at a country club close to the island's airport, lost his partner two years ago.

  • 我肯定你还会是那位丧偶的寡妇最好的慰藉.

    And I've no doubt you be a great comfort to the widow.

  • 有关丧偶妇女的结果与已婚妇女大致相当, 对此原因尚不完全清楚.

    Widowed women, for reasons not entirely clear, fared almost as well as married women.

  • 这次的珍爱红娘服务捐赠是为了帮助在地震中丧偶者尽快重建家庭。

    This treasuring soubrette service to donate is to help the person that bereft of his spouse in the earthquake rebuild as soon as possible family.

  • 波卡·洪塔斯于1614年与丧偶的约翰·罗尔夫成婚,9个月之后为他生了一个儿子。

    Pocahontas married the widowed John Rolfe in 1614 and bore him a son about nine months later.

  • 已婚的男女比单身的、离异的和丧偶的同龄人长寿。

    Married men and women tend to live longer than single, divorced or widowed people of the same age.

  • 她已经丧偶五年了。

    She has been widowed for five years now.

  • 我的邻居丧偶了,现在和她的猫一起生活。

    My neighbor is widowed and lives alone with her cat.

  • 近闻丧偶,深为震悼.

    I was deeply grieved to hear of your recent bereavement.

  • 那位丧偶的女人搬到一个新城市重新开始。

    The widowed woman moved to a new city to start over.

  • 研究报告的作者们认为,丧偶和离婚的人有孩子的可能性较大,所以他们还是有一定的社会关系。

    The authors argued that widowed and divorced people are more likely to have children and are thus more likely to be socially connected.

  • 分居价值-0.24分,丧偶价值-0.19分,离婚价值-0.09分。

    Being separated is worth -0.24, widowed -0.19 and divorced -0.09.

  • 当地一个妇女组织还请专人帮助更多丧偶的妇女寻找伴侣。

    A local women's group has hired an agent to help widows find love again.

  • 丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产, 任何人不得不干涉.

    Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone.

  • 配偶和丧偶的配偶的国王的儿子和男性线孙子;

    The spouses and the widowed spouses of a monarch's son and male-line grandsons;

  • 最令人痛苦的事情就是丧偶.

    The most stressful occurrence is the death of a spouse.

  • 下列何者是你的婚姻状态, 未婚 、 已婚 、 离婚或丧偶?

    Which of the following is your marital status, single, married, divorced or widowed?

  • 他自从丧偶以后一直怏怏不乐.

    He has been in the dumps ever since he lost his wife.

  • 调查称,很多受访者本不打算60岁后继续工作,但由于被裁员或丧偶不得不改变计划。

    According to the study, many of the participants had no intention of working past their 60th birthday, but had to change plans after being or following the death of a spouse.

  • 很多人因战乱丧偶.

    Many people were widowed by the war.

  • 我的字典里没有分手,只有丧偶

    Not break my dictionary, only widowed.

  • 对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。

    Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincere ly.

  • 丧偶后,他感到非常孤独。

    He felt very lonely after being widowed.

  • 丧偶或离婚的老年人因为孤独更需要情感的慰藉,需要呵护安慰。

    Widowed or divorced because lonely elderly need more emotional comfort, need to care for comfort.

  • 曾几何时,独自生活的人往往是婚姻中的任意一方——或是包括20多岁的专业人士,或是丧偶的老年人。

    Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage—twentysomething professionals or widowed senior citizens.

  • 已婚的男女比单身的 、 离异的和丧偶的同龄人长寿.

    Married and women live longer than single, divorced or widowed people of the same age.

  • 在前南斯拉夫战争中使许多妇女丧偶.

    The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia.

  • 他们没有采用丧偶或有一夫多妻家庭背景的妇女的信息,以确保他们研究的是同一个人。

    They excluded widows and wives in polygamous families to ensure they were comparing similar women.

  • 世界就要哀哭你,像丧偶的妻。

    The world will be thy widow and still weep.

  • 下列何者是你的婚姻状态, 未婚 、 已婚 、 离婚或丧偶?

    Which of the following is your marital status, single, married, divorced or widowed?

  • 销售部不要未婚男士,甚至连丧偶的也不要。

    Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department, not even widowers.

  • 与已婚者比较,丧偶男性酗酒的可能性更大——他们每周多喝21杯酒以上的酒。

    Widowed men were more likely than married men to drink heavily — more than 21 drinks a week.

  • 我不以为他能克服丧偶之痛。

    I do not think he will ever get over the loss of his wife.

  • 在这个时期,主张限制丧偶妇女再嫁的只是一般的学说,没有什么普遍性的约束力。

    During this period, in favor of limiting widowed women remarrying only general theory, there is no universal binding.

  • 已婚和丧偶妇女普遍来自其它社区,她们以前对丈夫的土地只能拥有临时权利。

    Wives and widows, commonly hailing from outside the community, previously had only tentative claim over their husband’s land.

  • 下列何者是你的婚姻状态,未婚、已婚、离婚或丧偶

    Which of the following is your marital status, single, married, divorced or widowed?

  • 丧偶或离异的男子所失去的也许并不仅仅是他们的配偶。

    Men who become widowed or divorced may lose more than a spouse.

  • 他加入了一个为丧偶人士设立的支持小组。

    He joined a support group for widowed individuals.

  • 他的当事人是一位两个月前丧偶的男性.

    His client was a middle - aged man who lost his wife two months ago.

  • 丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产, 任何人不得干涉.

    Widowed women right to dispose of inherited property, no person shall interfere.

  • 在结婚和丧偶两项上,1970年的数据高于2000年,数据对比是70%:60%,8%:3%。

    In terms of the other two categories, namely, married and widowed, the figures for 1970 were higher than those for 2000 and they are 70% : 60% and 8% : 3% respectively.


丧偶 sàng ǒu

[bereft of one's spouse;lose one's wife] 配偶死去



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of