1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:38:27




sigh; breathe out


appeal; petition

oh n.零

sigh v.叹息;叹气;发出长气;表示失望或疲劳的呼吸;渴望;思念;哀叹;呼啸;悲鸣

breathe out vphr.呼出

appeal v.呼吁;向…呼吁;恳求;敦促;申诉;诉求;上诉(要求上级法院重新审理);请求支持;诉诸(法律、公众等);求助;求援

petition n.请愿书;申请书;正式的请求;祈求;申诉书;诉状;申请;请愿;恳求;诉求;请求信

  • 吁吁

    pant;puff hard 喘气声。如:气喘吁吁

  • 了一口气,我也一样.

    He lets his breath out and I do the same.

  • 喜乐时候,我仍不免有叹;

    Despite Thy joy, there still remains a sigh;

  • 福尔摩斯长长地了一口气,擦了擦额头上的汗珠。

    Sherlock Holmes drew a long breath, and wiped the perspiration from his forehead.

  • 我长了一口气,心渐渐平静下来。

    I Chang Yu breath, the heart gradually calmed down.

  • 马丁处理完了所有的文稿,长了一口气,他如释重负。

    Martin heaved a sigh of relief when he had disposed of the last manuscript.

  • HTC董事长王雪红长了一口气;

    HTC Chairman of the Board Wang Xuehong sighs;

  • 我的暑假虽了口气,但还是“闭门自习”的,唉,倒霉!

    Although the summer vacation I called on the tone, but still "closed-door study," and Oh, bad luck!

  • 与女战士们的步操对21岁的秦胭来说是一个特别的机会。

    Marching with the women soldiers' bloc is a special opportunity for 21-year-old Qin Yuyan.

  • 他读了这封信以后,惊得长一口.

    He gasped out when he read the letter.

  • 他长一口气。

    He heaves a sigh.

  • 卫国的州杀害自己的哥哥——卫国的公爵就是一个典型的例子。

    A typical case was the murder of the Duke of Wei by his younger brother Zhou Xu.

  • 听到这么说,圣·伊西·德罗扔下赶牛刺棒,对牛喝叫“!”

    Upon hearing these words, San Ysidro dropped his goad and shouted "Whoa!" to his oxen.

  • 好了,,你的头一级本该选个简单点的,像是吟游诗人或是游荡者。

    Well, gee, you should have taken your first level in something easier, like bard or rogue.

  • 你打蒜把㈠大把的时间投入到比赛中去,那么么才能挑出适合你的那个呢。

    You're about to invest a bunch of your personal time into this competition.

  • 我长了一口气,心渐渐平静下来。

    I Chang Yu breath, the heart gradually calmed down.

  • 她偷偷出了口气,她讨厌他的手。

    She slipped out of breath, she whoa hates his hand.

  • 我艰难地了一口气,也听到周围的人都松了一口气。

    I 16 heaved a hot breath and sighs of relief were heard all around.

  • 她吃完最后一口饭,心满意足地了口气。

    She finished the last mouthful of her meal and stghed contentedly .

  • 我长了一口气。

    I heaved a sigh of relief.

  • 我当时长了一口气,感觉自己仿佛逃过了一截。

    I was so relieved and felt like I had barely escaped.

  • ——萧萧, ——得得.

    Lal the ral the ra , lal the ral the raddy.

  • 最后大家都长一口气,此举好似无声的协定,约好一般结束了这一刻的沉默。

    Finally, collective breaths were exhaled, and as if by unspoken agreement the moment of silence drew to a close.

  • ! 是何言欤!

    My, what kind of talk is this?

  • 就这一刻,女孩似乎发现佛祖微微地了一口气。

    Right at this moment, the girl detected as if Buddha had made a sigh.

  • 我的暑假虽了口气,但还是“闭门自习”的,唉,倒霉!

    Although the summer vacation I called on the tone, but still "closed-door study, " and Oh, bad luck!

  • 了一口气,我也一样。

    He lets his breath out and I do the same.

  • 宏 ( 气地说! ) 的名字使用全是大写的BOOST_ 开始.

    Macro ( gasp! ) names all uppercase and begin with BOOST _.

  • 她偷偷出了口气,她讨厌他的手。

    She slipped out of breath, she whoa hates his hand.

  • 克莱尔感到了她温暖的, 喘的呼吸.

    Claire felt her warm, panting breath.

  • 那老人长长地了口气说: “ 过去了!

    The old man let out a long sigh, and said, " It's over!

  • 于是,东的国王被废并很快投降了。

    So the King of Toungoo was deserted wholesale and he soon surrendered.

  • 他长一口气。

    He heaves a sigh.

  • 这时我却气喘喘地开始感到脚有点僵硬.

    I was breathing hard, and my legs were beginning to stiffen.

  • 我长一口气,疲惫不堪却倍感欣慰。

    I sighed deeply, worn out but happy.

  • 了一口气,觉得有些累了。

    She sighed and felt a bit tired.

  • 人们对救济饥荒的求立刻作出了回应.

    The response of the people to the famine appeal was immediate.

  • 老沙头舔了一下发干的嘴唇,长了一口气.

    Sandy licked his dry lips and heaved a long sigh.

  • 我大声地了一口气.

    I let my breath out with a loud noise.

  • 卫国的州杀害自己的哥哥卫国的公爵就是一个典型的例子。

    A typical case was the murder of the Duke of Wei by his younger brother Zhou Xu.

  • 的沉重喘气粉碎了她的观念.

    His heavy breathing exploded her theory.

  • 老沙头舔了一下发干的嘴唇,长了一口气.

    Sandy licked his dry lips and heaved a long sigh.

  • 托尼长了口气,不耐烦的说,“我根本不是心理变态。”

    Tony exhaled, impatiently. "I'm not a psychopath, " he said.

  • 过二十分钟,他就带喘地倒在地下, 几乎力尽筋疲.

    At the end of twenty minutes he dropped down panting, and about exhausted.

  • 那位官员说道:“州到处打仗,给人民带来了灾难,人民不会支持他。”

    "The official answered," he indulges in wars and brings his people much disaster. He won't get their support.

  • 他痛恨州杀害了前任公爵。

    He hated Zhou Xu for his murder of the former duke.

  • ~后来维特想向我借背包好把篮球装回家.

    Well, he wanted to borrow my backpack to take his basketball home.

  • 卫国时期,卫国的王子州杀死了他的哥哥卫桓公,成为了卫国的国君。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period, prince Zhouxu of the State of Wei killed his brother and became the new emperor.

  • ,这下感觉好多了。

    Few, feel better now.

  • 但既然在家中找不到匙,我只好开车返回便利店。

    But since I couldn't find the key at home, I got in the car and headed back to the store.

  • 他慢跑了一公里,气地直出汗.

    After jogging a kilometre he was panting and sweating.

  • 乔:快点。去吧!

    Joe: Come on. Go! Woo!



xū ㄒㄩˉ

  • 叹息:长~短叹。
  • 叹词,表示惊疑:~,是何言欤?


yù ㄩˋ

     ◎ 为某种要求而呼喊:呼~。~天(呼天诉苦)。

英语 interjection 'Alas!'; to sigh

德语 Sh ,still, vertuschen ,anflehen, flehen

法语 soupir,oh!




(1) (形声。从口,于声。本义:表示惊怪、不然、感慨等) 同本义 [oh]





(2) 又如:吁咈(表示不以为然之意);吁咈都俞(吁咈,吁俞。用以赞美君臣间论政之和洽。见《书·尧典》);吁嗟(表示忧伤或有所感;表示赞美)



(1) 叹息,叹气 [sigh]


(2) 又如:吁唏(吁嘘。嘘唏,叹息);吁气(叹气);吁嗟(哀叹;叹息);吁嗟(慨叹);吁然(感叹的样子);吁叹(叹息;哀叹);吁嘻(感叹)

(3)[breathe out]。如:吁呵(口中默念);吁吸(嘘气与吸气;呼吸);吁呼(指吐气);吁荼(谓散发出温暖之气);吁气(呼气,吐气)


(4) 另见 yū;yù





(1) 吆喝牲口的声音

(2) 另见 xū;yù



(1) 呼天而告 [appeal;petition]


(2) 又如:吁天(呼天而告);吁号(呼叫);呼吁(呼告请求援助或主持公道)

(3) 另见 xū;yū



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of