1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-19 12:12:24
háng lù


air route; sea route; flight path; shipping lane; navigational route; airway

air route phr.航线

flight path n.飞行路线;航线;飞行轨迹;航迹;飞行路径

airway n.空中航线;航路;飞机的固定航线;气道;通风道;呼吸道;矿井的通风巷道

  • 他会忘记自己身处何地,会时常算错超空间航路,这一切让卢克很担心。

    The droid forgot where he was and was prone to miscalculations in his hyperspace routes, all of which worried Luke.

  • 航路规划是新一代低空突防技术的关键技术之一.

    Route planning is one of the critical technologies of altitude penetration.

  • 而现在,这一联盟比从前更加忙碌:它在巴尔干半岛维和并且守卫着通往欧洲的海上航路

    And now the alliance is busier than ever: it keeps the peace in the Balkans and guards the sea lanes to Europe.

  • 感谢您乘坐 航路 航空公司的航班.

    Thank you for flying with Skyway ? Airlines.

  • 航路上面清洁是一件巨大的任务。

    Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task.

  • 修正航路指示: 直接飞向KC,高度4500米.

    Amend routing instructions: proceed to KC direct at 4500 m.

  • 蚁群算法在无人机航路规划中的应用.

    Application of Ant Algorithm to Path Planning to Reconnaissance UAV.

  • 管制员按照特定的规则和程序引导飞机沿指定航路飞行。

    Each of these controllers follows specific rules and procedures while directing fights through designated airways.

  • 最低航路仪器飞行高度

    Minimum en-route instrument flight rules altitude

  • 公司航路,通常储存在飞行管理计算机数据库内由航空公司飞行的航路

    COMPANY route, a route flown by the airplane operator that is normally stored in the flight management computer's data base.

  • 摘要航路规划是新一代低空突防技术的关键技术之一.

    Route planning is one of the critical technologies of low - altitude penetration.

  • 使用的地名必须是海图或《航路指南》所使用的名称。否则,应给出经纬度。

    Place names used should be those on the chart or in Sailing Directions in use. If not be understood, latitude and longitude should be given.

  • 这条航路是新开发的.

    This air route is newly developed.

  • 这些人员反馈信息给航路管制员,同时也负责传递管制指令给飞行员。

    These individuals fed information to the en route controllers and also relayed their instructions to pilots.

  • 本文主要研究给定间隔标准下平行航路和交叉航路的碰撞风险问题.

    Collision risk of parallel route and crossing track under separation standard is researched in this paper.

  • 途经美国水域的船舶必须携带海图,以用于计划预定航路

    Ships transiting U.S. waters are required to carry nautical charts, which they use to plan their routes for intended voyages.

  • 由用例定义的用户界面所需要的屏幕被识别出来,包括字段和导航路径。

    The screens required for user interactions defined by the use case are identified, including fields and navigation paths.

  • 那艘船被冲离了航路.

    The ship was driven out of its course.

  • 在被飞行员用于描述偏置航路时,除了在雷达控制的情况下,确定直线航段的导航点成为必报点。

    When used by pilots in describing off-airway routes, points defining direct route segments become compulsory reporting points unless the aircraft is under radar control.

  • 远洋航路总是很繁忙.

    The ocean lanes are always busy.

  • 傣园酒店, 位于景洪市民航路61号, 四星级.

    Dai Garden Hotel, located in Jinghong route 61 people, star.

  • 它列出了导航路径的访问者在达成一个目标网页,并显示您的转换次数所产生的每个路径。

    It lists the navigation paths that visitors took to arrive at a goal page and shows you the number of conversions that resulted from each path.

  • 没人愿意走中央航路

    Nobody wants to go on the Middle Passage.

  • 他们在不同的岛上进行修炼为进入新世界作好准备,在海的另一边是伟大航路

    Each have been in training on separate islands for what's to come in the New World, the second half of the sea called the Grand Line.

  • 感谢您乘坐航路航空公司的航班。

    Thank you for flying with Skyway Airlines.

  • 仪表(云中)飞行空域的边界距离航路、空中走廊以及其他空域的边界,均不得小于10公里。

    The horizontal separation between the limits of instrument (in clouds) flight airspace and those of the airways, air corridors and other airspace shall not be less than 10 kilometres.

  • 保持10000米过BH,因航路相对飞行.

    Maintain 10000 m over BH, due to opposite way traffic.

  • 这条航路是新开发的.

    This air route is newly developed.

  • 临时航线通常不得与航路、固定航线交叉或者通过飞行频繁的机场上空。

    Normally temporary air routes shall not intersect airways or permanent air routes, or pass over aerodromes that have heavy air traffic.

  • 这两盏信号灯指示入港的航路.

    The two lights led in.

  • 我们在航路上遇到雷雨.

    We have encountered thunderstorm in route.

  • 由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞。

    Owing to the heavy air traffic, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given.

  • 不按规定的航路航行;

    Not sailing in the prescribed sea route;

  • 航路: 沿海南岛东海岸飞至目的地.

    ROUTE: Fly along east coast of Hainan Island.

  • 感谢您乘坐航路航空公司的航班。

    Thank you for flying with Skyway Airlines.

  • 惟一剩下要做的就是创建页面间的导航路径。

    The only thing left to do is create a navigation path between your pages.

  • 这两位作者通过自然航路的取径,证明了一些相对容易到达的岛屿要比其他岛屿富裕。

    The two authors show that the accessible islands, which lay on natural sailing routes, have prospered relative to the others.

  • 这架飞机在华盛顿东部进行了基本操作和性能的航路测试。

    The airplane followed a route over Eastern Washington, where it underwent tests for basic handling and performance.

  • 现在导航路径提供了一条由搜索到购买的直线。

    The navigational path now provides a straight line from search through purchase.

  • 你船必须沿西航路航行。

    You must proceed by west route.

  • 对不起,我不太清楚我们的确切位置。请您查看个人电视上的航路信息好吗?

    I am sorry, I am not sure of our exact location. May I refer you to the air show on the PTV?

  • 航路的开辟缩小了这个世界,使得世界上更多的人看到了其他国家的商品。

    The new air route opened up narrowing the world, making the world more and more people see the other countries of commodities.

  • 航路设计图对航线设计和大洋航行是必要的.

    Routeing charts are essential for use in passage planning and ocean voyages.

  • 在规定航线的地点,指定空运企业有权在非歧视的基础上使用缔约双方提供的所有航路、机场及其他设施。

    At points in the specified routes, the designated airline shall have the right to use all airways, airports and other facilities provided by the Contracting Parties on a non-discriminatory basis.

  • 航路的某一段受到条件限制的,可以减少宽度,但不得小于8公里。

    When restricted by conditions, the width of a certain airway segment may be reduced but shall not be less than 8 kilometres.

  • 本文还提出了一种新的目标航路生成方法,可以容易地生成比较复杂的目标航路

    Finally, it presents a key-point transition method to the generation of target track. This met…

  • 该方法可有效提高航路规划效率,缩小其他航路规划算法的搜索空间,加速算法收敛。

    The method can improve the efficiency of path planning effectively, and can be applied to reduce the search space of other algorithm of path planning to increase the convergence speed.

  • 航路灯塔。

    An airway beacon.

  • 这种由自学习方式获取的导航路径信息具有很高的导航精度和方向判别性。

    The autonomous navigation track information obtained by the proposed method features high navigation accuracy and direction prediction capability.

  • 航路还应当确定上限和下限。

    The upper and lower limits of an airway shall be also defined.

  • 这些对话框的导航路径都已在图8和图9中表示出来了。

    The navigation paths to these dialogs are depicted in Figures 8 and 9.

  • 本文中它们也用于此目的,但是您马上会看到,这些元素也计算通过样例应用程序的导航路径。

    They're used for this purpose in this article as well, but as you will see, these elements also calculate a navigation path through the sample application.

  • 参数化导航路径:信息模型层次结构的导航路径可以定义其他的参数来筛选特定的关系。

    Parameterized navigation path: The navigation path against an information model hierarchy can define extra parameters to filter a particular relationship.

  • 在介绍之前, 先让大家大致了解西部航路系统.

    Before the introduction, let everybody understand roughly first western air route system.

  • 之所以能达到这个数字,原因之一是走海路,用海洋航路运输,比陆路快得多,另一个原因就是修路。

    And that was only possible because, besides using the sea, the shipping lanes for travel, which was much faster than overland travel, the Romans maintained roads.



德语 Luftverkehrslinie, Luftstraße, Flugstrecke, Route (S)​

法语 route maritime, voie aérienne


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of