1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 17:03:10
chéng gōng


success; achievement; accomplishment; triumph; victory; prosperity; Faring


succeed; achieve; be a success; be successful; achieve success; fare; prosper; make it; do well; Faring; come through; pull off; triumph; make the grade


successful; triumphant; victorious; prosperous


successfully; triumphantly










achieve success取得成功;获得成功;实现成就



make itvphr.成功做到;(经历艰难困苦后)成功;及时到达;及时赶上参加;确保参加;达成协议;生存下来;设法克服困难

do well做好;做得好;表现得好

come throughvphr.幸存;安然度过;脱险;成功完成;实现(承诺);(尤指在履行完某些程序后)到来;传达;被清晰地表达;发送;接收;通过(困难或挑战);安然渡过(危险或难关);成功地完成;成功提供;显示出;显现;显现;显露

pull offvphr.成功完成;办成;做成(困难的事情);脱下(衣物);拉掉;拔出;拉出;(车或驾车者)停靠(路边);突然离开道路

make the gradeidiom达到标准;合格;成功;符合要求;取得成功







  • 1964年约翰逊的大获成功给政界带来了翻天覆地的变化。

    Johnson's smashing victory in 1964 changed the political horizon substantially.

  • 我希望大卫将来会取得很大的成功

    I hope David will have great success in the future.

  • 那件新款长礼服非常成功

    The new ball gown was a great success.

  • 她对自己的成功非常谦虚。

    She's very modest about her success.

  • 大家认为这次晚会非常成功

    The evening was deemed a great success.

  • 成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill

  • 大多数攀登珠峰的尝试都取得了成功

    With the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma resulting in success.

  • 阿里安航天火箭项目取得了辉煌的成功

    The Ariane space-rocket project has had a shining success.

  • 事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。

    Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.

  • 成功的几率似乎很高。

    There seemed to be a high probability of success.

  • 英国广播公司刚刚成功地演示了一套新的数字无线电传输系统。

    The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission system.

  • 《大白鲨》非常成功

    Jaws was a great success.

  • 大家认为这项活动很成功

    The event was voted a great success.

  • 聚会办得非常成功

    The party was a huge success.

  • 普遍认为,成功催人奋进。

    It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.

  • 我认为它将会成功

    I think it's going to be successful.

  • 是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运?

    Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?

  • 你认为这次演出为何成功

    How do you account for the show's success?

  • 他的成功是来之不易的。

    His success is hard-won.

  • 我相信自己有成功的天分。

    I believe I have the talent to make it.

  • 成功的秘诀是什么?

    What's her recipe for success?

  • 桑德拉决心成为医生,她的坚持取得了成功

    Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.

  • 瑞安先生对成功有信心。

    Mr. Ryan is confident of success.

  • 成功使她得意忘形。

    She felt heady with success.

  • 我们惊叹该剧的成功

    We were amazed by the play's success.

  • 总的看来,这个项目是成功的。

    Taken overall, the project was a success.

  • 她的成功有目共睹。

    Her success speaks for itself.

  • 他的成功是转瞬即逝的。

    His success was fleet.

  • 成功的秘诀是什么?

    What's the secret of your success?

  • 打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。

    One of the keys to successful business is careful planning.

  • 他们成功的希望不大。

    They have small hope of succeeding.

  • 成功解锁了成功的秘诀。

    She managed to unlock the secret to success.

  • 这种制度的成功确定无疑。

    The success of the system is not in doubt.

  • 追求成功,而不是完美。

    Aim for success, not perfection.

  • 他们的法律质疑未获成功

    Their legal challenge was unsuccessful.

  • 公司凭借早期产品的巨大成功而在市场上遥遥领先。

    The company was coasting on the enormous success of its early products.

  • 仔细计划是成功的诀窍。

    Careful planning is the secret of success.

  • 成功合并两家银行需要坚决快速地着手解决费用问题。

    Successfully merging two banks requires a fast and ruthless attack on costs.

  • 这个项目似乎难以成功

    The project seemed unlikely to succeed.

  • 这笔交易是该拍卖行的一大成功之举。

    The sale is a big coup for the auction house.

  • 他必须努力才能成功

    In order to be successful he would have to exert himself.

  • 你认为她是靠什么成功的?

    What do you put her success down to?

  • 信心是成功的关键。

    Confidence is the key to success.

  • 最终结果很好、很成功

    The end result is very good and very successful.

  • 这本书保证了他的成功

    The book ensured his success.

  • 他的爱好给他带来了成功

    His hobby has brought him success.

  • 你永远无法想象成功之路有多艰难。

    You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.

  • 实验者已经成功控制了心跳的速度和频率。

    Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.

  • 成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。

    Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.

  • 他们忌妒他的成功

    They were envious of his success.

  • 他工作是为了成功

    He works in the hope of success.

  • 他终于获得了成功

    He had finally achieved success.

  • 成功的关键是准备。

    The key to success is preparation.

  • 借助于自己发现的一种全新的方法,他获得了成功

    He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.

  • 这次聚会非常成功

    The party was a big success.

  • 然后看接下来的内容,接下来说的是如果这个字符串的长度等于,那么我就成功了。

    Notice what it says. I'm going to pass in 1 a string, call it s, binds it locally, and it says the following.

  • 但伽利略已经成功找到了,物体可以运动很长很长时间的例子

    But Galileo already managed to find examples where things would roll on for a very, very long time.

  • 首先,手术非常成功,其次,我根本不想要你去。

    Okay, first of all, the surgery was a success, and secondly, I didn't even want you there.

  • 两种生命所承受的痛苦相等,这种生命是变得越来越好,两种生命的成功和痛苦都相等。

    We've got equal periods of suffering and doing slightly better and slightly better and slightly better equal periods of success and suffering.

  • 橡胶毛毛球?在那些桶子里,你们能发现打开生意成功之门的钥匙。

    Koosh balls? Inside those cans, you will find the key to success in your business.

  • 莱丽会成为成功人士,我会去抱她大腿,直到她烦我为止。

    Riley's gonna be a success and I'm gonna sponge off her until she gets sick of me.

  • 如此低概率事件尽然成功了。

    It was low probability of success.

  • 10和233,但,老师给的数字是,有一点小出入,但我们就算是成功了。

    > Wow 210 and 233 and the total 550 that the teaching fellows got was 550 give or take so a little take maybe, but let's call it a success.

  • 因此,让我们确保妇女能够同工同酬,并在成功上有相同的机会。

    So let's make sure women earn equal pay for equal work, and have a fair shot at success.

  • 这将是美国成功的秘密,他们个人成功的秘密,这个国家成功的秘密。

    And that will be the secret to American success, to their indivisual success and to their country's success.

  • 你们又协调成功了,感谢这对情侣,给他们点掌声吧

    So they're still managing to coordinate but you... Okay, so thank you for this couple, let's give them a round of applause.

  • 好的,我们来测试一些,我们实际上懂了,多少光电效应的东西,在我们做测试之前,我们先算一下我们能预知什么,这样我们做的测试会很有意义,并且也知道我们是否成功了。

    All right. So let's test what we, in fact, know about the photoelectric effect, and before we do that actually, we're going to calculate what we would predict, so when we do the demo it will be meaningful and we can tell whether we're successful or not.

  • 只是从事金融行业的人们,有的时候非常成功,他们可以给联合国儿童基金会更多的钱

    It's just that people in finance are sometimes very successful and they could give a lot more than $100 to UNICEF.

  • 他俩这么商量的,咱俩会被分到一组,你要是选β我也选β,这会成功

    And they said, suppose we know we're going to be paired together, I'll choose Beta if you choose Beta. Would that work?

  • 成功,真正的成功是愿意去做别人都不愿意做的事情。

    Success, real success is being willing to do the things that other people are not.

  • 是什么让百度在中国,比谷歌以及雅虎做得更成功

    What it is about Baidu and the Chinese search market that's allowed Baidu to become much more successful than Google and Yahoo! in China?

  • 我意识到成功不是达到目标。每当我达到一个新高度的成功,我很少感到满足。

    I've come to realize that success is not a matter of attaining one's goals. I've found that when I reached each new higher level of success, I rarely remained satisfied.

  • 好,所以,成功了。

    Okay. So, a success.

  • 是否可以说她成功地传达了一个道德课程,让我们能以任何方式标识为《面具》的官方学说?

    Is it possible to say that she successfully conveys a moral program that we can any way identify as the official doctrine of the mask?

  • 扔球过来的那个人从心所愿,放胆去做能在商业道路上获得更长远的成功

    Whoever threw that is not afraid to really go for it, and that will go a long way toward success in business.

  • 你认为这样做能成功吗,哈罗德?你不顾一切想找到肖,什么瞎话都愿意编。

    You expect much success with that, Harold? So desperate to find Shaw, you're willing to say anything to me.

  • 要是大家都喜欢,你也喜欢,那就代表很成功,而你就是,恶婆娘?

    So if everyone liked it, and you liked it, that would make this a success. Which would make you. A bitch?

  • 因此,国会不应该成为他们去往成功道路上的绊脚石,这是毋庸置疑的。

    At the very least they deserve a Congress that doesn't stand in the way of their success.

  • 我得承认,这样的成功让我感觉非常好。

    And I have to tell you, I became pretty comfortable with that level of success.

  • 我想这告诉我们这种创作是失败的;,它在这本小说的界限内无法成功

    I think it's telling that this kind of creation is a failure; it cannot succeed in the confines of this novel.

  • 因为毫无疑问美国是个很成功的国家,因此我们的潜意识中,存在选择性偏差

    Because the U.S. is an arguably very successful country, so we have, potentially, a bias in--it's called a selection bias.

  • 还有很多原因,在发达国家我们成功地消灭了感染性疾病

    And there are many reasons for this, our success in eliminating infectious diseases as causes in the developed world.

  • 我觉得这个问题与,你的第一个问题紧密相连,就是“我们对于成功的错误理解“

    So I think this question is very much related to your first one about how we mistake what success really means.

  • 靠投机取巧是很难成功的,只有包含着运气,能力,意志和勤奋的所有因素才能角逐出,哪些农民会获取成功,哪些会遭受失败

    Most of the luck is bad; it's hard to succeed, and with some combination of luck, skill, determination and hard work all of that will decide which of these farmers will be successful and which will not.

  • 你可以把热能便成功,也可以反过来,但它对于如果你要把热变成功,就必须浪费热量这件事只字未提,它只是说这是能量。

    You can take heat energy and convert it to work energy and vice versa, and it doesn't say anything about that you have to waste heat if you're going to transform heat into work.

  • 操作性条件作用,是在学习行为与成功,或失败程度之间的关系,学习什么行为起作用,什么行为不起作用。

    What this is is learning the relationships between what you do and how successful or unsuccessful they are, learning what works and what doesn't.

  • 享受成功的滋味吧,莱丽,是甜的哦。

    Enjoy the taste of success, Riley. It's sweet.

  • 但他向成功的道路却是变得越来越昏暗了。

    And because it was dimming his prospects for success.

  • 当我们成功融资120万美元回到中国,相比其他新兴互联网公司,这些钱简直就是九牛一毛。

    When we brought US$1.2 million back to China, it was like peanuts comparing to a lot of other Internet startups in China.

  • 所以你就对他隐瞒了你的成功吗?我知道不好。我是不是太坏了?不会啊。我也这么做。

    So you're just gonna hide your success from him? I know. Am I terrible? No. I do that, too.

  • 另一方面,没有能够很好利用新想法,来发展自身获得成功的公司的确不在少数。

    On the other hand, there's a higher percentage of companies that don't sort of let me say make it.

  • 这是萦回不散的问题,有人可能要问,苏格拉底是否曾成功地,响应那个问题。

    It's a question that lingers and one might wonder whether Socrates ever successfully answers that question.

  • 如果不考虑到这些的话,我们的企业便不会成功

    And if you're not paying attention to that, the business doesn't succeed, it just falls down.

  • 我现在的生活阶段对我更重要的是,将我所学到的成功的知识传递下去,而不是自己追寻成功

    I'm now at a stage in my own life in which it is much more important to me to pass along what I've learned about how to be successful than to seek more success for myself.

  • 她曾写过一本很成功的著作叫作《大不列颠人》,在其中她探讨了英国人民族认同感的形成

    She made an argument in her very successful book called Britons, the construction of British identity.

  • 许多学生在我这个年纪已经非常成功了,

    I mean, there are lots of students in my year, students that I know that they are already pretty successful

  • 您在学术界,行政管理层,都取得了巨大的成功。,您曾在多所美国名校执教。

    You really had a remarkable success in academics, in the administrative... You've taught at great universities across the country.

  • 利西达斯的身体最终愈合了,被救赎了,这样弥尔顿就得以--或许是成功的,证明了上帝待人之法。

    To the extent that Lycidas' body has been recovered, that it's been redeemed, Milton is able -- perhaps successfully, Milton is able to justify the ways of God to men.

  • 这两个区别性的特质,导致了格外成功成功的人之间的差别。

    These two distinguishing characteristics account for the difference between the extraordinarily successful and those who were successful.

  • 就现阶段来讲,最重要的是勤奋学习,有一些知识是走向成功必不可少的,你要好好学习这些知识。

    And as far as right now, just study hard, learn the material that will help you succeed.

  • 有多少人觉得它成功地,在功利主义范畴区分了高级和低级快乐?

    How many think that it does succeed of arguing within utilitarian terms for a distinction between higher and lower pleasures?

  • 比我自己的成功更重要,和我身边人的福祉比我自己的成功更重要。

    Eventually the success of the mission and the well-being of the people alongside me became more important than my own success.

  • 积极情绪不仅有助成功,不仅能让我们感觉好,还有助我们获得幸福。

    Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they don't just contribute to our feeling good, they also contribute to our wellbeing.

  • 那接下来怎么办?更多的实验,更多的成功,当然,还有更多的荣誉。

    What happens next? Oh, more testing, more success, more fame.

  • 努力工作,遵守规则,不保证你们能成功,你们孩子的生活不会比你们好。

    Work hard? Play by the rules? You aren't guaranteed success. Your children will not have a better life than you did.


成功 chénggōng

[succeed;achieve success] 成就功业、政绩或事业

入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功。——· 欧阳修《新五代史·伶官传·序》

成功 chénggōng

[success] 获得预期的结果,达到目的




答应、允许。《文明小史.第五回》:「快算一算,开篇帐给我,我去问他讨,少我一个 也不成功。」

英语 Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan, success, to succeed, CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]

德语 Erfolg

法语 succès, réussir


文章 n. article; essay; text; writing; writings; paper;

营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。

德语 n. German。