1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-28 11:50:36
tóng yì


agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to; approve; concur; concur with; accede; accede to; assent; assent to; give in to; fall in with; be in favor of; say yes to; give the nod; subscribe to


agreeable; positive; approving; consenting; consensual; concordant; affirmative; concurrent


aye; consensually; ditto




; agreement; acceptance; consent; approval; assent; affirmative; permission; concurrence


in agreement; in agreement with; in favor of

agree v.同意;赞成;答应;接受;一致;商定;约定;相符,吻合;赞同;取得一致意见;一致同意;(语法)呼应;批准;认可(计划、要求等);适合(某人)

agree with vphr.同意;赞同;与…一致;与…相符;(气候、食物等)适合于;与某人(某观点)一致;对…有益;和…相处融洽

accept v.接受;接纳;收受;收下;领受;相信;承认;赞同;认可;采纳;欢迎;承担;承兑(票据等);认为正确;批准;准许;容忍;忍受;同意;答应;应允

consent n.同意;许可;批准;赞同;允许;准许;默许

consent to 同意;表示同意;同意接受

approve v.批准;核准;通过;同意;认可;赞成;赞许;支持;证实;表明;证明;为…提供证据;对…表示赞扬;对…给予好评

concur v.同意;赞同;赞成;持相同见解;(意见、判断)一致

concur with 同意;赞成;(与...)一致

accede v.同意(请求、建议等);赞成;加入;成为成员;就职;就任;接受(邀请或建议);承认;准许

accede to 答应;同意;就任

assent n.同意;赞成;批准;认可;准许

give in to vphr.屈从于;让步;投降;向…妥协;对…让步;接受;同意;交上

fall in with vphr.同意;赞同;偶然遇到;与...一致;与...合拍

subscribe to vphr.订阅;订购;同意;支持;赞成;签署;捐助;定期捐款;认购

agreeable adj.令人愉快的;宜人的;讨人喜欢的;愉悦的;合意的;和蔼可亲的;适宜的;适合的;可接受的;符合意愿的;欣然同意的;乐意的

positive adj.积极的;积极乐观的;完全的;良好的;肯定的;确信的;明确的;绝对的;确实的;实证的;正面的;正数的;正电的;阳性的;正极的;强有力的;证据确凿的

approving adj.满意的;赞成的

consenting adj.同意的;准许的

consensual adj.基于共识的;自愿的;双方同意的;协议达成的;意见一致的;互相认可的;经协商一致的

concordant adj.和谐的;一致的;协调的;相符的

affirmative adj.同意的;赞成的;确实的;正面的;积极的;肯定性的;(法律提案)须议会投票赞成生效的

concurrent adj.同时发生的;同时的;同意的;一致的;并发的;共存的;同步的;[法律]有相等权力的;[数]共点的;会合的;共同(或同时)起作用的;(两个或两个以上徒刑判决)同时执行的

aye int.是;对;是的;遵命;我赞成;我同意;当然;确实如此

ditto n.同上;同前;重复前述事物;前文所述;复制品;副本

for prep.给;对;为;为了;以帮助;代表(某团体或机构);受雇于;替…(做事);替…(感到);对…(常怀有某种感情);供…使用;对…来说;由…(负责);(意思)相当于;意思是;支持;拥护;以…为目的(或功能);因为;由于;为得到;为获取;以…(命名);至于…(用于指可以在文中其它地方找到的信息);要不是;以…为交换;以…为代价;就…而言;…后(更好、更快乐等);(表示去向)往;向;(表示一段时间)达;计;(安排或预定)在…时;对(某人)来说(困难、必需、愉快等);是…的义务(或责任);对应

agreement n.协议;协定;合同;契约;同意;应允;(意见或看法)一致;共鸣;共识;配合;符合;(法律上的)成交;(音乐、艺术等方面的)和谐效果

acceptance n.接受;接纳;认可;赞同;认可;承兑;采纳;正式批准;忍受;容忍

approval n.认可;同意;赞同;批准;准许;通过(计划、要求等);(商品)试用;赞许;好评;欣赏;肯定;接受;支持

permission n.许可;授权;允许;同意;批准;准许;许可证;授权书;许可文件;书面许可

concurrence n.同意;同时发生;一致;同时发生或出现

in agreement 一致;同意;达成协议

in agreement with 同意;符合;与…一致

in favor of prep.赞同;赞成;支持;有利于;取代;替代;为了;以…为受款人

  • 同意马洛里和阿内特的观点吗?

    Do you agree with Mallory's and Arnette's opinions?

  • 对不起,我不同意

    I'm sorry, I don't agree.

  • 她点头表示同意

    Her head nodded in agreement.

  • 她低声表示同意

    She murmured her agreement.

  • 他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势。

    They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible.

  • 他们已同意离婚。

    They have agreed to get a divorce.

  • 他们同意通过谈判来努力解决纠纷。

    They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation.

  • 同意陪我去非洲旅行。

    Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.

  • 去年9月,经双方同意,他离开了公司。

    He left the company by mutual consent last September.

  • 全体教员同意改变要求。

    The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements.

  • 他们肯定会同意

    They are certain to agree.

  • 他被不同意他的人枪杀。

    He was shot dead by people who did not agree with him.

  • 这是同意书的标准用词。

    It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter.

  • 她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。

    It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.

  • 他们同意停止大规模轰炸。

    They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign.

  • 同意发布一篇新的新闻稿。

    He gave the okay to issue a new press release.

  • 他点头表示同意

    He nodded to signify that he agreed.

  • 太好了!我同意你的看法。

    Excellent! I agree with you.

  • 市政官员刚刚决定同意建立一座新体育馆。

    The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium.

  • 我完全同意你的看法。

    I absolutely agree with you.

  • 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.

  • 双方都同意需要那笔钱。

    Both have agreed on the need for the money.

  • “坦白说我觉得这相当可怕。”——“是有点吓人,”马克表示同意

    "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed.

  • 同意出席但不愿发言。

    She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech.

  • 全体同意尽快启动和平进程。

    There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.

  • 他诱骗我同意干那件活儿。

    He cajoled me into agreeing to do the work.

  • 同意租给我这个房间。

    She agreed to rent me the room.

  • 他不同意娇惯孩子。

    He did not agree with indulging children.

  • 双方同意执行新的停火协议。

    The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.

  • 你究竟为什么要同意

    Why ever did you agree?

  • 他们大有理由不同意我的一些选择。

    They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.

  • 他们同意将这幅画的价格提至4,500法郎。

    They agreed to bid the picture up to 4,500 francs.

  • 他说了那话,我只好同意

    When he said that, I had to agree.

  • “是这样的。”她同意说。

    'That's true', she agreed.

  • 我本人不同意

    I myself do not agree.

  • 同意让我早走。

    She agreed to let me go early.

  • 同意和我们谈话真是太好了。

    It's really nice of you to agree to talk to us.

  • 是的,我同意,但我最喜欢汉服。

    Yes, I agree, but I like hanfu most.

  • 在某种程度上,我同意

    To some extent, I agree.

  • 同意老树的看法吗?

    Do you agree with Old Tree?

  • 双方都同意各自遣散70%的军队。

    Both sides have agreed to demobilize 70% of their armies.

  • 说出你是否同意这些结论。

    Say if you agree or disagree with the conclusions.

  • 我们大家似乎都同意

    It would seem that we all agree.

  • 他最终同意去。

    He finally consented to go.

  • “我不同意,”她说道,对自己的声音如此响亮有力而感到惊讶。

    "I don'tagree," she said, surprised at the strength in her own voice.

  • 要求有家长的书面同意

    The written consent of a parent is required.

  • 同意了,显然很高兴。

    He agreed with obvious pleasure.

  • 又惊又怕的同时,我只能同意

    Surprised and terrified at the same time, I could only agree.

  • 理查德·张伯伦已经同意接拍《荆棘鸟》的续集。

    Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to "The Thorn Birds".

  • 同意配合警方调查。

    He agreed to cooperate with the police investigation.

  • 她既然主动提出帮助照看孩子,我也就同意了。

    Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.

  • 部长们一致同意,这个决定完全符合经济情况。

    Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions.

  • 他那时还不到同意年龄。

    He was under the age of consent.

  • 同意让我早走。

    He agreed to let me go early.

  • 因为我真的,我非常同意,我喜欢美国小姐或者环球小姐代表的整体理念。

    cause I really, I do agree with, in love with the overall concept of what Miss America or Miss Universe represents.

  • 很好,有没其他人要辩护的,谁认为就是绝对错的,不管有没征得同意

    So, all right. Good. Are there any other defenders who say it's just categorically wrong, with or without consent?

  • 但还是要往上申请,直到国际纯粹与应用化学联合会,因为同意,他们为106号元素抗争了很久,但我想这个应该会很快通过。

    And this will have to go up before The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry before they approve it because they fought over element 106 for the longest time, but I think this will go through fairly quickly.

  • 赫施一生都不同意葛达玛的观点,但他是温姆斯特的学生,温姆斯特是《意图谬论》的作者之一“

    Hirsch was engaged in lifelong disagreement with Gadamer but he was a student of Wimsatt, the author of "The Intentional Fallacy."

  • 这是一个简单的例子,我同意,但是请注意我刚才是怎么做的,我通过它想要强调,代码是做了正确的?

    OK. So. Why did I do it? It's a simple example, I agree, but notice what I just did. It allowed me to highlight, is the code doing the right thing?

  • 哪一种能够或应能掳获,我们的忠诚及理性同意

    What has or ought to have a claim ? on our loyalty and rational consent?

  • 贵族们同意支持绝对主义以分得利益,但他们也不是绝对主义唯一的支持者

    They agree to be junior partners of absolute rule and they weren't the only ones.

  • 杜隆坦不会同意的!

    Durotan did not agree to this!

  • 看来我们陷入了僵局。同意

    We appear to have reached an impasse. I agree.

  • 如果佩特罗夫不尽快同意,他们可能会退出。

    Now, if Petrov doesn't agree soon, they may back out.

  • 同意,中国的控制权越少越好。

    I agree with you. The less control the Chinese have, the better.

  • 你也同意吗?就算他根本无权续租。

    And you agree, even though he has no right to renew the lease?

  • 不错,但是恐怕我自己,不同意这种观点,我来告诉你为什么。

    Right? Now, unfortunatly, I myself just do not fall behind that idea, and I'll tell you why.

  • 老实说,我不太同意

    I gotta say, I'm not too sure I agree with that.

  • 所以我在上次演讲快结束时说了个拙劣的笑话,我会同意我们可以到此为止,直接进行期末考试,因为这些是你们需要知道的所有内容。

    And so I joked, badly, I'll agree, at the end of last lecture, that we can just stop now, go straight to the final exam, because this is all you need to know.

  • 先不去想折磨别人,或同意别人被折磨所产生的道德问题。

    Just bracket any moral concerns you may have about torturing other people or agreeing that somebody else should be tortured.

  • 等等,撇开笑话不提?我可不同意

    Wait a minute, all jokes aside? I didn't agree to that.

  • 这话我同意

    Hm, I'm afraid I have to agree with that.

  • 曼哈顿计划中,他们创造了原子弹,无论你是否同意,这计划。

    The Manhattan Project,when they created the atomic bomb and whether or not you agree with the Manhattan Project normatively.

  • 同意。可你母亲为什么说需要我?

    I agree. But, why does your mother need me?

  • 你应该同意这点吧?

    Wouldn't you agree?

  • 所以你也同意他们的话,我不应该去看首映吗?

    So, you agree with my friends that I should skip the premiere?

  • 有人说,如果他们同意采取抽签方式,那就不一样了,那样就是可以的“

    Some people said, "Well, if they had consented to a lottery, it would be different. Then it would be all right."

  • 我非常高兴和他们聊天,讨论你们根本不同意的事情,对我来说,我们都希望能够几年以后再聚聚。

    And I just enjoy speaking with them about things you fundamentally disagree on. And just for me, I guess, I think we both want to go back in a few years.

  • 我想很多在白宫,工作过的人都会同意这种描述,而且会尽力,以这样的方式经营自己的生活。

    I think most people who have served in the White House would agree with that characterization and try to run their lives that way.

  • 同意,现在应该让他们两人把话说开。

    No. I agree, it's time for the two of them to talk it out.

  • 如果你是说他们得呆在一个地方,那我同意

    If you mean they should end up in the same place, then I agree.

  • 但是,我同意多花一点钱去买一些高质量的东西,

    But I do agree with spending a little bit of extra money for something that's a higher quality.

  • 有点必须?我没同意他的说法。

    Kinda sorta had to? I didn't agree with him.

  • 首先,我要谢谢你同意再次见我。

    First, I would like to say thank you for agreeing to see me again.

  • 你到底干嘛要同意那些协议啊?

    Why on earth did you agree to all that?

  • 剩下的就是最基本的问题,我们仍未解答,究竟同意是什么?

    The question we're left with, the fundamental question we still haven't answered is what then becomes of consent?

  • 而不要莱特在芝加哥的生活故事,莱特最后同意了。

    They don't want any of the part of the story of his life in Chicago, and that's what he finally agrees to.

  • 假如可口可乐和波兰泉达成默契了,同意各产垄断产量的一半

    So Coca-Cola and Poland Spring could just agree to produce half the quantity of water each.

  • 我们也同意圣约翰说,处女在来世会得到最好的补偿。

    And it was okay for Saint John to suggest that virgins are granted the best perquisites in eternity.

  • 同意吗?同意

    Wouldn't you agree? Yes, sir.

  • 同意他的政策,还是说服他改变主意?

    Did you go along with his policies, or did you try to persuade him and change his mind?

  • 并不是每个人都同意,以色列应该有一个君王来统治。

    Not everyone was onboard with the idea that Israel should be ruled by a king.

  • 我觉得维多利亚式圣诞很不错啊。同意,我也觉得。

    I think a Victorian Christmas sounds nice. I agree. Me, too.

  • 大家都同意弥尔顿想要通过这些直白的明喻,来教育这首诗的读者。

    Everyone agrees that what Milton is doing in the similes is educating the reader, the reader of this poem.

  • 如果我们在神学院做这个游戏,你们都同意吧,神学院的学生,会在意别人的成绩,对吗

    If you played in the Divinity School, you might think that people in the Divinity School might care about other people's grades, right?

  • 但通常来说,正典书目,通过普遍同意会得以发展。

    But generally,the canon developed over time through a process of general consensus.

  • 战败方必须出使战胜方,征求胜方同意,让他们可以,拣回本方死者的尸体进行安葬

    The losing side must come to the winning side and they must ask permission to pick up their dead and bury them.

  • 同意出现频率之高,本课将讲到约翰·洛克,最伟大的哲学家之一,他对同意的看法。

    So consent has come up a lot and here in John Locke, we have one of the great philosophers of consent.

  • 我得跟你说,这样似乎有点不合适。你同意吗?同意。瞧?我们都这样认为。

    I must tell you, that seems a little inappropriate. Don't you agree? I do. See? We both think so.

  • 物体不能再复原了“,一种可能性,当然,是简单地不同意我对于这些事实的观点。

    The objects don't get put back together," One possibility, of course, is simply to disagree with me about the facts.

  • 但我估计洛克会反对自杀,其实自杀同样是出于自己意愿,我同意放弃自己生命。

    But I guess Locke would be against suicide, and that's still my own consent. I agree by taking my life.

  • 如果你同意我的估算,而且认同资本资本资产定价模型,那这种投资组合就会带来最大收益。

    If you accept my estimates and you accept the capital asset pricing model, that would have to be true.

  • 同意吗,既然你这么指出来…

    Do you agree with that? Well, now that you point it out…


同意 tóngyì

(1) [with one heart]∶同心,一心



(2) [same meaning]∶意义相同;意旨相同。亦指用意相同


(3) [agree with;approve;consent]∶对某种主张表示赞成的意见;准许





英语 to agree, to consent, to approve

德语 einverstanden sein , zustimmen (V)​

法语 être d'accord, consentir


繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。