1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 14:29:48
wéi dōu


bib; apron

bib n.围兜;围嘴(尤指婴儿用的);领口围巾;(运动员佩戴的)号码布;喉部的斑纹

apron n.围裙;停机坪;舞台前缘,(教堂的)法衣;(道路或桥梁的)引道;挡火板;河床前沿;边缘挡板

  • 不要把它塞在你的皮带里,或是将其当围兜用.

    Don't tuck it into your belt or use it as bib.

  • 一个饰品,一个围兜项链,袖口手镯可以马上令牛仔裤和鞋子看起来像高级女式时装。

    A pair of platform booties, a bib necklace, or a cuff bracelet can instantly make jeans and a tee look haute couture.

  • 本实用新型是一种一次性使用的理发围兜

    The utility model relates to a disposable hairdressing apron.

  • 玛德琳洗了个澡并穿上了她的第一件春装:一条苹果绿的娃娃裙,带着围兜衣领和高高的褶边。

    Madeleine showered and put on her first spring dress: an apple-green baby-doll dress with a bib collar and a high hem.

  • 婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了。

    Baby has slobbered his bib.

  • 开车,骑车,或者走路到周围兜一圈都是周边踩点的最好方法。

    Driving, riding, or walking around your new neighborhood is the best way to learn where everything is.

  • 懒洋洋是一只戴着黄色围兜的贪吃小羊,他不爱劳动爱睡觉,总是第一个被灰太狼抓走的对象。

    A small gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep but due to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf.

  • 围兜采用桃花纸作围巾,通过搭扣及不干胶粘纸围系于理发者的颈部。

    Peach flower paper is taken as a scarf which is tied around a hairdressing client's neck through buckles and self-adhesive paper.

  • 婴儿在围兜上流口水。

    The baby is slobbering all over his bib.

  • 婴儿把食物溅在了围兜上.

    The baby spattered the bib with food.

  • 婴儿正戴着一个围兜

    The baby's name is on the bib.

  • 爸爸极其恼火,质问他的女儿,为什么要领着他在周围兜大圈?

    The father, much annoyed, asked his daughter why she'd led him around in such a circle.

  • 昨天,我们乘坐一架老式的R4D飞机在周围兜了一圈,这架R4D是道格拉斯dc - 3的海军版。

    Yesterday we went for a flight around the area in an old R4D. The R4D was the Navy version of the Douglas DC-3.

  • 婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了.

    Baby has slobbered his bib.

  • 这个防漏围兜您将不愿意抛。

    The leak-proof bib you'll hate to toss.

  • 魅力指数?低——套上低级小饭店的围兜一点也不光彩耀人,况且她为了迎合东英格兰的背景还采用了伦敦口音。

    Glamour rating? Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.

  • 给她一件围兜.

    Give her a bib.

  • 婴儿在长牙时把围兜弄得都是口水。

    The baby slavered all over his bib while teething.

  • 我可以替您系上围兜 吗 ?

    May I tie on your bib?

  • 我还给了他们一个围兜,蓝色或粉色,随他们挑。

    I also provide my participants with a bib, available in either pink or blue, as they please.

  • 懒洋洋是一只戴着黄色围兜的饕餮小羊,他不爱劳动爱睡觉,老是第一个被灰太狼抓走的器材。

    A small, gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep, but due to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf.

  • 围兜装饰傻眼了。

    Pleated bib adorns the bodice.

  • 良好的循环或围兜短裤和无袖球衣将保证您的舒适和凉爽。

    Good cycling or bib shorts and a sleeveless jersey will keep you comfortable and cool.

  • 懒洋洋是一只戴着黄色围兜的饕餮小羊,他不爱劳动爱睡觉,老是第一个被灰太狼抓走的器材。

    A small, gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep, but due to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf.

  • 他们让空的汽车在大楼周围兜了一圈,以避免付停车费。

    They set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking.

  • 不要把餐巾塞入马甲或围在下颚像婴儿的围兜

    Don't tuck the napkin in your vest or put it under chin like a baby's bib.

  • 一个非常爱我的人去了趟纽约,并带给我这个围兜兜。

    Someone who loves me very much went to NEW YORK and got me this Bib.

  • 我可以替您系上围兜吗?

    May I tie on your bib?

  • 他在拉勒米的小画廊现场周围兜售其画作的企图证明不成功。

    His attempts to peddle his paintings around Laramie's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.

  • 婴儿的围兜上全是流口水。

    The baby slobbered all over his bib.

  • 懒洋洋是一只戴着黄色围兜的贪吃小羊,他不爱劳动爱睡觉,总是第一个被灰太狼抓走的对象。

    A small gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep but due to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf.

  • 婴儿把食物溅在了围兜上.

    The baby spattered the bib with food.

  • 低——套上低级小饭店的围兜一点也不光彩耀人,况且她为了迎合东英格兰的背景还采用了伦敦口音。

    Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.

  • 美国的玩具反斗城(Toys R Us)上周五表示,作为预防措施,该公司已将所有乙烯基儿童围兜从商店下架。此前,一位供应商的中国产围兜被检测出铅含量超标。

    On Friday, Toys R Us said it was removing all babies' vinyl bibs from its stores as a precaution after bibs made in China for one supplier showed excessive lead levels.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of