1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-09 13:17:20
chū bù


initial; preliminary; introductory; rudimentary


first step

initial adj.最初的;初始的;词首的;开头的;首字母的;第一的

preliminary adj.初步的;预备的;先行的;开端的;入门的;开始的;序言性的;准备性的

introductory adj.介绍的;引言的;序言的;入门的;引导的;初步的;基础的

rudimentary adj.基本的;初级的;基础的;原始的;未充分发展的;简陋的;起始的;雏形的;未成熟的

  • 我已有几个初步设想。

    I've roughed out a few ideas.

  • 请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲.

    Please come out with your tentative ideas at the meeting.

  • 他们通过观看广告参与进来并且真正带着批判性眼光评估该广告涉及的消费者行为,他们有时还参与做初步的研究。

    They get involved by looking at advertising and really critically assessing the consumer behavior aspects of it and getting involved sometimes, doing primary research.

  • 对墨西哥税收的初步审查发现,征税饮料的购买量下降了,而未征税以及更健康的饮料销量上升了。

    A preliminary review of Mexico's taxation found a fall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks.

  • 实际上,你的初步提案已经提交晚了,所以你没有多少时间了,而事实上,我们只要求小小的改动。

    Actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you have very little time and in fact, we only asked for small changes.

  • 律师助理为客户起草了初步合同。

    The paralegal drafted the initial contract for the client.

  • 我们的初步结果表明人们的确主观地觉得这个演讲更清楚。

    Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer.

  • 回到谈判桌旁的决定标志着工会的初步胜利。

    The decision to return to the negotiating table marks an early victory for trade unions.

  • 上诉可能会推翻初步决定。

    The appeal could overturn the initial decision.

  • 他们正在为应付一场可能的战争做初步的准备.

    They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible war.

  • 今年要打好初步基础.

    A preliminary groundwork must be laid this year.

  • 医生们已成功完成了初步化验。

    The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests.

  • 这个近似值足够用于初步计算。

    The approximation was close enough for the initial calculations.

  • 这一预测是相当初步的,因为最近没有详细的 PRC-343 (H4855) PRR 合同或销售信息被披露。

    This forecast is quite tentative, since no recent detailed PRC-343 (H4855) PRR contract or sales information has been disclosed.

  • 下一轮谈判初步定在10月21日于华盛顿进行。

    The next round of talks is tentatively scheduled to begin October 21st in Washington.

  • 这种优先考虑也限制了通识教育领域的初步改革努力的范围。

    This preoccupation also limited the scope of initial reform efforts in the area of general education.

  • 这个项目是两国商业合作的初步成果之一。

    This project is one of the first fruits of commercial co-operation between the two countries.

  • 建筑师起草了建筑的初步计划。

    The architect drafted the initial plans for the building.

  • 他们通过观看广告参与进来,真正批判性地从消费者行为方面评估它,有时还参与初步研究。

    They get involved by looking at advertising and really critically assessing the consumer behavior aspects of it and getting involved sometimes doing primary research.

  • 上周,立法者初步批准了一项法律,规定雇用过于瘦弱的模特走秀是犯罪行为。

    Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways.

  • 初步筛选后,有十名申请者入围。

    After the initial screening, ten applicants were short-listed.

  • 三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。

    Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market.

  • 初步的研究都很好,保罗。

    Preliminary studies are all very good, Paul.

  • 初步认定,证据对他极其不利。

    Prima facie, there is a strong case against him.

  • 这是我们的初步计划。

    This is our initial plan.

  • 绝对的!也许你应该对此做一些初步的研究。

    Absolutely! Maybe you should do some preliminary research on that.

  • 初步结果显示一切正常。

    The initial results show everything is normal.

  • 多休息,因为休息有双重好处:休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。

    Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.

  • 请根据图片对这篇文章做一个初步猜测。

    Please make a tentative guess about the passage according to the pictures.

  • 在他们的初步设计中,宇航员被绑在一个类似于健身自行车的机器座位上。

    In their preliminary design, an astronaut is strapped into the seat of a machine that resembles an exercise bike.

  • 他们初步交换意见,为建立新关系定了调子.

    Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship.

  • 他的初步反应是惊讶。

    His initial reaction was surprise.

  • 本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。

    The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.

  • 初步结果显示共和党得到11%的选票。

    Preliminary results show the Republican Party with 11 percent of the vote.

  • 对一个有十条鲜活的棘鱼鱼群的初步研究显示,他们确实和那条机器鱼混在了一起。

    A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with therobot.

  • 这本书基本上是让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步的了解。

    The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.

  • 他对这一科只有初步的认识.

    He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.

  • 他们的初步任务是决定在欧洲关心的许多森林问题中,哪些问题涉及了最多的国家,需要联合各国采取行动来解决。

    Their initial task was to decide which of the many forest problems of concern to Europe involved the largest number of countries and might be the subject of joint action.

  • 初步看来,这是一起蔑视法庭的案子。

    There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.

  • 政治领导人已经就下个月召开准备会达成初步协议。

    Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.

  • 这是沃伦·巴菲特2009年3月9日(周一)在美国全国广播公司财经频道的 Squawk Box 上露面的初步记录和视频片段的第一部分。

    This is part one of the preliminary transcript and video clips of Warren Buffett's appearances on CNBC's Squawk Box on Monday, March 9, 2009.

  • 初步的谈话中,老师向他们介绍要学习的内容,但并没有“教授”。

    In a preliminary talk, the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered, but does not "teach" it.

  • 分裂的初步迹象已开始显露出来.

    The first signs of a split were beginning to show.

  • 我们已经完成了初步设计。

    We have completed the initial design.

  • 新西兰的一项初步研究表明,教室里的噪音是老师和学生最关心的问题。

    A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils.

  • 这只是初步的想法,并非成形的提议。

    It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.

  • 我们需要进行初步调查。

    We need to conduct an initial investigation.

  • 这本小册子使我们对国外的生活情况有了初步了解.

    The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.

  • 多休息,因为这会收到事半功倍的效果。休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。

    Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus. The time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation, and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.

  • 一些初步民意调查显示他处于领先位置。

    Some preliminary polls show him out in front.

  • 因此,对初步判定稳定的踝关节骨折进行随访 X 光检查是一种浪费金钱的做法。

    Therefore, it is a waste of money to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially judged stable.

  • 这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。

    The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.

  • 体格检查是参军的初步.

    A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army.

  • 意大利政府在一份初步报告中说道,飞机是被一枚热追踪导弹击中的。

    The Italian government has said in a preliminary report that the plane was hit by a heat-seeking missile.

  • 银行一下子就抹去了该政策带来的初步好处。

    In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy.

  • 医务人员和红队目前只有初步结论,但两者是一致的,应该是不小心滑下山谷。

    Medical and Red Team's findings were preliminary but consistent. It appears to have been a slip and fall.

  • 在我看来,我觉得这些初步的,科学解释已经足够有说服力,足够令人信服,而从濒死体验的角度,来证明灵魂存在论证,我认为它不是特别有说服力

    For my money, I find the beginnings of the scientific explanation sufficiently persuasive and sufficiently compelling that I don't find the argument from near- death experience--as an argument for the existence of a soul-- I don't find it especially persuasive.

  • 至今所有社会体系都只是初步的蓝图,一加一等于二,我们都这样教。

    All social systems we put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two, that's all we've learned.

  • 我本来不打算在有初步规划前,把事情说出来的,不过,我打算自己出来混了。

    I wasn't gonna say anything until I'd had a few details worked out, but I think I'm gonna go out on my own.

  • 当我们开始写代码的时候,你就会看到区别了,但是现在别担心,我只是想让你们初步有个印象。

    When we start writing code, you're going to see that difference, but for now, don't worry about it, I just want to plant that idea.

  • 他们将宜居的世界,放在了我们触手可及的地方,十二个,这是我们初步探查的结果。

    They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes.

  • 这样能对接下来会发生什么有个初步概念

    It's good to have an idea of what's coming.

  • 他们根据自己的兴趣,初步了解了这些地方。

    And they got a little bit of information about each site according to what they were interested in.

  • 所以根据初步的印象,如果你们运行这个程序,它会做什么?,啊?

    So based on initial impressions, what does this program do when you run in it? Yeah?

  • 我给你们分享另外几个有趣的事实-,在下周,一旦我们看到你们的习题集上是,“零个意见书“,如果你们还没有填写那个习题集的话,你们可以问一些人数统计方面的问题,或一些古怪的问题,那样我们就能对学生有个初步的了解。

    - Just to give you another several fun facts -- and next week, once we've looked at your Problem Set "Zero Submissions," which, if you haven't filled it out yet, you'll see asks a few demographic questions, a few geek-type questions so we can get a sense of the students.

  • 我为什么不能抛开这些初步概念,而正确地理解存在呢?

    Why don't I just set aside my preliminary conceptions so that I can understand precisely what is there?

  • 因此,用上述任何一种方法来初步,估计哪个原子应该在中间都是相当好的。

    So, either of those ways of figuring this out is the first guess of what goes in the middle will work pretty well.

  • 有一张初步教学大纲,网站上也有

    There is a syllabus, which is a preliminary, it's also online.

  • 这可以说是婴儿能够进行,社会场景解读的初步证据

    And this we take as preliminary evidence that they have a social interpretation.

  • 好,我们现在就只是初步形成这个思想而已,我们会在以后继续上课的时候,回来讨论这一点的。

    OK, and we'll just plant that idea, we're going to come back to later on, as we carry on.

  • 我将与你们分享一些初步的成果,并展示我们如何将七夕节,和孩子们自己的经历联系起来。

    I'd like to share some of the rough products with you, and how we made the connection between the Star Festival Story and the children's own story.

  • 是的,我们正在研究,初步估计需要414天的航程。

    Yeah, we're working on it. Preliminary estimates call for a 414 day trip.

  • 接着,研究人员对疫苗在人体中的,安全性和有效性进行初步研究

    Then, they did preliminary studies of safety and effectiveness in people.

  • 老天,我初步的建议是不要,让我想想再回答你吧?

    Uh, gee. My initial reaction is no, but, you know, let me think about it and get back to you, okay?

  • 当然,只是初步结果,还没全部完成

    But again, pretty preliminary and not a complete study.

  • 话句话说,难道对于文本的话题有些初步概念,我就会怀有偏见吗?

    In other words, aren't I going to be hopelessly prejudiced about what I read if I've got some sort of preliminary conception of what it's all about?

  • 你通过这些阅读材料得到一些初步了解后,你就需要作出判断了

    But you get the beginnings of that sketched in the readings, and it's a judgment call you've got to make.


初步 chūbù

[initial] 属于或关于开始阶段的




英语 initial, preliminary, tentative

德语 Vorstufe (S)​, anfänglich (Adj)​

法语 premier, préliminaire, élémentaire


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of