1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-19 16:39:20


go to; call on; visit; attain; reach; achieve


attainment; achievement

go to vphr.去;前往;访问(网站);睡觉;上床睡觉;适用于;被用于;求助于;求教于…;依靠;成为(某人物)的一部分;费功夫;花钱

call on vphr.拜访(某人);(短暂)拜访;探访;看望;号召;呼吁;要求;依靠;使用;动员

visit v.拜访;参观;探望;视察;巡视;检查;游览;闲聊;(不幸或灾难)降临;短暂地作客;逗留;临幸;造访;到…去;遭遇

attain v.达到;获得;实现;完成;到达;取得;赢得;成功;达成;获致;领会;终于有

reach v.到达;实现;(尤指用电话)联系;接通;(声音)传到;被…看到(或听到);引起…的注意;增加到;提升到(某一水平、速度等)够到;伸手取得;伸出(手臂);延伸;触及;影响;打动;传播

achieve v.实现;达成;达成目标;达成地位;达成标准;达到;完成;获得;取得;成功

attainment n.成就;获得;实现;达到;学识;造诣;学问;成绩

achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩;成果;实现;完成;达成;达到;纹章牌;成就物;成就感

  • 我们需要的是一个和的社会,才能让我们的祖国更加繁荣昌盛!

    We need a harmonization of society, in order to make our country more thriving and prosperous !

  • 严是爱,宽是害。宽严适度,和永远。

    Yan nis love, is wide. Resulting in moderation, and notions of forever.

  • 的任意有限多个零左理想之和仍为A的零左理想;

    Sum of any finitely many nil left ideals of A is also a nil left ideal of A.

  • 据悉,近日由于花店订单数量增加,玫瑰的价格残所上涨。

    Flower shops have also reported a price surge on roses following an influx of orders.

  • “用意不用力”是演练太极拳的要求,又是养生主之所在。

    One of the requirements in practising Taiji is to use the notion rather than strength- such is core of its function in health preservation.

  • 其时为布萨日,弥诃罗之母毗沙卡于日中往薄伽梵,近前顶礼后坐于一边。

    Now at that time - it being the Uposatha day - Visakha, Migara's mother, went to the Blessed one in the middle of the day and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side.

  • 本文在尝试定量分析煤粉灰份造成烧结生、熟料指标波动的规律。

    The paper described the quantitative analysis of the law of sintering raw material and chamotte index wave Caused by the ash content.

  • 是否存在极不bci的BCH -代数给出了答案,同时得到一个结论:对在(2)中所讨论的有限bci -代数,均是奇零代数。

    Does it exist that there is an extremely not BCI-Subodinate to BCH-Algebra. As a result, it is the conclusion that the finite BCI-Algebra discussed in (2) is nothing but odd Nil-radical.

  • 我在破获秘密的满足中,又很愤怒他的瞒了我的眼睛,这样苦心孤地来偷做没出息孩子的玩艺。

    I cracked the secret meeting, and angry at his behind my eyes, so try hard to do nothing to steal children.

  • 为了改造环境,他苦心孤地制定了这个计划。

    In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking efforts.

  • 的任意有限多个零左理想之和仍为A的零左理想;

    Sum of any finitely many nil left ideals of A is also a nil left ideal of A.

  • 让是清末著名的经学家、古文字学家,与俞樾、章太炎并称清末三学者.

    Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.

  • 让是清末著名的经学家、古文字学家,与俞樾、章太炎并称清末三学者。

    Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.

  • 为右群强半格的零理想扩张。

    S is a nil-extension of strong semilattice of right semigroup.

  • 上帝是公平的,她如有神助一般通过了前三试,在成千上万苦心孤于此的莘莘学子中脱颖而出,成为了那年全国范围内考上北京电影学院的四分之一!

    After passing three tests, she stood out among numerous people who have studied in this field for a long time and be one of the four girls being admitted in the whole nation.

  • 给出满足主右理想极小条件零环的两个充要条件,此类环是扩张闭的。

    This peper gives two necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring to be a nil MHR-ring. It is obtained that any nil MHR-ring is extension closed.

  • 在接受《连线》杂志采访时,林彬回忆道,当时,每个制作团队都象征性地让白人和少数族裔合作。

    As Lin recalled to Wired, every production team back then tried to pair white people with "token" minorities.

  • 让是清末著名的经学家、古文字学家,与俞樾、章太炎并称清末三学者。

    Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.

  • 既然奥斯丁如此 苦心孤地经营了她的语言,那么我们在阅读,研究她的作品时就不应忽视它。

    Since Austen herself paid so much attention to her refined language, we have no reason to neglect it in studying.

  • 在探讨应用智能调节器控制混合煤气热值。

    It is discussed how to apply intelligent regulator to control the combustion value of mixing gas.

  • 为了改造环境,他苦心孤地制订了这个计划。

    In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.

  • 本文详细介绍了 X 射线光电子能 ( XPS ) 在聚合物表面降解研究中的应用.

    The article details the advances in X - ray photoelectron spectrcopy ( XPS ) applied to surface degradation of polymers.

  • 上海朗节能技术有限公司致力于成为最好的生物萃取、发酵生产线整体解决方案提供商。

    Shanghai Macro-E energy-saving Tech. Co. , Ltd. is committed to being the best total solution provider of bio-extraction and fermentation production line.

  • 这张在描述美国在阿富汗的战略复杂性的ppt示意图的确达到了这个目的。

    A PowerPoint diagram meant to portray the complexity of American strategy in Afghanistan certainly succeeded in that aim.

  • 其时,质多居士来此等长老比丘住处,礼拜彼等,坐于一面。

    Then Citta the householder went to them and, on arrival, having bowed down to them, sat to one side.

  • 这种单独会面残可能令你收徽噔外的友谊。

    These personal meetings also lead to unlikely friendships.

  • 病例对照研究在通过对两组其他方面都类似的癌症患者与健康人群作比较,找到对癌症治疗起作用的因素。

    Such studies try to identify the factors contributing to cancer by comparing people who have the disease with those who do not, but are otherwise similar.



yì ㄧˋ

  • 到,特指到尊长那里去:~阙。~前请教。
  • [造诣]学业或技艺所达到的程度:苦心孤~(指刻苦钻研,达到别人不及的境地)。

英语 reach; achievement, accomplishment

德语 akademische Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten (S)​,jdm aufsuchen, jdm. besuchen (V)​,jdm einem Besuch abstatten (V)​,gehen, führen

法语 aller,arriver




(1) (形声。从言,旨声。本义:前往,去到)

(2) 同本义 [go to]





吏遂缚诣县。——三国· 邯郸淳《笑林》


及郡下,诣太守,说如此。—— · 陶渊明《桃花源记》


鲁肃俱诣 孙权。——《资治通鉴》

(3) 又如:诣阙(亲自到达宫廷);诣门(上门,登门)

(4) 晋谒;造访。古代到朝廷或上级、尊长处去之称 [visit]


后数岁,买臣随上计吏为卒,将重车至 长安,诣阙上书,书久不报。——《汉书·朱买臣传》

(5) 又如:诣谒(前往谒见;造访);诣阁(前往朝廷官署);诣阙(赴朝堂);诣见(前往诣见)

(6) 符合 [conform to]

若执事之言政,诣理切情。——· 刘禹锡《答饶州元使君书》

(7) 又如:诣实(符合实际);诣理(合理)



(1) [学问等] 所达到的境地 [attainment]

诸葛宏年少不肯学问,始与 王夷甫谈,便已超诣。——《世说新语》

夫书画诣绝者,必传无疑。——· 胡应麟《少室山房笔丛》

(2) 又如:诣极(造诣极深);诣绝(造诣绝后)


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of