1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-15 08:50:18
wēn zhōu



Wenzhou n.温州

  • 欢迎光临温州国贸大酒店!

    Welcome to Wenzhou Guomao Grand Hotel!

  • 你去过温州吗?

    Have you ever been to Wenzhou?

  • 我计划明年去温州旅游。

    I plan to travel to Wenzhou next year.

  • 温州的建筑比我家乡的大多数建筑都高。

    The buildings in Wenzhou are taller than most buildings in my hometown.

  • 温州的夜景非常漂亮。

    The night view in Wenzhou is very beautiful.

  • 中国 ( 温州 ) 特色农业博览会优质奖.

    The quality characteristic agricultural fair of China ( Wenzhou ) is rewarded.

  • 这一方法在温州撞车事故中并没有奏效。

    This approach does not fly with the Wenzhou crash.

  • 温州东部最大的公园― ― 河泥荡公园开工建设.

    Wenzhou, the largest park in the east - river mud plaster park construction.

  • 这是在上个月发生在温州附近的严重列车相撞事故后做出的决定。

    The decision was made after last month's deadly train crash near Wenzhou.

  • 为何温州鞋业会成为众矢之的?

    Why the Wenzhou shoe industry will become target of public criticism?

  • 对于任何使用打火机的人来说,有70%的打火机是温州制造的。

    For anyone who USES a cigarette lighter, there is a 70 per cent chance it was made in Wenzhou.

  • 今年2月14日,俱乐部还在温州儿童图书馆为孩子们举行了一次演讲。

    On February 14th this year, the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Children's Library.

  • 温州的未来在于为这些欠发达地区提供服务,一名纽扣和拉链工厂主这样说。

    The future of Wenzhou will now lie in providing services to these less developed areas, argues one button and zipper factory owner.

  • 温州的建筑比我家乡的大多数建筑都高。

    The buildings in Wenzhou are taller than most buildings in my hometown.

  • 温州只是中国的一个小城市,在中国GDP中占比不足1%。

    Wenzhou is a very small part of the country, accounting for less than 1% of China's GDP.

  • 温州的转型几乎完全是因为自由市场政策。

    Wenzhou's transformation resulted almost entirely from free-market policies.

  • 我的朋友住在温州

    My friend lives in Wenzhou.

  • 接下来呢, 我们要去看看温州的瓯绣.

    Next, we're going to take a look at Ou Embroidery.

  • 温州是浙江省最活跃的城市。

    The most dynamic city in this province is the city of Wenzhou.

  • 温州鞋类交易市场和制造工厂混杂在城市的一些街区。

    The Wenzhou shoe market and factory complex takes up several city blocks.

  • 温州陆地海岸线长355公里, 有岛屿436个.

    Wenzhou land coastline of 355 kilometers, there are 436 islands.

  • 它几乎可看成温州(中国最繁华城市之一)的市区。

    It looks just like any other urban area of Wenzhou, one of China's most prosperous cities.

  • 我是温州老年大学的学生。

    I am a student of Wenzhou Third Age University.

  • 十字花边绣, 温州俗称挑花, 又通称十字花.

    Cross lace embroidery, Wenzhou, commonly known as cross - stitch, also known as cruciferous.

  • 我不会忘记去年12月温州那场突如其来的雪。

    I won't forget the sudden snow in Wenzhou last December.

  • 温州是第一个开发出消除金融系统对私人企业的负面影响的城市。

    Wenzhou was one of the first cities to develop methods to work around the financial sector's aversion to private enterprise.

  • 他在温州生活了13年。

    He lives in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.

  • 这个城市以及温州地区在这篇文章里扮演了很重要的角色。

    The city and region of Wenzhou play an important role in this story.

  • 温州制卡和会员卡制作企业大部分在苍南.

    Wenzhou business card printing and membership card making most in chang nan.

  • 温州师范学院化学系;

    Department of Chemistry, Wenzhou Normal College;

  • 本厂并在北京 、 南京 、 温州设有自己的销售点.

    The factory in Beijing, Nanjing, Wenzhou has its own point of sale.

  • 温州机场和其他公共场所张贴着那些逃跑者的名单。

    A list of those who have disappeared has been posted at Wenzhou airport and other public places.

  • 温州以其美食而闻名。

    Wenzhou is famous for its cuisine.

  • 温州格林豪泰酒店(小南门店)欢迎你的到来!

    Wenzhou GreenTree Inn hotel Small southern stores welcome your arrival!

  • 而这座江心屿啊,更是被称为温州的标志性景观.

    And Jiangxin Island is regarded as Wenzhou's signature scenic spot.

  • 物华天宝是温州城市标志之一.

    Wuhuatianbao is one of the symbols of Wenzhou City.

  • 龙湾作为温州的新城区, 原是一块处女地.

    As a new Longwan Wenzhou City, was originally a virgin.

  • 他要求从温州的一家医院转到自己家乡福州一家更好的医院。

    He asked to be transferred from a Wenzhou hospital to a better hospital in the city of Fuzhou, his hometown.

  • 同时是温州礼品行业协会理事单位.

    At the same time, Wenzhou Gift Industry Association is the governing unit.

  • 昨日, 浙南的温州南麂已经出现10级大风.

    Yesterday, South Chekiang's Wenzhou Naji already presented 10 levels of gales.

  • 温州商会正是这一题域的典型对象.

    Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is a typical case in this realm.

  • 温州一家造鞋厂雇用十二万员工。

    A single shoe factory in Wenzhou employs 120,000 workers.

  • 或许更重要的,温州人已经不再受到他们原来地域的束缚。

    Perhaps more important, the Wenzhounese have become untethered from their city of origin.

  • 这是温州的又一特色。

    This is another Wenzhou specialty.

  • 温州人将这种情况下的感觉混在了一起。

    The Wenzhounese have mixed feelings about this situation.

  • 杭州和温州在哪儿?

    Where are Hangzhou and Wenzhou?

  • 温州,邻近寨桥村的城市,上百人涌进超市买盐。

    In Wenzhou, a city close to Zhaiqiao village, hundreds of people rushed to supermarkets and filled baskets with salt.

  • 温州等出口中心的不景气,反映出其它地方消费者的沮丧。

    A slump in export hubs such as Wenzhou means depressed consumers elsewhere.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of