1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-27 10:11:30
zì xíng chē


bike; bicycle; cycle; pushbike; push bike; velocipede

bike n.自行车;脚踏车;摩托车;机车

bicycle n.自行车;脚踏车;双轮车;两轮车;单车;自行车运动

cycle n.周期;循环;自行车;摩托车;一组相关的事物;生命周期;工作周期;生理周期;整个系列(如机器的运转)

pushbike n.自行车;脚踏车;单车;人力车

velocipede n.脚踏车;早期自行车;儿童三轮车;脚踏车爱好者;脚踏车运动员

  • 他摇摇晃晃地骑着自行车走了。

    He wobbled off on his bike.

  • 他们的自行车靠在墙上。

    Their bikes were resting against the wall.

  • 她花了三个小时修理自行车

    It took her three hours to repair her bike.

  • 有多条可以骑自行车的僻静小路。

    There are a multitude of small, quiet roads to cycle along.

  • 贾萨尔不会骑自行车

    Jassar can't ride a bike.

  • 我不太放心她有辆自行车

    I am not keen for her to have a bicycle.

  • 我看到一辆黄色的自行车

    I see a yellow bike.

  • 我爸爸有一家自行车店。

    My dad's got a bike shop.

  • 奥斯卡拥有一辆新的自行车

    Oscar had a new bicycle.

  • 我能骑骑你的新自行车吗?

    Can I have a go on your new bike?

  • 如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。

    More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.

  • 这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。

    The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies.

  • 当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。

    The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain's most popular mode of transport.

  • 在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。

    A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.

  • 所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车

    All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.

  • 她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。

    She chained her bicycle to the gate.

  • 他从自行车上摔了下来。

    He fell off the bike.

  • 自行车是他唯一的代步工具。

    His bike is his only means of transport.

  • 高档自行车对窃贼是个诱惑。

    An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.

  • 我通常骑自行车穿过公园回家。

    I usually cycle home through the park.

  • 自行车是很好的锻炼。

    Riding a bike is great exercise.

  • 他们骑自行车沿公路疾驰。

    They went spinning along the roads on their bikes.

  • 火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。

    The train's average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.

  • 自行车生锈了,但还能骑。

    The bike is rusty but usable.

  • 我可以借你的自行车吗?

    Could I borrow your bike?

  • 我父亲教会了我骑自行车

    My father taught me how to ride a bike.

  • 她推着自行车穿过了马路。

    She wheeled her bicycle across the road.

  • 我从自行车上摔了下来。

    I fell off my bike.

  • 安静的乡村道路很适合骑自行车

    The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling.

  • 我们星期天骑自行车兜风了。

    We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday.

  • 并骑我的可爱自行车

    And ride my cute bike.

  • 她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。

    Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.

  • 我需要借辆自行车来用几周。

    I am in need of a loan of a bike for a few weeks.

  • 我能把自行车靠在这墙上吗?

    Can I lean my bike against the wall?

  • 大路上出现了一辆自行车

    A bicycle came into sight on the main road.

  • 是的,或者骑自行车

    Yeah, or ride a bike.

  • 看,我有一辆玩具自行车

    Look, I have a toy bike.

  • 自行车有各种不同的形状和大小。

    Bikes come in all shapes and sizes.

  • 埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。

    Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.

  • 偷汽车几乎能和偷自行车一样容易。

    Cars can be stolen almost as easily as knocking off a bike.

  • 我的新自行车挺好,你说呢?

    My new bike's nice, hey?

  • 儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车

    His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.

  • 他们买了一辆新自行车

    They bought a new bike.

  • “我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。”

    "I started fixin' up ole bicycles fer poor kids."

  • 他对骑自行车的人按喇叭。

    He beeped his horn at the cyclist.

  • 每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。

    Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.

  • 去海滩的人已在抱怨那些自行车太吵。

    Beach users have complained that the bikes are noisy.

  • 我正攒钱想买辆新自行车

    I'm saving for a new bike.

  • 这辆自行车车座的高度可以调节。

    The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable.

  • 几乎所有学生都有自行车

    Nearly all the students have bikes.

  • 他扛着自行车走过了终点线。

    He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.

  • 最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车

    Recently I've started to do a lot of walking and cycling.

  • 这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车

    The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.

  • 在伦敦骑自行车,你可得有胆量。

    You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London.

  • 他推着自行车缓缓爬上山。

    He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike.

  • 我喜欢双人自行车。爸爸你喜欢我的车吗?是的佩奇,它很不错。

    I love the tandem. Daddy, do you like my bike? Yes, Peppa, it's very nice.

  • 不过我会在第一大街的自行车道上骑车。

    but I do bike in the bike lanes on First Avenue.

  • 我的自行车是几天前买的,

    My bike was in the shop a couple of days ago,

  • 从我11岁开始我就一直骑自行车,现在已有50年了。

    I just have cycled all my life since I was about 11, so it's 50 old years now.

  • 在座各位并不都会骑自行车

    Not everybody in this room can ride a bicycle.

  • 这就像骑自行车一样,猪爸爸。你永远不会忘记。

    It's just like riding a bike, Daddy Pig. You never forget.

  • 吃冰淇淋,骑自行车。我特别擅长运动。我是说玩游戏的时候。

    Eat ice cream. Ride my bike. I'm really good at playing sports. Well, on my Xbox.

  • 那好吧,我来教你。不要,绝不骑自行车,这是我"三绝师太"其中一条原则。

    Well, then I'll teach you. Nope. Never getting on a bike. It's one of my three "nevers."

  • 因为我去的是第68大街,从这儿开始都是一条直路,他们可以把自行车道一直修到底,如果他们想这么做。

    cause I go to 68th and it's straight road. They can just make it all the way if they want.

  • 不行,麦克斯,逃避不是办法,你一定要学怎么骑自行车

    No, Max. It is not going to work that way. You're learning how to ride a bike.

  • 你觉得伦敦的自行车道怎么样?

    What do you think about the cycling roads in London?

  • 我有两天的时间沿着南海岸骑自行车

    I have 2 days cycling along the south coast.

  • 感觉就是恐怖电影里的情节,比如《自行车活死人》或《德州自行车链杀人狂》,还有...算了,说够了。

    Ew, that's like something out of a horror movie, like Bike of the Living Dead or Texas Bike Chain Massacre, or, well, that's probably enough.

  • 另外,现在的自行车道也比以前多了很多,这个也很有用。

    Plus, there's a lot more bike lanes than there used to be, so that helps.

  • 但是再次地,人们骑自行车越多,污染就会越少。

    But again, the more people cycle, the less pollution we have.

  • 那儿有许多棒球场。那边也有个大跑道,看起来就像是一个大型的自行车道。

    They have got a lot of baseball fields over there. They have a big trail, like a big biking trail.

  • 我能坐你们的自行车吗?但是猪爸爸要坐在哪儿呢?爸爸可以骑我的车,我的车非常得好。好吧。

    Can I ride on your bike? But where would Daddy pig sit? Well, Daddy can ride my bike. It's very nice. Oh, okay.

  • 你看,是店门口那台被人弃置的自行车

    Look, it's the abandoned bike from in front of the shop.

  • 不可能.这自行车太吵了。我听不到电视。

    It's impossible. This bike is too noisy. I can't hear the TV.

  • 期中考都结束了,大学申请论文也写完了,我正打算出去骑自行车

    Well, I'm done with my midterms. I finished my college essay. And I was just about to go on a bike ride.

  • 而且你还必须得买辆价格不菲的自行车

    And also it gets pricey 'cause you have to buy a bike

  • 它本来的确是店门口的自行车,现在则像是《鲁保罗变装自行车秀》的参赛者。

    It was the bike from the front of the shop. Now it looks like a contestant on RuPaul's bike race.

  • 但是,骑自行车更有效率。

    But yeah, biking is pretty efficient.

  • 你经常骑自行车吗?

    Do you usually bike a lot?

  • 但希望之光即将到来,由于政府推动的自行车共享政策,他们想要人们重新回到自行车上,让自行车又一次酷起来。

    But hopefully, things are going to change due to a government bike sharing initiative. They want to put people back on the bike and also make cycling, well, cool again.

  • 所以,我去任何地方只需骑上我的自行车,真的。

    So just go everywhere on my bicycle, really.

  • 你能跟我们说说城市里到处都有的蓝色自行车吗?

    Can you tell us about the blue bikes that are all around the city?

  • 你能告诉我们关于你的自行车旅行计划的细节吗?

    Could you tell us about your cycling plan in detail?

  • 这正是自行车打气筒的情况。

    And that really is the bicycle pump.

  • 在我上班的路上就有一条自行车道,但是它到第34大街就没有了。

    There's one on my way to work and it goes up to 34th, but then it stops.

  • 你骑自行车吗?

    Do you ride a bicycle?

  • 而我不希望身上再有这种味道了,所以你一定要学会骑自行车,知道吗?

    And I do not wish to smell like this again, so you have to learn how to ride that bike, all right?

  • 被你打的自行车快递员呢?我不是在说他的运气。

    Yeah? What about that bike messenger you hit? Oh, I wasn't talking about his karma.

  • 不可能,这自行车太吵了。我听不到电视。

    It's impossible. This bike is too noisy. I can't hear the TV.

  • 我喜欢骑我的自行车

    I like to ride my bike.

  • 浪费时间,亚马逊都有无人飞机外送了,我们只有这台基爆的自行车

    Waste of time. Amazon's got drones, and we've got one gay bike.

  • 我想作为一个骑自行车的人,这是自己小心的问题,但是也不必害怕。

    I think it's a matter of, as a cyclist, being cautious, but also not being afraid.

  • 以为你有读写困难症的时刻,教你骑自行车的时刻。

    The time that we thought you were dyslexic. When I taught you how to ride a bike.

  • 到底是怎么回事?你妈难道没教过你怎么骑自行车吗?没有,我妈忙着当公共自行车被人"骑"呢。

    What is the problem? Didn't your mother ever teach you how to ride a bike? No, my mother was too busy being the town bike.

  • 系数那样小以至于,大多数气体的焦耳系数,都很小,所以如果你做焦耳实验,很难测量出温度的变化,对于真实气体,你可以测量它,你能通过手指按在,自行车轮胎上来感觉到它。

    This is real, unlike the Joule coefficient which is very small so that most gases have tiny Joule coefficients. So if you do a Joule experiment, you hardly measure a temperature change. With real gases, here you do actually measure it. You can feel it with your finger on your bicycle tire.

  • 他们越来越好了,我想是因为越来越多的人骑自行车了。

    They are getting better 'cause I think a lot more people have started cycling.

  • 也许爸爸会更有成效用我的旧运动自行车的话。

    Maybe Daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.


自行车 zìxíngchē

[bicycle;bike] 一种车辆,有一前一后两个车轮、一个方向把手和一个鞍形座,通常靠骑车人的脚在踏板上的作用力推进。俗称“脚踏车”



厨房 n. kitchen; galley; cook house; diet-kitchen。

性欲 n. sexual desire; sex drive; libido。adj. sexual; e

韩国 n. South Korea。abbr. KOR。

幸运 adj. lucky; fortunate; providential; auspicious; p

num. three。n. three。adj. third。pref. tri-。

春天 n. spring; springtime。adj. vernal。

猕猴桃 n. kiwi; kiwifruit; kiwi fruit; Actinidia sinensis

对不起 int. sorry; pardon。v. forgive; feel sorry; let dow

十二月 December (Dec)。 twelfth month of the lunar year;

传统 n. tradition; heritage; convention; custom; mores;

没关系 idiom it doesn't matter; it's okay; it's ok; no pr

越走越远 Go further and further

一次交换 An exchange

文化 n. culture; civilization; education; literacy; cul

adj. small; little; minor; petty; slight; tiny; na