1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 15:59:58


spoon; cochleare; scoop; spoonful;; key

spoon n.勺子;调羹;匙;勺状工具;勺形物;勺形部分;一匙量

scoop n.勺子;铲子;舀取工具;铲斗;取样器;球形勺;长柄勺;短柄勺;一勺(的量);独家新闻;最新消息;抢先报道

key n.钥匙;(达到目的的)关键;要诀;(解决问题等的)解答;答案;线索;手段;要害;要冲;(琴、计算机、打字机等的)键;扳手;[音]调;主音;图解;图例;凡例;符号表;符号说明;礁;暗礁;低岛;(Key)基(人名)

  • 点心匙

    dessert spoon

  • 匙子

    spoon 一种通常为金属、塑料或木质椭圆形或圆形的带柄小浅勺,供舀液体或细碎物体用

  • 可是他找不到形假饵,他的沙丁鱼也都腐臭了.

    But he could not find a spoon and his sardines were rotten.

  • 使用私有密加密的数据可以使用对应的公共密解密。

    Data encrypted using the private key can be decrypted using the corresponding public key.

  • 他用搅了搅咖啡。

    He stirred his coffee with a spoon.

  • 它通过密码保护私有密

    It protects private keys with a password.

  • 他睡前服了一药。

    He took a spoonful of medicine before going to bed.

  • 国王和王后陛下赐给我们每人一只小银,以欢迎我们的到来。

    Their Majesties celebrated our arrival by giving us each a little silver spoon.

  • 加两小盐。

    Add two teaspoons of salt.

  • 他舀了一炖菜吃了。

    He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it.

  • 完全不需要费劲去查找公、私、证书。

    They don’t even have to worry about looking for the public/private key and certificates.

  • 从这个密环删除默认ca证书。

    Delete the default ca certificates from the keyring.

  • 他在茶里加了两糖.

    He put two spoonfuls of sugar in his tea.

  • 母亲在鸡肉上润以一大的油脂.

    Mother used a large spoon to baste the chicken.

  • 你选择的旋转字母的数量就是我们在密码学中所说的密

    The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what we call in cryptography, a key.

  • 加密密或密版本号的不匹配会导致解密过程失败。

    A mismatch in either the encryption key or key version number causes the decryption process to fail.

  • 我闻了闻药,然后服了一

    I sniffed the medicine before taking a spoon of it.

  • 你求他就尝一,可他就是不张嘴。

    You beg him to try just one spoonful, and he clamps his mouth shut.

  • 检查现有密对、创建新的密对以及删除现有密对。

    Examine existing key pairs, create new ones, and delete existing ones.

  • 您将看到一条消息,表明密成功导入。

    You see a message that says the keys are successfully imported.

  • 失去光泽了。

    The silver spoon tarnished.

  • 提取这个新证书的公共密

    Extract the public key of the new certificate.

  • 嘴里衔着银出生的。

    Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

  • 服务器接接收加密交换密并使用其私有密进行解密。

    The server receives the encrypted exchange key and decrypts it with its private key.

  • 用两把小将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。

    Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals.

  • 这个食谱需要一蜂蜜。

    The recipe calls for a spoonful of honey.

  • 加密密被配置为密选择规则。

    Encryption keys are configured as key Selection Rules.

  • 相反,这对密值的另外一个密必须用于解密。

    Instead, the other key in the pair must be used for the decryption.

  • 步骤1: 用湿气清理给-一。

    Step 1: Clean given spoon with a wet-one.

  • 宇航员使用刀、叉和

    Astronauts use knife, fork, and spoon.

  • 然后输入密文件的完全限定路径。

    Then enter a fully qualified path to the key file.

  • 我闻了闻药,然后服了一.

    I sniffed the medicine before taking a spoonful of it.

  • 加满满的三糖.

    Add 3 heaped teaspoons of sugar.

  • 喝汤的有圆状碗的

    A spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup.

  • 他舀起一炖菜吃了下去。

    He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it.

  • 您设置的密将用于身份验证,加密将通过公共/私有密自动处理。

    The keys that you set up will be used for authentication, and the encryption will be handled automatically through the public/private key.

  • 她在咖啡里加了一糖。

    She added a spoonful of sugar to her coffee.

  • 用两把小将奶酪混合物塑成圆球形状。

    Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls.

  • 宇航员使用刀、叉和

    Astronauts use knife, fork, and spoon.

  • 一笔意外的收入使奇开·米尔恩的精神重新振作起来.

    An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of Keycase Milne.

  • “他在里面,正在雕刻圆圆的木呢。”小海蒂边说边开门。

    "He is inside, making round wooden spoons," the child replied, opening the door while she spoke.

  • 对中的一个密被用来加密另一个密能够解密的消息。

    Each key in the pair can be used to encrypt messages that the other key can decrypt.

  • 她把分菜伸进那盘碎肉茄子蛋中。

    She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka.

  • 厨师在汤里加了一盐。

    The chef added a spoonful of salt to the soup.

  • 对和安全组的列表在循环外部创建。

    The lists of key pairs and security groups are created outside the loop.

  • 加入约一炒饭酱和一点点酱油,之后均匀翻炒。

    Add around a tablespoon of nasi goreng paste and a drizzle of soy sauce and stir through.

  • 她把分菜插进茄合里。

    She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka.

  • 她在茶里放了两糖.

    She put two spoonfuls of sugar in her tea.

  • 将那个LTPA密导入远程服务器。

    Import that LTPA key into the remote server.

  • 量取面粉时以一平或一平的分数来计数。

    All flour measurements are for level tablespoons or fractions.

  • 她给宝宝喂了一胡萝卜泥。

    She gave her baby a spoonful of mashed carrots.

  • 一餐的去钠大豆酱油有600毫克。

    One tablespoon of reduced-sodium soy sauce has 600 mg.

  • 记住这个密码,因为稍后导入密时需要它。

    Remember the password because it is required when the key is imported later.

  • 对是用于验证一个用户的一对公共和私有密

    A key pair is a pair of public and private keys used to authenticate a user.

  • 她在两个杯子里各加了一牛奶.

    She put a spoonful of milk in each of the two cups.

  • 你需要四杯牛奶,两奶粉,两酸奶。

    You need four cups of milk, two spoons of powdered milk and two spoons of yoghurt.



chí ㄔˊ

     ◎ 舀汤用的小勺子(亦称“调(tiáo )羹”):汤~。茶~。


shi ㄕ

     ◎ 〔钥~〕开锁的东西。

英语 spoon; surname

德语 Löffel (S)​,Schlüssel (S)

法语 clef,clé,cuiller,cuillère





(1) (形声。从匕( ),是声。“匕”食器。本义:古时盛食物的器具。后来的茶匙、汤匙,即由它演变而来)

(2) 同本义。今叫调羹 [spoon]。如:婴儿匙;汤匙;茶匙


(4) 另见 shi





(1) ——如钥匙( yàoshì)

(2) 另见 chí


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of