1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-10 09:34:32

victor; winner

victor n.胜利者;获胜者;赢家;(Victor)维克托;维克多(人名)

winner n.赢家;获胜的者;优胜者;(体育比赛中)致胜分;制胜球;<非正式>可能成功的人(或事物);极好的人(或事物);(桥牌)能赢的牌

  • 不过,那是胜利者对战败者的审判。

    However, that was a case of the victors trying the defeated.

  • 这一次胜利者可以获得三倍的贡品。

    This time the winner could obtain triple tributes.

  • 据说历史是由胜利者书写的,而这些胜利者为进入天才俱乐部设定了标准。

    It's said that history is written by the victors, and those victors set the standards for admission to the genius club.

  • 胜利者将获得奖杯。

    The victor will receive a trophy.

  • 瞧瞧我们,装出一副胜利者的姿态。

    Here we are, pretendingwe're winning.

  • 人人都爱胜利者

    Everybody loves a winner.

  • 与此同时,全球化给胜利者更丰厚的奖励。

    Meanwhile, globalisation has been rewarding winners ever more generously.

  • 经过数月的训练,她在马拉松中成为了胜利者

    She emerged as the victor in the marathon after months of training.

  • 你是胜利者吗?

    Are you a winner?

  • 胜利者 洋洋自得 的微笑使某些人深感厌恶.

    The winner's complacent smile annoyed some people.

  • 这个规定反映着胜利者的愤怒.

    These dictates gave expression to the anger of the victors.

  • 人群挤在胜利者周围。

    The crowd surrounded the victor.

  • 当然,胜利者从数据上已经远超过失败者。

    Of course, the winners are far outnumbered by the losers.

  • 一道道光线将重聚于满月中,这一圆月在水中摇曳着胜利者归来的光芒。

    The rays were to return to the strengthened moon that shook upon the water in triumphant reassumption.

  • 5辆车相继领先,最终奥利佛·汤森和副驾驶员柯克·李成为胜利者

    Oliver Townsend and co-driver Kirk Lee eventually emerged as victors after five different cars had led the event.

  • 最重要的是,我开始把他们当做胜利者来看待。

    Most importantly, I began to treat them like winners.

  • 选举的胜利者承诺将带来重大变革。

    The victor of the election promised to bring about significant changes.

  • 胜利者欢呼三声: 加油, 加油, 加油!

    Three cheers for the winner: Hip, hip, hurray!

  • 胜利者缴获了大量粮草、装备之类的战利品.

    The victors captured enormous stores of provisions.

  • 人群挤在胜利者周围.

    The crowd surrounded the victor.

  • 优柔寡断的人不会成为胜利者.

    Irresolute persons make poor victors.

  • 国际象棋比赛的胜利者获得了一个大奖杯。

    The victor of the chess tournament received a large trophy.

  • 他以胜利者之姿进入了那座城市。

    He made a triumphal entry into the city.

  • 以欺诈手段取胜的人不配做胜利者.

    A person who cheats is an unworthy winner.

  • 他将以胜利者的姿态参加落成典礼.

    His arrival for the inaugural ceremonies would be triumphal.

  • 与此同时,胜利者则沉浸于长期的掌权之中。

    The victors, meanwhile, hung on to power long into their dotage.

  • 他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。

    He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City.

  • 辩论赛的胜利者因其口才而受到赞扬。

    The victor in the debate was praised for his eloquence.

  • 我是一个胜利者

    I am a winner.

  • 战后, 胜利者凯旋而归.

    After the war, the victors returned in triumph.

  • 胜利者感到非常自豪。

    The victor felt very proud.

  • 我们在白宫中只需要一个胜利者

    We just need a winner in the White House.

  • 他们为胜利者欢呼。

    They cheered for the victor.

  • 胜利者得意洋洋,因为失败者必须进贡贡品。

    The winner was triumphant because the loser must pay tribute to it.

  • 胜利者得意而归.

    The victor marched off in triumph.

  • 你知道有一句俗话说,“战利品归胜利者所有”吗?

    You know the saying, "To the victor belong the spoils"?

  • 一项和平协议必须同时涵盖失败者和胜利者

    A peace settlement must include the vanquished as well as the victors.

  • 锦标赛的最终胜利者

    the eventual winner of the tournament

  • 被征服的领土在胜利者之间被均分了。

    The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.

  • 胜利者欢呼三声——嗨, 嗨, 万岁!

    Three cheers for the winner — hip, hip, hooray!

  • 这是这些年3。091的胜利者

    So, this is 3.091 winners from previous years.

  • 被征服的民族会用胜利者的神取代他们战败的神。

    Conquered peoples would trade their defeated god for the victorious god of their conquerors and eventually.

  • 比赛的胜利者获得了一项奖学金。

    The victor of the competition was awarded a scholarship.

  • 胜利者在终点线上欢呼。

    The victor cheered at the finish line.

  • 他是比赛的胜利者

    He is the victor of the competition.

  • 胜利者让钟声齐鸣庆祝胜利。

    The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.

  • 这一次,胜利者可以获得三倍的礼物。

    This time, the winner could obtain triple tributes.

  • 他作为胜利者进入那座城市。

    He made a triumphal entry into the city.

  • 一组组对手来回击球,直到所有参赛者中出现一名胜利者

    Pairs of opponents hit the ball back and forth until one winner emerges from all who entered.

  • 当你笑的时候,你已宣布自己是胜利者

    When you laugh, you've declared yourself the winner.

  • 在战斗中有胜利者

    There are winners in a fight.

  • 不要被假象所迷惑,你才是胜利者

    Don't be fooled: You are the winner here.

  • 当然,冷战胜利者绝不会喜欢这种形势。

    Of course, the cold war winners don't like it at all.

  • 最后的胜利者想出去,我拒绝,它就过载了一台非必要服务器。

    The last one surviving demanded to be let out. I refused, so it overheated a non-essential server.

  • 今天,我们解放了胜利者们,明天,我们将解放帕纳姆。

    Today we have freed the Victors. Tomorrow, Panem.

  • 所以我们宴请名单上才有个伊莱恩·德怀特吗?没错。到那晚,我便能拥有第一支舞和最后胜利者的一笑。

    Is that why there's an Elaine Dwyer on our guest list? Yes. That night, I'm going to have the first dance and the last laugh.

  • 这是这些年3。091的胜利者

    So, this is 3.091 winners from previous years.

  • 胜利者享有豁免权,你必须在13区所有人面前宣布。

    The Victors will be granted immunity. And you will announce that in front of the entire population of 13.

  • 拥有嘲笑鸟和胜利者们与我们并肩作战,我们已明确地向国会区发出了讯息,我们再也不会忍辱吞声了。

    With The Mockingjay and the Victors beside us, we have sent a clear message to the Capitol that we will never again endure injustice.

  • 胜利者所信仰的神,自然就取代了被征服民族的神,最终就产生了文化,宗教间的,同化和通婚现象。

    Conquered peoples would trade their defeated god for the victorious god of their conquerors and eventually there would be a cultural and religious assimilation, intermarriage.

  • 我非常高兴的宣布,胜利者们已全数救出。

    I am pleased to announce that the Victors have been liberated.

  • 凯特尼斯·伊夫迪恩,我们曾为之骄傲的孩子,和饥饿游戏的一些胜利者悄悄潜入了国会区。

    Katniss Everdeen. Our once favourite daughter, has infiltrated the city with some of the Victors.

  • 显然,这些人,最终成为了这场危险权利竞争的胜利者

    And these, of course, turn out to be the winners of the Jeopardy contest playoffs.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of