1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-04 13:51:37



shuttle n.往返交通工具;摆渡车;航天飞机;(织布机上的)梭;梭子;穿梭火车

  • 梭鱼

    redeye mullet;torpedo fish;barra cuda 鱼,体细长,头短而宽,有大鳞,两侧有黑色竖纹。生活在咸淡水交界处

  • 梭镖

    spear 装上长柄的两边有刃的尖刀

  • 梭尖

    spur 织梭的金属尖端

  • 梭巡

    move around to watch guard;patrol 往来巡察

  • 梭梭

    tremble 形容肌肉突突颤动

  • 梭子

    shuttle 同“梭&+{1}” cartridge clip 机关 枪等的子弹夹子 a clip of bullets 量的单位,用于子弹

  • 罗知道他的立场很容易为人非议.

    Thoreau knew his position was open to criticism.

  • 罗写的几乎是情不由己的好文章.

    Thoreau's is magnificent literature almost in spite of itself.

  • 属西布伦支派的有底的儿子迦叠。

    Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son of Sodi.

  • 当压力过高时,阀会自动切换。

    The shuttle valve automatically switches when the pressure is too high.

  • 这个系统的关键部件是一个高效的阀。

    The key component of this system is an efficient shuttle valve.

  • 桿菌常见于消化道。

    Fusobacteria is commonly found in the digestive tract.

  • 其中一个发现是在非人类上有形细胞。

    One such discovery is that spindle cells occur in nonhumans.

  • 更为实用的是把动脉瘤分成囊形和形两类.

    It is further helpful to classify aneurysms into saccular and fusiform.

  • 太空将在明天释放哈勃望远镜。

    The shuttle will release the Hubble tomorrow.

  • 另一种是内盐式分子

    The second one is inner-salt shaped molecular shuttle.

  • 太空亚特兰蒂斯今日将无法返回。

    The Space Shuttle Atlantis will not be coming home today.

  • 一个来自一种叫丙酸状芽胞杆菌的细菌,另两个来自贪铜菌吊钩虫。

    One comes from a bug called Clostridium propionicum, another two more from Cupriavidus necator.

  • 我四处走动,与开发人员交谈,有几个人引用了玛丽亚·蒙台利的一句名言:“人类才智由双手的使用而发展。”

    I walked around and talked with developers, and several quoted a famous saying of Maria Montessori's, "The hands are the instruments of man's intelligence."

  • 我和一位帮助开发“蒙台利字母发音”的女士聊了起来,这是一款教学龄前儿童蒙台利拼写方法的应用程序。

    I fell into conversation with a woman who had helped develop Montessori Letter Sounds, an app that teaches preschoolers the Montessori methods of spelling.

  • 温说,我完全同意中方的上述建议。

    Soe Win said that he fully agreed with the above suggestions proposed by the Chinese side.

  • 所以呢人们就管它叫柱。

    So locals call them shuttle pillars.

  • 相反,他们都在室内,一个人或两三个人一组,他们的脸离屏幕只有几英寸,他们的手做着蒙特利绝对想象不到的事情。

    Instead, they were all inside, alone or in groups of two or three, their faces a few inches from a screen, their hands doing things Montessori surely did not imagine.

  • 金永说,韩国央行面临着艰难的选择。

    Jeong says the South Korean central bank has a difficult balancing job.

  • 在这波隆街,半夜里,到哪儿去找绳子呢?

    Where was he to get a rope at midnight, in the Rue Polonceau?

  • 罗认为人是自然不可分割的一部分。

    Thoreau viewed man as an inextricable part of nature.

  • 它比起别的东西来更象标.

    It's more like a spear than anything else.

  • 纬纱会弯曲,这就要求喷气织机的口应大于有织机的口。

    The result is that usually the warp shed must be larger than that for a shuttle loom.

  • 在打下物质繁荣的基础后, 伦便着手制定宪法.

    Having laid the foundations of material prosperity, Solon turned to the constitution.

  • 温介绍了缅甸国内形势。

    Soe Win introduced the domestic situations of Myanmar.

  • 你为什么叫伦的名字?

    Why do you call on the name of Solon?

  • 我们正在重新研究杜威和蒙台利,以及他们开创的许多被遗忘或至少被搁置的做法。

    We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside.

  • 的言论变成了杀人的武器.

    The words of Rousseau had turned into the bloody machine.

  • 这位老妇人使用她的.

    The old woman plied her shuttles.

  • 缅甸法庭上个月判处觉伦三年监禁。

    A Burmese court sentenced Nyi Nyi Aung last month to three years in prison.

  • 维修人员检查了阀的工作状态。

    The technician checked the operation of the shuttle valve.

  • 阀用于控制液压系统中的流量。

    The shuttle valve is used to control the flow in a hydraulic system.

  • 形细胞呈束状、轮生和成层状排列。

    The spindle shaped cells arranged in fascicular, whorled and storiform.

  • 你知道如何更换这个阀吗?

    Do you know how to replace this shuttle valve?

  • 然后加入切碎的鲈和小龙虾。

    Here we add cut zanders and crawfish meet.

  • 有人说罗的文章娓娓动听.

    It has been said that Thoreau's style is conversational.

  • 他不得不和她讨论卢和黑格尔的那些深奥问题.

    He had to discuss knotty points of Rousseau and Hegel with her.

  • 她曾是一名蒙台利教师,也是四个孩子的母亲。

    She was a former Montessori teacher and a mother of four.

  • 制作织物品或者手工绳带的动作或者工艺。

    Act or process or making tatting or handmade lace.

  • 仑环顾四周,看到了他身边无数的财宝和数不尽的财富,说:“谁是你知道的最幸福,最幸运的人?”

    Solon, as he looked around at his fabulous wealth and great good fortune, "who do you think is the happiest," he said, "fortunate man you ever knew?"

  • 令人惊讶的是,今年被鲈吃掉的原生鱼比以往更多。

    Surprisingly, this year the loss of native fish to zander has been greater than before.

  • 这位老妇人使用她的

    The old woman plied her shuttles.

  • 伦人沿着阿穆尔河游牧。

    The Solons nomadized along the Amur River.

  • 此外,鲸类大脑中的形细胞比例大约是人类的三倍。

    Furthermore, the proportion of spindle cells in whales' brains is about three times that in human brains.

  • 架底部中心处的芯轴F是用来支持芯套和芯的。

    The core axis F that shuttle wears bottom center to be in is to use supportive shuttle core to cover with shuttle core.

  • 法国人可以看出他很象克莱蒙.

    Frenchmen saw in him a resemblance to Clemenceau.

  • 形细胞也被认为是可以让我们感受爱情和情感承受。

    Spindle cells are also credited with allowing us to feel love and to suffer emotionally.

  • 他们在这儿, 在湖区的中心过尽了 放浪形骸 的生活.

    Here, in the heart of Soho, they tried to " out -- Bohemia Bohemia . "

  • 一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到心上。

    A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin.

  • 李麻子带着他的手下人在这里一带巡.

    Pockmarked Li and his bullies were roving about the place.

  • 宇航员的维修工作将在亚特兰提斯号太空的舱外进行。

    Astronauts are doing their repair work outside the space shuttle Atlantis.

  • 后来参孙在烈谷喜爱一个妇人,名叫大利拉。

    And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.

  • 读下罗的《瓦尔登》他的创作意图是什么

    Read Thoreau's Walden. What's Thoreau up to?

  • 克罗伊斯很吃惊,他问仑为什么选特勒斯

    Croesus was astonished and he asked Solon why did he select Tellus?

  • 在瓦尔登湖的木屋外,罗坐在他的小凳子上,他听到火车的声音穿越桥梁,他捂住了耳朵,他一点也不想听到这个声音,他代表着某种想法

    When Thoreau sits on his little stool outside his cabin at Walden Pond and he hears the train go by over the ridge, and he puts his hands over his ears he doesn't want to hear it-- he's representing something.

  • 总而言之,仑所说的,最幸福最幸运的人,是个无人知晓的已故雅典人

    So, to summarize, the happiest, the most fortunate man that Solon ever knew was a dead Athenian that nobody ever heard of.

  • 仑看到了他身边无数的财宝,和数不尽的财富,然后回答,"谁是你知道的最幸福,最幸运的人"

    Solon, as he looked around at his fabulous wealth and great good fortune, who do you think is the happiest, he said, fortunate man you ever knew?

  • 他在火葬柴堆上,在即将被烧死之时想到伦,这个希腊人曾警告过他,这只是虚荣而已,他感叹着,哎,伦,哎,

    He was up on a pyre, and he was going to be burned when he remembered Solon, the Greek, who had come to him and warned him about the vain glory, and he said,oh Solon, oh Solon.

  • 我的意思是,罗也许个势利小人,他也许有点爱说奉承话,他也许觉得卖铅笔,会让你们认为他很酷

    I mean Thoreau may have been a snob, he may have been smarmy, and he may have wanted you to think he was cool because he sold pencils.

  • 仑那时年岁已高并且备受崇敬,他最后被选为古希腊历史上,最具智慧的七个智者之一

    Solon was now a man of full years, he was a man greatly respected, and he turns out to be one of the seven sages that the ancient Greeks selected for the wisest men who ever were.

  • 只能等了。他们会派一战舰来。什么时候?应该明天就到。

    So we wait. They're sending a cruiser. When? Should be here tomorrow.

  • 我陈述此观点所用的最后一份文献资料,来自仑的诗歌

    The final document I want to use to make the point here comes from precisely the poems of Solon.

  • 当然,克罗伊斯已经向,仑展示了他巨大的财富

    Of course, Croesus had shown his great wealth already to Solon.

  • 仑回答说,雅典的特勒斯

    Solon answered, Tellus of Athens.

  • 无论如何,这就是为何仑的小册子,要以诗歌的形式写出,而且显然是很好的诗歌

    But in any case, that's why Solon's pamphlets are written in poetry  and apparently in really good poetry.

  • 克罗伊斯问伦,谁是你见过的,最幸福,最幸运的人,他用了一个词来表示这两重意思

    Croesus asked Solon to tell him who is the happiest, the most fortunate--both of those things contained in the words he uses--that he had ever seen.

  • 但这产生了,一个中心的观点,关于苏格拉底式的公民社会,或是苏格拉底对公民社会的看法,这种原则性的反抗法律,有点像罗的,公民反抗模式。

    But this raises, I think, the central or a central point about Socratic citizenship or Socrates' view of citizenship, this kind of principled disobedience to the law, something like Thoreau's model of civil disobedience.



suō ㄙㄨㄛˉ

  • 织布时往返牵引纬线(横线)的工具,两头尖,中间粗,像枣核形:~子( ➊ 织布工具; ➋ 机关枪、冲锋枪的子弹夹子; ➌ 量词,如“打了一~~子弹”)。
  • 形状像梭的:~镖。~子蟹。
  • 喻不断地来往:~巡。穿~。

英语 weaver's shuttle; go to and fro

德语 pendeln, Pendelverkehr (S)​,Weberschiffchen (S)

法语 navette





(1) (形声。本义:织机的构件) 梭子 [shuttle]


机梭声札札,牛驴走纷纷。——· 白居易《朱陈村》





(1) 织布梭往复的次数 [shuttle]

一梭声尽重一梭,玉腕不停罗袖卷。——· 王建《织锦曲》

(2) 夹住子弹装入步枪弹仓用的器具 [clip]




(1) 穿梭 [shuttle]。比喻往来频繁,运行快速

纷纷织女梭。——南朝· 鲍照《代堂上歌行》


(2) 滑动 [slide]


(3) 用眼一扫 [glance]


(4) 悠荡 [sway]




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of