1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 14:34:27
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blueprint; plan; scheme; design; layout; draft; roadmap

blueprint n.详细计划;方案;草案;规划;模型;模板;指导原则;行动纲领

plan n.计划;方案;规划;策略;项目;提案;构想;安排;设计图;蓝图;平面图;布局图;示意图

scheme n.计划;规划;方案;体系;系统;体制;策略;安排;纲要;布局;设计;结构安排;图谋;阴谋;诡计;计谋;组合;配合;项目;配色方案;图式;图解;图表;草图;略图;(占星术中的)天象图

design n.设计;设计图;设计方案;图案;图样;样式;布局;策划;制订

layout n.布局;规划;安排;布置;设计;设计图;排版;版面编排;构图

draft n.草稿;草案;设计图;汇票;征兵;征召;选秀;通风;穿堂风;气流;饮料供应(尤指未经瓶装的啤酒);(船的)吃水深度;牵引重量;通风量;透支额;初步讨论;运动员选拔制

roadmap n.路标(同 road map);路线图;计划;策略

  • 二级科技蓝图现匹配了二级科技图标.

    Tech 2 blueprints now display the tech 2 icon.

  • 这是一份拯救世界的蓝图

    It is a blueprint to save the world.

  • 奥巴马应该到耶路撒冷,展现自己的宏伟蓝图

    And Mr Obama should go to Jerusalem and present his own blueprint.

  • 总统将向代表们提出他的国家未来蓝图

    The president will offer delegates his blueprint for the country's future.

  • 在我的机构里,我有一张展望将来的蓝图.

    In my organization I've had blueprint developed for future.

  • 工程师使用计算机辅助设计创建了蓝图

    The engineer used cac to create the blueprint.

  • 这张蓝图有点不准.

    There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint.

  • 他们将作为现代麦哲伦人,绘制出太阳系的蓝图,无论探险者是人类还是机器。

    They will serve as modern Magellans, mapping out the solar system for whatever explorers follow, whether man or machine.

  • 同时他还能在逆境中为自己描绘美好的蓝图.

    Meanwhile, he can envisage a bright blueprint for himself.

  • 这份报告被宣称是未来运输的蓝图

    The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport.

  • 意识到自己的期望以及清晰的未来蓝图为这一重要决定奠定了基础。

    Being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision.

  • 整个蓝图到明年春季才会公布。

    The full blueprint will not be released until next spring.

  • 我们正在描绘另一张蓝图,而这也会发生改变。

    We are working to the next blueprint, and that, too, will change.

  • 我认为它是美国的前景,一份描绘未来的蓝图

    I see it as a vision for America - as a blueprint for our future.

  • 项目的蓝图已被委员会批准。

    The blueprint for the project was approved by the committee.

  • 我们为首相提供了立法蓝图.

    We have provided the legislative blueprint for the Prime Minister.

  • 蓝图上规定了两千分之一英寸的间隙。

    The blueprint specifies a clearance of two thd.

  • 您的设计必须是能够指导业务开发和决策制定的蓝图,并且要足够敏捷以快速改变方向。

    Your design must be a blueprint that can guide business development and decision making, plus be nimble enough to change course quickly.

  • 这张蓝图有点不准。

    There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint.

  • 作为描绘您人工实现的详细设计的蓝图

    As blueprints that describe a detailed design that you manually implement.

  • 蓝图包含详细的测量和规格。

    The blueprints include detailed measurements and specifications.

  • 物理数据建模相当于房屋的蓝图

    Physical data modeling can be described best as the blueprints of the house.

  • 这些是这个解决方案蓝图的必有组件。

    These are must-have components for this solution blueprint.

  • “你已经看过设计蓝图了?”林肯小声问。

    "You've seen the blueprints," Lincoln says quietly.

  • 机器可借助蓝图成功地设计出来.

    Machines can be successfully planned by way of blueprints.

  • 您可以将其想像为数据对象的蓝图

    You can think of this as being like a blueprint for the data object.

  • 逻辑数据模型是数据的理想蓝图

    The logical data model is an ideal picture of the data.

  • 年底时,全港共有76份发展大纲图和285份发展蓝图.

    There were 76 ODPs and 285 LPs covering the HKSAR.

  • 迈可脑海在看到一张设计蓝图

    Michael sees a blueprint of his mind.

  • 这份文件作为未来发展的蓝图

    This document serves as a blueprint for future developments.

  • 我们在开始施工前需要审查蓝图

    We need to review the blueprints before starting construction.

  • 文件内附有一张核装置的设计蓝图

    The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device.

  • 还包括夺回苏联地缘版图的蓝图

    They also include a blueprint to bring back the Soviet Union's geography.

  • 在白色绘图纸上将编稿晒成蓝图.

    It is possible to print a compilation as a blue key on a white drawing surface.

  • 工程师为新机器创建了一个蓝图

    The engineer created a blueprint for the new machine.

  • 明了神的蓝图,将使你的烦躁转为灵感.

    Understanding God's big picture can turn irritations into inspirations.

  • 物理数据模型——物理表和列的蓝图

    Physical data models - Blueprint of your physical tables and columns.

  • 这是语言的妙处,而不是作者勾勒的蓝图

    It's about how language works, not about how the author writes a blueprint.

  • 工程师在蓝图上标记了顶点。

    The engineer marked the vertexes on the blueprint.

  • 你可以像给房子画蓝图一样在脑海中勾勒出愿望的蓝图,而我们每个人在日常生活中都在不断地绘制这些蓝图

    You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living.

  • 这些用例并不仅仅是蓝图

    These use cases are not just a blueprint.

  • 他碰了碰一张蓝图.

    He touched one of the sketches.

  • 白蚁没有建筑师的蓝图,也没有宏伟的建筑计划。

    Termites do not have an architect's blueprint or a grand construction scheme.

  • 我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段, 我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了.

    While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.

  • 蓝图搞好了 吗 ?

    Have the blueprints been worked out?

  • 勾勒项目蓝图的实际商业模型。

    The actual business model which outlines the blueprint of a project.

  • 工程师绘制了新建筑的蓝图

    The engineer plotted the blueprint for the new building.

  • ITIL为IT组织提供了高质量运维的蓝图

    ITIL provides it organizations with a blueprint for high-quality operations.

  • 国已经确定了今后五年的发展蓝图.

    The blueprint has already been drawn for the development in the next five years.

  • 整体规划蓝图将于二零零二年年初刊登宪报.

    The overall planning layout will be gazetted in early 2002.

  • 重要的是,我们所有人都要牢记真正的目标和更长远、更宏大的蓝图

    The important thing is for all of us to keep in mind the real goal and the longer, bigger picture.

  • 蓝图搞好了吗?

    Have the blueprints been worked out?

  • 建筑师在旧蓝图上叠加了新的蓝图

    The architect superimposed the new blueprint over the old one.

  • 财政部希望靠着这张策划的宏伟蓝图,So,,The,Treasury–,来改善我们当今的经济规则。

    it's called a blueprint, a blueprint for reform of our financial regulation.

  • 细胞核装有我们的DNA。那是一幅告诉我们细胞怎么制造我们身体所需的一切东西的蓝图

    The nucleus contains our DNA, the blueprint that tells our cells how to make everything our bodies need to function.

  • 作为理解人类心智的理论,也许是吧,但作为创造机器人的蓝图,依然是可用的。

    As a theory for understanding the human mind, perhaps, but not as a blueprint for building an artificial one.

  • 伟大的建筑师,构想者,是作曲家,而演奏者,比如小提琴手,拿到这张,拿到这张蓝图之后,对音乐记谱法来说该叫,黑图,他只是被要求简单地把黑图复制出来

    The great architect, the thinker is the composer and the performer, the violinist, gets this piece of-- gets this blueprint or black print in the case of musical notation and is expected simply to replicate the black print.

  • 至今所有社会体系都只是初步的蓝图,一加一等于二,我们都这样教。

    All social systems we put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two, that's all we've learned.


蓝图 lántú

(1) [blueprint]

(2) 通常用铁氰化和铁盐敏化的纸或布,曝光后用清水冲洗显影晒成的蓝底白图的相纸,特别供晒印地图、机械图、建筑图样用

(3) 一个详细的、各部分完全协调的计划或行动规划





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of