1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-18 08:55:37


entirely; all; completely; equally


in the company of; along with

entirely adv.完全地;彻底地;全然;完整无缺地;唯一地;仅仅;单独地;全面地;全部地

all pron.所有;所有人;所有物;全部;一切;全体;整体;全数

completely adv.完全地;完整地;彻底地;全然地;十足地;无疑地;绝对地;整个地

equally adv.同样地;一样地;均等地;平均地;相等地;等同地;平等地;公正地;在相同程度上;不偏不倚地

in the company of phr.与…在一起;和…在一起;在…的陪伴下;在…的环境中;在…的公司里

along with phr.连同;随着;随同…一起;和…一起;跟…一起;伴随着;以及

  • 俱备

    all complete 齐备,全有

  • 俱收并蓄

    incorporate things of diverse nature 把各种不同内容的东西都接收、保存下来

  • 俱全

    all complete 一切齐全 complete in all varieties 所有品种齐全

  • 俱乐部

    club 进行社会交际、文化娱乐等活动的团体和场所

  • 我觉得身心疲。

    I was feeling really ill, mentally and otherwise.

  • 尔曹身与名灭, 不废江河万古流。

    Your bodies and names will perish, but the river will flow on for ever -- the names of mediocre writers will be forgottern, but those of the great masters will live.

  • 陈设实在陈旧不堪.

    Nothing could be more forlorn than the furniture.

  • 他对科学有一种与生来的亲缘。

    He has an innate affinity for science.

  • 加速疾病控制的势头与日增。

    The momentum to accelerate control is growing.

  • 但是在国内,不满情绪却与日增。

    But at home there has been mounting dissatisfaction.

  • 金银, 首饰, 工艺品, 令人羡慕的家都是不可否认的镣铐.

    Gold, jewelry, works of art, enviable household furniture, are positive fetters.

  • 放松,微笑;身心放松。

    Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body.

  • 一片漆黑,万籁寂,只有远处偶尔传来隆隆的雷声打破这寂静。

    The blackness of darkness reigned, the perfect stillness was interrupted only by occasional mutterings of distant thunder.

  • 因此,学生调查的重要性与日增。

    Hence the growing importance of the student survey.

  • 他与生来就有音乐天赋。

    He is born with a talent for music.

  • 父亲死后,她真是万念灰。

    Her father's death really screwed her up.

  • 房子里摆满了最贵但俗不可耐的家.

    The house was full of costly, but very vulgar furniture.

  • 言论自由是许多民主国家的与生来的权利。

    Freedom of speech is a birthright in many democratic countries.

  • 每个人都有追求幸福的与生来的权利。

    Everyone has the birthright to pursue happiness.

  • 人们对这个项目的兴趣与日增,1979年,玛丽·罗斯基金会成立,由查尔斯王子担任主席,玛格丽特博士担任考古主任。

    Interest in the project grew, and in 1979, The Mary Rose Trust was formed, with Prince Charles as its President and Dr Margaret Rule its Archaeological Director.

  • 她东倒西歪地撞到家上,嘴里不断对客人咕咕哝哝.

    She bumped into the furniture and kept numbling about the guests.

  • 对失踪探险队命运的担心与时增.

    Concern is mounting over the fate of the lost expedition.

  • 克拉克将军以无线电报称如无达而郎,任何和谈不可能.

    General Clark radioed that without Darlan no conciliation was possible.

  • 人们都聚拢在那些家的周围.

    The people were swarming around the furnishings.

  • 电脑的速度和贮存量与日增。

    The speed and storage capacity of a computer is increasing every day.

  • 但是对苏丹的压力与日增。

    But pressure on Sudan is rising.

  • 乐部里,安德鲁爵士之下就是上尉了.

    Next to sir Andrew in the clubroom sits captain.

  • 金融机构面临压力的证据与日增。

    Evidence is mounting that some financial institutions are facing stress.

  • 她的领导能力是与生来的。

    Her leadership skills are born with her.

  • 她的艺术天赋是与生来的。

    Her artistic talent is born with her.

  • 获取干净水源是应该被保障的与生来的权利。

    Access to clean water is a birthright that should be guaranteed.

  • 学习汉语的韩国儿童与日增。

    A growing number of South Korean schoolchildren are learning Chinese.

  • 我那时身心疲——现在还难以相信我是怎么把一些事情做成的。

    I was a physical and emotional wreck — I still can't believe how I ever got any work done.

  • 他的知识和经验与日增。

    His knowledge and experience increase with his days.

  • 那家工厂的工人做家.

    The workers in that factory manufacture furniture.

  • 万念灰。

    All ambitions are blasted.

  • 请你帮助我移动家好 吗 ?

    Will you help me to shift the furniture about, please ?

  • 为什么应用软件质量的影响与日增?

    Why is the impact of application software quality growing?

  • 他对她声泪下的恳求置之不理。

    He refused to listen to her tearful pleas.

  • 没有声音——万籁寂。

    There was no sound--the stillness was perfect.

  • 教育应该被视为每个孩子的与生来的权利。

    Education should be considered a birthright for every child.

  • 因此,这里不大可能面面到。

    Therefore, it is not possible to cover all facets here.

  • 十二个猎人总是跟着国王去打猎,国王对她们的喜爱也与日增。

    The twelve huntsmen always followed the king to the chase, and his liking for them continually increased.

  • 和肢体冲突一样,言语冲突也会让双方两败伤。

    Like physical fights, verbal fights can leave both sides bloodied.

  • 祝我们两国友谊与日增。

    May the friendship between our two countries grow [increase] with each passing day.

  • 她的信心与日增。

    Her confidence grew with the passage of time.

  • 随着进口增多,卢布压力与日增。

    As imports grow, so does pressure on the rouble.

  • 这个国家现在是百废待举,但目前他们还不能做到百废兴。

    Many things in the country are now waiting to be done, but at present they are not able to do the things all at once.

  • 曼联队离开球场时看上去备受打击,身心疲。

    United left the pitch looking stunned and drained.

  • 他的幽默感是与生来的。

    His sense of humor is born with him.

  • 产量与日增。

    Output has increased with each passing day.

  • 深夜里万籁静.

    All was at peace in the dead of the night.

  • 测试信息技术(IT)架构应该面面到。

    Testing the information technology (it) architecture is all-inclusive.

  • 有些人与生来就有很强的直觉。

    Some people are born with a strong intuition.

  • 身心

    mentally and physically handicapped

  • 他声泪下地诉说了自己的不幸遭遇。

    Tears streamed down his checks as he recounted his unhappy experience.

  • 这个世界的联系正与日增。

    The world is getting more and more connected.

  • 我们相信美国最好的日子就在前方,并且她的前途是我们的未来所塑造的,我们继承下来的理想一定能够成为我们所有孩子所与生来的权利。

    Our belief that America's best days are ahead and that her destiny is ours to shape and that our inherited ideals must be the birthright of all of our children.

  • 我与生来的渴望去寻找其他生命并不是为了让我成为那样的人。

    My innate desire to seek out other life was not so that I could walk among that life.

  • 并且我发现当我身心疲时,美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦。

    And I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect.

  • 伯纳黛特想要躲避,发怒,或是用排泄物扔普丽娅的冲动是与生来的。

    Bernadette's urge to shun, scowl or fling her waste at Priya is hard-wired into her DNA.

  • 我是,保罗.霍利伍德,烘焙是我与生来的能力,我的父亲教我怎样烘烤面包。

    I'm Paul Hollywood and baking is in my blood. I was taught how to bake bread by my dad.

  • 因为它们拥有强有力且与生来的长处。

    Because they had a powerful in-built advantage.

  • 伊瑞瑟贝斯,我一直希望有朝一日我能看到你能拿出自己与生来的女王风范。

    Iracebeth, I had always hoped that you would one day show the necessary qualities to become the queen you were born to be.

  • 陛下!与生来的力量还是诅咒?

    Your Majesty! Born with the powers or cursed?

  • 今晚,我们要重拾尊严,我们与生来的权利和自尊,怎么样?谁跟我一起?

    Tonight, we take back our dignity, our birthright and our pride. What do you say? Who's with me?

  • 我们与生备吗?

    Are we just born with it?



jù ㄐㄩˋ

  • 全,都:百废~兴。声色~厉。
  • 一起;在一起:~乐部。君与~来。

英语 all, together; accompany

德语 völlig, komplett ,ausnahmslos (Adv)​,Ju (Eig, Fam)

法语 entier,tout,sans exception




(1) (形声。从人,具声。本义:走在一起,在一起)

(2) 同本义 [in the company of;along with]








使与书俱。——· 袁枚《黄生借书说》

(3) 等同 [equally;alike same]


伊尹箕子才俱也, 伊尹为相, 箕子为奴。——《论衡》



(1) 皆;全;都 [all;completely]



三首俱烂。——· 干宝《搜神记》

野径云俱黑。——· 杜甫《春夜喜雨》


(2) 一起;一同 [together;in company]








免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of