1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-17 08:54:32
zào jù


make a sentence; construct a sentence


word creation/formation; sentence-making

  • 你会造句吗?

    Can you make sentences?

  • 用这些词组造句.

    Make sentence with these phrases.

  • 小明很快就能造句了。

    Xiao Ming can quickly make a sentence.

  • 请用陈述语气造句.

    Use the indicative mood to make a sentence.

  • 他教我们怎样造句.

    He taught us how to construct sentences.

  • 他的话听来有点挖苦的味道,但也许那只是语调和遣词造句的习惯。

    He sounded as if he was being a little ironic, but maybe it was being just the tone of voice and the choice of words.

  • 请用这几个词造句

    Please make up a sentence with these words.

  • 请用以下复合词造句.

    Please make a sentence with each compound word below.

  • 特勒斯有一个非常简单的问题:黑猩猩会造句吗?

    Terrace had a very simple question - can a chimpanzee create a sentence?

  • 然后用这些单词造句

    Then make sentences with the words.

  • 请按范例造句.

    Will you make a sentence after the model?

  • 老师给我们布置了一个造句练习作为家庭作业。

    The teacher assigned us a sentence-making exercise as homework.

  • 短行造句帮助我创造了一种断奏的效果.

    The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect.

  • 造句能力是核心!

    Sentence building is core!

  • 事实上,正确的语法和遣词造句更为重要。

    In fact, correct grammar and word choice are much more important.

  • 每个字都要死记硬背,每个句子都要符合造句规则。

    Every character requires memorization; every sentence must conform to structural imperatives.

  • 用替换词造句.

    Make sentences , using the substitutes.

  • 它表现出的遣词造句方面的能力可能不稳定。

    It may demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice.

  • 造句练习帮助我提高了写作能力。

    The sentence-making exercise helped me improve my writing skills.

  • 你的第二个任务是,回想当初学习造句的过程。

    For your second mission, think back to learning to form sentences.

  • 要讨论翻译问题必然离不开语言,翻译的实际操作过程必然会涉及不同语言在遣词造句上的各自特点及语言间的相互转化等问题。

    In the course of translation, it involves respective characteristics of word-choice and sentence-making of different languages and the transformation of these different languages.

  • 用下面的词造句, 以表明各词的意义.

    Use the following words in sentences , to bring out their meanings.

  • 请用这个短语造句.

    Please use this phrase to make a sentence.

  • 这两个短语相对来说在运用时比较难,通过造句检查学生的应用能力.

    There're a lot of pupils in the classroom.

  • 造句时请使用关连词.

    Please use the relative form when writing this sentence.

  • 比如,我想造句,然后又意识到,这个句子肯定会被删掉的。

    For example, I'll think of a sentence, and then realize that it will for sure get deleted.

  • 老师让我们用这个词造句

    The teacher asked us to make a sentence with this word.

  • 造句时使用积极的语气。

    Use the active voice when writing sentences.

  • 我们今天的中文课上有一个造句练习。

    We have a sentence-making exercise in our Chinese class today.

  • 这是我的建议:我们应该通过阅读学习新单词,或用新单词来造句

    Here is my advice that we shouldlearn the new words by reading, or use the new words to make sentences.

  • 他用回环的方式来造句, 效果不错.

    He made sentences using palindrome. The effect was positive.

  • 我觉得造句练习很有趣。

    I find the sentence-making exercise very interesting.

  • 让我们一起练习造句吧。

    Let's practice making sentences.

  • 老师教他如何用这三个词词造句子。

    The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words.

  • 用上面的句型造句。每个句型,造两个句子。

    Make two sentences by yourself with each sentence pattern.

  • 然后用这些词造句

    Then make your own sentences with the words.

  • 你能用这些词造句吗?

    Can you make sentences with these words?

  • 你能用这个句型造句吗?

    Can you make a sentence using this sentence pattern?

  • 只有人才有造句的本领。

    Only man has the power to do this.

  • 英语造句常用各种连接和形式,注重显性接应,是一种形合语言。

    English is an overt cohesion-prominent, hypotactic language and its clauses are often arranged with connectives.

  • 通过造句练习,我学会了如何使用新词汇。

    Through the sentence-making exercise, I learned how to use new vocabulary.

  • 彼得老爱在用词造句方面玩花样.

    Peter loves juggling with language.

  • 她告诉我们用这些词组造句.

    She told us to make sentences with these phrases.

  • 用你在个人词库中所写下的单词进行遣词造句

    Construct your own sentences using the words that you have noted in your dictionary.

  • 不仅应该选择的词是清楚的和谦逊的,而且造句不该是复杂的。

    Not only should the words chosen be plain and unpretentious, but the constructions should not involve complicated elements.

  • 造句):这物体直径三公尺.

    This object is 3 meters in diameter.

  • 语法信息可以帮助学习者正确造句

    Grammatical information helps learners to encode sentences.

  • 根据这个假设,习得过程用第二语言创造句子,对吧?

    According to this hypothesis, the acquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right?

  • 你能用这些单词造句么?

    Can you make sentences with these words?

  • 这就是我们说话造句的方式。

    That's how we speak. That's how we make a sentence.


造句 zàojù

[sentence-making] 用词语组织句子


英语 sentence-making

德语 Satz bilden (V)​

法语 faire des phrases


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of