1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-10 09:30:20


slide; chute

slide v.滑;滑动;滑行;逐渐恶化;(价格、价值或水平)下跌;(健康状况)衰退;(地位)降低;(在乐器上)滑动手指(以改变音调);陷入

chute n.滑槽;滑道;斜坡;水滑梯;水上滑道;垃圾道;邮件投递管;应急逃生滑梯

  • 她在滑梯上伤了她自己?

    Did she hurt herself on the slide?

  • 小孩从滑梯上滑落下来。

    The child slides down the slide.

  • 我看到了秋千、滑梯和溜冰鞋。

    I saw swings and slides and skates.

  • 弟弟喜欢滑滑梯

    My brother likes to slide.

  • 他从滑滑梯上滑了下来。

    He slid down the slide.

  • 右2号服务门逃生滑梯操作标牌翘起.

    For example : R 2 service door escape slide operation placard is lifting.

  • 在儿童游乐场里有滑梯

    There are slides in the children's playground.

  • 妈妈,我要玩滑滑梯

    Mom, I want to play on a slide.

  • 灰姑娘的城堡里,自动扶梯慢慢攀升,冰滑梯顺势直下.

    The Cinderella castle an escalator and an ice slide running down.

  • 小朋友们排队等着玩滑梯

    The kids are lining up to play on the slide.

  • 滑梯.

    Slide down the slide.

  • 现在他在滑梯上。

    Now he's on the slide.

  • 到另一边滑梯.

    To get to the other slide.

  • 他正在操场上玩滑滑梯

    He is sliding down the slide on the playground.

  • 滑梯下面是什么啊?

    What's that under the slide?

  • 孩子们在操场上轮流滑滑梯.

    The children were taking turns on the slides in the playground.

  • 我会滑滑梯,蹦蹦跳跳,玩躲猫猫。

    I can slide, jump, hide and seek.

  • 我总是在花园里面荡秋千,滑滑梯

    I always play on the swing and the slide in my garden.

  • 你的鼻子像一个滑梯

    Your trunk is like a slide!

  • 让他们在花园里置备更多的滑梯和其他东西。

    Let them have more slides and things in the garden.

  • 安卓丽娜和小朋友一起玩滑梯,拼图和画画.

    Angelina played slides and puzzles and draw pictures with other children.

  • 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯

    There are swings and slides in the children's playground.

  • 那里有一个滑梯

    I can see a slide there.

  • 主出口的滑梯可用作辅助漂浮装置。

    The slides at main door can be used as flotation aid.

  • 我想和我的朋友一起玩滑滑梯

    I want to play on the slide with my friends.

  • 我喜欢跑步,滑滑梯和跳来爬去。

    I love running, sliding, hopping and climbing.

  • 我认为猴架和高滑梯很好。

    I think monkey bars and tall slides are great.

  • 我们一起玩跷跷板攀登梯摇床秋千 转椅 滑梯 吧.

    Let's play on the seesaw junglegym rocker swing merry - go - around slide.

  • 你想想从滑梯上滑下去吗?

    Do you want to go down the slide?

  • 孩子们喜欢从滑梯上滑下来。

    Children love to slide down the slide.

  • 她头朝前地滑下了滑梯

    She slid headfirst down the slide.

  • 艾伦甚至从不试着去滑滑梯

    Allen would never even try to slide.

  • 操场上曾有个滑梯.

    There was a slide in the playground.

  • 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯.

    There are swings and slides in the children's playground.

  • 我们去滑滑梯

    Let's go down the slide.

  • 她小心翼翼地从滑梯上滑下来。

    She carefully slid down the slide.

  • 那里只有一个滑梯

    There was only a slide.

  • 玩溜滑梯, 从上面划下来.

    Play slide, to the ground.

  • 他喜欢在游乐场的滑梯上滑动。

    He likes to slide down the slide at the playground.

  • 在学校附近没有一些滑梯

    There aren't slides around the school.

  • 公园里有滑滑梯吗?

    Is there a slide in the park?

  • 小朋友们排队等着玩滑滑梯

    The kids are lining up to play on the slide.

  • 我喜欢玩滑梯

    I like to play on the slide.

  • 孩子们喜欢爬上滑梯然后滑下来。

    The children love to climb up the slide and then slide down.

  • 美洲獾会被卡在溜滑梯 吗 ?

    Do the badgers get stuck?

  • 她在滑梯上。

    She is on the slide.

  • 你的操场上有秋千、滑梯或者跷跷板呢?

    Do you have a swing, a slide or a seesaw on your playground?

  • 安姬 ︰ 好啊, 然后我想玩溜滑梯.

    Angie : OK, then I want to on the slide.

  • 主出口的滑梯可用作辅助漂浮装置.

    The slides at main door can be used as flotation aid.

  • 看,那里曾经没有滑梯

    Look, there wasn't a slide.

  • 公园里有几座滑梯

    How many slides are there in the park?

  • 这条螺旋形的滑梯很有趣。

    This spiral slide is very fun.

  • 滑梯)这会变成我们体验生活与建筑生活的一部份 吗 ?

    Can slides become part of our experiential and architectural life?

  • 两个女孩在滑梯上玩.

    Two girls are playing on the slide.

  • 相反,它们是盾状火山——由熔岩形成的宽而倾斜的滑梯

    Instead, they are shield volcanoes — volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock.

  • 对不起,乔治。我们一起去玩滑梯吧。好诶,玩滑梯吧。佩琪喜欢玩滑梯。大家都喜欢玩滑梯。爸爸!妈妈!看好了,准备好了,走!

    Sorry, George. Let's play on the slide. Yes! The slide! Peppa loves the slide. Everyone loves the slide. Mummy! Daddy! Look at me! Ready, steady, go!

  • 乔治想爬上滑梯。你确定吗乔治?这可有点高啊。好吧,我来帮你一下。

    George wants to play on the slide. Are you sure, George? It is a bit high. Alright, I'll help you up the steps.

  • 今天由猪爷爷来照顾佩奇和乔治。好了,爷爷,让我来告诉你游乐场里该怎么玩。这个是滑梯

    Grandpa Pig is looking after Peppa and George today. Now Grandpa, I will tell you how everything works. This is the slide.

  • 现在你们几个可以去滑滑梯。可是我们想在沙坑里玩。噢,糟糕。沙坑实在太小了,所以只够四个国家在里面玩。

    You can play on the slide now. But we want to play here. Oh, dear. There's not enough room in the sand pit for more than four countries.

  • 它也是我最喜欢的。大家都排好队,轮流玩滑梯。淘气的理查德,你应该知道要排队玩。

    It's my favorite, too. Everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide. Naughty Richard, you know you have to wait your turn.

  • 我知道哪里有雪,我们可以把它融化了取水。哪里?在山顶上。但是这个是个滑梯。这是山。

    I know where there's pretend snow. We can melt it to get pretend water. Where? On the mountain top. But it's a slide. It's a pretend mountain.

  • 所有国家来到操场上玩耍。英国在那里滑滑梯。哇!法国还有瑞士在荡秋千。

    All the countries are playing in the playground. United Kingdom is on the slide. France and Switzerland are on the swings.

  • 我用溜滑梯取代楼梯,看很有意思嘛。

    Oh, okay, it's the slide instead of stairs. Watch this. Very interesting, Phoebe.

  • 我身体里住了三个小人,杰克。他们马上就要坐滑梯出来了,而我们什么都没有准备好。

    There are three human beings inside of me, Jack. And they're all lining up to go down the waterslide, and we don't have anything done for them yet.

  • 爷爷,我们什么时候才能去玩滑梯啊。你们不用担心,佩奇,他们不会在上面玩很久的。我等得太无聊了。

    Grandpa, when do we get go on the slide. Don't worry, Peppa, they won't be on it for long . I am bored of waiting.

  • 哈哈!我知道什么是滑梯,佩奇。当我还是个小孩的时候我也会这样一个人玩。

    I know what a slide is, Peppa. I used to play on one myself when I was a little Piggy.

  • 小猫凯迪和小马佩德罗在玩攀登架。小羊苏西,小狗丹尼,和小兔瑞贝卡在玩滑滑梯

    Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame. Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.

  • 我觉得这个书架做得非常好。但是爸爸,这个书架是斜的。我们把它当作了滑梯,很适合泰迪和恐龙先生。

    I am very proud of that shelf. But Daddy it's all wobbly. We use it as a slide, for Teddy and Mr. Dinosaur.

  • 乔治和爸爸正在旋转滑梯那排队。嗯,这有点高啊,乔治。你确定要玩这个吗?

    George and Daddy are queuing for the helterselter. It's a bit high, George. Are you sure you want to have a go?

  • 原来是一个大大的滑梯啊。耶!耶!耶!耶!哇,这真是一头巨大的恐龙。

    It's a big slide. Wow. It's a big dinosaur.

  • 在那个古老的年代,有没有秋千玩啊?哈哈!我们那时候有秋千,攀登架还有旋转圆盘。是吗?但是我最喜欢的就是滑梯了。

    Did you have swings too, in the olden days? We had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts. But my favorite was the slide.

  • 是的,我来为你们介绍我的巨无霸块头恐龙滑梯。呵呵呵。这头恐龙真的是壮观极了。他是一条雷龙。事实上,它的学名是迷惑龙。

    Yes, it's my mopping ginormous dinosaur slide. That is some dinosaur. He is a Plateosaurus. Actually, the correct name is Apatosaurus.

  • 和其他公园不同的是,这里没有一般普通的游乐设备,也没有滑梯和秋千,

    Instead of having the standard blocks, instead of having slides and swings like most parks have,

  • 是的,乔治的确还小,所以他也不需要排队。噢,糟糕,乔治和理查德两个人一直在玩滑梯

    Yes, George is little, so he shouldn't have to wait neither. Oh, dear, Richard and George are taking all the turns on this slide.

  • 滑梯滑梯。我带乔治去玩旋转滑梯。好的,待会见。待会见。

    Sliding, sliding. George wants to go on the helter skelter. Okay. See you later. See you later.


滑梯 huátī

[children's slide] 儿童体育活动器械,在高架子的一面装上梯子,另一面装上斜形滑板,儿童从梯子上去,从斜板滑下来


英语 (children's)​ sliding board, a slide

德语 Rutsche (S)​

法语 Toboggan (glissoire)​


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of