1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-18 16:57:22


Ji (another name for Hebei Province)


hope; desire; hope for; wish for; aspire to; long for; look forward to

hope v.希望;期望;指望;期待(某事发生或成真)

desire n.愿望;渴望;欲望;志向;追求;渴求;欲念;热望;企望;渴慕;性欲;肉欲;渴望的事物(或人)

hope for vphr.希望得到;希望;期望;盼望

wish for 希望;祝

aspire to vphr.渴望;渴求;立志;有志于;追求;努力达到

long for vphr.渴望;向往;极想得到

look forward to vphr.期待;期盼;盼望;预期;预料

  • 冀州

    Ji prefecture 古九州之一,包括现在河北省、山西省、河南省黄河以北和辽宁省辽河以西的地区

  • 冀求

    hope to get 希望获得

  • 即位之始,太平旦暮至.

    Ascended the thronethe beginning of Hebei peace Danmu to.

  • 公司借助于京、津、的地理优势,立足环渤海,发展东南亚。

    The corporation has the area advantage where they are nearby Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

  • 本研究的目的在评估教职员对无烟校园的看法并找出相关因素,能为辅导工作奠定良好基础.

    This study was designed to understand school staff's opinions of smoke - free schools.

  • 北地区土壤侵蚀以风力侵蚀和水力侵蚀为主。

    The main erosion patterns in the north of Hebei province are wind-erosion and hydra-erosion.

  • 成矿带东端辽西地区以钼矿为主,西端北地区以铜(钼)矿为主。

    Mineralization exhibits zoning distribution, with molybdenum deposits in western Liaoning whereas copper (molybdenum) deposits in northern Hebei.

  • 这为设计和研制微型仿生扑飞行器提供了理论依据.

    It provides a theory foundation to design and develop bionic flying micro - robots.

  • 伟: 好, 你可以见见我家庭里的人,和我们同时饮食吃晚餐晚饭.

    JI WEI: OK. You can meet my family and eat dinner with us.

  • 据我们所知,经销商并不热衷销售华为手机,”《华为的世界》的作者永庆说道。

    From what we see, distributors aren't that keen on selling Huawei's handsets," said Ji Yongqing, author of the Chinese-language book "Huawei's World".

  • 伟: 今天我必需喂动物.

    JI WEI: Today I must feed the animals.

  • 京津地区突发公共卫生应急响应级别降低为二级。

    The public health emergency response was lowered to Level 2 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

  • 9104脂肪酸组成合理,氨基酸含量最高,营养价值大于黑芝麻。

    Ji 9104 was with rational fatty acid contents, the highest amino acid contents and higher nutrition value.

  • 在探索岸线开发方面论述了各种泊位布局和建港资金筹措思路的意见。

    The arrangement of berths for all kinds of cargoes concerning coast line development exploration and suggestions on the train of thought concerning port construction fund′s collection are expounded.

  • 此文尚是一个开端,有俾益于此书及相关禅宗文献的研究向纵深发展。

    I hope this paper will beneficial to the study of the documents about the dhyana sect.

  • 他做了这么多的努力只求她的嫣然一笑.

    He did so much only because of her smile.

  • 和惧怕是投机者两个最大的敌人.

    Hope and fear are the two greatest enemies of eculators.

  • 摘要介绍了一个软硬件开发的实际项目-科安全锁系统的设计与实现.

    The design and realization of the JiKe security system is introduced.

  • 殿内无柱,檐深远.

    Its caves stretch out , and the hall has not a single column.

  • 壮志与热情是伟业的辅

    Ambition and passion is the auxiliary Hebei Albert.

  • 工艺艺美术家王习三是派的代表人物。

    Wang Xisan's art is representative of the Ji school.

  • 伟: 我家有一些羊 、 一些鸡 、 两条狗和一头牛.

    JI WEI: We have some sheep, some chickens, two dogs, and a cow.

  • 工艺艺美术家王习三是派的代表人物。

    Wang Xisan's art is representative of the Ji school.

  • 他们步行回家。伟向约翰提出一个问题。

    Home after picking corn. Ji Wei asks John a question.

  • 彼即吾为何其早日得以审批而非更迟之缘由也。

    That's why I hope it gets approved sooner rather than later.

  • 试验研究了草1号高丹草留茬高度和种植密度下对产草量等性状的影响。

    The result showed:The left-stem height had no influence on the tillering capacity and plant height and resistances lodging of JC-1.

  • 胯窝可得良好暴露。

    The Hebei hip nest may result in the good exposition.

  • 牛圈银矿是北地区重要的独立型银矿床。

    The Niujuan silver deposit is an important independent deposit in North Hebei.

  • 当我们发现海盗时,所有船员将集中在驾驶台或两甲板。

    B. When we find piracy, all crews concentrate on bridge or two side wing deck.

  • 大营子蚀变岩型金矿床是北地区新发现的一种金矿类型。

    The Dayingzi altered rock type gold deposit is a newly found gold deposit in the northern Hebei province.

  • 我国的内画技艺主要分为 京派 、 派、鲁派三大派.

    Today , snuff - bottle pictures fall into three different categories -- the Jing ( Beijing ) , Ji ( Hebei ) and Lu ( Shandong ).

  • 长江和京津等重要区域将开展多个湿地保护重点项目。

    Several major projects on wetland protection will be carried out in some major areas, such as Yangtze River and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei province cluster.

  • 研究了水分、膨润土配比和矿粉粒度对东磁铁矿生球性能的影响。

    The influences of moisture, bentonite ratio and granularity on green pellet properties of Jidong magnetite concentrates were studied.

  • 大使在会上发表了热情洋溢的讲话.

    Ambassador Ji gave a warm speech at the reception.

  • 网页能为你提供所需资料。

    We sincerely hope that this webpage can provide the information you need.

  • 这为设计和研制微型仿生扑飞行器提供了理论依据.

    It provides a theory foundation to design and develop bionic flying micro - robots.

  • 河北省简称,省会城市是石家庄。

    Hebei province is briefly named as ji, with Shijiazhuang as its provincial seat.

  • 伟: 嗨, 约翰. 你好 吗 ?

    JI WEI: Hi, John. How are you?

  • 河北省矿泉共有百余处,主要分布于北、西山地区及西北间山盆地区。

    There are about one hundred mineral springs in Hebai province which mainly distribute in the northern and western mountain areas or in the west-northern basins.

  • 公司借助于京 、 津、的地理优势,立足环渤海,发展东南亚.

    The corporation has the area advantage are nearby Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

  • 并邀请上海金咨询有限公司为取得证书组织所有的事宜。

    They have asked Shanghai Jinji Business Consulting to organise everything to receive this license.

  • 汸,1920年出生在印度尼西亚爪哇岛,是七月诗派的代表。

    Ji Pang, who was born in JAWA Indonesia, in 1920, is the representative of poet in "July poetic school".

  • 再者,有朝一日地球上的资源枯竭了,人类的未来就要希望于太空和太空开发了。

    And remember, one day the Earth's resources will be depleted, and the space and space exploration is the future.

  • 图夺取政权的野心已经路人皆知了.

    His ambition to seize power is known to all.

  • 约翰: 嗨, 伟! 等等! 我跟你同时走.

    JOHN: Hey, Ji Wei! Wait! Let me walk with you.

  • 诸葛亮又派俘将夏侯懋带兵前往城劝姜维投降.

    Zhuge Liang sent captured - general Xiahou Mao to Jicheng City to persuade Jiang Wei to surrender.

  • 莱芜位于山东中部,莱芜方言属于鲁官话。

    Laiwu lies in the middle part of Shandong Province, Laiwu dialect belongs to Jilu Manadarin.

  • 又一个中美国家走向左

    Another Central American country turned left.



jì ㄐㄧˋ

  • 希望:~求(希望得到)。~幸。~望。~希。
  • 中国河北省的别称。
  • 姓。

英语 hope for; wish; Hebei province

德语 hoffen (V)​,Abkürzung für Hebei [河北省] (Eig, Geo)​,Ji (Eig, Fam)​,Präfektur Ji (Eig, Gesch)

法语 espérer




(1) (形声。从北,异( )声。本义:冀州。古九州之一)

(2) 同本义 [Ji prefecture]



河内曰冀州。——《周礼·职方氏》朱骏声曰:“地亘今盛京 直隶山西河南各府州, 淮南地形,正中 冀州,曰中土。”

惟彼陶唐,有此 方。——《书·五子之歌》传:陶唐氏,都 冀州,统天下四方。”

(3) 古代国名[Ji state]。在今山西省河津县东北

(4) 河北省的简称 [Hopei province]



(1) 假借为“觊”。希望,期望 [hope]





君实或见恕。—— · 王安石《答司马谏议书》

冀缓急或可救。——· 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

(2) 又如:冀其成功;希冀;冀图、冀愿(希图;希望;企望)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of