1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-10 09:12:49
chū pǐn


produce; bring out; launch; release


product; production; work; output

produce v.生产;产生;制造;造出;拍摄(电影、戏剧等);创作(音乐、艺术作品等);引起;导致;出示;呈现;提供;使(线段)延长;生长;培养;繁育

bring out vphr.出版;推出;生产;把…拿出来;强调;使显现;使表现出;使参与

launch v.开始;发起;推出新产品;首次上市;发行;推出服务;启动;创办;使…开始运作;发射火箭;发射导弹;使船(尤指新船)下水;投掷;猛冲;突然跳出

release v.释放;放走;松开;排放;解放;解除;解雇;发射;发行;发泄;宣泄;宣布;发布;推出(新产品);撤销;取消限制;免除(义务);让渡;转让;投放;通报;使不紧张;放松;使自由移动;放弃(权利、要求等)

product n.产品;制品;产物;结果;成果;物产;产儿;(数学中的)积;乘积; (化学反应)生成物

production n.生产;制造;(对自然物的)加工;采集;产生;产量;(戏剧、电影、电视节目、唱片等的)制作;上映;上演;制作方式;<正式>出示;提供;<非正式>非常费力的事

work n.工作;职业;作品;著作;成果;成就;制品;手工艺品;机械装置;运作机制;(机器等的)活动部件;防御工事;工程;(物理学中的)功;努力;职责;工作内容;活计;工厂;作业;操作;全套事物

output n.产量;生产量;输出量;输出功率;输出端(计算机或其他设备);产出物;制品

  • 洛杉矶最成功的输出品不是好莱坞,而是五旬节信仰。

    LA's most successful export is not Hollywood but Pentecostalism.

  • 我们公司出品的商品在市场上很受欢迎。

    The goods our company produces are very popular in the market.

  • 1992年公司因出品 Ice-T 乐队暴力的说唱歌曲《警察杀手》后倍受谴责时,列文却将说唱音乐描述为街头文化的合法表达方式,并说它应该有自己的宣泄途径。

    In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet.

  • 这是我厂新出品的肉冻儿, 请您品尝.

    Pork skin jelly is our company's new product. Please try it.

  • 出品年份:2009。

    Production year: 2009.

  • EA最新 出品的一款精品型益智手游, 推荐下载. 很不错的!

    EA - to - date production of a fine hand - educational tour, recommended download. Very good!

  • 出品经过挤压而产生的物体或材料.

    An object or material produced by extruding.

  • 华纳兄弟出品,克里斯哥伦布执导。

    Warner Bros produced this sequel and Chris Columbus directed it.

  • 请试验一下本公司最新出品全自动相机的能力.

    Please test the ability of our newly developed full automatic camera.

  • 出品最高质量咖啡豆的加工厂只采购完全成熟的樱桃而且会给个理想的价格。

    Mills that produce the best quality will purchase only fully ripe cherries and ideally pay a premium for them.

  • 《怪物史瑞克》是一部梦工场出品的电脑动画电影。

    Shrek is a computer animated movie produced by Dream Works Animation SKG.

  • 这家工厂出品了许多高质量的产品。

    This factory produces many high-quality products.

  • 当然,皮克斯动画工作室出品的电影例外。

    Unless, of course, those pictures are made by Pixar Animation Studios.

  • 第一部《蝙蝠侠》动画片在1939年出品

    The first Batman cartoon appeared in 1939.

  • 出品深受参观者的喜爱.

    The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.

  • 这瓶威士忌酒上标有'苏格兰出品'的字样.

    The whisky bottle was marked'Produce of Scotland '.

  • 这个3D版本的转换是由卡梅隆监制的,他为电影写了剧本并且导演和出品,他的伙伴朗道尔也参与了电影的出品

    The 3D conversion is being overseen by Cameron -- who wrote, directed and produced the movie -- and his Lightstorm producing partner Jon Landau, who also produced.

  • 下周出品团队将移师广州,并在圣诞节前返回上海。

    Next month the production moves to Guangzhou, before returning to Shanghai on Christmas Eve.

  • 他们的工厂每年出品数千件服装。

    Their factory produces thousands of garments every year.

  • 我们是同一业务范围内的主要出品商之一。

    We are introducing ourselves as one of the lading exporters of the same line of business.

  • 而华纳和维亚康姆下属的派拉蒙则以两种制式出品DVD。

    Warner and Paramount Pictures, a division of Viacom, are issuing DVDs in both formats.

  • 芬兰出品的电影并不多。

    Not many films are made in Finland.

  • 没人会因为一部电影是福克斯公司出品的就去看它。

    Nobody goes to see a film because it is made by Fox.

  • 判断元素位于成熟度的何处——从不存在到可出品

    Determine where the element lies on a maturity continuum — from nonexistent to production-ready.

  • 这部新出品的詹姆士庞德影片将会是一部卖座钜片.

    The new James Bond picture is going to be a real blockbuster.

  • 贵公司所出品之各型打字机及计算机,颇能适合我们的需求.

    Your various typewriters and calculators would fit us well.

  • 这部电影是由著名导演出品的。

    This movie is produced by a famous director.

  • 网站传达出品牌的感知预示。

    The site delivers on the perceived promise of the brand.

  • 你可能猜到了,这部迪士尼出品的电视电影讲的是女版的罗宾汉传奇。

    As you might of guessed, this Disney-produced TV movie put a feminine spin on the Robin Hood legend.

  • 分析人士预计此款新机型将在今年夏季出品

    Analysts expect the new iPhone to be ready this summer.

  • 这家餐厅出品的菜肴非常美味。

    The dishes produced by this restaurant are very delicious.

  • 这部英国出品的电影是小成本制作。

    The British-produced film was made on a shoestring budget.

  • 出品iPhone手机的苹果公司股价上涨2.6%,至248.50美元。

    The iPhone maker’s shares advanced 2.6 percent to $248.50.

  • 西力士和艾力达分别由礼来和葛兰素史克公司出品.

    Eli Lilly sells Cialis and GlaxoSmithKline Plc sells Levitra.

  • 为了获得优质的CPM,发布商必须在用户和广告商之间办出品牌。

    To get premium CPM rates, entrepreneurs must establish a brand - not only with users, but also with advertisers.

  • 而雅虎则纯粹是手工出品, 搜索准确, 更加实用.

    Yahoo is purely a manual products, search accurate, more practical.

  • 出品价值是上升恐怕最好 -时 常在一快速的比率.

    Export value is rising as well - often at a faster rate.

  • 本馆内固定展出品主要是英国16世纪至20世纪末期间的杰作。

    Here, permanent works focus on British masterpieces from the 16th to late 20th centuries.

  • 我真的不想说出来的是那两个例外都是快船出品,囧啊。

    We'll try really hard to ignore the fact that the two exceptions both played for the Clippers.

  • 华纳兄弟出品,克里斯哥伦布执导。

    Warner Bros produced this sequel and Chris Columbus directed it.

  • 你觉得我们会看到好莱坞出品更多的大脑科幻类的电影吗?

    Do you think we’ll continue to see more cerebral types of sci-fi movies coming out of Hollywood?

  • 你们的资金赞助将帮助我们出品高质量编剧、旁边和动画,让我们的内容既有趣又有教育意义。

    Your funding will help us produce quality script-writing, voiceovers and animation that makes our content both entertaining and educational.

  • 出品经过挤压而产生的物体或材料.

    An object or material produced by extruding.

  • 以良好的日式铁板烧、寿司吧料理的出品形象,做好品牌经营.

    Tepanyaki and Sushi Bar are the main spot to attract the guests.

  • 尝试在放假时养成吃善待动物的农场出品的食物吧。

    Try to maintain your animal-friendly eating habits when you go on holiday.

  • “理想条件下的出品甘香、中等醇度、酸感较淡,”尤恩森说。

    "Under ideal conditions, it can be a nice, medium-bodied coffee with a light acidity," says Eunson.

  • 上图:木头桌子和Modernica出品的玻璃纤维椅子。

    Image above: Wooden table and fiberglass shell chairs by Modernica.

  • JA 加鞍备用马群再次生产出品质卓越的牧场马。

    The JA remuda is once again producing ranch horses of unsurpassed quality.

  • 我们是土耳其一家进出品公司.

    We are located in Denizli Turkey and owned an export import company.

  • 通常应避免在版本控制系统中存放构建输出品

    Generally, avoid storing build output in version control.

  • 这套平板家具是高尔厨房用具公司出品的。

    The flat-pack units are by Gower kitchens.

  • 无论馅料是什么,包饺子都需要精湛的技能以保证饺子出品美观。

    Whatever the fillings are, the wrapping (包) skill needs to be exquisite (精美的) to make jiaozi good-looking.

  • 我听了他们出品的所有歌曲。

    that I listen to all the songs that they bring in.

  • 由谢尔顿·库珀出品的《旗帜的乐趣》精彩下一集题材如泉涌呀。

    Oh, the next classic episode of Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags is writing itself.

  • 大家好,我是谢尔顿·库珀博士。欢迎收看由谢尔顿·库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》之首播集。

    Hello, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and welcome to the premiere episode of Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags.

  • 大家好,我是谢尔顿·库珀博士,欢迎收看由谢尔顿·库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》最终集, 壮丽的旗帜。

    Hello. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. And welcome to Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags, the Final Episode Flagtacular.


出品 chūpǐn

[produce;manufacture;make] 生产制造;出产


出品 chūpǐn

[product] 生产的成品




英语 to produce an item, output, items that are produced

德语 Produkt (S)​, einen Artikel , ein Produkt herstellen, produzieren (V)​

法语 produire, fabriquer, manufacturer, produit, production


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of