1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 09:57:18
ér tóng


children; child; youngster; kid

children n.儿童;小孩;孩子;子女;(child的复数)

child n.儿童;小孩;子女;孩子气的人;幼稚的人;缺乏经验的人;深受(某时期思想)影响的人

youngster n.年轻人;儿童;少年;青少年

kid n.小孩;儿童;少年;年轻人;小山羊;幼小的山羊;小山羊皮革

  • 照顾学龄前儿童很累人。

    Looking after preschool children is very tiring.

  • 腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。

    The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.

  • 儿童需要无微不至的爱护。

    Children need to be cherished.

  • 愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。

    Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children.

  • 这些儿童彼此的年龄很接近。

    The children are close to each other in age.

  • 很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。

    Many children invent an imaginary friend.

  • 我们去了一家儿童剧院。

    We went to a children's theatre.

  • 儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非?

    At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?

  • 这个旅游胜地适合儿童玩耍。

    The resort is geared towards children.

  • 我认为这本书会腐蚀儿童

    In my view this book would deprave young children.

  • 五岁以下的儿童不在调查之列。

    Children under five are excepted from the survey.

  • 有些青春期前的儿童能够承担很多责任。

    Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.

  • 妈妈不能坐儿童游乐设施。

    Mum can't go on the children's rides.

  • 目前,14岁以下儿童不允许进酒吧。

    At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.

  • 探望医院里的生病儿童

    Visit sick children in the hospital.

  • 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。

    Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth.

  • 上周我们去了一个儿童剧院。

    Last week we went to a children's theatre.

  • 五岁以上的儿童须买全票。

    Children over five must pay (the) full price for the ticket.

  • 人们对儿童保育问题议论纷纷。

    There had been much debate on the issue of childcare.

  • 他的研究被用来为多动的儿童设计治疗方案。

    His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.

  • 儿童必须要有大人陪同。

    Children must be accompanied by an adult.

  • 成人与儿童之比是1比6。

    The adult to child ratio is one to six.

  • 儿童喜欢画画和涂颜色。

    The children love to draw and colour.

  • 她想为国内的妇女和儿童服务。

    She wanted to serve the women and children at home.

  • 儿童并非天生就能分辨是非。

    Children are not naturally moral beings.

  • 工作场所基本上禁止儿童进入。

    In the main, children are taboo in the workplace.

  • 游戏可以帮助儿童学会组合字母。

    Games can help children learn to form letters.

  • 我看了一些儿童节目。

    I watched some children's shows on TV.

  • 电视对儿童究竟有什么影响?

    What exactly is the influence of television on children?

  • 这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。

    The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.

  • 前方可能有儿童过马路。

    There may be children crossing the road ahead.

  • 嗯,我对儿童博物馆来说太老了。

    Well, I'm too old for a children's museum.

  • 儿童在旅馆里总是受到款待。

    Children are always welcome at the hotel.

  • 多数员工都掌握专业的儿童保育知识。

    Most of the staff specialise in the care of children.

  • 儿童经常设法戏弄新来的老师。

    Children often try it on with new teachers.

  • 儿童汽车坐椅一周的租金才10英镑。

    Child car seats only cost about £10 a week to hire.

  • 据估计,每年有50名儿童独自来到英国。

    It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain.

  • 法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。

    The law imposes penalties for the neglect of children.

  • 欢迎来到阳光儿童之家。

    Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children.

  • 我把我的自行车捐给了儿童之家。

    I gave away my bike to a children's home.

  • 纪律的目的是教育儿童举止得体。

    The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.

  • 在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。

    Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.

  • 无大人带领的儿童不许进入。

    No unaccompanied children allowed.

  • 儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。

    Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.

  • “雪狗之家”是一所针对3至6岁儿童的滑雪学校。

    Snow Puppies is a ski school for 3 to 6-year-olds.

  • 儿童7岁时应该识字了。

    Children ought to be able to read by the age of 7.

  • 儿童可能无法将自己的幻想与真实世界区分开来。

    A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.

  • 儿童在这个年龄经常犯脾气。

    Children often throw tantrums at this age.

  • 12岁以上儿童须购全票。

    Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare.

  • 每天开放;门票1.10英镑,儿童和退休人士可享受票价优惠。

    Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs.

  • 首批飞机运送的食物、儿童衣物和药品开始抵达。

    The first plane-loads of food, children's clothing and medical supplies began arriving.

  • 铅对儿童的健康具有潜在损害。

    Lead is potentially damaging to children's health.

  • 儿童应该在幼年接触诗歌。

    Children should be brought into contact with poetry at an early age.

  • 虐待儿童案件常常没人举报,或者为缺乏相关知识的公民所忽略。

    Cases of child abuse often go unreported or ignored by uninformed citizens.

  • 儿童福利机构发展成熟、体系完善。

    Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive.

  • 一把《星际迷航:下一代》里的相位枪,莱纳德的。儿童玩具。

    One Star Trek: The Next Generation phaser. That's Leonard's. Children's toy.

  • 要买几张门票?两张成人票和两张儿童票,兔子小姐。

    How many tickets? Two adults and two children please, Miss Rabbit.

  • 机器故障,所以我和卡萝就到荷兰儿童机器人后面。

    Yeah. The ride broke down. So, Carol and I went behind a couple of those mechanical Dutch children.

  • 这是小尼克,他喜欢蝙蝠侠和水枪。尼克去儿童医院接受治疗,他的肚子涨得像饥荒儿童一样。

    So here's little Nick, likes Batman and squirt guns. And it turns out Nick shows up at the children's hospital with this distended belly like a famine victim.

  • 他指出,据估计,你给联合国儿童基金会每寄去3美元,就能救助一个人的性命

    He points out that it's estimated that for every $3 you send to UNICEF, you can save a life.

  • 就像是作为儿童存在一样也是一个阶段,会经历一段时间而后停止。

    In the same way that being a child is a phase you can go through for a period of time and then cease to be.

  • 沃罗威茨,你要在经典儿童游戏"手术"上面完成一系列精细外科手术。

    Wolowitz, you will be completing a series of delicate surgical procedures on the classic children's game Operation.

  • 只是从事金融行业的人们,有的时候非常成功,他们可以给联合国儿童基金会更多的钱

    It's just that people in finance are sometimes very successful and they could give a lot more than $100 to UNICEF.

  • 儿童因轮状病毒而生病,而我们没有针对这种病毒的疫苗,所以,所以我们没有办法保护儿童

    Children get diseases from a class of viruses called rotaviruses, for which we have no vaccine, and- and so no way to protect them.

  • 研究证实,乐观可帮助儿童和成人,预防抑郁和焦虑,使未来两年的发病率降低一半。

    We'v e shown that learning optimism prevents depression and anxiety in children and adults, roughly halving their incidence over the next 2 years.

  • 我有一个女儿。那里有很多小小的儿童乐园,也有许多成人玩的东西。

    I have a daughter. So there's a lot of little parks for children, a lot of things for adults.

  • 就此我经常反思,我自己的学生,双语儿童,还有很多会,三门语言。

    So I think it a lot of children I have. Bilingual children and a lot of them have two languages or even three languages.

  • 美国的一些儿童教育项目也在紧跟一些出色的国家的步伐,比如韩国。

    you know, sort of young children education programs in the United States catch up to nice countries, like Korea.

  • 皮亚杰将儿童视为科学家,认为儿童能够形成关于世界的,一系列看法,图示,或者说小型理论

    So, Piaget viewed the child as a scientist who developed this understanding, these schemas, these little miniature theories of the world.

  • 北韩有很多很多的肥胖儿童

    We have many fat children in North Korea.

  • 你希望将疫苗分发给孩子们,因为儿童与成人在生物学上不尽相同,要确保疫苗对儿童有效

    So, you want to give it to them because the biology of children is different than adults, and so you need to make sure it works in that population.

  • 但是,接着我让他们思考,在书中,我让读者思考这样一个问题:,你有没有捐出过买一双鞋的钱,来拯救900万儿童中的一个生命?,他可能正因为贫困导致的种种问题,而生命垂危,每年世界上都会有这样的儿童

    But then I ask them to think, and in the book I ask the readers to think: Well, have you given a cost of an expensive pair of shoes to save the life of one of the around 9 million children who are dying from poverty related causes each year around the world?

  • 再转换到另一门陌生的语言将是十分困难的,他的表达可能变得像儿童一样磕磕巴巴。

    um, in one language and then go to another language you have to talk on the level of a child.

  • 儿童义卖会

    The Children Fete

  • 儿童期这个较容易受病毒感染时期,第一次接触该病毒,就会引起发病

    You would first get exposed in children-- in childhood and then at a point when you're susceptible to the disease.

  • 哪一本书?“儿童命名大全”。

    What was the book? The Big Book of Children's Names.

  • 看看我是否理解了你们俩是物理学家,而你们请我来是想让我表演一个儿童科学节目?

    Let me see if I have this straight. You two are physicists, and you want me to do a children's science show?

  • 我富有的时候,我寄了一万双洞洞鞋给非洲的儿童。为什么,让他们变丑吗?

    When I was rich, I sent 10,000 pairs of crocs to children in Africa. Why, to make them less cool?

  • 而期间其经济却以%,8%或9%的速度增长?,-嗯。,你所引用的数据,是关于,儿童营养的。

    % while its economy has been growing at 9% 8%,9% a year? -Yes... The data you are quoting is on Child Main Nutrition.

  • 这个天平好像是我在儿童商店买的,似乎不是很结实。

    I did buy this at like a child store so it's not very robust here.

  • 怎么回事?刚刚去儿童派对表演来着,贝贝熊先生大受欢迎。

    What's going on? Just finished entertaining at a children's party. Mr. Berenstain was a big hit.

  • 儿童病房到了。佩德罗可能还在睡觉,因为生病的人需要足够的睡眠。

    Children's ward. Pedro will be asleep. Sick people do a lot of sleeping.

  • 因为你可以拯救这些儿童,正如你可以拯救那个,掉落池塘的小孩一样简单。

    Because they are children that you could save just as easily as you could save that child in the pond in front of you.

  • 这象征着上帝,它甚至与典型的儿童,插图中的卷曲状和白色胡须状一模一样,好了。

    Well, it's a God symbol. It's even got that typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. Okay.

  • 难不成要去儿童医院。

    Sell cupcakes at the diabetes wing at the children's hospital?

  • 一个捣蛋先生古董模型玩具,莱纳德的。儿童玩具。

    One vintage Mr. Mxyzptlk action figure. That's Leonard's. Children's toy.

  • 这是该阶段的一个重要发现,表明儿童在考虑和理解世界的方式上,存在着局限性

    So, it's a cool finding of that stage, suggesting a limitation in how you deal and make sense of the world.

  • 我最喜欢的是红调音乐。我最喜欢的是绿调音乐。我们都不喜欢儿童音乐。不不不。

    I like red's music. I like green's music. We don't like children's music. No, no, no.

  • 我可以把它弄好,不过它像是为5岁儿童做的5,【笑】,糟了!

    Alright, I can figure this out it's made for like ages 5 and up so, oh, my gosh!

  • 他们把男人枪毙,把妇女和儿童关在教堂里,然后都杀掉了

    They shot the men, and they put the women and the children in the church, and they killed them.

  • 克里帝国至少发表声明,谴责他的行动,他在屠杀儿童,家庭。

    At least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn his actions. He is slaughtering children. Families.

  • 在231页,就是为了加些内容到这个目录中,我们看到了谋杀,抛弃,忽视儿童,我们还读到了警察的残忍,让我看一下231页。

    On 231, just to add to this catalog--we have murdered, abandoned, neglected children--we also have police brutality.

  • 我们就是儿童队。没错!我们就是大人队。说的没错!

    We're the children's team. Yeah. We're the grown-ups' team. All right.

  • 欢迎来到鸭子乐园。你们一共要几张票呢?成人票、儿童票各两张。祝你们玩的愉快。

    Welcome to Duckland. How many tickets please? Two adults and two children. Enjoy the ducks.

  • 5%的成人,和一半的儿童都达不到推荐的锻炼量"

    5% of adults and half of all children do not take the recommended amount of exercise."

  • 要拯救这些儿童的生命,只需要你向比较有效的救助机构,捐赠适量的钱款。

    There are children who by a relatively modest donation to an effective aid agency, you could save their lives.

  • 所以无论对成人还是儿童来说,这都是关键问题,当我们使用一款宣称拥有多语种的软件时,必须确保它的每一种语言都是完整的。

    So it`s sort of a key issue for children and for adults actually to make sure that When we use a software that has more than one language it has to be completely in each language.

  • 这就像你们儿童书里上帝的代表,它就像一朵亮白的云,你甚至不需要,卷曲状和胡须状的图像,即使你只看的,亮白。

    So this is like your children's book representation of the Christian God, and there it is as a blinding white cloud. You wouldn't even need the curls and the beard if you just had the blinding and the white.

  • 瑟琳娜 范德·伍德森想在儿童慈善联盟工作,然后生两个孩子?

    Serena Van Der Woodsen wants to work for the junior league and have two children?

  • 当他十几岁的时候,他为他们画漫画,也涉猎儿童图书,

    When he was a teenager and he would draw cartoons for them and he even dabbled in children's books

  • 我先来说说皮亚杰,和弗洛伊德一样,皮亚杰相信,总体上看,儿童的思维方式会发生全面的改变

    So, I started off with Piaget, and Piaget, like Freud, believed in general, across the board changes in how children think.

  • 它们试图对世间的一切做出解释,包括了日常生活,儿童发展,心理疾病,宗教,战争及爱情。

    They're theories of everything, encompassing just about everything that matters, day-to-day life, child development, mental illness, religion, war, love.

  • 例如,英国20%的儿童,每周都不吃水果和蔬菜

    For example, 20% of all children in the UK eat no fruits and vegetables in a week.

  • 因为,儿童也是正在学习阅读和写作的人。

    Because, I mean after all, who are children but people who are learning how to read and to write.

  • 所以为了维持生计,我只好出席一些儿童聚会。

    So I was forced to do these, children's parties to make a living.


儿童 értóng

[children] 年纪小于少年的幼孩

儿童相见不相识。——· 贺知章《回乡偶书》



云南 n. Yunnan; Yunnan province。

文章 n. article; essay; text; writing; writings; paper;

营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。