1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 09:04:03
nǐ hǎo

hello; hi; how are you; howdy; wotcha

hello exl.你好;(用于打招呼、接电话或引起注意)喂;(表示惊讶)嘿;哎呀

hi exl.嗨;喂;嘿;你好(引起注意;非正式的打招呼)

how are you idiom你好吗;你怎么样;你过得好吗

howdy int.你好;嗨;哈罗(非正式或友好的问候语)

wotcha excl.你好;嗨;喂;见到你真高兴


hello; hi; how are you; howdy; wotcha

  • 你好!》杂志带动了许多效仿它的刊物问世。

    The magazine 'Hello!' gave rise to a number of me-too publications.

  • 他说道:“玛丽亚,你好!”然后她的脸又红了。

    "Hello, Maria," he said, and she blushed again.

  • 哈罗,约翰,你好吗?

    Hello John, how are you?

  • 今天放学后我去找你好吗?

    Shall I meet you after school today?

  • “嗨,你好。”他微笑着说。

    'Oh, hello,' he said, with a smile.

  • 我把这事告诉你只是为你好

    I'm only telling you this for your own good.

  • 我不愿伤你的自尊,但是你好像高估了你对我的重要性。

    I hate to deflate your ego, but you seem to have an exaggerated idea of your importance to me.

  • 你好,特里斯。我就不握手了,我的手好脏。

    Hello, Trish. I won't shake hands, because I'm filthy.

  • 哎呀,你好,汤姆。

    Why hello, Tom.

  • 你好,弗蕾迪!是我,玛克辛。

    Hello Freddy, it's only me, Maxine.

  • 你可以说,“你好你好吗?”

    You can say, "Hello! How are you?"

  • 他吻了一下她的面颊:“祝你好运!”

    He kissed her on the cheek. "Best of luck!"

  • 你好,斯旺森。”他说话的时候并未显得惊讶。

    "Hello, Swanson," he said without surprise.

  • 你好,怀特小姐,你好吗?

    Hello Miss White! How are you?

  • 你好,特里茜。

    Hello, Trish.

  • 我真心希望他们给你好的报酬。

    I hope to God they are paying you well.

  • “我去看望你好吗?”——“你在开玩笑吗?路很远的。”

    "Shall I come to see you?" — "Are you kidding? It's miles."

  • 电话线路不太好。苏珊,我待会儿再打给你好吗?

    It's not a very good line. Shall we call you back Susan?

  • “嗨,你们好!”那妇人朝他们笑着招呼道。—“你好!”他们齐声回答。

    "Hello there," said the woman, smiling at them.—"Hi!" they chorused.

  • 所有女孩们都点头说:“你好。”

    All the girls nodded and said "Hi."

  • 你好,我是约翰·汤普森。

    Hello, this is John Thompson.

  • 你好,利兹,”她腼腆地说。

    "Hi, Liz," she said shyly.

  • 喂!你好吗?

    Hi, there! How're you doing?

  • 你好吗,麦克?”

    "How are you, Mikey?"

  • 你好好睡一夜就会觉得好些了。

    You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep.

  • 你好

    Good day to you.

  • 你好!我的名字是艾米。

    Hello! My name is Amy.

  • 你好,王亚明!你好吗?

    Hello, Wang Yaming! How are you?

  • 你好。我的名字是艾米!

    Hello. My name is Amy!

  • 你好吗?”—“好,看见你更好了。”

    "How are you?" —"All the better for seeing you."

  • 你好!我的名字叫瑶瑶。

    Hello! My name is Yaoyao.

  • 你好,玛丽亚,”他说,这让她脸上又泛起了红晕。

    "Hello, Maria," he said, and she blushed again.

  • 嗨,你好吗?

    Hiya. How are you?

  • 你好,西蒙!什么风把你吹来了?

    Hello Simon! What brings you here?

  • “祝你好运”的字样正在屏幕上闪现。

    The words "Good Luck" were flashing on the screen.

  • 你好,伯纳德!见到你真高兴。

    Good day to you, Bernard! It's a positive delight to see you.

  • 卡萝尔,你怎么啦?你好像不高兴。

    Carole, what's the matter? You don't seem happy.

  • 见到你好极了。

    It's wonderful to see you.

  • “祝你好运,中士,”他说。

    "Good luck, sarge," he said.

  • 你好吗,小迈克?”

    "How are you, Mikey?"

  • 你好!很高兴见到你。

    Hello! Nice to meet you.

  • 你好。我可以和杰克说话吗?

    Hello. May I speak to Jack?

  • 今天是我的生日。你好像不知道似的!

    It's my birthday. As if you didn't know!

  • 你好聪明。”她夸张地称赞说。

    'You are clever,' she gushed.

  • 你好,我能帮你什么吗?

    Hello. How can I help you?

  • 嗨呀,你好吗?

    Hiya. How are you?

  • 嗨!你好吗?

    Hi! What's new?

  • 你好像对这个想法不太感兴趣。

    You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea.

  • 听起来你好像过得挺愉快。

    It sounds as though you had a good time.

  • 你好!”她很正式地说。

    'How do you do?' she said formally.

  • 哦,你好。你在做什么?

    Oh, hello. What are you doing?

  • 你好,保罗。”他们齐声问候道。

    'Hello, Paul,' they chorused.

  • 喂,你好。你一定是西德尼吧。

    Oh, hi there. You must be Sidney.

  • 你好!我的名字是爱丽丝。

    Hello! My name is Alice.

  • 你好只有你一个吗? 对

    Hi. Hello. Just you out here? Yeah.

  • 没有人会对婴儿说,"你好,儿子

    Nobody speaks to their babies in, "Hello, Son. It's time--Oh.

  • 因此这是个你好掌握的句型同时要活学活用。

    So it's something you should learn easily and use often.

  • 卡尔·伊坎先生:嗨,学生:我是Mark,Kotter。你好

    Mr. Carl Icahn: Hi Student: I'm Mark Kotter. How are you?

  • 大家好。你好,爸爸。

    Hello, everyone. Hello, Daddy.

  • 学生:谢谢,卡尔·伊坎先生:好的,学生:嗨,伊坎先生,你好

    Student: Thank you Mr. Carl Icahn: Okay, all right Student: Hi, Mr. Icahn. How are you?

  • 你这么说我很高兴,你好

    I'm glad to hear it. Hello.

  • 每个人都说,“很好,棒极了,妙不可言,当我们被问到“你好吗?“时“

    And then when everyone says, " "Oh fine. Oh great. Oh terrific", then we are asked "How are you doing?"

  • 好啊,谢尔顿。你好,潘妮。

    Hey, Sheldon. Hello, Penny.

  • 你好你好,兔女士!阿姨!

    Hello! Hello, Miss Rabbit! Auntie!

  • 你好你好。情人节快乐。好的。

    Hello. Hello. Happy Valentine's Day. Okay.

  • 有人走向我们,在William,James大厅的电梯里,我说“你好吗“

    When someone comes to us in the elevator in William James , ?" I says, "How are you doing?"

  • 因为每个人都会参加迟到的一餐,所以你能见到你好几个月未见的同学。

    Because everyone goes to late meal, so you see people you haven't seen in, like, months.

  • 我的穿衣品味也比你好

    I dress much better than you.

  • 在这里,你在这里,你试着跟别人说“你好”,他们却会怀疑你是不是疯了。

    Here, you come here, you try to tell people hello, they wonder if you're crazy.

  • 你好,我都不知道你起床了呢。

    Hello. I didn't know you were up.

  • 你好,乔克,小乖乖。

    Hello, Jock. Good boy.

  • 你好。谢了,我没办法…

    Oh, hello. Oh, thanks. I couldn't...

  • 学了英语,我刚来的时候,除了“嗨,你好吗?”什么也不会。

    learned English, came here not knowing really anything other than "Hi, how are you?"

  • 对不起,你好,别慌张。

    Pardon me. Hello. Don't be alarmed.

  • 比如有人问我,"你好吗?"

    Somebody says, "How are you?"

  • 你确定?“很好笑吧,”你好吗?”

    Are you sure?" " I know." "How are you?"

  • 嗨。嗨。进来。你好

    Come on in. Hello.

  • 他正在和Natta说话,我就说,“你好,很抱歉打扰你们谈话了“

    And he was speaking with the Natta I just said, "Hi, I'm sorry that you're talking."

  • 你好,我叫约翰,”“嗨,我是提姆,”然后我说“哦,你好。有什么事吗?”

    Hi, I'm John," "Hi I'm Tim," and I'm like, "Oh, Hi. What's up?"

  • 你好啊,太阳花。舅舅。

    Hello, Sunflower. Uncle!

  • 你好啊。我是猪爸爸。

    Hello. It's Daddy Pig.

  • 伙计们,你好你好

    Hey, guys. Hi. hello. hello.

  • 你好。我哪里做错了?

    Hello. What did I do?

  • 我们是那种嘴上说“你好吗“

    " We are people who ask, "So how are you doing?"

  • 你说,“你好!很高兴又见面了。”

    You said, "Hello! It's good to see you again."

  • 我最喜欢的道德困境是,当我走在大街上时,我看到一个不是很熟的人,我要转移视线,免得要跟他交谈吗,还是我说”你好吗?“

    My favorite moral dilemma is as I'm walking down the street and I see somebody I sort of know, do I avoid eye so we don't have a conversation or do I say, "Hey. How are you doing?"

  • 你好。我是詹姆斯·哈利迪。

    Hello. I am James Halliday.

  • 每逢遇到一个大人,都会说“你好”,“早上好”,“下午好”,就像这样。

    you saw an adult, you said hello, you said good morning and you said good afternoon, you know.

  • 但我想,你见的人越多,你说的“你好”越多,你就会越发熟悉这一切的。

    But I think the more you meet people, here it's, the more you say hello, the more it's familiar.

  • 这会让我也感到痛苦,但这不代表我就要对你好

    That could cause me pain but it doesn't mean I'm going to be nice to you.

  • 如果我让你好朋友看你的照片,和一张你照在镜子里的照片,你的好朋友会更喜欢你的照片,因为那张照片上的内容是他们每天都看到的。

    If I showed your best friend a picture of you versus a mirror image picture of you, your best friend would say he or she likes the picture more because that corresponds to what he or she sees each day.

  • 你好。我们搬新家了。

    Oh. Hello. We're in a new house.

  • 但有时,我可以选择那些我想要说的话,"你好吗","非常好"

    But sometimes I could say what I choose to be, "How are you?" "Pretty damn good."

  • 那么,在那之后发生了什么呢,正如你所记得的,莉莉从汽车后座突然跳出来,你好,他根本就不知道她在那儿。

    And what happens of course thereafter, as you'll remember, is that Lily pops up from the back seat: "Hi." He didn't know that she was there.

  • 但我们还是把食物送了过去,说,"嗨,你好,我们刚搬来"

    But we delivered the baked goods and said, "Hi, how are you? We're here now."

  • 女士你好,我诚挚向你道歉。

    Ma'am, hello. I apologize.

  • 你好,希瑟。罗伯特怎么样?

    Hello, Heather. How's Robert?

  • 你好。你来这里干嘛?

    Hello. What are you doing here?

  • 但那是大大的,虚假的微笑,泛美式微笑,微笑意味着你好,但与微笑截然相反,交流时微笑是真正开心的。

    But it was a big, fake smile, the Pan Am smile, a smile to communicate "hello" and but it's as opposed to a smile where the communication is that of genuine happiness.

  • 观众:你好史蒂夫,你之前讲了,你在谈的是现在是创业革新的好时期,各种想法都在萌芽,我想你在微软,工作多年肯定见识过很多很棒的点子。

    Audience: Hi Steve. So earlier in your presentation, you're talking about that it was a great time for innovation and all these ideas were happening and I'm sure you'd seen a lot of these ideas happened over your years at Microsoft.


你好 nǐ hǎo

[how do you do;how are you;hello] 用于有礼貌的打招呼或表示与人见面时的问候


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of