1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 12:54:49
jù lè bù


club; union

club n.会;会所;夜总会;俱乐部;社团;职业运动俱乐部;体育俱乐部;(俱乐部使用的)建筑设施;活动室;集会地点;社交组织;兴趣小组;专业协会;私人会馆;高尔夫球杆;棍棒;击棍(一头粗一头细);梅花(纸牌中的一种花色)

union n.联盟;联邦;同盟;协会;工会;俱乐部;联合会;联合;合并;结婚;婚姻;美利坚合众国(the Union);[数学]并集;联管节;接头

  • 我参加读书俱乐部和排球俱乐部

    I go to the Book Club and the Volleyball Club.

  • 没有人知道谁掌管这个俱乐部

    Nobody knows who is in control of the club.

  • 这家俱乐部面临被足协开除。

    The club faces expulsion from the football league.

  • 他们属于这个俱乐部

    They belong to the club.

  • 俱乐部的人很佩服他。

    People at the club think very highly of him.

  • 这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。

    The club is open to all and sundry.

  • 她记起来那晚她正要去社交俱乐部

    She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening.

  • 财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。

    The treasurer had run off with the club's funds.

  • 他是伦敦几个男性俱乐部的会员。

    He's a member of several London clubs.

  • 他们因打架被赶出了俱乐部

    They were slung out of the club for fighting.

  • 伦敦有些俱乐部仍然拒绝妇女参加。

    Women are still excluded from some London clubs.

  • 本赛季该俱乐部已经有73,500名持有季票的观众。

    This season the club has had 73,500 season-ticket holders.

  • 俱乐部的会员人数超过了500名。

    The club has a membership of more than 500.

  • 俱乐部对新的想法都表示欢迎。

    The club is responsive to new ideas.

  • 欢迎来到英语俱乐部

    Welcome to the English club.

  • 俱乐部已经把会议日期改到1月22号,星期六。

    The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.

  • 足球俱乐部在休赛季节的转会市场上一直忙个不停。

    Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.

  • 那位要人到达时,俱乐部经理亲自陪他上楼。

    When the great man arrived, the club's manager personally escorted him upstairs.

  • 她回想起那天晚上她要去俱乐部

    She remembered that she was going to the club that evening.

  • 俱乐部对所有人开放。

    The club is open to all.

  • 这家俱乐部在过去20年间知名度大增。

    This club has grown in stature over the last 20 years.

  • 大牌俱乐部对缓慢的进展越来越不耐烦了。

    The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.

  • 出租车在里维埃拉俱乐部门口停了下来。

    The taxi drew up in front of the Riviera Club.

  • 我曾是一个青年俱乐部的成员。

    I used to belong to a youth club.

  • 他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到拒绝。

    They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.

  • 我想加入美术俱乐部

    I want to join the art club.

  • 任何人都可以加入俱乐部

    Anyone can join the club.

  • 这个俱乐部具有世界文化的气氛。

    The club has a cosmopolitan atmosphere.

  • 这家俱乐部去年才接纳女会员。

    Women were only admitted into the club last year.

  • 他有意购买那个俱乐部作为投资。

    He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.

  • 她是这个俱乐部的终身会员。

    She is a life member of the club.

  • 她没有获准加入俱乐部,感到失望。

    She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club.

  • 欢迎来到我的戏剧俱乐部

    Welcome to my drama club!

  • 这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。

    The club had only six members to start with.

  • 那天晚上这两个男人在威尔逊俱乐部进了餐。

    That night the two men dined at Wilson's club.

  • 我们打算在高尔夫球俱乐部吃午餐。

    We're going for lunch at the golf club.

  • 这个俱乐部是年轻拳击手的摇篮。

    The club is the proving ground for young boxers.

  • 学生和当地居民都经常去那个俱乐部

    The club is patronized by students and locals alike.

  • 673家私人高尔夫俱乐部参与了最近的研究。

    673 private golf clubs took part in a recent study.

  • 他们吸收了几名新成员进入俱乐部

    They recruited several new members to the club.

  • 农场主俱乐部是为农业界人士创办的组织。

    The Farmers' Club is an organisation for people involved in agriculture.

  • 有无数个俱乐部你可以加入。

    There are any amount of clubs you could join.

  • 我可以加入你的俱乐部吗?

    Can I join your club?

  • 新任经理被誉为俱乐部的救星。

    The new manager has been hailed as the saviour of the club.

  • 俱乐部专门为高尔夫学员制作录像,以纠正他们的错误。

    The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults.

  • 俱乐部取一个名字。

    Choose a name for the club.

  • 他女儿老缠着他要求加入俱乐部

    His daughter was always badgering him to let her join the club.

  • 他很快从俱乐部里被撵了出来。

    He was soon given the bum's rush from the club.

  • 你参加了什么俱乐部

    What club(s) are you in?

  • 培养年轻球员应该是所有俱乐部谋求发展之道。

    Young players have got to be the way forward for every club.

  • 他从砖墙的小门偷偷进入俱乐部

    He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall.

  • 俱乐部明年要庆祝成立一百周年。

    The club will celebrate its centenary next year.

  • 我们在高尔夫球俱乐部吃的午饭。

    We had lunch at the golf club.

  • 非法饮酒俱乐部继续在城内营业。

    Illegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city.

  • 海伦请我去戏剧俱乐部看戏了。

    I went to the theatre club as Helen's guest.

  • 你可以和俱乐部中的人取得联系,然后他们就把你加入联系人名单。

    you know, you get in touch with someone in that club, and they are going to add you in the mailing list.

  • 学校里也有像网球俱乐部这样的俱乐部, 你只是跟别人一起打球就行了。

    There're also clubs like tennis club that you just get together with people to play a little bit, yeah.

  • 假设你是一个俱乐部成员,某天下午举行了一场会议,你不在场,因为你当时身处异地。

    Suppose you're a member of some club and there's a meeting this afternoon and you won't be there, because you've got to be someplace else.

  • 但是,如果你看一下俱乐部从亚洲挣的钱,真是巨大的一笔呀。

    But if you look at the amount of money that the club makes from Asia, it's huge.

  • 但我认为对你们大多数人来说,既然来了,可能已经意识到最好是主修一门科学,因为你不能在你,周末的时候在厨房里做化学实验,然后你就可以参加一个读书俱乐部

    But, I think what most of you, actually having MIT come to MIT, have probably realized is sometimes it's nice to major in a science, because you can't just pick up a reaction and do it in your kitchen on the weekend, where as you can sometimes join a book group and do that.

  • 大一的时候,我只参加了一个俱乐部,还上课。

    So as a freshman, I was only involved in one club, and I was taking classes.

  • 你不知不知道选了积极心理学的人中,有75%的人是俱乐部的干部,35%是俱乐部的高层干部,这意味着,你认为哈佛有大约2000个俱乐部,你在一个只有3个人的俱乐部里,又恰好是主席。

    Did you know that of people who take positive psychology, 75% of you are officers of club, 35% of you are the highest ranking officers of club, which means that you think there are about 2000 clubs at Harvard, you are in club of three, and you happen to be the president.

  • 我觉得普林斯顿大学,在国内都被称为有着乡村俱乐部的氛围,先不管这么说对不对,我本人是持否定意见。

    It seems to me that Princeton University had a reputation nationally for a country club environment whether that was ever legitimate, which I don't think so.

  • 如果你不确定该做什么,你可以一直去俱乐部的集会,

    And if you're not sure what to do, you can always go to club fairs,

  • 你去和我爸爸说话。但是关于秘密俱乐部什么都不要提。

    You talk to my Daddy. But don't say anything about our secret club.

  • 秘密俱乐部

    The Secret Club

  • 约翰当时是一年级,他决定参加我们的俱乐部,我们就这样认识了。

    And John was in his first year of school, and he decided to join the running club, and we met there.

  • 有一家饮食俱乐部以营业到凌晨四点而出名。

    and then there's one eating club that's famous for being open until, like, four am,

  • 喔,我也可以加入你的俱乐部吗。嘘,想要加入俱乐部可不容易。你必须说出那个暗号才可以加入。

    Wow. Can I be in your secret club? It's not easy to get into. You have to say the secret word.

  • 有一些俱乐部的食物也不过是油腻的比萨、汉堡和鸡柳条。

    Some of them just have, like, you know, greasy pizza, and burgers and chicken fingers.

  • 我们是"非指责早餐俱乐部"成员,我们是你最好的朋友。

    We're the non-judging breakfast club. We're your best friends.

  • 随着法国一七八九年革命,及其后的发展,大约在一八四八年,女权俱乐部开始形成,主张女权

    And, as in the French Revolution, that is 1789 and following, and as in 1848, clubs of women began to form demanding rights.

  • 法尔科已死,他退出了象棋社,退出了化学俱乐部

    Farkle's gone. He gave up the chess club. He gave up the chemistry club.

  • 黑人有很好的俱乐部;白人有……亚洲人也有很不错的俱乐部

    the black people, they have very good clubs, the whites, they have...Asians, they have very good clubs.

  • 我一直都很想加入秘密俱乐部呢。我们的俱乐部里不能把所有人都加进来。那样的话就不是什么秘密了。哦。

    I've always wanted to be in a secret club. We can't have everyone in the secret club. It wouldn't be a secret. Oh.

  • 我通常参加类似的一个饮食俱乐部。但现在他们在装修。

    I usually start at that eating club. But they're under renovation right now.

  • 我现在没有参加什么俱乐部,我考虑了几个,但都没有加入。

    I am not currently in any clubs, I've looked into a couple but none have really stuck.

  • 还有,那家俱乐部叫什么?嗨。咖啡馆。

    And what was the name of the club? Cafe. Hey.

  • 我不是这个意思,我是说为什么你不带着一点点地攒着小钱...你的成果然后开俱乐部呢?开一个人人都不去的俱乐部吗?

    I'm not saying that! I'm saying why don't you take scrutting pennies so I can… what you've made and start the club! Start a club that no one wants to go?

  • 我们是要去一家秘密俱乐部,看布鲁克林最好的地下乐队演出吗?

    Are we going to some secret club to see the best unsigned band in Brooklyn?

  • 但它真的是“我恨瑞秋俱乐部”。

    Except that it was really the I Hate Rachel Club.

  • 离婚男人不是坏男人。他们把那句话印在俱乐部的纸巾上。

    Hey, divorced men are not bad men. They have that on the napkins at the club.

  • 我要把俱乐部搬到那里,把它安置在瀑布的旁边。

    I'm gonna move my club house there, and park it right next to the falls.

  • 学校有些像是兄弟会运营的。兄弟会、联谊会和希腊俱乐部,它们很大程度上管着学校。

    Pretty fraternity-run. Frats and sororities and Greek club, they pretty much rule the school.

  • 也许你有个朋友之前在俱乐部见到了一个长得非常英俊的男人,

    Maybe you have a friend who met somebody at a club who was very good looking,

  • 他刚加入了一个新俱乐部,想跟你分享一下。

    He has just joined a new club and he's going to tell you all about it.

  • 当你真的开始想象时,脑子里就会浮现出一个房间,人们围桌而坐,讨论俱乐部种种事宜,看,我又将自己作为旁观者带入其中了。

    Well, when you do picture it, there's that room in your mind's eye. You've got a little picture of people sitting around the table perhaps, discussing the business of your club. Uh-oh, I've smuggled myself in as a spectator.

  • 我们有一条出名的“大街”,这条街上有一群的饮食俱乐部

    We have this thing called "the Street," where there are a bunch of, they're called, eating clubs.

  • 但是我想秘密俱乐部也不是非得有秘密你们说对不对。他可以是每个人都可以加入的俱乐部

    I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club. It can be everybody's secret club.

  • 我直到这时才意识到自己来到了一家全男性俱乐部

    I didn't realize I was in an all-male club until that minute.

  • 数月前,我以前的一些学生,还有以前的同事,在耶鲁俱乐部举办了一次精彩的派对

    A few months ago, some former students of mine -former colleagues of mine -gave this very nice party at the Yale Club.

  • 或者你可以加入纽约的耶鲁俱乐部之类的,在那儿也可以和别人闲扯八卦

    Or you join the Yale Club in New York, something like that, and you sit around and talk with people.

  • 或许我该成立一个离婚男子俱乐部。兄弟,那太惨了。

    Maybe I should open a divorced men's club. Dude that is so sad.

  • 还有一种,一旦你加入了这个俱乐部,你就可以教一门课。

    There's one class that... it's a club where, once you get involved, you can teach a class.

  • 我当然觉得我参加的所有俱乐部,还有我上的不同的课

    So I definitely find all the clubs I'm involved in, and different classes that I'm in

  • 我考虑要加入“我恨火鸡俱乐部”,虽然我喜欢吃火鸡三明治。

    I'm thinking of joining an "I Hate Turkey Club." Although, I do love a turkey club.

  • 权力在议会院中,在立法议会手中,总统就是个会议召集人,他想办法让人们做正确的事情,这是个政治俱乐部

    Power is in the Chamber of Deputies,in the Assembly, and the President is a convener; he tries to get people to do the right things, and it's a political club.

  • 哦,我能进你们的秘密俱乐部吗。拜托了,我一直很想加入这种秘密俱乐部

    Oh. Can I be in your secret club, please? Please, I've always wanted to be in a secret club.

  • 有人吗,啊,你在这啊,羊妈妈。额,秘密俱乐部。哦不。哦。

    Hello, there you're, Mummy Sheep. What's new? Secret club. Oh, no. Oh.

  • 因为那里有不错的俱乐部和饭店,是个与众不同的地方。

    because they have good clubs and they have restaurants there and it's a very unique place.

  • 去年,也就是我法学院三年级的时候,我是长跑俱乐部的会长。

    and last year, in my third year in law school, I was the president of the running club.

  • 他们会参加运动队,各种俱乐部等等。所以,

    So they play on sports teams, they're involved in clubs, etc. and things like that. And, so

  • 我处理的不好,如果你把“我恨瑞秋俱乐部”想成“我爱瑞秋俱乐部”。

    Obviously I didn't handle it very well. But if you think about it the I Hate Rachel Club was really the I Love Rachel Club.

  • 它是一个关于政治的俱乐部……会员都是校园内热衷政治的人士。

    which is a political club for... people who are interested in politics and stuff on campus.

  • 你自己说过没人想去那里。没人想去什么鸡肉串俱乐部。那换个名字啊。

    You said yourself no one wants to go to that club. No one wants to go to a club called "Chicken on a Stick". So change the name!


俱乐部 jùlèbù

[club] 进行社会交际、文化娱乐等活动的团体和场所



云南 n. Yunnan; Yunnan province。

文章 n. article; essay; text; writing; writings; paper;

营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。