1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-18 08:50:42


a move in chess; trick; gimmick; device; move; maneuver


hit; strike; touch; apply; make contact with; be affected by; catch; take effect; reach; affect; pertain to; be concerned with; be associated with

a move in chess phr.着;着数;着法;象棋中的一步棋;棋路

trick n.技巧;把戏;戏法;花招;诡计;骗局;引起错觉的事物

gimmick n.噱头;花招;把戏;诡计;手法;诀窍;促销手段;特殊装置;骗人的玩意儿

device n.装置;设备;手段;方法;花招;诡计;炸弹;爆炸装置;图画;设计;<古>(某物的)样式;外表

move v.移动;前进;进展;推进;促进;迫使(某人…);提出(建议、动议);动议;提议;打动;感动;激发(情感);搬迁;搬家;改变;变化;行动;采取行动;进行游戏中的一步操作;走棋

maneuver n.策略;调动;演习;机动;花招;手法;战术动作;灵活操作

hit v.打;击中;击打;撞击;攻击;冲击;按;访问(网站);(灾难、疾病等)侵袭;袭击;(尤指商业或娱乐产品)大受欢迎;走红;(尤指毒品)产生效果;产生不良影响;(尤指在感情上)伤害;使痛苦;使突然想起

strike v.击;撞;打;罢工;突然想到;突然意识到;突击;袭击;进攻;(疾病、灾难等)侵袭;让(某人)觉得;引起(强烈感情);达成;达到;行进;(时钟)敲响;发现;铸造;冲制;删除;踢球;击球;使处于(特定状态);摆出(姿态);照在…上;弹奏;奏出;划(火柴); 击出(火星);拆除(帐篷、帆等);生根;附着;急拉钓线把鱼钩住

touch v.碰;触摸;接触;触及;触动;感动;使感动;影响;使受影响;涉及;涉足;使牵涉;接壤;处理;改变;起作用;移动;达到(某一水平等);与…有关;使有关联;使联系;轻擦;轻抚

apply v.申请;请求;涂;施;敷;施加;实施;应用;运用;适用;适合;投入;致力于;专注于;踩(刹车);指称

make contact with 联系;取得联系;接触

be affected by 受到影响;被影响;受影响

catch v.捕捉;抓住;握住;截获;截住;逮捕;捕获;赶上(交通工具);及时参与;出席;参加;吸引(注意力、兴趣);引起;激发(兴趣、情感、想像、注意等);感染(疾病);被(机器、门等)卡住;夹住;钩住;绊住;意外地被缠住;理解;听到;听清楚;领会;注意到;( 偶然或突然地)撞见;察觉;当场发现;当场发觉;发现;看见;瞥见;遭遇;遇到(困难、问题等);遭受(处罚等);欺骗;接(落下的液体);(在球落地前)接住球;击中;打;(光)照射;使进退两难;突然制止;逼真再现;及时做;及时谈

take effect vphr.起作用;产生效果;生效;见效;开始起作用;开始生效;开始实施

reach v.到达;实现;(尤指用电话)联系;接通;(声音)传到;被…看到(或听到);引起…的注意;增加到;提升到(某一水平、速度等)够到;伸手取得;伸出(手臂);延伸;触及;影响;打动;传播

affect v.影响;作用于;改变;使感染;(侵袭)侵袭;打动;触动;激起(情感);使悲伤;假装;装出;故作

pertain to 涉及;有关;属于

be concerned with phr.关切;关注;关心;关怀;牵涉到…;与…有关;相关;涉及;专注于;从事于

be associated with phr.关联;相关联;与…联系;与…有联系;与…相伴;与…共现;常与…一起出现;与…联合;与…合作

  • 毫无疑问,这个男人身上透一种野性魅力。

    There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man.

  • 我来回扫视走廊。

    I looked up and down the corridor.

  • 他热恋她。

    He was passionately in love with her.

  • 他喋喋不休地说某个无聊的电视连续剧。

    He was carrying on about some stupid television series.

  • 微风吹动树枝。

    A slight breeze was stirring the branches.

  • 熊的厚厚的棕色毛发上滴水,它盯我看。

    With water falling off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back at me.

  • 两只猫晃动尾巴彼此对视

    The cats watched each other, their tails twitching.

  • 他粗暴的外表下藏一颗非常善良的心。

    His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.

  • 小马拉一辆小马车。

    The ponies pulled a little coach.

  • 鸟儿们啄砖墙。

    The birds nibble at the brickwork.

  • 她操纵党内大权。

    She wields enormous power within the party.

  • 他戴帽子很热。

    He is hot in the hat.

  • 她凝视那火,喃喃自语,伸出双臂暖手。

    She was staring into the fire muttering, and holding her arms outstretched to warm her hands.

  • 探照灯扫视夜空。

    Searchlights probed the night sky.

  • 合作意味成功。

    Cooperation equals success.

  • 汽车咕隆开走了。

    The car purred away.

  • 她通常披散头发。

    She usually wears her hair loose.

  • 政府继续控制局势。

    The government remained in control.

  • 我试回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。

    I try to remember all the good times I've had here.

  • “在那儿等!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”

    "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."

  • 嘲笑声的背后潜伏一种越来越强烈的不安。

    Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.

  • 新一代科学家对恐龙研究了迷。

    A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.

  • 汽艇呼啸出海了。

    The powerboat screamed out to sea.

  • 有一个留胡子的老头。

    There was an Old Man with a beard.

  • 几栋大楼了火。

    Several buildings were set alight.

  • 他们的马奔腾、嘶鸣

    Their horses pranced and whinnied.

  • 他心里郁结怒火。

    Anger simmered inside him.

  • 她按铃后等候

    She rang the bell and waited.

  • 他在逗狗玩。

    He was playing games with the dog.

  • 她挣扎以求脱身。

    She struggled to free herself.

  • 她喘粗气。

    She was now breathing heavily.

  • 小马刷刷地甩尾巴。

    The pony's tail swished.

  • 这些房间装饰挂毯。

    The rooms were hung with tapestries.

  • 桌子上镶嵌瓷砖。

    Ceramic tiles were inset into the tables.

  • 他们打算绕小岛逆潮航行。

    They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide.

  • 我诅咒,蹒跚站起来。

    I cursed and hobbled to my feet.

  • 始终戴安全帽。

    Wear a hard hat at all times.

  • 狗象征忠诚。

    Dogs are emblematic of faithfulness.

  • 那辆车把那人来回轧了两次,先是倒轧的,再是往前开轧的。

    The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.

  • 我们活是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。

    For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?

  • 她来回摇动婴儿。

    She rocked the baby to and fro.

  • 门都用挂锁锁

    The doors were padlocked.

  • 去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。

    Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.

  • 做笔记意味写几个字。

    Making notes means writing a few words.

  • 他只带了几片用手帕包的面包。

    He carried only a few scraps of bread wrapped up in a handkerchief.

  • 妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪.

    Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk.

  • 夜空荡漾乐声。

    Music filled the night air.

  • 它戴一顶(派对)帽子。

    It's wearing a (party) hat.

  • 他们发现地上覆盖树叶。

    They found the ground covered in leafs.

  • 他们还留下了一张名片,上面印肖恩·林奇的名字。

    They also left a card, imprinted with the name Sean Lynch.

  • 他正拿一块布,布上粉红色的水滴落在地板上。

    He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.

  • 他们挽胳膊走。

    They walked arm in arm.

  • 有报道称首都弥漫不满的情绪。

    There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.

  • 汽车颠簸开走了。

    The car moved off jerkily.

  • 你现在是八竿子打不

    Well, that's a ways off.

  • 敏迪,我告诉你在马车里等

    Mindy. I told you to stay in the carriage.

  • 在这里面学校扮演了主要角色,所以这些说,方言或者普罗旺斯语或者加斯科涅语的孩子们,我把加斯科涅语忘了,在波尔多附近,他们操勉强能接受的法语唱马赛曲,上前线等待被屠杀

    And the schools play a major role in this and thus all these kids who grew up speaking patois or Provencal or Gascon-- I forgot Gascon, around Bordeaux, they can sing the Marseillaise in acceptable French as they march off to be slaughtered.

  • 我在《洋葱报》上看到的星座运程更妙:,“别一手拿刨冰一手开高尔夫球车,否则本周你会被两名警官逮捕,因为你的长相,和谋杀疑犯的模拟肖像很像“

    I got a better horoscope from The Onion actually: "Riding in a golf cart with snow cone in hand, you'll be tackled by two police officers this week after matching a composite caricature " of a suspected murderer."

  • 我换件衣服,你在走廊等

    Wait in the hall while I change.

  • 我们走,火车的一部分被挡住。

    as we're taking our walk part of the train is invisible.

  • 完全不费劲,我高兴呢。

    Oh, it's no trouble, it's actually a pleasure.

  • 这里暗示令人迷的狂喜如同美酒一般,而酒又像是紧紧抓你的鹰;,用它的利爪疯狂地掠夺你所有的。

    It suggests that ecstasy is like wine, ; and wine is like an eagle clasping you; it's prey in its claws.

  • 看他,纳什!倒走合法吗?

    Look at him. Nash! Taking a reverse constitutional?

  • 美国人的饮食正发生一些可怕的状况,而且不仅在美国,一个,一个又一个国家,正在以美国为标准进行饮食调整

    Something terrible has happened with the American diet and it's not just happened in America, but country after country, after country is changing to follow America's example.

  • 在希腊,存在无数战争,但同时也存在无限自由,我认为,战争和自由之所以,紧密相连,密不可分,是因为城邦这一特殊事物的维系

    In Greece you have a lot of war and you have a lot of freedom, and all of that is tied up, I think very much, with the development of this very special thing called the polis.

  • 我需要试了解你正在说什么,并且与我想说的话进行联系,我们之间的交流要进行下去,这是我们对于谈论内容的相互发展的,了解的结果。

    I have to try to understand what you're saying and I have to refer it to what I want to say, and the circuit of communication between us has to stay open as a result of this mutual and developing understanding of what we're talking about.

  • 我希望能带你的友谊离开。

    I wish to pass from you in friendship.

  • 他并没有继续写一些伟大的作品,而是追溯了过去,并在已完成的作品中寻找终结。

    And instead of this continual anticipation of writing something great, Milton's able to look back and find closure in something already written.

  • 真可惜,闻可香了。

    That's a real shame, it really does smell fantastic.

  • 他写道,“我们这一时代的诗-,正如我们生活的世界-,让人费解“

    He says, "Poetry in our own time-- -- such is the complexity of the world we live in-- must be difficult."

  • 我会记你的建议的,谢谢。

    I'll bear it in mind. Thank you.

  • 这是天国的本分,我们的本分,喃喃念一个个名字,像一个母亲叫她的孩子们,当睡意最终降临,那跑野了的四肢。

    That is heaven's part, our part To murmur name upon name, As a mother names her child When sleep at last has come On limbs that had run wild.

  • 你想做一名清道夫,给,拿

    You wanna be a cleaner. Here. Take it.

  • 正如弥尔顿所说的,“看我,我或许是一名诗人“,或许只是写一首诗,但我的确在做一些事。

    It's as if Milton is saying, "Look at me. I may be a poet. I may actually -I'm simply writing a pastoral poem, but I'm actually doing something in the world.

  • 换句话说,其他银行在英国就像是英国银行的客户;,其他银行不得不把钱存放在英国银行那,英国银行业负责监管,其他银行的商业行为,也指挥其他银行,因为英国银行有控制市场的力量。

    In other words, the banks were like customers of the Bank of England; they had to keep deposits there and the Bank of England watched them to make sure that they were behaving responsibly and had authority over them because it had market power.

  • 我是指,尽管没有直接阐明却隐含其中,因为所有这些,广告里的人都吃,德州巨无霸汉堡而且做各种肌肉运动

    I mean it's--well it's not said directly but that's inferred isn't it, because all these are--they're doing all the muscle kind of things and they're eating the Texas Double Whopper.

  • 但在所有这些群体中都有一种努力,在尝试记录下最根本的东西,而我们要做的就是维护,我在广泛思考,社会正义的标准,其他人可能会说是人的尊严,有些事情,我们会做从而维护他人的尊严。

    But within all of these groups is an attempted try to get down something that's so fundamental, and we just have to safeguard. I'm thinking broadly in terms of social justice criteria, others may say human dignity. There're certain things we do to safeguard others' human dignity.

  • 也许在我大赛时用的

    Yeah, maybe I'll use it in my big race.

  • 你鞋子上沾一个套套。

    You have a condom stuck to your shoe.

  • 现在我们带一个只能创作出这首诗的诗人的印象,来看这首诗,手指粗暴的用力攥

    Now we began Lycidas with an image of a poet who could only write this poem -- this is what we were told -with forced fingers rude.

  • 去想象,你可不可以这样,试去想象一个圆的方形

    Try to imagine-- can you do that or can you not do that?-- try to imagine a round square.

  • 汤姆说他爱你,而你也爱他。

    Tom says that he is in love with you and that you are in love with him.

  • 而实际上,房地产市场正在全国化,因为密尔沃基人不再认为,面对洛杉矶高涨的房地产业,他们能够置身事外,密尔沃基也正经历房价的上涨

    In fact, it's becoming more national because Milwaukeeans no longer think that they are some kind of outpost that's unrelated to the excitement of glamorous cities; they see it happening at home as well.

  • 一个非常有趣的思想实验是,试不知道,那是一个写存在的标志“

    It's an interesting thought experiment to try not to know that that's a sign that says "exit."

  • 虽然你们戴眼镜很好看,但现没什么东西需要戴看了,你们可以拿掉了,或者你们在助教收上来之前,试试看分开屋里的光。

    There's nothing more exciting to see with your glasses on, while you look nice. You can take those off if you wish to, or you can try to just be splitting the light in the room until the TAs grab your glasses, either is fine.

  • 看起来她似乎不急离开。

    Looks like she didn't leave in such a hurry after all.

  • 就好比是,坐,手中拿铅笔,或钢笔,或是键盘。

    It's almost like sitting with the pencil, or the pen, or perhaps the keyboard.

  • 如果是我,他就等挨揍吧。

    I gotta tell you if this were me, this guy would be in some serious physical danger.

  • 你公寓里为什么住一家古巴人?

    Why is there a Cuban family living in your apartment?

  • 你等一下,举这个。

    Oh, hang on a second. Hold this.

  • 歌词,听声音,尝试去和节拍。

    so try to read the lyrics and listening the voice and the sounds and try to play with them.

  • 但艾尔不知道卡佳知道他戴粉色帽子,卡佳也不知道艾尔知道,卡佳戴粉色帽子

    But Ale does not know that Kaj knows that he is wearing a blue, a pink hat, and Kaj does not know that Ale knows that Kaj is wearing a pink hat.

  • 他认为有一个地方,住众神,也许还住和他志同道合的哲学家的灵魂

    He thinks there's a realm populated by good gods and maybe other philosophical kindred souls.

  • 我们在试找出你的缺点。

    Because we're doing our best to find a fault in you.

  • 他的长矛“看来只不过是小棍/他挎长矛,迈沉重的步伐,“

    His spear "were but a wand / he walkt with to support uneasy steps."

  • ,我们看到车尾,我说,哈,是辆火车。

    Walking along the way we see a caboose I say ha there's a train.

  • 钱德还留小胡子哩。

    Chandler had a mustache, for crying out loud.

  • ,你把我放到这个位置上

    Look, you put me in this position.

  • 这是我吃牛角甜甜圈。

    And here I am eating a cronut.

  • 根据弗洛伊德的理论,在你的头脑中存在,三种截然不同的人格结构,它们之间存在强烈的内部冲突。

    According to Freud, there are three distinct processes going on in your head and these are in violent internal conflict.

  • 上帝掌控整个世界,如果这首诗看起来,-并不是费什信仰上帝,不过他的弥尔顿的确是,-上帝控制整个世界。

    God is in control of the universe and if the poem seems -not that Stanley Fish believes in God, but nonetheless his Milton certainly does -God is in control of the universe.

  • 如果这是一个不记名票据,如果上面写:“我会付款的,如果上面写的东西只是金子而不是特别的物品,那么票据上就会显示这个金匠,要给这个不记名者多少盎司的金子。

    If it was a bearer note " if the note said I'll pay if it wasn't a unique object but just gold the note would say that this goldsmith will pay to the bearer so many ounces of gold.

  • 如果大家都想减排,我没必要跟风,如果别人真的减排了又与我何干,我照样用热水,开大排量汽车

    If everyone else is cutting down I don't have too, and if everyone else does cut down I don't have to, I end up using hot water and driving a big car and so on.



zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ

  • 穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。
  • 接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。
  • 使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~意(用心)。
  • 下落,来源:~落。
  • 派遣:~人前来领取。
  • 公文用语,表示命令的口气:~即施行。


zháo ㄓㄠˊ

  • 接触,挨上:~边。上不~天,下不~地。
  • 感受,受到:~凉。~急。~忙。~风。~迷。
  • 使,派,用:别~手摸。
  • 燃烧,亦指灯发光:~火。灯~了。
  • 入睡:躺下就~。
  • 用在动词后,表示达到目的或有了结果:打~了。没见~。


zhāo ㄓㄠˉ

  • 下棋时下一子或走一步:~法。~数。一~儿好棋。
  • 计策,办法:高~儿。没~儿了。
  • 放,搁进去:~点儿盐。
  • 应答声,表示同意:这话~哇!~,你说得真对!


zhe ㄓㄜ

  • 助词,表示动作正在进行或状态的持续:走~。开~会。
  • 助词,表示程度深:好~呢!
  • 助词,表示祈使:你听~!
  • 助词,用在某些动词后,使变成介词:顺~。照~办。

英语 make move, take action

德语 gleich wie 着 (veraltet)​ ,berühren (V)​,Feuer fangen ,in Kontakt kommen ,bildet nach einem Verb die Verlaufsform ,deutlich, verfassen, zeigen (V)​,an etw. haften; anziehen (veraltet, jetzt wird zu 着)​ (V)

法语 perdre la tête,s'énerver,atteindre,brûler,atteindre,toucher,appliquer (une couleur)​,porter,se vêtir,(marque le déroulement d'une action)​,mouvement (échecs)​,d'accord!,(dialecte)​ pour ajouter,remarquable,manifester,écrire,oeuvre





(1) (著的俗字)

(2) 放置 [put in]

文成示以着坐处。—— · 陶潜《晋故西征大将军长史孟府君传》

(3) 又如:着盐(搁盐;炒菜放盐);板上着碗

(4) 安顿 [put up]

更有南堂堪着客,不忧门外故人车。——· 苏轼《南堂》

(5) 围棋的下子;下棋落子 [move in chess]

某有仆能棋,欲试数着不敢?——· 蒋正子《山房随笔》

(6) 又如:棋高一着;高着




(1) 为达到某种目的而采取的一步;策略 [plan;device;trick]


(2) 又如:失着(失策);着儿(计策;手段);着着(一步一步地,逐渐地;亦指样样;每一样);三十六着,走为上着



(1) 是;对 [OK;all right;yes]。用于答语,表示同意


(2) 又如:着,咱们就这么办

(3) 另见 zháo; zhe; zhuó






(1) (著的俗字)

(2) 触及某物;接触 [touch;come into contact with]。如:上不着天,下不着地

(3) 燃烧 [burn]


(4) 又如:火着得很旺;着火点(可燃物质开始燃烧时所需要的最低温度)

(5) 指灯发光 [be on]。如:天一黑,灯都着了

(6) 遇;受到 [catch;be affected by]

庭花着雨晴方见,野客叩门去始知。——· 陆游《午寝》

(7) 又如:着雨;着水;着恼(生气;发怒);着疑(怀疑;起疑心)

(8) 进入睡眠状态 [fall asleep]。如:他躺下就着了;着着(睡得很熟的样子)

(9) 觉得 [feel]


(10) 又如:为此着恼;越寻思越着昏

(11) 中,恰好合上 [fall into]


(12) 又如:着手(上当,落入圈套);着道儿(中计;上当);着魔(比喻迷恋某种事物到了几乎失去理智的地步)

(13) 得当,对 [be proper]





(1) 用在动词后,表示已经达到目的或有了结果


(2) 又如:猜着了;打着了

(3) 另见 zhāo; zhe; zhuó






(1) (著的俗字)

(2) 用在谓语之后,表示动作正在进行或状态的持续

道着姓名人不识。——· 白居易《恻恻吟》

(3) 又如:他们正说着话呢;门敞着

(4) 用在句末,表示命令、祈使或一般告语


(5) 又如:听着;快着点儿

(6) 加在某些动词后面,使变成介词。如:沿着;挨着;朝着

(7) 用在某些形容词后面,表示程度的比较等。如:着呢

(8) 用在某些名词后,表示“呢”


(9) 另见 zhāo;zháo;zhuó


著、箸 zhuó


(1) (着为著的俗字)

(2) 穿 [put on]


将军角弓不得控,都护铁衣冷难着。——· 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》


(3) 又如:着衣(穿衣);着绯(穿红色官服。古代官服颜色不同,表示官吏品级的高低。唐制四品服深绯,五品服浅绯。后常以“著绯”指当了中级官员)

(4) 附着;加…于上 [adhere to]


今殴民而归之农,皆著于本。——· 贾谊《论积贮疏》

始欲着推字。——· 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》




(6) 又如:着生植物(植物学名词。即附生植物);着浅(搁浅)

(7) 接触;挨上 [touch]



野船着岸又春草,水鸟带飞夕阳。——· 朱庆馀《南湖》

(8) 又如:着地(贴着地面);着末(撩拨;沾染);着肉(贴身);着莫(引惹;牵缠);着脚(涉足)

(9) 安置,放置 [place]



(10) 差使;打发 [send]


蒋爷叫小童着官人将 邓车解到知府衙门收入监中。——《小五义》

(11) 又如:着叠(打发);着人前来领取

(12) 关切 [concern over]


(13) 又如:着己(亲近;贴心);着紧(紧要;重要;抓紧;赶紧;着意;留意);着趣(知趣)

(14) 生长;增添 [grow;apply]



(15) 又如:着迹(留有痕迹。多用以比喻艺术作品有斧凿之迹而不自然,没有达到浑然一体的境地)


每至公坐,广谈, 仲治不能对;退,着笔对 广广又不能答。——《世说新语·文学》


(17)[花] [blossom]


(18)[果实] [bear]


(19) 命令 [order]。旧时公文用语


老爷大怒,已告知县主,着公差捉拿题诗人与小姐了。——· 崔象川《白圭志》

(20) 又如:着令(命令;责成)

(21) 助词。用于动词之后





(1) 泛指服装 [clothing]

男女衣著,悉如外人。——· 陶潜《桃花源记》

(2) 酒器 [a wine-jar]


(3) 着落 [whereabouts] 。又如:吃穿无着,寻找无着

(4) 另见 zhāo;zháo;zhe



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of