1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:30:09


Taohe River


wash one's face

  • 洮砚

    Tao inkslab 由洮河出产的优质绿石制成的名贵砚台

  • 洮州

    Taozhou 古地名,羌族故地,在今甘肃临潭县西南

  • 洮汰

    wash away 冲洗、洗涤

  • 砚乡气候温和,温差小, 无霜期 和日照时数长.

    Rural Tao yan mild climate and temperature of small, frost - free period and long sunshine hours.

  • 刘家峡水电站的泥沙问题,主要是由河泥沙引起的,严重威胁着电站的安全运行。

    The issue of sedimentation in Liujiaxia hydropower station is mainly come from the Tao River that shows serious threat against safety operation of the station.

  • 针对引工程7#、9#红层软岩隧洞TBM施工可能出现的工程地质问题,提供了对策和建议。

    Some countermeasures and recommendations are proposed according to the engineering geological problems arose from TBM construction in 7# and 9# tunnel.

  • 全乡为河东岸山谷区, 地势东南高, 西北低.

    Valley to the east coast of the township, Taohe area, southeast of the high - lying, low - northwest.

  • 本河段有河、湟水等支流汇进,使黄河水量增加。

    The join of branches such as river Tao and river Huang adds to the quantity of water in the yellow river.

  • 水资源主要有大夏河诸多支流和河流经本市,水资源丰富,水质良好且开发潜力大。

    Water resources are mainly large number of tributaries and Taohe Xiahe through the city, rich in water resources, water quality and the development of great potential for good.

  • 通过与“河州花儿”和“岷花儿”在音乐和文学上的比较,重点介绍了“山花儿”的文学形态特征和音乐形态特征。

    Based on a comparative study with "Hezhou flower song" and "Taomin flower song" in their musical and literary features, this part focuses on the analysis of its its literary form and its musical form.

  • 依据地区可分为河湟花儿和岷花儿,所以青海“花儿”又叫做“河湟花儿”。

    Based on the area, it can be divided into Hehuang Flower and Tao -Min Flower, Qinghai "flower" also called "Hehuang Flower".

  • 研究成果直接服务于引工程,为优化设计提供直接的地质支持,也可为同类工程提供借鉴。

    The research results can be applied to Yintao project directly, providing geological support for the optimization design, and providing reference for similar projects.

  • 撤销沙县, 并入临县.

    Tao Shaxian revocation, into Lintao County.

  • 惠渠及中铺电灌工程给川区5个村提供了便利的灌溉条件.

    Tao qu rewiring and irrigation projects to the five village - ku facilitated irrigation conditions.

  • 第五章基于研究的基础上,就绣的传承和转型提出应对的措施。

    The fifth chapter based on the research foundation, the inheritance which and reforming embroiders on Tao proposed deals measure.

  • “遥感”这个词涉及远距离测量及解读信息的技术。

    Thee term "remote sensing" refers to the techniques of measurement and interpretation of phenomena from a distance.

  • 儿河、霍林河是松嫩平原西部嫩江相邻的两个主要支流,分布着大片的湿地、盐碱地。

    Taoerhe river and Huolinhe river are two main contiguous tributary of Nenjiang river in the west of Song-Nen plain, there is large march and alkaline land.

  • 澄泥砚是我国一项古老的传统工艺品,它与端砚、歙砚、砚并称为四大名砚。

    The Cheng-ni inkstone is an old traditional Chinses technology, which is one of the"Four Fa-mous Inkston"called, with Duan, She, Tao.

  • 她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。

    She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.

  • 分析研讨了河流域的流域特征、主要自然地理要素对水文的影响,以及降雨径流要素的变化规律。

    Analyze the hydrologic characteristics of tao river basin, the influence on the hydrology progress imposed by physiographic factors, and variation of the relationship between rainfall and runoff.

  • 广河县有两条较大的河流——广通河、河。

    County there are two large rivers - Canton Tonghe, Taohe.

  • 金坛市鑫鑫实验仪器厂位于江苏省金坛市西集镇新河西路。

    Xinxin Experimental Instrument Factory is located in Jintan City, Jiangsu Province Jintan Tao West Road, Hexi New Town.

  • 在对河林区云杉、冷杉林分调查研究的基础上,探讨现实林分的结构、生长、更新、演替等规律。

    Picea and abies forests in Taohe forest region have been investigated in order to find out the laws governing their structure, growth, rejuvenation and succession.

  • 河、博拉河穿流而过,是丰富的水资源.

    Tao He, bora flow over River is rich in water resources.

  • 马泉金矿床四号矿带位于秦岭造山带西秦岭中部花岗岩带,属于北中秦岭陆表海盆中段,赋存于高桥—坪大断裂西段。

    4 ore zone of Maquan gold deposit exists within the granite zone in the middle part of west Qinling of Qinling orogenic belt, belong to the west section of Gaoqiao-Taoping Faults.

  • 河九甸峡水库是一座综合利用水利枢纽。

    Jiudianxia Reservior is a multipurpose water conservancy complex constructed on Taohe river.



táo ㄊㄠˊ

  • 水名。➊黃河上游支流,在甘肅省西南。通称洮河。《漢書•地理志下》:“臨洮,洮水,出西羌中,北至袍罕東入河。”《水經注•河水》:“《沙州記》曰:‘洮水與墊江水俱出嵹臺山,山南即墊江源,山東則洮水源’……自洮嵹南北三百里中,地草徧是龍鬚而無樵柴。” ➋古水名。山西省涑水上游支流。《左傳•昭公元年》:“臺駘能業其官,宣汾、洮,障大澤,以處大原。”杜預注:“汾、洮,二水名。” ➌源自广西壮族自治区全州县西。《水經注•湘水》:“洮水岀縣西南大山,東北逕其縣南,即洮水以立稱矣……其水東流注于湘水。”
  • 古地名。➊春秋时属曹。在今河南省濮阳市东南。《春秋•僖公八年》:“公會王人、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、許男、曹伯、陳世子款,盟于洮。”杜預注:“洮,曹地。”➋春秋时鲁地。在今山东省宁阳县东北。《春秋•莊公二十七年》:“春,公會杞伯姬于洮。”杜預注:“洮,魯地。”
  • 古州名。北周保定元年(公元561年)置,治美相县(今甘肃省临潭县)。
  • 盥洗。《集韻•𩫕韻》:“洮,盥也。”《書•顧命》:“甲子,王乃洮頮水。”孔穎達疏:“頮是洗面,知洮為盥手。”
  • 同“淘”。淘洗。 《廣韻•豪韻》:“洮,清汰也。” 《齊民要術•作菹藏生菜法》:“木耳菹:取棗、桑、榆、柳樹邊生,猶軟溼者,煮五洮,去腥汁,出,置冷水中,淨洮。” 《後漢書•陳元傳》:“解釋先聖之積結,洮汰學者之累惑。”


yáo 〡ㄠˊ

  • 湖名。又名长荡湖、长塘湖,在江苏省漂阳市、金坛市两市境内。《廣韻•宵韻》:“洮,五湖名。《風土記》云:‘陽羡縣西有洮湖,别名長塘湖。’”


dào ㄉㄠˋ

  • 古水名。在江淮之间。《集韻•晧韻》:“洮,水名。在江淮間。”《史記•高祖本紀》:“漢將别擊布軍洮水南北。”裴駰集解:“徐廣曰:洮,音道。在江、淮間。”

英语 cleanse; river in Gansu province

德语 reinigen

法语 nettoyer,(nom d'une rivière)​





(1) (形声。从水,兆声。本义:洮水)

(2) 同本义 [Tao River]

洮,洮水陇西临洮,东北入 ——《说文》

(3) 在甘肃省西南部,黄河上游支流,源出甘肃、青海边境的西倾山东麓,东流到岷县折向北,经临洮县到毛帘峡附近入黄河。长500余公里。通称洮河

(4) 古地名 [Tao town]

(5) 春秋时曹地

盟于。——《春秋·僖公八年》。注:“ 地,在今 山东曹州府。”

(6) 故址在今山东省鄄城西

(7) 春秋时鲁地

公会杞伯姬。——《左传·庄公二十七年》。注:“ 地。”

(8) 故址在今山东省泗水县境




(1) 冲洗 [wash]




(2) 又如:洮頮(盥洗);洮盥(盥洗);洮洮(形容人品高洁)

(3) 打捞 [fish]

他们第二天清早便在辽河一带洮河,想洮得你的尸首。—— 郭沫若《星空》



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of