1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 15:25:31
bào shuì


file taxes; declare taxes; report taxes; submit tax returns

  • 到税务机关开通企业的报税系统.

    Declaregoods to what the tax authority opens an industry system.

  • 工薪和利息收入都是自动报税,任何仅有这两项收入的公民将收到一项填报就绪的税收返还,他们可以接受或拒绝。

    Anyone who earns only a salary and bank interest, both of which are automatically reported to the taxman, will be sent a tax return that has already been filled in, which they can accept or reject.

  • 狄克和茱蒂还可以以居民身份申报2003年的联合或单独报税.

    Dick and Judy can file joint or separate returns for 2003.

  • 每年报税季节,税务师都非常忙碌。

    During tax season every year, tax accountants are very busy.

  • 他忘记按时提交他的报税表。

    He forgot to submit his tax returns on time.

  • 网络报税的好处包括立即退税以及迅速解决问题.

    The benefits of e - filing include prompt returns and quicker resolution of problems.

  • 这次,他们也将有法律权力这样做,但如果你还没有申请,你的报税表可能处在危险之中。

    They would have the legal authority to do so again, but your tax returns may be in jeopardy if you have not already filed.

  • 上述业务的雇主填报的薪酬及退休金报税表档案.

    Employer's Return of Remuneration and Pensions file of the ABOVE business.

  • 国家税务总局提供了在线报税服务。

    The State Administration of Taxation provides online tax filing services.

  • 而今天,人们使用这个词组是用来形容你在最后一刻上交论文或报税,恰好踩着截止时间完成任务。

    The reason people use it today is to mean that although you delivered that university essay, or your tax returns right at the last moment, you did it, and you did it before the deadline.

  • 办理及申报季度及年度报税事宜.

    Processed and filed quarterly and annual tax reports.

  • 把这些东西按顺序整理,早晚能派上用处,特别是即将到来的报税季节。

    Keeping these in order can come in handy, especially since tax season is just around the corner.

  • 这本指南有助于使报税程序清晰易懂。

    The guide helps to demystify the tax filing procedure.

  • 代理记帐 、 代理报税业务.

    Acting account, agents reported Business tax.

  • 报税时,这可以节省大量时间和精力。

    This saves a lot of time and effort when it's time to file taxes.

  • 并且和其他外籍人士不同,美国人在东道国付税的同时,还要向美国提交一份报税表。

    And unlike many other expats, Americans must file a U.S. tax return, even if they pay taxes in their host country.

  • 熟悉银行业务和报税流程.

    Familiar with bank business matters and procedure of tax declaration.

  • 她把所有的收据都归档在一个文件夹里以便报税

    She filed all her receipts in a folder for tax purposes.

  • 假如你是首次以代理人身份代业主签署报税表,你必须把有关物业的授权书副本,随报税表提交。

    You should attach to the return a copy of the relevant power of attorney or letter of authorization if this is the first time you act as agent.

  • 今年的报税季节将近, 以致更多的人会选择偷税漏税.

    As tax season approaches this year, even more people may resort to cheating.

  • 有略知一二的创业者认为报税很简单,上网动动手指就完事了。

    A smattering of entrepreneurs believe that the tax is very simple, just a finger online.

  • 我们需要向国家税务总局提交报税表。

    We need to submit our tax returns to the State Administration of Taxation.

  • 扫描和上传报税材料(传真亦可).

    Scan and upload your tax documents.

  • 我是说,帮卡洛尔报税

    I mean, helping Carol with her taxes?

  • 报税时间,你是否要搜寻所有的账单和重要文件?

    At tax-filing time, do you have to search for all the bills and important documents?

  • 我需要一个延期来完成我的报税

    I need an extension to complete my tax return.

  • 所以,对于初创业公司,目前解决做账报税的最佳方案就是委托财务公司代理记账。

    So, for the early start-up companies, currently the best solution is to entrust the company tax accounting bookkeeping.

  • 你能寄给我报税用的扣缴凭单 吗 ?

    Could you send me my tax withholding statements?

  • 你可以在报税时为每个受抚养人申请免税额。

    You can claim exemptions for each dependent on your tax return.

  • 北京代理记账公司不是说只是简单的报税、记账,如何能确保账务的安全与规范才是这个行业的核心。

    Beijing bookkeeping company is not to say that just simple tax, accounting, how to ensure the security and standardize accounting is the core of the industry.

  • 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。

    The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.

  • 据说一个人要成为国会议员的一个先决条件是必须具备为自己报税的能力。

    say that a prerequisite for being in Congress was the ability to do one's own taxes.

  • 纳税人必须在4月15日前提交他们的报税表。

    The taxpayer must file their tax return by April 15th.

  • 我层在报税季节在一家会计公司实习过。

    I interned with an accounting firm during tax season.

  • 负责公司的月度、年度的报税.

    Responsible for monthly and annual tax declaration of the company.

  • 你知道如何报税吗?

    Do you know how to declare tax?

  • 报税没有那么容易,每种税有它的脾气!

    Tax return is not so easy, each tax has its temper!

  • 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西.

    The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.

  • 不过,一旦超过了这个限额,报税的过程就开始变得极其麻烦。

    Once you're over that threshold, however, the process begins to get very convoluted.

  • 他从前几年的报税数字推算出自己应缴的所得税数额.

    He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.

  • 许多会计师在报税季节工作时间很长。

    Many accountants work long hours during tax season.

  • 高度稳定性——只要你能按时还贷和报税,你永远不必担心无家可归。

    Greater stability — as long as you can afford the property taxes and your mortgage payments, you don't have to worry about being evicted.

  • 企业使用此表格来报税

    The form is used by corporations filing their taxes.

  • 服务是一种轻松快捷的报税方法.

    Electronic Filing Service is a simple and fast method of filing tax returns.

  • 他们共同报税,他的保险包括了她为家属。

    They file joint tax returns; she’s coveredby his insurance.

  • 但是如果你能看看你的报税表,并且疑问为什么数字不够大的时候,琢磨琢磨吧。

    But if you look at your W-2 and wonder why the number isn't bigger, start researching.

  • 过去,一名办公室经理负责记账的工作,来西自己也会向丈夫咨询一些特别的财务和报税方面的建议。

    Before, an office manager handled bookkeeping while she also turned to her husband for ad-hoc financial and tax-preparation advice.

  • 至少,你应该有就业申请表或简历,公司雇员的报税表,员工可能签署的保险单,和绩效评估表。

    Minimally, you should have an Application for Employment form or resume, a W-2, any insurance forms that the employee may have signed, and performance appraisals.

  • 这两次旅行的费用可合在一起报税.

    The cost of these two trips can be lumped together for tax purposes.

  • 所以花点钱,找个专业人士给你报税,确保税报的正确无误。

    Shell out a little bit now and get a professional to make sure your taxes are done correctly.

  • 他们的工资预扣了联邦收入税,所扣税款存入托管账户,直至他们能够报税之时为止。

    Deductions were made for federal income taxes and held in escrow until such time as the men could file.


报税 bàoshuì

[declare to Customs;make a statement of dutiable goods] 向税务部门申报并办理有关纳税手续



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of