1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-19 09:24:46


peep; spy; see; look; watch; spy on; pry about; seek for; desire to gain; watch for one's chance

peep v.偷窥;偷看;微露;轻声地说;吱吱叫;(使)发出尖细的声音;发出吱吱声;隐约显现;(花朵)开始开放;(植物)开始生长;(事物)初现端倪

spy n.间谍;侦察员;密探;侦查者;情报员;监视者;情报搜集者;暗中监视

see v.看见;看得见;看出;观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等);有视力;见到;目睹;观察;认为;理解;弄清;考虑;了解;领会;识别;审视;照顾;拜访;探望;会见;遇见;与(某人)待在一起;陪同;护送;送;遭遇;经历;确保;保证;与…打赌;与…下相同的赌注;预见;预料;想象;设想;参见(用于书籍、文章等引用时);为…发生的时间;为…发生的地点

look v.看;寻找;与…外表相似;看似;显得;注意;面向;检查;查看;预料;期待;浏览;研究;考虑;(用于唤起他人注意)瞧

watch v.看;观看;观察;注视;小心;留意;当心;(短时间)照看;看护;照管

spy on vphr.监视;刺探;侦察;打探;偷看;暗中窥探;窥视

seek for 寻求;寻找;谋取

  • 窥孔

    sight 一个透明的长方形嵌块或窗口,通过它可以观察密闭室或炉内的物质或过程

  • 窥探

    detect;spy on;pry into 暗中察看

  • 窥见

    get a glimpse of 暗中看出或觉察到

  • 窥觑

    peep 窥看 see 看

  • 窥镜

    sight glass 管道或罐(槽)壁上的透明部分,以便给出液面或液体流动的目视指示亦称“窥视孔”、“观察孔” eyepiece 安装并密接在炉子边上的一块耐高温透明材料(如云母),通过它可以看到炉内情况

  • 窥测

    spy out 窥探揣测

  • 窥看

    have a peep at;peep 偷看

  • 窥望

    peep 偷偷地看;暗中观察

  • 窥伺

    be on watch for 暗中观望,等待时机(含贬义)

  • 窥豹一斑

    see only one ringed spot on the whole leopard;have only a limited view;see a segment of a whole 比喻只看到局部,而不见全部

  • 窥度

    surmise secretly 暗中猜测

  • 窥视

    peep at;spy on 暗中观察;偷看

  • “暴风警报”实际上只是典型的淫癖电视真人秀节目。

    "Storm Warning" is really just typical voyeuristic reality TV.

  • 孔一个人们可以用来偷的小孔或裂缝.

    A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.

  • 狄克依旧在他的前边招架着, 觑着破绽.

    Still Dick fled before him, spying for his chance.

  • 我们终于能够对黑洞一究竟了。

    We could finally get a peek inside a black hole.

  • 透过Lark的故事,我们能略微一苹果的零售运营是如何运作的。

    Lark's story offers a rare glimpse into how things work inside Apple's retail operation.

  • 他们让我们得以一草编者的生活和时代。

    They provided us with a glimpse into the life and times of the straw plaiters.

  • E·O·威尔逊从蚁群出发让我们得以一进化的全貌。

    E o Wilson extended the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution.

  • 卫星照片,有一些是属于高解析度的,可以越过蕃篱一其内。

    Satellite photos, some in high resolution, permit peeking over the back fence.

  • 医生使用器检查病人的喉咙。

    The doctor used a speculum to examine the patient's throat.

  • 他们都挑着担子回家去了;玉轮从村树隙中下

    They all have come home with their burdens; the moon peeps from above the village trees.

  • 鲍布从门上的小洞看.

    Bob keeked through a hole in the door.

  • 我们在化石记录中找到了这种扩展事件的证据,这让我们得以一先前一直持续不断的环境分裂现象。

    We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpses into the breakup of formerly continuous environments.

  • 虽然这可能会满足私的冲动,但这虚拟的社会很难搞定一个真正的商业交易。

    While it may fulfill a voyeuristic impulse, it was hard to make a business case for this social metaphor.

  • 他在被抓到偷看邻居的窗户后被贴上了淫狂的标签。

    He was labeled a voyeur after being caught peeping into his neighbor's window.

  • 他凝视著爱德蒙,好像要透他的心思似的.

    He fixed his eyes upon Edmond as if to read his thoughts.

  • “肩”还有另一层意思。

    Shoulder surfing might also have another meaning.

  • 民调显示,对这次衰退,个人创业者既弊端,又见希望。

    Opinion polls suggest that entrepreneurs see a good as well as a bad side to the recession.

  • 于此, 我们可知崇寿寺久远的历史和昔日的风采.

    Here, we can Chongshou Templekui zhi a long history and past glory.

  • 比尔·汉密尔顿他网站的这个页面描述了镜的一些细节。

    Bill Hamilton described the Looking Glass in some detail on this page of his website.

  • 从高空鸟瞰,南丫岛活像一朵兰花,不过这可爱的形态只有经常在海岛上空盘旋的黑耳鸢才有机会尽全豹。

    To have a bird's-eye view, Lamma Island like an arethusa flower , however only the black gledes to hover around the island just has opportunity to peep the whole sceneries.

  • 这是一个简单孔优化形式。

    This is the simplest form of a peephole optimization.

  • 指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风.

    " Birds fly down beyond our sight , And the rapid wind below our hearing ; "

  • 我们只有这班公车及三个小时的导览来一罗马全景。

    We only had the bus and guide for three hours, so were taking a panoramic view of Rome.

  • 密电门的余波让首次让公众一信息战的真面目。

    The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

  • 我从锁眼看.

    I squinted through the keyhole.

  • 这个不寻常的装置让我们一光线传播信息而非电波传播信息的未来。

    This unusual set-up offers a glimpse of a future in which light, rather than radio waves, is used to send information.

  • 这一组图将让你一散景摄影的出色作品。

    This set will show you a glimpse on the beautiful works of bokeh photography.

  • 新生命形式,在5微米的尺度下。

    The new life forms up close, at five micrometers.

  • 例如,彼得·谢尔登对于三叶虫的研究,那是一种已灭绝的身体分节的海洋生物,他的研究让我们得以一三百万年以来一个海洋环境的进化过程。

    For example, Peter Sheldon' s studies of trilobites, a now extinct marine animal with a segmented body, offer a detailed glimpse into three million years of evolution in one marine environment.

  • 丹-布里奇把“镜”装置获悉的记忆下来,制作出详细的技术图纸。

    Dan Burisch has made detailed technical drawings, from memory, of the 'Looking Glass' device he was familiar with.

  • 他忽然停嘴, 蹑手蹑足地走到敞开的门口朝外望.

    He stopped suddenly, stepped to the open front door and peered out.

  • 发光点利用自然光包围孔的方式使孔产生高亮,达到射手在昏暗的光线中超清晰的使用。

    Glowing dots naturally gathers light to surround peep sight hole allowing huner to visually locate and center peep in dim light.

  • 不过,上周新出炉的数据让人得以一AIG的 业绩状况.

    But new data emerged last week that hint at AIG performed.

  • 当他站在那里向上望的时候,一只猫头鹰呼呼叫着.

    An owl hooted while he stood there peering up.

  • 当然,因为qcl是一个模拟器,所以只是有可能能到量子内存。

    Of course the ability to peek at quantum memory is only possible because QCL is a simulator.

  • 备忘录用坦率的语言,让我们得以一华尔街对他们被唾弃的现状有多么的抓狂!

    The memos provide a glimpse, in often candid language, into how Wall Street is grappling with its pariah status.

  • 器是妇科检查中的必备工具。

    The speculum is an essential tool in gynecological exams.

  • 对于注重隐私的人,婚礼就像是一场盛大的阴演习。

    For a very private person, weddings feel like a lavish exercise in voyeurism. Think about it.

  • 他们已经察他好几天.

    They had snooped him for days.

  • 批评无一不实,但难其全貌。

    None of this criticism is wrong, but it is hardly a rounded picture.

  • 把我的脚上了木狗,察我一切的道路.

    He puts chains on my feet ; he is watching all my ways.

  • 其中的理由, 我们可以从银行业, 货币,和通胀的经济学原理中略一二.

    To understand why, start with the economics of banking, money and inflation.

  • 水保就偻身觑舱口, 向暗处询问: “ 是谁在里面 ”.

    So he peered into the dark cabin and called, " Who's there? "

  • 护士在操作前对器进行了消毒。

    The nurse sterilized the speculum before the procedure.

  • 这些洞穴壁画让我们一史前时期。

    The cave paintings give us a glimpse into prehistory.

  • 法斯本德教授和他的镜系统可不是开玩笑的.

    Dr. Fassbender and Operation Looking Glass are certainly no hoax.

  • 佳酿历久弥香,现在一批古酒让研究者们能一医学史(的某个片段)。

    A fine wine gets better with age, and the remains of an ancient wine have given researchers a glimpse into the history of medicine.

  • 现在让我们一这种玻璃背后的科学秘密。

    Here's a look at the science behind the glass.

  • 抓一把而知全袋,一斑以见全豹.

    You may know by a handful the whole sack.

  • 各公司一直在为该技术资料的一支付惊人的费用。

    Companies have been paying outrageous fees for a peek at the technical data.

  • 还是镜报,其“绿茵探”栏目猜测我们在打前阿森纳中场赫莱布的主意。

    The same paper’s Football Spy reckons that we are chasing former Arsenal midfielder Alexander Hleb.

  • 双星系统使我们可以一难得一见的空间重力。

    Star System Offers Rare Look at Space gravity.

  • 关节镜手术就是一个极佳的例子,使用该技术我们可以一关节内部,而不影响病人的生命,也不会过分痛苦

    Arthroscopic surgery in one sense is a fancy example of that, a way of looking inside a joint to see what's happening inside while the person is alive and without hurting them.

  • 如果你能够一突触前的轴突末梢内部,你将会发现一个共同特征,神经递质都装载在小泡中,时刻准备着等待动作电位激活,以便迅速释放其内含物

    If you could look inside a pre-synaptic axon terminal, you would find one of the characteristics is that it's loaded with these vesicles and they're just sitting there waiting to receive an action potential so that they can immediately dump their contents.

  • 让我们看一下其内容,浅尝即止。

    Let's now peek into the book itself. Just peek.

  • 这很累人,一遍遍敲打伪装的墙,只为了能从裂缝里一真相。

    It's tiresome, constantly swinging a sledgehammer at the facade, just to get a glimpse through the cracks.

  • 它是一种潜藏在暗处的强大力量,希望通过此课可以得其冰山一角

    It's a powerful force that goes behind the scene and I hope we can draw that out in this course.


kuī ㄎㄨㄟˉ

  • 从小孔、缝隙或隐蔽处偷看:~探。~伺。~测。~视。管~蠡测(喻见识浅陋,看不清高深的道理)。


peep, watch, spy on, pry

法语 guetter



窺、闚 kuī


(1) (形声。从穴,规声。本义:从小孔或缝里看)

(2) 暗中察看。亦泛指观看 [peep;spy]





蔽林间窥之。——· 柳宗元《三戒》


(3) 观察,侦探 [pry about]




(4) 伺机图谋;觊觎 [watch for one's chance]

禁人之窥伺者。——· 黄宗羲《原君》


以窥周室。——· 贾谊《过秦论》

自胡马窥去后。—— · 姜夔《扬州慢》


(5) 企求 [desire to gain;seek for]


(6) 观看 [see;look]




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of