1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-06 21:55:46


by head and shoulders; tolerably; respectably; correspondingly


reasonably; comparatively; meetly; fairly

tolerably adv.可容忍地;相当地;差不多地

respectably adv.体面地;可敬地;高尚地;相当好地

correspondingly adv.相应地;相对地;相当地

reasonably adv.公平地;合理地;适度地;相当地;有理地;公正地;明智地;公道地;通情达理地;讲道理地;理由充分地;正确地;合乎逻辑地

comparatively adv.相对地;比较地;相比之下

meetly adv.适当地; 相当地

fairly adv.公正地;公平地;公平合理地;相当地;适度地;确实;实际上;简直;完全;坦率地;清楚地


by head and shoulders; tolerably; respectably; correspondingly; reasonably; comparatively; meetly; fairly

  • 不仅如此,基础设施的管理都相当地出色。

    Not only that, the infrastructure is extremely well managed.

  • 一些相当地全面,如 Dom4J,而另一些则仅着力于解决好一个小问题。

    Some are wildly comprehensive, such as Dom4J, and others simply strive to solve one small problem well.

  • 所练习的水平也是相当地高,一般可以达到中级以上甚至高级水平。

    The level was usually quite high - upper intermediate or advanced.

  • 天气相当地冷,你最好把我的外套穿上。

    It is pretty cold outside, you'd better put on my coat.

  • 这样使得处理XML文档变得相当地容易,并且把内容和数据集成到了您的Web站点里面。

    This makes it easy to work with an XML document and integrate the contents and data into your Web site.

  • 跑步之后喝冰镇巧克力牛奶相当地提神。

    Cold chocolate milk tastes pretty refreshing after a run.

  • 它们被相当地熟悉。

    They are reasonably well understood.

  • 除此之外,有经验的CORBA开发者发现编写实用的CORBA应用程序相当地困难。

    In addition, developers who had gained experience with CORBA found that writing any nontrivial CORBA application was surprisingly difficult.

  • 第一个相当地好.

    The first one is reasonably good.

  • 你们都知道, 我专辑的销售量相当地好, 我非常高兴.

    You know, my album sales is quite good, I'm very happy are paid off.

  • 而我也相当地肯定,这份工作到肯定会是我的。

    I was absolutely certain that this job was going to be mine.

  • 在这个很有文化涵养的家庭里,达尔文被看成是相当地迟钝。有一次,他的校长称他是笨蛋。

    In this well-educated family, Darwin was considered to be rather dull. At one time his school headmaster called him a dullard.

  • 岁月流逝,流水无痕,但这家新建黄金制造厂的产量少得可怜,令人相当相当地失望。

    The months wore on, but the production of the new gold factory was disappointingly meager.

  • 未来的人们不仅仅出生的时间比我们晚,而且他们会更加富有(相当地富有)。

    Future generations will not only be born later than us, they will also be richer—much richer.

  • 天气自上周以来相当地改善了。

    The weather has improved considerably since last week.

  • 新的连接相当地快,即使是在信号噪音比率相当糟糕的情况下。

    The new links are significantly faster, even when the signal-to-noise ratio is clearly worse.

  • 森林的底层并不是像电影里面那样全是错综复杂的树叶和灌木丛,而是实际上相当地畅通无阻。

    The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear.

  • 不过和这个名单内的其它手表比比,它实在是相当地便宜哦。

    Compared to the rest of the watches on this list though, it's actually pretty cheap.

  • 她比她的同事相当地有更多经验。

    She has considerably more experience than her colleagues.

  • 他的竞争对手表示,Kagame让他们就算不是不可能,也是很难与他旗鼓相当地竞争。

    His opponents said he had made it hard, if not impossible, for them to compete properly.

  • 第一个变动相当地明显;这个表单指向了改进过的php登录脚本。

    The first change is pretty obvious; this form points to the enhanced PHP login script.

  • 我们可以相当地确定他会来参加会议。

    We can be reasonably sure that he will attend the meeting.

  • 不是很快. 是相当地快.

    Girl : Not fast. I move really fast.

  • 她把菜放到我面前——看起来相当地美味——然后飞快地转过身去面向爱德华。

    She set the dish in front of me - it looked pretty good - and turned quickly to Edward.

  • 相当地难看!

    This is quite ugly!

  • 相当地高。

    Reasonably high.

  • 她的解释听起来相当地可信。

    Her explanation sounds reasonably believable.

  • 相当地擅长解决复杂问题。

    He is reasonably good at solving complex problems.

  • 现在,世界经济运行得相当地好.

    The world economy is performing reasonably well.

  • 夜幕已降临,她又开始担心自己的病情, 当她一个人独处的时候, 她感觉到相当地绝望。

    Nighttime had fallen, her fears about her illness were back, and she felt overwhelming despair as she lay there alone.

  • 由于市场相当地有效,这种模式被打破了;贷款给公司的利差太低了。

    That model broke down because markets were fairly efficient; the margins on lending to corporations became too low.

  • 正如你可以看到的,概念的数目相对较小,而且对于任何从事面向服务的解决方案的人应当相当地熟悉。

    As you can see the number of concepts is relatively small, and should be reasonably familiar to anyone who has worked on service-oriented solutions.

  • 你的生活得分相当地高。

    Your life score is reasonably high.

  • 在我13 - 14岁的时候当我记起这件事或者开车经过那个房子的时候仍然感到相当地屈辱。

    13-14 years later, I still feel that mortification wash over me when I remember the incident or drive past that house.

  • 这家餐厅的价格相当地公道。

    The prices at this restaurant are reasonably fair.

  • 这个计划相当地可行。

    This plan is reasonably feasible.

  • 这应该在像人工智能、数据库,和操作系统这样的课程中相当地容易。

    This should be reasonably easy in courses like artificial intelligence, database, and operating systems.

  • 相当地感人。

    It's quite touching.

  • 为什么“是一个有趣的问题,但是底限是:颠覆性要相当地有利有图。”

    "Why" is an interesting question, but the bottom line is clear: Disruption is rarely profitable.

  • 我们身在一个特别关注体重的国家,然而体重是一个,需要小心地控制地人体指标,这就是说,你必须付出相当多的努力,才能增加或减少体重

    We think a lot about weight in this country, but weight is a remarkably carefully controlled parameter of a person, that is, you have to work pretty hard to gain weight or to lose weight.

  • 完全是复制的过程,没有任何微生物参与制造DNA,你可以在实验室里迅速地进行,费用现在也相当便宜了

    It's totally synthetic, there's no micro-organism involved in making the DNA for you, You can do it very rapidly in a laboratory, and fairly inexpensively now.

  • 但是总体来讲,当会计师的还是可以相当好地平衡工作与生活。

    But, in all, it's got a fairly good work-life balance.

  • 究其原因,是因为有两种不同的方法,对付疾病,一是积极心理学方法,它指的是,疾病相当于不健康,相对地,健康等于没疾病。

    The reason is because there are two different approaches to deal with illness: one,the positive psychological approach is that the illness is the absence of health, as opposed to health is the absence of illness.

  • 本书的导引线索是,当中的相似之处,我们会读到相当篇幅,你们也会毫无疑问地在之后进行讨论。

    The guiding thread of the book is the correspondence, and we will look at this in some length and you will discuss it in your sections, no doubt.

  • 显然地,这已经相当贵了。

    but obviously that's quite a lot.

  • 它被天真地,相当简单地加密了,但是它实际上是一个被加密的英语句子,但是加密方式是可逆的。

    It's been encrypted pretty naively, pretty simplistically, but it's actually an English sentence that's been somehow scrambled; but scrambled in a reversible way.

  • 一个典型的农场,你可以想象得到的,也许就十亩地,已经相当小了

    Maybe a typical farm, you might imagine, is maybe ten acres; that is a very small farm.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of