1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 11:25:36
chōu chá


spot check; random check; sample check; inspect randomly; conduct a spot inspection

spot check n.抽查;突击检查;随机检查;现场检查;临时检查

random check phr.随机抽查

  • 审核大仓库存差异, 负责系统内库存的调整,并对大仓库存负责抽查.

    Audit the stock discrepancies of warehouse. for the stock adjustment in system and random stock inspection.

  • 维护宣传品并进行抽查

    Maintain collateral and conduct occasional audit.

  • 接下来几周,随机抽查会更多.

    More random checks are to be held over the next few weeks.

  • 本季度抽查的妇幼老年人用品, 平均抽样合格率为87.1%.

    As regards the products femalechildren and the aged , the average sampling qualification rate reached 87.1 %.

  • 我们要对这次考试调卷抽查.

    We will sample certain papers as a check.

  • 建议您抽查一些报告,验证不存在软件更新创建的格式问题。

    It is suggested that you spot check some reports to validate that there are no formatting issues being created by the software update.

  • 抽查采购、收货、库存、发货工作的执行情况,及酒吧库存量。

    Spot checks on purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing functions and bar inventories.

  • 抽查一组学生来表演.

    Practice and act in groups.

  • 产品质量抽查的结果应当公布。

    The results of random checking of product quality shall be made public.

  • 卡车会遭到更严格的排放抽查.

    And trucks will encounter tougher spot - checks on emissions.

  • 抽查,发现肉变质了.

    On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.

  • 随意抽查宴会情况。

    Conducts random observation of banquet.

  • 过去已经进行过一些类似的这类研究,但是每次都只抽查了一到两名患者。

    A few such studies have been done in the past, but each time with a tiny sample of one or two patients.

  • 人力资源部将不定时抽查,每天将不合格人员名单张贴公告周知;

    HR dept. will inspect at any time, and placard the disqualification person's name.

  • 对酒吧的饮料进行随机抽查

    Conduct spot check of? Beverage at the bar.

  • 抽查检验的产品不合格时,应加倍台数复检。如仍不合格时,则应逐台检验。

    Random inspection of the product is unqualified, it shall reinspect double the Numbers. If it is still not qualified, should by inspection.

  • 协助培训经理抽查员工的行为表现是否达到酒店标准。

    Assists the Training Manager in the spot check on the behavior of associates meeting hotel's standards.

  • 抽查采购、库存及菜式份量情况。

    Spot check on purchases, stocks, portion cuts.

  • 海关官员对入境的车辆进行抽查

    Custom officer carries out spot check on incoming cars.

  • 海关官员对入境的车辆进行抽查

    Custom officer carry out spot check on incoming car.

  • 在这次抽查中, 外观不合格率高达40%!

    In selectiving examination this, exterior fraction defective is as high as 40 %!

  • 进行首件检验和抽查检验.

    Conduct first article inspection and random sampling inspection.

  • 随时抽查外币兑换的现金。

    Check the cash in foreign exchange at any time.

  • 人力资源部将对出勤和最终评估进行抽查。管理人员负责监督和管理员工考勤。

    The Human Resources department will conduct a spot check on attendance and final evaluation. The management staff are responsible for monitoring and managing employees' attendance.

  • 抽查所有数据来源, 检查数据库.

    Random check data which are from all source, Check data association.

  • 这些预测与2000年全面人口普查和在2005年人口抽查的结果一致。

    These projections reconcile the results of a full census in 2000 and a mini-census in 2005.

  • 出入境检验检疫机构对法定检验以外的进出口商品,根据国家规定实施抽查检验。

    The entry exit inspection and quarantine organs shall make random inspection on the import and export commodities that are not subject to statutory inspection in accordance with the state provisions.

  • 守卫们组对各自散开, 任意地随机抽查.

    The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random.

  • 与各个销售渠道保持密切联系以保证酒店盈利最大化并不定期对酒店整体价格进行抽查

    Maintain close interaction and relationships with different distribution channels to maximize revenue for hotels and spot check hotels rate integrity.

  • 方法: 采用问卷形式随机抽查56名供应室工作人员.

    Methods: Spot check 56 analysis was made with a questionnaire.

  • 检查可以采取抽查有关资料或委托中介机构审计等方式。

    It may randomly inspect relevant materials or trust the agencies to audit it.

  • 县森防办对各乡(镇、街道)防火值班情况进行不定期抽查

    County Senfang Office of each township (town, street) are not regularly check fire duty.

  • 建立各餐厅的酒水标准存货量并每月进行抽查

    Establish par stock levels for outlet beverage stocks and carry out monthly spot checks.

  • 随意抽查宴会情况。

    Conducts random observation of banquet.

  • 我仅做个抽查——你们中有多少人知道伽利略说地球绕着太阳转的证据?

    Let me just check — how many of you know the evidence for Galileo to say that the Earth was going around the sun?

  • 方法随机抽查出院和死亡病历1301份,对其质量情况进行分析。

    Methods 1301 case of discharge and death records were randomly selected, then the writing quality of which were analysed.

  • 海关官员对入境的车辆进行抽查.

    Custom officer carries out spot check on incoming car.

  • 守卫们组对各自散开, 任意地随机抽查.

    The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random.

  • 全国住宅质量抽查合格率逐年提高.

    Countrywide residence quality selectives examination year after year of percent of pass rises.

  • 这些预测与2000年全面人口普查和在2005年人口抽查的结果一致.

    These projections reconcile the results a full census in 2000 and a mini - census in 2005.

  • 抽查采购 、 收货 、 库存 、 发货工作的执行情况,及酒吧的库存量.

    Spot checks on purchasing, receiving, storing , issuing functions and bar inventories.

  • 国家商检部门可以公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。

    The State administration for commodity inspection may publicize the results of random inspection or notify the relevant departments of the random inspection.

  • 根据当地媒体报道,警方获准在必要时,对火车站广场的旅客进行抽查

    According to local media reports, police were allowed to conduct random inspections of rail yards when necessary.

  • 人力资源部将依照人力资源部管理系统内用餐记录随机抽查员工的情况。

    HR will implement to check random according to the related records in HR system.

  • 随机抽查已完成工作的质量.

    Quality check completed work orders randomly.

  • 抽查一组学生来表演.

    Practice and act in groups.

  • 产品及生产过程控制: 统计生产过程控制, 出货前抽查和制造过程抽查.

    Product and process control: SPC control, pre shipment sample audit and manufacturing process audit.

  • 地铁和轻轨乘客的夸包可能会随时受到抽查

    Subway and rail passengers are subject to random bag searches.

  • 抽查采购 、 库存及菜式份量情况.

    Spot check on purchases, stocks, portion cuts.


抽查 chōuchá

[selective examination]∶选择性的检查;抽取其中的一部分检查



英语 random inspection, to do a spot check

法语 effectuer un contrôle aléatoire, inspecter un échantillon


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of