1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 09:47:16
guān diǎn


view; viewpoint; perspective; point of view; stand; count; stance; opinion; point; position; angle; outlook; belief; idea; standpoint; proposition; contention; notion; sentiment; framework; orientation; stripe

view n.观点;看法;意见;想法;方式;方法;视野;视线;视域;视图;景观;展望;审视;态度;检查;观察;观看;(从某处看到的)景色;风景

viewpoint n.看法;视角;立场;见解;观察位置;观测点

perspective n.观点;态度;看法;视角;角度;透视图;透视法;远景;展望;景观;洞察力;客观判断力;比例感;分寸感;思考方式;思考方法

point of view n.观点;看法;意见;立场;态度;叙事角度;视角;观察点;观察位置;考虑角度;判断方法

stand v.使直立;直立;竖放;起立;站立;站着;使站立;站起来;位于(某处);处于;位于;坐落于;处于特定状态;高度为;停;停滞;抵抗;抵御;承受;经得起;忍受;当选;参加竞选;赞助;支付费用;摆摊;设置展位;维持立场;保持意见;持某种态度

count v.包括;重要;点数;(按顺序)数数;列举;认为;视为;有价值;依赖;指望;期待;把…算入;计算(或清点)总数;(被)正式接纳;正式认可

stance n.立场;姿态;态度;立足点;立脚处;观点;站立姿势;击球姿势;货摊;摊位;街边市场;出租汽车停车处;岩架

opinion n.意见;看法;观点;信仰;(对某人的)评价;印象;(法官或法院说明判决理由的)判决意见书

point n.点;磅值;时刻;位置;地方;地点;立场;观点;要点;论点;细节;细目;条款;分数;得分;目的;意图;见解;理由;道岔;轨尖;尖端;顶点;标点符号;特点;特色;关键;核心问题

position n.位置;地点;地方;阵地;方位;姿势;(坐、立的)姿态;态度;立场;观点;职位;角色;地位;工作;职务;状态;状况;情形;条件;处境;名次;放置方式;安置方式;位置安排

angle n.角;角度;斜面;倾斜;角落;视角;观点;看法;立场;不可告人的动机;狡猾的手段;诡计

outlook n.前景;展望;观点;看法;人生观;景色;景观;风景;视野;观察点

belief n.信念;信仰;信心;信任;看法;主张;宗教信仰;信条;确信;坚信;理念;相信

idea n.想法;主意;观点;看法;原则;信念;理解;了解;猜想;目标;意图;(柏拉图哲学)理念

standpoint n.立场;观点;看法;视角;态度;立足点;观测点

proposition n.提议;建议;提案;主张;论点;见解;陈述;计划;(美国)法律修正议案;商业机会;投资机遇;任务;挑战;(数学中的)命题;待处理的问题

contention n.(尤指争论时的)争论;争执;争吵;争夺;主张;看法;观点

notion n.概念;观念;理念;想法;看法;见解;小件物品;杂货;小装饰品;一时的念头;心血来潮

sentiment n.情感;感情;情绪;(基于情感的)观点;(基于情感的)看法;感想;情操;多愁善感;感伤;柔情;哀伤

framework n.框架;构架;结构;体系;组织;骨架;制度;纲要;机制;规划;系统;参照标准;基准体系;准则

orientation n.目标;定位;定向;方向;朝向;(个人的)基本信仰;态度;观点;倾向;(岗前、学前、课前等的)情况介绍;培训;适应;熟悉

stripe n.条纹;长条;线条;(军装或警服上表示等级的)条;杠

  • 请允许我再回到我刚才所提的观点

    Let me just go back to the point I was making.

  • 是迥然不同的观点之间的碰撞改变了人们的看法。

    It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.

  • 他们需要容忍不同的观点

    They need to be tolerant of different points of view.

  • 决定你的诗的结构和观点

    Decide on a structure and point of view for your poem.

  • 他们仍然坚决反对这种观点

    They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

  • 《华尔街日报》的一篇社论概述了很多保守派人士的观点

    A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.

  • 他的观点源自于他卑微的出身。

    His views come from his own humble beginnings.

  • 这些观点并非没有受到过质疑。

    These views have not gone unchallenged.

  • 你也应该让本地议员了解你的观点

    You should also make your views known to your local MP.

  • 他试图解释他的观点

    He tried to explain his point of view.

  • 他的观点与他父亲的观点相抵触。

    His views and his father's clashed.

  • 两种观点都很有争议。

    Both views are highly contentious.

  • 他们对他的政治观点只有鄙夷。

    They had nothing but scorn for his political views.

  • 我们应该尊重每个人的观点

    We should respect everyone's view.

  • 这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。

    These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.

  • 他能够以这样的方式表达观点,以致于艾伦会相信那是他自己的观点

    He could put an idea in such a way that Alan would believe it was his own.

  • 感到自己的观点站不住脚,玛丽于是换了个话题。

    Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject.

  • 我认为他们的观点很可恶。

    I find their views detestable.

  • 她对他们的观点嗤之以鼻,认为陈腐过时。

    She scorned their views as old-fashioned.

  • 当时她不想继续强调那个观点

    She didn't want to push the point any further at that moment.

  • 这种观点广泛地被认同。

    This view is widely recognized.

  • 他们持有不同的观点

    They hold differing views.

  • 那是你们的观点分歧所在。

    That's where you get some differences of opinion.

  • 就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。

    Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.

  • 他歪曲了我的观点

    He had unfairly presented a caricature of my views.

  • 这种观点是经济学上的谬论。

    The idea is an economic nonsense.

  • 她不大善于表达自己的观点

    She's not very good at putting her views across.

  • 这个观点有悖于常识。

    This view is irreconcilable with common sense.

  • 她的观点很守旧。

    She's very conventional in her views.

  • 赞成公投的观点迅速高涨。

    The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.

  • 她总是愿意接受新观点

    She was always receptive to new ideas.

  • 她几乎不敢亮明观点

    She hardly dared to venture an opinion.

  • 他试图阐明他的观点

    He tried to clarify his point of view.

  • 请允许我解释我的观点

    Please allow me to explain my point of view.

  • 各种明显的迹象显示他的观点越来越受欢迎。

    There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground.

  • 你到底赞成谁的观点呢?

    Whose side are you on anyway?

  • 他讨厌艺术应由知识分子所掌控的观点

    The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him.

  • 这一证据证实了他们的观点,即此次突发暴力事件是有预谋的。

    This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged.

  • 下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!

    The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun!

  • 这代表着政府观点的彻底转变。

    This represents a volte-face in government thinking.

  • 他们中的一些人坦率地表达了自己的政治观点

    Some of them make no bones about their political views.

  • 你能分享一下你的观点吗?

    Can you share your view?

  • 她在演讲中重申了她的观点

    She reaffirmed her point of view in the speech.

  • 她在会议中澄清了她的观点

    She clarifies her point of view during the meeting.

  • 让我们更详细地看待这些观点

    Let us look at these views in more detail.

  • 它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点

    It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers.

  • 他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。

    He made his points with admirable clarity.

  • 她的观点经不起认真推敲。

    Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

  • 这种观点在学生中广为流传。

    This view is widespread among students.

  • 他的观点趋于偏激。

    His views tend towards the extreme.

  • 女王陛下对大多数事情都有明确的观点

    Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things.

  • 他的政治观点遭到左派的抨击。

    His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.

  • 作者旁征博引以阐明自己的观点

    The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources.

  • 你当然可以为这种观点做解释。

    You could certainly make a case for this point of view.

  • 这门课提倡的心理学观点,是本性受约束观点

    So the vision of psychology this course promotes is the constrained view.

  • 对自己的信念充满热情才是生存的唯一方法,我不需要你的事实,也更不需要你的不同观点

    Being passionate about what you believe in is the only way to live. I don't need your facts, and I certainly don't need your points of view.

  • 那是个修辞学观点呢,还是你想算算?

    Is that a rhetorical point or would you like to do the math?

  • 因此你的观点我坚决反对,我的下巴在此,我看你怎么让它掉。

    I defy you to find a story problem. Here's my jaw drop it.

  • 不,我只是阐明一个观点,你是自作自受。

    No, I'm making a point. You brought this on yourself.

  • 如果你无法接受这个观点,那看来你得放弃人格理论的观点了。

    And if you're not prepared to believe it, it looks as though you've got to give up on the personality view.

  • 最后,将心理的机械论观点,与人类拥有精神价值的观点,相联系也是非常困难的

    And finally, it might be hard to mesh the mechanistic notion of the mind with the idea that people have spiritual value.

  • 提出反对观点是柏拉图,替赛贝斯提出的,但是苏格拉底,从没回应过这个反对观点

    Raise the objection, that's Plato raises the objection in the voice of Cebes but Socrates, on Plato's behalf, never answers the objection.

  • 我的观点引起许多争议。我想要好的方面,公开冒了很大的风险我错了大错特错。

    This view was extremely controversial. I wanted the great upside, and very publicly took a big risk and was wrong, dead wrong.

  • 这里关于可能的观点的扩展,也是非常重要的,我个人认为甚至比任何独立的合理观点更为重要。

    The fact of the proliferation of possible perspectives is just as important, and I would think it's actually even more important, as any single seemingly proper perspective.

  • 很有趣,可以看出,这是一个很有说服力的观点,但也能看出这个观点是如何遭到滥用的。

    It's interesting, and you can see that's a very persuasive argument, but you can also see how that could be abused.

  • 大部分人并不同意你的观点,韦恩先生。

    Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne.

  • 这些观点的支持率也不一样,也就是说,这些学者中的有些观点已经明显过时了

    Not all of these opinions are shared by the same number, by no means, of scholars. Some of them are far out.

  • 听起来就是你的翻版。很好,感谢你的观点,飞镖。

    Sounds a lot like you. Good. Thank you for your opinion, Chuck.

  • 这个观点估计是从人只有心灵,而不是物理对象的观点出发的

    This would roughly be a view according to which there are minds, but there aren't really physical objects.

  • 我明白斯科特的观点了。我们不断增长的腰围,是对全国人民的警钟。

    I see Scott's point. Our expanding waistlines are a national wake-up call.

  • 当说到人权问题和宗教实践,在各国的不同时,也就是所谓的“冲突中的观点“,持有不同观点的人都会说,“我们需要更完备的法律,需要这个,需要那个“

    When it comes to differences of human rights and religious practices, so Claims and Conflict, people in different disciplines say "We need stronger laws, we need this, we need that."

  • 以上就是两种基本的理论,一种是二元论的观点,另一种是物理主义的观点

    So these are the two basic positions: the dualist view on the one hand, the physicalist view on the other.

  • 踌躇和争论在这里吵得很激烈,一种观点占一行,另一观点在下一行。

    The vacillation and debate become quickest here as one point of view gets one line and the other the rhyming next line.

  • 我要站起来说,好吧,你们好,我司的观点很简单。

    I got to stand for this. Okay, hi. My firm's thesis is pretty simple.

  • 反面观点,鲍姆先生。

    For the opposing view, Mr. Baum.

  • 它们臣服于那个需要它们阐释的观点,上帝的观点,是的,上帝也是实实在在的。

    They are subservient to an idea that they have to express, which is the idea of God, right, and God is real.

  • 他扩展了先前的观点;,并将它们出版发行;,他科学地发展了这些观点,并同时将这些观点呈现给了,学术界和社会大众。

    He expanded upon them; he publicized them; he developed them scientifically and presented them both to the scientific community and to the popular community.

  • 但这个批判瞄准的是列维,斯特劳斯,他可以在列维,斯特劳斯的观点中找到,也的确在其他人的观点中找到。

    But this very critique leveled against Levi-Strauss, he could have found in Levi-Strauss and does find it on other occasions.

  • 创造自己的观点,而不用重新整理,别人已经阐述很好的观点

    They can now spend their energy on creating new ideas instead of reinventing ideas that other people have already done quite well.

  • 现在,这种观点-我认为仍然是主流的学术观点,但是对此学术界也存在激烈的争论,并且双方都有自己的阵营。

    Now it's--I think it's still the dominant academic view, but there's a big debate and there are partisans on both sides.

  • 我想你知道奶奶赞同你的观点

    I suppose you know my grandmother agrees with you.

  • 这是一个的确曾被无数次提到的观点,并且我也认为这个观点确实有一定道理,利西达斯的最后8行是以一种非常特殊的体裁写的,即意大利式的八行诗。

    In fact, this is an argument that's been made a number of times, and I think there's a lot of sense to it -the last eight lines of Lycidas are written in a very specific line form the Italian scheme of the ottava rima.

  • 观点有点凄凉啊。是的,事实如此。

    Kind of a bleak view. Yes, that is.

  • 我会讲讲我的观点,可能我的观点不同寻常。

    I'll present my view of the situation, but maybe it's a rather idiosyncratic view that I have.

  • 你可以给他们加上引号,不同意他们的观点,赞美或诽谤他们。

    You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

  • 冯,某种程度上赞同丹的观点,也许在洛克该观点的框架内,是有可能发展出捍卫印第安人权益的观点的。

    So Feng, in a way, agrees with Dan that maybe there is a claim within Locke's framework that could be developed on behalf of the Native Americans.

  • Cathy 提出的观点不无道理。变卦就是软弱。

    There is some insight into what Cathy brought up. Backpedaling as weakness.

  • 我将要更详细地谈那个观点,更多地介绍那个观点,这也是接下来两周里的内容

    I'm going to say more about that view, a fair bit more about that view, over the next couple of weeks.

  • 这个改进了的观点,或者说改进了的模型,在20世纪30年代受到了来自考夫曼的质疑。

    Well, this view, this evolutionary view, or evolutionary model, was challenged by man a named Yehezkel Kaufmann in the 1930's.

  • 无论如何,在此脚注中葛达玛提到一些东西-,我想我们不可能,彻底赞同葛达玛的观点,但在他的脚注中提到了一些,我很赞同的观点

    In any case, in this footnote Gadamer says something-- I think it's very rare that we can actually just sort of outright disagree with Gadamer, but he says something in this footnote that I believe we can actually disagree with.

  • 一种解释的方式,用19世纪现实主义的观点来看,也就是布鲁克斯感兴趣的观点来看,就是小说中的人物在疯狂地做着错误的决定。

    One way to put it, especially in nineteenth-century realism which particularly interests Brooks, is all these characters are just madly making bad object choices.

  • 我们在这门课里,所讨论的二元论观点,实际上是一种互动论的观点,也就是认为灵魂可以控制肉体

    The kind of dualist position that we are considering in this class is an interactionist position, where the soul commands the body.

  • 但他不知道你有多蠢!你是在意识流地诛心,还是想表达什么观点

    But he has no idea what an idiot you are! Is this merely stream-of-consciousness abuse, or are you attempting to make a point?

  • 我觉得每个人都有权表达自己的观点,我还是去睡觉吧。

    Well, I suppose everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I think I'll turn in.

  • 喂,这是我的论文,我的观点就是,奴隶是坏事。

    Hey, this is my paper. And my perspective is that slavery is bad.

  • 我要读的这两篇文章在某些观点上是并行的,我在讲伽达默尔的看法时想激发的就是这些观点

    The two passages that I'm about to read juxtapose the viewpoints that I've been trying to evoke in describing Gadamer's position.

  • 我们可以说,伊瑟尔的观点,本质上是葛达玛观点的改写,比如说视域的融合。

    We can say that Iser's position is a reconstruction of what Gadamer has, essentially, to say about the merger of horizons.

  • 所以,我倾向于认为,这个问题正确的观点是一种适中的,适中的观点

    So, I'm inclined to think that the right position here is a kind of moderate one, a modest one.

  • 我不是说在这个问题上我的观点不会变了,当然,我接受对话。

    I'm not saying that my opinion won't change on this matter, and, of course, I'm always open to dialogue.

  • 我们探讨了两种观点 一种是二元论的观点,上堂课上我们用了很长的时间来介绍它

    On the one hand, we have the dualist view; that's the view that we spent a fair bit of time sketching last meeting.

  • 你要做的只是放下自己非要正确的需要,用你对错误的恐惧对他人观点保持开放态度。

    All you need to do is let go of your attachment to having the right answers yourself, and use your fear of being wrong to become open-minded to these other views.

  • 而不是推行我的项目,我来负责,全是我的观点,我们有其他成员实施一些项目,表达他们的观点

    instead of being my program, I'm running, just my ideas We have other people run their programs, have their ideas.

  • 有关暗能量的主导观点认为它是一个宇宙常量。

    The leading idea for dark energy is that it is a cosmological constant.


观点 guāndiǎn

(1) [viewpoint;standpoint]∶观察事物时所处的立场或出发点



(2) [opinion]∶从一定的阶级利益出发所形成的对事物或问题的看法




云南 n. Yunnan; Yunnan province。

文章 n. article; essay; text; writing; writings; paper;

营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。