1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-05 21:26:18


bosom; mind


cherish; keep in mind; think of; yearn for; conceive a child



bosom n.内心;温暖舒适而熟悉的地方;女人的胸部(或乳房);女衣胸部(或胸襟);心灵;情感的深处;密友(指极为亲近的人或事物)

mind n.头脑;大脑;心智;智慧;智力;思维方式;注意力;意愿;意向;记忆力;意识;思想;理智;主意;想法;观念;心态

cherish v.珍爱;重视;珍视;怀抱(情感);怀有(希望、梦想、好感);捍卫(权利、特权或原则);爱护;维护;抱有(信念、希望);秉持;温存;怀念;宠爱;抚育;钟爱

keep in mind vphr.记住;牢记;铭记;不要忘记;放在心上;考虑到

think of vphr.想到;想起;记得;回忆起;思考;考虑;关心;想象;想一想;提出;产生(想法或计划);认为;对…有看法;对…有意见;有…的想法;认为可能;对…有看法;想念;挂念

yearn for vphr.渴望;向往;思念;渴求;极想得到

pregnant adj.怀孕的;妊娠的;孕育的;充满的;充溢着;饱含;富于启发的;意义深远的;意味深长的;充满意义的

  • 怀古诗

    poem recalling antiquity

  • 怀表

    pocket watch 一种适于装在衣袋里随身携时的表,比手表大

  • 怀恨

    be spiteful;nurse hatred;harbour a grudge against 心存怨恨

  • 怀春

    (of a girl) be in love 本指当春而有所怀思。也用以比喻少女思念婚嫁

  • 怀旧

    nostalgia;remember past times or old acquaintances with kindly thoughts 怀念往事和故人

  • 怀古

    meditate on the past;reflect on an ancient event 思念往昔;怀念古代的人和事(多用做有关古迹的诗题)

  • 怀敌附远

    make the enemy yield and the different nation submit to the authority 使敌对的人降顺,使远方的人归附。怀,安抚(使…亲近)

  • 摅怀

    express one's feelings

  • 怀璧其罪

    an innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth 怀:怀藏。身藏璧玉,必定为盗所害。后比喻有才能而遭嫉害。

  • 怀才不遇

    have talent but no opportunity to use it 有才学而未遇其时,不得重用。指不得志的人

  • 怀恨在心

    grudge;harbour resentment in one's heart 指的是由于真正的或猜想的蔑视、冒犯、屈辱或其他恼恨的原因而具有深为不满的怨恨

  • 怀德

    bear kindness 怀念恩德

  • 怀瑾握瑜

    hold gems in one’s bosom and grasp jades in one’s hand—be in possession of learning and virtue 瑾、瑜:美玉,喻美德。比喻人具有美玉般的的品德

  • 怀抱

    bosom 胸怀

  • 怀念

    cherish the memory of;think of 思念;关心

  • 这些是来自著名的怀达号沉船的西班牙硬币。

    These are Spanish coins from the famous Whydah Galley shipwreck.

  • 时时断怀,只是寂寞是风,随风飘然……

    Always break a bosom, is only lonely is the wind, the wind floating…

  • 为了让怀亚特住得更舒服,布莱恩决定给它添置更多东西——属于它自己的卧室。

    In order to let Wyatt live more comfortably, Bryan decided to give it something more—its own bedroom.

  • 在环顾房子之后,布莱恩发现可以把屋顶改成怀亚特的房间。

    After looking around their house, Bryan found that the roof could be changed into Wyatt's room.

  • 医生宣布那位女士怀的是八胞胎之一。

    The doctor announced that the woman was expecting an octuplet.

  • 他们要她对犯人慈悲为怀

    They asked her to be merciful to the prisoners.

  • 安德鲁·怀藤的团队有什么发现?

    What is the finding of Andrew Whiten's team?

  • 怀亚特在那里待了很长时间。

    Wyatt spent a lot of time there.

  • 在赫伯特·怀斯曼的风琴伴奏下,我们演唱了布莱克的《耶路撒冷》作为终曲。

    We ended with Blake's Jerusalem, accompanied on the organ by Herbert Wiseman.

  • 怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。

    Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.

  • 怀亚特真的很享受,就像一个孩子终于有了自己的卧室一样。

    Wyatt really enjoyed it as much as a kid who finally got his own bedroom.

  • 第四句:“怀才就象怀孕,时间久了会让人看出来”。

    The fourth sentence: "bosom just like pregnant, time is long can let a person see out".

  • 怀尔德跌倒了,头撞在石头地板上。

    Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor.

  • 他找了一些鸟类的视频给怀亚特看。

    He searched for some bird videos and showed them to Wyatt.

  • 我在我的中学年鉴里找过怀曼的照片。

    I looked for Wyman's picture in my high-school annual.

  • 每天喝八怀水有益健康?

    Drink 8 bosoms everyday is water healthful?

  • 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。

    Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison.

  • 他们的第一个小孩是在新婚之夜怀上的。

    Their first child was conceived on their wedding night.

  • 她的评价仍然让人耿耿于怀

    Her comments still rankled.

  • 莎伦·怀尔德健步如飞,跑在最前面。

    Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.

  • 怀曼批判地注视着他们。

    Wyman watched them critically.

  • 怀就是愉悦。

    Put the bosom is to dulcify.

  • 怀特确信裁判作出了公正的判罚。

    White was in no doubt the referee made the correct decision.

  • 医生宣布她怀了一个三胞胎之一。

    The doctor announced that she was expecting a triplet.

  • 怀亚特喜欢从窗户处看鸟。

    Wyatt liked to watch birds from the window.

  • 当她怀著茉莉的时候,她妈妈给她做了几加仑的土豆韭菜汤。

    When she was pregnant with Molly, her mother had made her gallons of potato leek soup.

  • 在那里度过了一个不眠之夜后,我们被告知怀亚特会没事的。

    After we spent a sleepless night there, we were told Wyatt was going to be OK.

  • 怀亚特非常喜欢这些视频。

    Wyatt loved the videos very much.

  • 怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。

    In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes.

  • 她又怀上孩子了。

    She's having another baby.

  • 既知音之邂逅兮遂倾余之衷怀

    Now that having met bosom friends, I pour out my emotions.

  • 怀尔德摔倒了,头撞在石头地上。

    Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor.

  • 怀上又一个孩子了。

    She was expecting another baby.

  • 怀上了双胞胎。

    She was carrying twins.

  • 怀亚特衣着入时,从未有人见过他穿便装。

    A sharp dresser, Wyatt is never seen in casual clothes.

  • 没被邀请,他很是耿耿于怀

    He minded that he hadn't been asked.

  • 怀亚特和这对夫妇幸福地生活在一起。

    Wyatt is living happily with the couple.

  • 怀亚特立即被送往医院。

    Wyatt was taken to the hospital immediately.

  • 我看见怀亚特坐在流水中的两块岩石之间。

    I saw Wyatt sit down between two rocks in the running water.

  • 当我爬到下面的岩石上时,我丈夫已经在一个年轻女人的帮助下把怀亚特从水里拉了出来。

    By the time I climbed down to the rocks below, my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water with the help of a young woman.

  • 经过慎重考虑后,我们决定搬到怀特岛去。

    After much cogitation, we decided to move to the Isle of Wight.

  • 怀滕的经典研究对黑猩猩行为的多样性没有什么影响。

    Whiten's classic study has little impact on the diversity of chimp behavior.

  • 这两群学生互怀敌意。

    There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.

  • 怀特·艾森豪威尔也具备上述做出讨人喜欢的样子的能力。

    Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable.

  • 机会不会从天而降,必须怀揣坚持与勇气去努力争取。

    Opportunities are not offered. They must be wrested and worked for. And this calls for perseverance and courage.--Indira Gandhi

  • 这是怀亚特的私人卧室。

    It was Wyatt's personal bedroom.

  • 我很高兴我们8岁的儿子怀亚特能够照顾自己。

    I felt glad that our 8-year-old son Wyatt could look after himself.

  • 我们将乘汽艇到怀特岛。

    We'll make a trip by launch to White Island.

  • 那也许仅仅是些不怀好意的流言蜚语罢了。

    That might merely have been malicious gossip.

  • 他们准备了一些旧球给怀亚特玩。

    They prepared some old balls for Wyatt to play with.

  • 布鲁斯•怀亚特将是下月会议上的特邀发言人。

    Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting.

  • 他们在当地一家宠物救助店帮忙时,他们和一只叫怀亚特的猫交了朋友。

    When they were helping out in a local pet rescue store, they made friends with a cat called Wyatt.

  • 我妹妹怀了双胞胎。

    My sister is pregnant with twins.

  • 布鲁斯·怀亚特将成为下月会议的特邀发言人。

    Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting.

  • 她惊讶地发现自己怀了三胞胎。

    She was surprised to find out she was having triplets.

  • 测试一下,你要确定一下,你是不是怀了恰克的孩子。

    Just take the test. You need to know if you and Chuck are gonna have a baby.

  • 我在怀第一个孩子时,我问丈夫戴夫,我屁股有没有变大。

    When I was pregnant with our first child, I asked my husband Dave if my butt was getting big.

  • 你可能认为这会导致煤矿倒闭,但在俄怀明州不会。

    You might think that would have killed coal mining, but not here in Wyoming.

  • 想像我离开了几天,我男朋友跟怀了他孩子的女人住在一起,你怎么跟他说?

    Could you imagine, I go away for a few days, and come back, and my boyfriend is living with some woman he got pregnant. So, what'd you tell him?

  • 我想你可能忘了,在我结婚之初,我也一度怀不上。

    I think you've forgotten that, when I was first married, I couldn't get pregnant, either.

  • 决定了,我要怀你们的孩子。

    I wanna do this. I wanna carry your baby.

  • 抛下?菲比,当时你怀了三胞胎耶,很棒的借口,我非去不可。

    Ditch you? Phoebe, you were pregnant with the triplets. Great story. I'm going.

  • 我姐姐爱他,怀了他的孩子。

    My sister loved him. She bore his children.

  • 冷静点,或许你没有怀孕。什么?我怀三胞胎时,也验了三次孕才确定。

    Calm down. Maybe you're not pregnant. What? When I got pregnant with the triplets, I took that test like three times just to make sure.

  • 罗斯,我能问你一件事吗?卡萝怀班的时候,你有这么暴躁吗?

    Ross. Yeah? Can I ask you something? Uh-huh. When Carol was pregnant with Ben, were you this irritating? Wow.

  • 英国的人怎么看待艾米•怀恩豪斯?

    What do people in the UK think about Amy Winehouse?

  • 怀了我的孩子,并打算和苏珊共同扶养。

    She's pregnant with my child. And she and Susan are going to raise the baby.

  • 你一旦答应, 她就会想办法怀上,这你不用担心。

    Once you'd agreed she would have got pregnant, don't you worry.

  • 他们说不定能在新婚之夜怀上孩子呢,你不觉得孩子将来看到这个会很高兴吗?

    Hey, they may conceive a child on their wedding night. Don't you think the kid might get a kick out of knowing how it happened?

  • 我不知道。你没事吧?我只是想到了菲比,怀了孕的可怜菲比。

    I don't know. Are you okay? Uh-hmm. I'm just thinking about Phoebe, poor knocked up Phoebe.

  • 不是,我听到三个心跳音。三个?你们还担心我怀不成。

    No, I'm getting three separate heartbeats. Three? You guys were worried I wouldn't even have one.

  • 这是美国最大的煤矿,位于俄怀明州河谷的黑雷煤矿。

    And this is the biggest coal-mining operation in the country, the Black Thunder mine in Wyoming's powder river basin.

  • 黑雷煤矿是河谷15座煤矿中的一个,从俄怀明州的东北部延伸至蒙大纳州。

    Black thunder is one of 15 mines in the basin, which stretches from Northeastern Wyoming into Montana.

  • 当我搬来纽约时,我感到害怕。当我发现怀上爱玛时,我感到害怕。

    Like "when I moved to New York" scared. Or "when I found out that I was gonna have Emma" scared.

  • 但你万一怀了孩子怎么办?我会自杀,不许说这种话。

    But suppose you're with child. What will you do then? I'll kill myself. I won't listen to that.

  • 有些打和好炮的提议被拒绝了,即使我们并不会怀上加怀

    Some suggestion of make-up sex that did not go over well, even though it's not like we can get more pregnant.



huái ㄏㄨㄞˊ

  • 思念,想念:~念。~旧。~乡。~古。缅~。
  • 包藏:~胎。心~鬼胎。胸~壮志。~瑾握瑜。~才不遇。
  • 胸前:~抱。抱在~里。
  • 心意:心~。胸~。正中(zhòng )下~。耿耿于~。
  • 安抚:~柔。
  • 归向,使降顺:“~敌附远,何招而不至?”

英语 bosom, breast; carry in bosom

德语 schätzen, hegen ,schwanger werden, ein Kind empfangen ,gedenken (V)​,Brust, Busen (Eig, Fam)

法语 embrasser,sein,chérir,concevoir (un enfant)​






(1) (形声。从心,褱声。本义:想念,怀念)

(2) 同本义 [think of;miss;yearn for]






怀良辰以孤往。——· 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》


而不怀仁。——· 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》



(3) 心里存有;怀藏 [keep in mind;cherish]









佩紫怀黄。——南朝· 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

汝姊在吾怀。——· 归有光《项脊轩志》


(4) 包容;包围 [surround]




(5) 孕,怀孕,谓妇女或雌性哺乳动物受精有胎 [be pregnant;conceive]


(6) 归向;依恋 [tend to;be reluctant to leave;feel regret at parting]




(7) 招致;招徕 [incur;bring about]


(8) 安;安抚 [appease;pacify]


广德行以怀之。—— · 桓宽《盐铁论·本议》






(1) 胸口;怀抱里 [bosom]





(2) 心意;情意 [mind;affection]

仆怀欲陈之,而未有路。——· 司马迁《报任安书》



聊布往怀。——南朝· 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

予怀怆然。——· 姜夔《扬州慢》


(3) 古地名 [Huai town],在今河南省武陟县西南


(4) 姓。如:怀素(公元737—799,唐名僧。长沙钱氏,字藏真。善草书,以狂草出名,继承张旭笔法,世称颠狂素)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of