1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-28 09:10:36
yǐ zi


chair; seat

chair n.椅子;(会议、委员会的)主席;主持人;领导人;教授职位;会长;讲座教授;系主任;(大学的)院长;执行官;董事长;(音乐会的)指挥席;裁判席

seat n.座位;席位;位置;(衣物的)臀部;底座;(自行车、摩托车等的)鞍座;(机器或设备的)支架;乡村宅第;议会议员选区

  • 我踉踉跄跄地,不得不抓住一把椅子稳住自己。

    I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support.

  • 他指着一把椅子说,“坐下。”

    He indicated a chair. "Sit down."

  • 你的尺子在椅子下面。

    And your ruler is under the chair.

  • 他拉过一把椅子,坐在了迈克尔的对面。

    He pulled up a chair and sat down across from Michael.

  • 我紧紧抓住椅子撑着身体。

    I clutched on to the chair for support.

  • 你可以调节椅子的高度。

    You can adjust the height of the chair.

  • 她发现所有的椅子都有人坐了。

    She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.

  • 他猛然站起来,弄翻了椅子

    He stood up quickly, overturning his chair.

  • 她从椅子上跳了下来。

    She jumped down from the chair.

  • 我撞到椅子上,碰伤了腿。

    I banged into a chair and hurt my leg.

  • 我把椅子向火旁拉近了点。

    I drew my chair closer to the fire.

  • 阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。

    Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.

  • 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。

    The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong.

  • 我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。

    We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair.

  • 这是一把蓝色的椅子

    It is a blue chair.

  • 海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。

    Helen sat upright in her chair.

  • 他懊悔地坐在靠窗的椅子上。

    He sat penitently in his chair by the window.

  • 汤姆从椅子上摔下来了。

    Tom fell off the chair.

  • 他向后挪挪椅子,站了起来。

    He pushed his chair back and stood up.

  • 他舒服地坐在椅子上。

    He sat comfortably on the chair.

  • 他扶住椅子后背,以免摔倒。

    He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.

  • 我把椅子拖到了窗口那边。

    I dragged the chair over to the window.

  • 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。

    He rose from his seat and made for the door.

  • 斯潘塞艰难地迈过一堆破椅子和碎啤酒瓶。

    Spencer waded through the debris of broken chairs and beer bottles.

  • 那把旧椅子应该扔掉了。

    That old chair should be thrown away.

  • 把你的手放在椅子上。

    Put your hand on your chair.

  • 她把外套随手扔在了椅子上。

    She threw her coat carelessly onto the chair.

  • 他坐在他的椅子上,吓瘫了。

    He sat in his chair, paralysed with dread.

  • 首先,她试了试大椅子

    First, she tried the big chair.

  • 这家工厂通常每周生产500把椅子

    The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week.

  • 妈妈坐在厨房里的椅子上。

    Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen.

  • 她的声音大得吓人。“放下椅子,”她粗声说道。

    Her voice was shockingly loud. "Put the chair down," she brayed.

  • 鲍勃从椅子上滑下来,趴在了地板上。

    Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.

  • 然后她试了试中间的椅子

    Then she tried the middle chair.

  • 她轻手轻脚地坐到椅子上。

    She eased herself into a chair.

  • 她把椅子翻转过来修理。

    She turned the chair on its side to repair it.

  • 可找到它了,就在椅子后面。

    There it is —just behind the chair.

  • 我们把椅子挪近了一点。

    We moved our chairs a little nearer.

  • 不,也不在椅子下面。

    No. And it's not under the chair.

  • 他在对面的椅子上坐了下来。

    He sat down in the chair opposite.

  • 哦,它在你的椅子上!

    Oh, it's on your chair!

  • 她飞快地朝我这边走来,把一张椅子都撞翻了。

    She came towards me so quickly that she knocked a chair over.

  • 衣服在椅子上堆得高高的。

    The clothes were piled high on the chair.

  • 她双臂抱膝坐在椅子上。

    She sat in the chair, hugging her knees.

  • 她把椅子转过来,向外凝视着屋后的草坪。

    She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn.

  • 她从椅子上站起凝目朝他望去。

    She rose from the chair and gazed across at him.

  • 他在椅子上浅浅地打着瞌睡。

    He was dozing lightly in his chair.

  • 把你的脚放在椅子下面。

    Put your foot under your chair.

  • 他指着一把椅子,示意她坐下。

    He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit.

  • 看看椅子的下面,检查一下它的实际构造。

    Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath.

  • 那只猫在抓挠椅子腿。

    The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.

  • 他蹒跚地坐回到椅子上。

    He lumbered back to his chair.

  • 妈妈正坐在厨房的椅子上。

    Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen.

  • 妈妈,妈妈,你看我们都买了什么?买了你们的旧玩具。我们想念他们。看我买到了什么!是一把古董椅子!猪爸爸!但并不是古董椅子

    Mummy, mummy, look what we've bought. All your old toys. We missed them. Look what I've bought. It's an antique chair. Oh, Daddy Pig. That's not an antique chair.

  • 这是一个没有任何经验前提的论证,它完全只是躺在椅子上对哲学的思考得出

    It's an argument that doesn't seem to have any empirical premises; it works from purely armchair philosophical reflection.

  • 车尾绑著一张铁床、椅子和桌子,上面还有一箱芦花鸡,“

    On the back of it, an iron bed and a chair and table were tied, and on top of them a crate of Barred Rock chickens."

  • 当你看到这边的这件物体,你就把它划到椅子的类别下,然后你就知道你可以坐上去。

    So, when you see this object over here you categorize it as a chair and you recognize that you could probably sit on it.

  • 骚乱开始蔓延。人们把椅子和食物摔在地上。屋子里混乱一片。

    And there's a riot in there. People are throwing chairs and food. And it's just crazy in there.

  • 符号任意性是指,我们可以拿来世间任何想法,比如椅子,故事,或是国家,再发明一种声音或符号来与之相联系

    And what this means is we can use --take any arbitrary idea in the world, the idea of a chair or a story or a country, and make a sound or a sign to connect to it.

  • 语言也拥有词,即语态,但这些词只能让你知道,"狗","杯子","椅子,","房子","故事","想法"

    We have the words of a language, the morphology, but all that gives you is "Dog," "Cup," "Chair," "House," "Story," "Idea."

  • 好的,现在用手拍椅子,或者笔记本,电脑,随便什么,来按照这个模式做切分音

    Okay. Now take your hand on a chair or your notebook, your computer or whatever, and do syncopation off of that according to this pattern.

  • 我面前有一些椅子

    Well, there are some chairs in front of me.

  • 以后我要定在这张椅子上,还有这条运动裤。

    From now on, this chair is the one. You wanna what else is the one? My sweat pants.

  • 比如说,我现在正盯着观众席上的椅子

    So right now I'm looking at the chairs in the auditorium.

  • 我不想聊这事儿,佩妮椅子上的虫子没跑到你身上。

    I don't want to talk about it. You didn't catch bugs from Penny's chair.

  • 在飞机后面是椅子

    Behind the airplane are seats.

  • 我耷拉在附近一把椅子上看着这一切。

    I slouched in a nearby chair and saw all of it.

  • 这可能是吃素的狗,有毒的苹果,会爆炸的椅子,但这种刻板印象通常都是对的。

    This could be a vegetarian dog, a poison apple, an explosive chair, but they're typically true.

  • 当然。这把椅子有点咯吱咯吱响。

    Sure. This chair is squeaky.

  • 我还真得说我挺喜欢你这张新椅子的。舒服吧?没错。

    I must say, I am enjoying your new chair. It's great, isn't it? It is.

  • 当你坐在椅子上,注视着电脑键盘,放松肌肉,想象你抬起右臂敲击,S,键。

    If you sit in your chairs and look at this keyboard, and relax your muscles and imagine moving your right arm up and hitting the "s" key.

  • 符合腰椎曲线,支撑住了尾骨,还平衡了臀部,这椅子还真对得起它的名字。什么名字?椅子呀。

    Aligns the lumbar, cradles the coccyx, balances the buttocks. This is a chair worthy of the name. What name? Chair.

  • 她的衣服扔在椅子上,洗漱用品在洗手间里扔得到处都是。

    She has her clothes on a chair, she has her toiletries spread all over the bathroom.

  • 她陷入贞洁理念的矛盾迷潭之中,与陷入陷入椅子一样确定而坚定。

    She's stuck between competing ideals of bodily purity just as surely and as firmly as she is stuck to her seat.

  • 我知道!坐椅子上吧,肖恩。

    I know! Sit in the chair, Shawn.

  • 嘿,戴尔。请进,找把椅子坐。

    Hey, Dale. Come on in. Pull up some chair.

  • 在天上,在椅子上,雪下得到处都是。飞很高,在椅子上,飞得越来越高。

    In the air, in a chair, snow is falling everywhere. Flying high, in a chair, flying high and high and high.

  • 你没关系吗?我很好,我有这张椅子

    You'll be okay? Oh, I'm fine. I have this chair.

  • 或许我们该换个飞机座椅,或装满豆子的椅子

    Perhaps, like an airplane seat, or a beanbag chair.

  • 更重要的是,我们形成对群体的刻板印象,和我们形成对类别的刻板印象,如椅子,苹果和狗,两者几乎一样。

    More importantly, we collect stereotypes about groups of people through much the same way we collect stereotypes about categories like chairs and apples and dogs.

  • 我不会坐在那张椅子上的!

    I am never going to sit in that chair!

  • 哪怕只是坐在椅子上,坐直并保持良好姿势,也许双手放在两膝上。

    I think even if you're in a chair, and you're sitting up straight with good posture, maybe hands on knees.

  • 根据刻板印象评判椅子,苹果和狗,就没问题。

    So, it's fine to judge chairs and apples and dogs based on the stereotypes.

  • 拜拜,植物,拜拜,一号椅子,拜拜,二号椅子,拜拜,桌子,拜拜,衣柜,拜拜,洗手池,拜拜,天窗。

    Bye, Plant. Bye, Chair number one. Bye, Chair number two. Bye, Table. Bye, wardrobe. Bye, sink. Bye-bye, Skylight.

  • 我如何知道椅子是存在的

    How do I know that there are chairs?

  • 你坐在第二个椅子上。

    And why don't you have a seat in the second chair.

  • 他怎么样?2天没离开那张椅子

    Hey, how's he doing? He hasn't gotten out of that chair in two days.

  • 我们下班回家,会把外套扔到椅子上。是的。

    You know how you throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day? Yeah.

  • 一个很爱家的男人啊? 我明白了,把他放回椅子上去。

    A family man, huh? I understand. Put him back in the timeout chair.

  • 告诉你们,我再也不离开这张椅子了。

    I tell you what, from now on I'm never getting out of this chair, ever. Okay?

  • 然后起身把椅子推进了书桌下。

    and pushed your seat in underneath your desk properly.

  • 你坐在杂这个椅子上,在这里的右手边,好的。

    So why don't you have a seat on the chair on the right-hand side there. All right.

  • 我们应该很熟悉聚合物,比如日常生活中的塑料就是,你们坐的椅子,就是由一种塑料聚合物构成,它由基本的有机化学物质交联在一起

    We're familiar with polymers, plastics in our daily life; the chairs that you're sitting on are made of a kind of a plastic polymer that is basically an organic chemical that is cross-linked together.

  • 我们需要一个花园吗?需要!可这里是我放椅子的地方。

    Do we need a flower garden? Yes. But that's where I sit in my chair.

  • 房间里有多少椅子?”或者“多少人参加了这个活动?”

    How many seats are there in a room?", "How many people are attending an event?"

  • 站在牛奶箱上、椅子上或凳子上,

    and they stand on milk crates or chairs or stools

  • 这就是对椅子的刻板印象,对苹果和对狗的刻板印象。

    These are all stereotypes about chairs and about apples and about dogs.

  • 你先把纸巾放在椅子下吧?好,可以了?

    Do you want to put your tissue maybe under your chair? Oh, yeah. There you go, huh?


椅子 yǐzi

[chair] 以木、金属、竹子、藤等制作的带靠背的坐具


英语 chair, CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]

德语 Stuhl (S)​

法语 chaise


繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。