1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 18:12:12
jià qiān


price tag

price tag n.价格标签;成本;代价;价值

  • 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers, pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers.

  • 他小心的从柜子上移开衣架并寻找着价签

    She carefully removed the hanger from the rack and searched the coat for a price tag.

  • 他们已经给店里所有的商品贴了价签.

    They have tagged all the items in the store.

  • 当时买了个跑步机,可是三年后也没把哈洛氏百货的价签拆下来。

    I bought a treadmill and after three years I still hadn't removed the Harrods price tag.

  • 他们已经给店里所有的商品贴了价签.

    They have tagged all the items in the store.

  • “四百七十五美元。”售货小姐看了看价签说道。

    "Four hundred seventy-five dollars," the saleslady said, looking at the price tag.

  • 该公司还没有提出现场工具包的价签

    The company has not yet put a price tag on the field kits.

  • 就是这个价签给我惹了大麻烦,但也是它最终证明了我的清白。

    That's the very thing that had brought me such great trouble. But it proved my innocence.

  • 上面还有价签,价签上的数字高得惊人.

    The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.

  • 争论也围绕着高盛的“价签”进行,或者说是金融危机期间它为抵押权估价所依据的价格。

    Controversy also swirls around Goldman's "marks", or the prices at which it valued its mortgage holdings during the crisis.

  • 抬起脚后,我发现鞋底粘着一个价签

    I did as she had told me. There was a label on the bottom of my shoe.

  • 很多人都会用牙齿做一些古怪的工作——咬掉衣服价签、撕开薯片包装等。

    Lots of us use our teeth for odd jobs - to rip a price tag off a piece of clothing, open a packet of crisps,.

  • 最后将衣物名称与价格一一对应,填入价签中。

    Look at their ads below and fill in the price tags.

  • 每年五千亿到六千亿美元的价签也许正是减排协议完成了一半的棺材上的一颗钉子。

    The $500-600 billion dollar annual pricetag may have just put a nail in the coffin of any agreement in emission cuts being chisled.

  • 尽管员工们可以免费领取自动售货机中的产品,但每样物品都带有价签,上面清晰地标示着价格,员工们一望便知自己取用的配件的零售价。

    While products found in the vending machines are free, items are clearly marked with price tags so employees can see the retail value of each accessory they take.

  • 因为这个价签是计算机的。

    Because this price tag is for the computer.

  • 销售2000克火腿礼盒,销售价格为每盒168元,价签标示时用大号字体标示“16”,用小号字体标示“8.0”, 诱导消费者误认为销售价格为每盒16.80元。

    The price of the 2000 g gammon gift-wrap is $168 per wrap. The seller signed the number "16" in bold type and "8.0" in small type and led consumer misunderstand the price is $16.80 per wrap.

  • 上面还有价签,价签上的数字高得惊人.

    The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.

  • 艾比兴奋地举起袖筒上明亮的黄色价签

    Abby triumphantly held up the sleeve with the bright yellow tag.

  • 随后我看了一眼价签: 两磅5.69美元!

    Then I looked at the price: $ 5.69 for 2 pounds.

  • b:因为这个价签是上面那双鞋的。

    B: Because the price tag is for the shoes above.

  • 例如日本的超市里堆满了圆圆的,瓜茎上还带着刺儿的西瓜以及带着标有超过75美金的价签

    For instance, the produce cases of Japanese supermarkets are stacked with perfectly round melons that boast little green stems knotted like origami figures and carry price tags upward of $75 US.

  • 因为这个价签是计算机的.

    Because this price tag is for the computer.

  • 这相当于一个光声版本的无线电频率条形码,可以用在需通过自动收费站的车上,或者给商品打价签

    This could be used like an optoacoustic version of the radio-frequency bar codes that are used by cars passing through the pay booths of automated toll roads or to tag some goods in shops.

  • 时刻保持自有品牌产品 、 价签 、 促销信息按规定陈列.

    Good execution of OL products, price labels, display and promotion information.

  • 房东出国需要资金周转,价格不会跳价,到价一定签。

    The landlord need going abroad fund turnover, price, a price can't jump to price must sign.

  • 店里每一件衣服都缝有价签.

    Every garment in the shop has a price mark sewn on it.

  • 但是当抵押拖欠激增时,高盛的价签被证明比其它大公司的更精确。

    But as mortgage delinquencies ballooned, Goldman's marks were shown to be more accurate than those of the other big houses.

  • 我发现鞋底粘着一个价签

    There was a label on the bottom of my shoe.

  • 他们已经给店里所有的商品贴了价签

    They have tagged all the items in the store.

  • 它很精致、丝质、手工缝制,周围有一圈密密的花边。上面还有价签价签上的数字高得惊人。

    It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace.the price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.

  • 第二,这个提案拴着一个价签

    Second, the proposal comes with a price tag.

  • 因为这个价签是上面那双鞋的。

    Because the price tag is for the shoes above.

  • 最后将衣物名称与价格一一对应,填入价签中。

    Look at their ads below and fill in the price tags.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of