1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-18 08:59:58


flame; blaze

flame n.火焰;火苗;火舌;热情;激情;火红色;橘红色;光辉;炽热;燃烧;闪耀;热烈的感情;强烈的感情;<俚>情人

blaze n.烈火;火焰;火灾;光辉;闪耀;强烈的光芒;炫目的光;耀眼的光线

  • 氧乙炔焰

    oxyacetylene flame

  • 焰火

    pyrotechnic display;fireworks [方]∶见“烟火”

  • 氧炔焰

    oxyacetylene flame

  • 焰弧灯

    flame arc lamp

  • 焰口

    hunger ghosts spitting fire 佛教用语,形容饿鬼渴望饮食,口吐火焰。和尚向饿鬼施食叫放焰口

  • 焰心

    centre of the flame 火焰最里面的部分,这部分气体还没有氧化,不发光

  • 外层焰

    outer flame

  • 最好采用氧炔加热方法。

    The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame .

  • 窑烧陶器时炉内防止火直接与之接触的隔窑或其一部分。

    A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.

  • 提出了一种多孔V形瓦斯燃烧器稳块,对其稳特性进行了研究,并进行了燃烧试验。

    A V-shaped flame holder with many orifices used in a gas burner was developed.

  • 他炽嚣张,完全不把群众放在眼里.

    He was so arrogant that he paid no attention to the masses.

  • 枪炮二次的形成与燃烧产物中还原性气体息息相关。

    The formation of secondary muzzle flash is closely related to reducing gases in combustion products.

  • 谢谢你,蓝涩冰。你真是好人,非常感激你对我的所有帮助!

    Thank you, LSBY. You are very kind. I deeply appreciate all the help you've given me!

  • 滚滚黑烟就从烛上方那片烈火中不断喷发出来,把群星都遮暗了.

    Pouring from the top of the candle flame, billows of black smoke blotted out many stars.

  • 摩擦产生星星之火,星星之火点燃伟大创意的燎原巨.

    Friction makes sparks and sparks start great creative conflagrations.

  • 提出了一种多孔V形瓦斯燃烧器稳块,对其稳特性进行了研究,并进行了燃烧试验.

    A V - shaped flame holder with many orifices used in a gas burner was developed.

  • ,依你现在的身手,真的很弱,我现在把烈决传给你,是真的希望你有自保的能力。

    The Yan depends on your current artistic skill, really languid, I pass blazing burn definitely immediately you, is true hope, you have the competence of self-preservation.

  • 所有样本的平均余不得超过5秒钟.

    The Average Afterflame Of All Specimens Shall Not Exceed 5 seconds.

  • 嘴火刨削机

    Multiple beam flame planing machine

  • 让我们放花庆祝节日吧。

    Let's celebrate the holiday with fireworks.

  • 活火,是炭有,其火势生猛。

    Free flame is charcoal with fierce fire.

  • 笑得轻松,完全没有把这些杀手放在眼里。

    Seven Yans smiled accessible, entirely didn't put these cutthroats in the eye.

  • 这些木质的桥面、干燥的海风和矫复层叠的油漆涂层,足可令些微星火变成万丈巨

    The wooden decks, the drying wind and the obsessive, repeated coats of paint feed enormous fires, still the main reason for their demise.

  • 烈火的毒烧毁了七八间民宅.

    The raging flames burned down nearly eight people's homes.

  • 氧炔是常规用途中最热的火

    Oxyacetylene flame is the hottest one known for ordinary use.

  • 工作中使用汽油吹管时,请将灭火器放在近旁.

    Always have a fire extinguisher handy when working with a blowlamp.

  • 测试碳酸钙中的钙离子 ----- 用色试验.

    Test for calcium ions in calcium carbonate - ---- by flame test.

  • 一头的汗,她何时答应过了!

    The perspiration of seven Yan a pate ofs, when did she once promise!

  • 采用无热风系统,单机生产效率高。

    With hot air heating system and high efficiency.

  • 管道焊接不得使用氧乙炔焊接。

    Oxyacetylene flame can' be used for welding of pipeline.

  • 这种火炉用不到一半的明烧木柴到传统的烹调方法的要求。

    The stoves use less than one-half of the firewood that conventional open-flame cooking methods require.

  • 锤击之: 魔对物体造成正常伤害.

    Hammer Blast: Eldritch blast deals normal damage to objects.

  • 松鸦羽、鸽翅和狮努力揭开了让他们团结起来的神秘预言。

    Jayfeather, Dovewing, and Lionblaze have struggled to unravel the mysterious prophecy that unites them.

  • 一七在心里大为感叹!

    Yans are in mind and greatly an exclamation!

  • 胡须颤抖着,狮感觉自己就像一只落到獾爪下的松鼠。

    Shaking snow from his whiskers, Lionblaze felt like a badger trailing squirrel.

  • 库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷把草烧焦.

    Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass.

  • 在纽约州西部的布法罗市,一条背街上有一家小小的饼店,顾客拥挤,生意兴。

    Upstate in the city of Buffalo, a small pizza parlor on a side street was doing a rush trade.

  • 铝合金结构,由盖、夹钳、环灯、连接装置、带刻度圆筒和温度计组成。

    Consists of an aluminum alloy still with lid and clamp assembly, ring burner, connection apparatus, graduate cylinder and thermometers.

  • 重复,直到“碎者”完成。回去找玛法里奥交任务。

    Repeat until Flamebreaker is complete. Return to Malfurion Stormrage to turn in the quest.

  • 结果: 在色试验中,钙离子发出砖红色火.

    Result: Calcium ions give a brick red flame in flame test.

  • 用氧气-乙炔从浇棒上切下铸件.

    Cutting : Oxyacetylene cut off the castings from gate stick.

  • 把你的手放在烛旁,有什么感觉?

    Put your hand near the flame, What do you feel?

  • 在火与之中,我们再一次的明白。

    And as we all know, once.

  • 介绍了氢氧焊割气在通钢的试验情况.

    This paper introduced testing condition of oxyhydrogen welding gas in TISCO.

  • 并将此方法应用于蓄热式马蹄玻璃熔炉的温度控制系统。

    This method is used in the temperature control system of horse-shoe flame glass furnace.

  • 最好采用氧炔加热方法。

    The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame .

  • 斯内普皱起了眉头,感到怒滔天。

    Snape frowned and felt infuriated.

  • 找到如下图所示的火盆。收集暗余烬。

    Go to the brazier pictured below. Collect a Darkflame Ember from it.

  • 最好采用氧炔加热方法.

    The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame.

  • 窑烧陶器时炉内防止火直接与之接触的隔窑或其一部分。

    A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.

  • 当她吻了妈妈,慢步走向楼梯时,那跳闪的微弱烛看上去已跟烛芯脱离了。

    The feeble, fluttering flame seemed hardly attached to the wick as the child kissed her mother and then walked slowly toward the stairway.

  • 我们能感到龙灼背。

    We feel the dragon's fire on our backside.

  • 她穿着件“奇装”、凭窗伫立多时, 一心要在生命的烛上烧掉自己的翅膀.

    Long she leaned out in her freak dress, keen to burn her wings at life's candle.

  • 鹦鹉把我的手指的很疼.

    The parrot give me a sharp peck on the finger.

  • 快快回应祂那圣洁的爱吧!

    Be not, O beloved, slow to return the hallowed flame of his love.

  • 制造时,为安装纵梁翼缘,在箱型梁中用割法开槽口.

    During fabrication slots for the stringers flanges were flame cut into box girders.

  • 我送你的是巨牌烤炉,我的客户是那家公司的老板,他给了我一个超值大礼包,送了25000热单位的丙烷燃料那...很多,是吧?

    I give you the Flame XL. My client owns the company. He gave me a crazy-good deal. 25,000 wood propane BTUs. That's plenty, right?



yàn ㄧㄢˋ

  • 火光:光~。
  • 火苗:火~。烈~。气~。

英语 flame, blaze; glowing, blazing

德语 anmachen, Anpflaumerei (S)





(1) (形声。从火,臽( xiàn)声。本义:火苗)

(2) 同本义 [flame]

烟焰迷漫 。——· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

烟焰雾雨。——· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》。又如:内焰(火焰的中间部分);外焰(火焰最外层);焰段(见“艳段”);焰烘烘(焰腾腾。火焰旺盛的样子;引申为情绪激昂);焰头上(喻指兴旺发达);焰焰(火苗起初的样子)

(3) 火光;辉光 [flame]

凿石有余焰,年命已凋颓矣。——· 葛洪《抱朴子》


(4) 光亮 [light]


(5) 比喻气势 [momentum]





(1) 燃烧 [burn]

俯而观之,其光自土而出,若焰薪火。——· 张读《宣室志》


(2) 照耀 [shine]

动鳞甲于鲸鱼,焰光芒于鸣鹤。——北周· 庾信《灯赋》

野燎焰天。——· 魏源《圣武记》



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of