1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-04 11:53:31





hydrogen n.氢;氢元素

hydro- comb.水的;与水有关的;水力的;液体的

  • 水由两种元素组成:和氧。

    Water is composed of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 从该液体中最先逸出的气泡是空气和的混合物。

    The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen.

  • 用电解法可以把水分解为氧和.

    Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.

  • 水被分解为和氧.

    Water was dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水由和氧的原子构成.

    Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 是一价的元素.

    Hydrogen is a one - valence element.

  • 光谱线表明样品中存在

    The spectral lines indicated the presence of hydrogen in the sample.

  • 是元素周期表中最轻的元素。

    Hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table.

  • 苯并二吡喃具有类维生素A的生物活性。

    Chroman has retinoid-like biological activity.

  • 定性分析表明水是由氧结合而成的.

    Qualitative analysis shows that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 化学家用电解法把水还原为.

    The chemist reduced water by electrolysis.

  • 的液化形式用于火箭燃料。

    The liquefied form of hydrogen is used in rocket fuel.

  • 被认为是未来重要的能源载体。

    Hydrogen is seen as an important future energy carrier.

  • 研究了重氮烯向前手性烯烃单侧的非对映选择性转移。

    Diastereoselective transfer of the diazene hydrogen to one face of the prochiral alkene was studied.

  • 另一种选择是通过将其转化为燃料来储存能量。

    Another option is to store the energy by transforming it into hydrogen fuel.

  • 原子是宇宙中最轻的元素。

    The hydrogen atom is the lightest element in the universe.

  • 锌置换了稀酸中的.

    Zinc displaces the hydrogen of dilute acids.

  • 水是含有元素和氧元素的化合物。

    Water is a compound containing the elements of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水含有和氧.

    Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 与氧化合成水。

    Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.

  • 5月份工程师们在一条燃料管线上发现一条裂隙。

    In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line.

  • 构成水的元素是和氧。

    The elements constituting water are hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水的化学成分是和氧。

    The chemical composition of water is hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水由与氧化合而成。

    Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水是含有元素和氧元素的化合物.

    Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 它含有非常少的和氦。

    It contained very little hydrogen and helium.

  • 需要改进技术,提高风能、太阳能和能在能源等式中的可行性。

    Technological improvements are needed so that wind, solar and hydrogen can be more feasible parts of the energy equation.

  • 和氧是水的主要成分.

    Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.

  • 因此,一些科学家推断,地球早期的大气与现在的不一样,主要由、甲烷和氨构成。

    Therefore some scientists postulate that the Earth's earliest atmosphere, unlike that of today, was dominated by hydrogen, methane, and ammonia.

  • 木星的行星有非常厚的大气层,且由不同数量的、氦、甲烷和氨等元素组成。

    The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.

  • 重水之所以重是因为水中的重量是普通的两倍(它的原子核中有一个质子和一个中子,而不仅仅是一个质子)。

    Heavy water is heavy because the hydrogen in it weighs twice as much as ordinary hydrogen (it has a proton and a neutron in its nucleus, instead of just a proton).

  • 然后这些装置将和氧合成水,并在这个过程中释放电力。

    These devices then combine hydrogen and oxygen to make water and liberate electricity in the process.

  • 太阳主要由原子组成。

    The sun is primarily composed of hydrogen atoms.

  • 主要的差别是,相比于太阳,阿连德陨石缺失了大部分的挥发性元素,例如、碳、氧、氮和稀有气体。

    The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun.

  • 水含有和氧。

    Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 它也可以按照组成部分被分解——氧和

    It could also be broken down into its component parts—oxygen and hydrogen.

  • 锌置换了稀酸中的

    Zinc displaces the hydrogen of dilute acids.

  • 通过测量一束头发上较重的和氧同位素的比例,科学家可以构建一个地理时间轴。

    By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline.

  • 和氧化合成为水.

    Hydrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.

  • 水是由两种元素组成的:和氧。

    Water is composed of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 水可 分解 为和氧.

    Water can be resolved [ decomposed ] into hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 碳、、氧化合形成碳水化合物和脂肪。

    Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats.

  • 另有一种叫作二埃托啡的药作用相似。

    There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion.

  • 那是磷酸二钠七水合物。

    That is sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate.

  • 科学家们研究了原子的结构。

    Scientists studied the structure of the hydrogen atom.

  • 面包含有碳水化合物,这是一种由碳、和氧组成的化学物质。

    Bread contains carbohydrates, which are chemicals made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

  • 在另一项演示中,他们为华盛顿大学分析了细菌中的制过程。

    In another demonstration, they analyzed hydrogen production in bacteria for the University of Washington.

  • 水可分解为和氧。

    Water can be resolved [decomposed] into hydrogen and oxygen.

  • 变成氦的时候会释放能量。

    Hydrogen turns into Helium, which releases energy.

  • 从后来的任务中得到的数据显示,在两极地下不到一米的地方有浓度相当高的,由此推断是水。

    Data from a later mission indicates significant concentrations of hydrogen and by inference water less than a meter underground at both poles.

  • 太阳一类的恒星在其核心将聚变成氦。

    Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium.

  • 如果我想研究,这是个简单的例子,溴化

    HBr So for example, if I want to look at HBr there's a simple case, right, hydrogen bromine.

  • 人们在讨论,如何把用在燃料电池中。

    So, people are talking about the use of hydrogen in fuel cells.

  • 通过烧煤得到,催化分解甲烷,可以得到,碳去哪儿了?

    Burn coal to make it, catalytic decomposition of methane, you get the hydrogen, where does the carbon go?

  • 我听到有些人说的是一个,这是个很好的猜测,但要记得它们其实是被共用的,因此有两个电子,它们属于氯,同时也属于,但实际上它们也属于氯。

    I heard some people say one, and that's a good guess, remember they're actually sharing. So these two electrons, they belong to chlorine, they also belong to hydrogen, but they do, in fact, belong to chlorine as well.

  • 我们看过原子的薛定谔方程,但其实我们能把他用在更复杂的体系。

    We saw the Schr?dinger equation for atomic hydrogen, but you can write it for more complex systems.

  • 和常压下气是元素,最稳定的状态,这个小“0“

    Hydrogen gas it's in its most stable state, right at room temperature and pressure.

  • 让我们来看一看乙炔的例子,我们有两个碳原子,成三键,每个碳和一个碳一个相连。

    So let's take the case of acetylene where we have two carbon atoms that are going to be triple bonded to each other, each are bonded to a carbon and then to one hydrogen.

  • 如果我们有一些液态的过氧化,它会分解成水和氧气。

    If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.

  • 原因是因为我们的,已经有一个排满的价壳层了,它不再需要多余的电子了。

    The reason is because we already have a full valence shell for our hydrogen, it doesn't want any more electrons.

  • 因此实际上我们可以直接进行比较,对氮分子与分子的离解能,或键的强度。

    So what we can actually directly compare is the dissociation energy or the bond strength of nitrogen versus hydrogen.

  • 碳的高于的,你也可以从碳在,元素周期表上的位置,判断出来,试想一下。

    And since carbon's electronegativity is higher than that of hydrogen, which you would expect from where carbon lies on the Periodic Table. Think about it.

  • 我们先要让,一个原子变成离子,加上一个电子,对么*,我们现在有一个离子了。

    Well, we would have to H+ have one of these hydrogen atoms go to an H plus, * plus an electron, right? **H --> H+ + e-** So, now we have a hydrogen ion here.

  • 相反,分子在我们周围到处都是,一个分子的离解能,是432千焦每摩尔。

    In contrast, the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us, we see 432 kilojoules per mole.

  • 我告诉过你们磷有5个价电子,另外有3个,所以我们一共有8个价电子。

    We told you that phosphorous has 5 valence electrons plus 3 from each of the hydrogens, so we have a total of 8 valence electrons.

  • 我想,你们可能认为第一主族,没有,而应该是最小的。

    I mean, you would expect that the group one, absent hydrogen, would be the ones that would have the least.

  • 撞击产生了大气,大气翻腾,因含有氮、碳、而显得通红。

    This battlefield gave rise to an atmosphere, stormy, red with nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen.

  • 在生理学上这种,只能允许某种离子通过的通道十分重要,这些离子包括钠离子,钾离子,氯离子,钙离子和碳酸根离子

    The ones that are most important in physiology are ones that only allow ions to go through: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, bicarbonate.

  • 让我们来画原子的,电子构型,分子,分子。

    So let's draw the electron configuration of hydrogen, the molecule, molecular hydrogen.

  • 如果我们知道了这是一个分子的离解能,那么我们也可以说分子的键的强度,就是。

    If we know that this is it the dissociation energy for a hydrogen atom, we can also say the bond strength for hydrogen molecule 424 is 424.

  • 如果把一个放在这边,另一个这边,然后。

    Well, oxygen, we'll put a hydrogen here, 1 2 3 4 hydrogen here, and one, two, three, four.

  • 这是的同原子的共价能,在纯中,我们有完美的共价键。

    This is the homonuclear bond energy for hydrogen in pure hydrogen. There we have perfect covalency.

  • 即使可能你们学成了之后只是拿来教五年级的小学生要做一个纸壳模型火山,要怎么使用碳酸钠火山岩。感谢老天。

    Although, it's more likely that you'll spend your scientific careers teaching fifth graders how to make paper mache volcanoes with baking soda lava. Oh, good god.

  • 它是sigma键,我们有氧2sp3和

    So it's going to be a sigma bond, 1s and we have oxygen 2 s p 3 and hydrogen 1 s.

  • 我会写成这样:,三摩尔分子,气体,1巴,100摄氏度。

    I'm going to write it like this three moles of hydrogen which is a gas one bar 100 degrees Celsius.

  • 它们的能量实际上,比对应的,原子轨道要低。

    So when we talk about orbitals in multi-electron atoms, they're actually lower in energy than the corresponding h atom orbitals.

  • 因此,我们其实可以想到应该如何计算,分子的离解能,那么我们开始做一下吧。

    And so we can actually think about how do we calculate what the dissociation energy should be for h 2, so let's go ahead and do this.

  • 比如,或者氟,永远不会在中间,它们总是会在分子中最边缘的位置。

    So, for example, hydrogen or fluorine they'll never be in the middle, they'll always be on the end of a molecule.

  • 它的意义,就是我们需要向一个分子中注入这么大的能量,才能将它分解成两个独立的原子。

    So what that means is that's how much energy we would have to put into a hydrogen molecule in order to get it to split apart into its two atoms.

  • 双纵栏,你们看到,从开始,然后到水银,按原子质量的升序排列。

    It is a double column, You can see, it starts with hydrogen and goes to mercury in ascending order of atomic mass.

  • 在1896年,来自哈佛的查尔斯皮克林发现,一系列的星光,他认为那是的作用,虽然它们与巴尔末理论不符。

    In 1896, Charles Pickering from Harvard found a series of lines in starlight which he attributed to hydrogen, even though they did not fit Balmer.

  • 那么,让我们将它与分子的能量比一比,我们发现分子的能量是负的,3048,千焦每摩尔。

    So, let's compare this to the energy of the h 2 molecule, and we find that that's negative 3,048 kilojoules per mole.

  • 水分子被分解成两种元素,和氧,植物的生存与生长要依靠元素。

    It's ripped into its two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. The plant uses the hydrogen to live and grow.

  • 我不会写“给定1巴和多少度下,的三摩尔分子之类,我会把它写成一个紧凑的形式。

    I'm not going to writegiven threemoles of hydrogen at one bar and three degrees, blah,bla I'm going to write it in a compact notation.



qīng ㄑㄧㄥˉ

     ◎ 一种气体元素,是现在所知道的元素中最轻的,无色、无味、无臭,导热能力特别强,跟氧化合成水。氢在工业上用途很广。

英语 ammonia; hydrogen nitride

德语 Hydrogen (S, Chem)​,Wasserstoff (Element 1, H)​ (S, Chem)

法语 hydrogène





化学元素名。一价非金属元素。在正常情况下,氢是无色、无臭、极易燃烧的双原子气体,在地球上和地球大气中只存在极稀少的游离状态氢 [hy-drogen]——元素符号H



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of