1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-13 14:08:53

timetable; schedule

timetable n.时间表;时刻表;课程表;进度表;计划表;列车时刻表

schedule n.时间表;日程表;计划表;进度表;明细表;时刻表;课程表;日程安排;工作安排;一览表;(法律文件的)附件;(报税或保险的)详细清单;节目表


timetable; schedule

  • 做一个你什么时候在什么地方和你将学习什么的时刻表吧。

    Create a schedule of where you will be located and what you'll be studying.

  • 你最好坐火车。在时刻表上查一查合适的列车。

    You'd better take a train. Look up the suitable trains in the timetable.

  • 你能给我一份公交车的时刻表吗?

    Can you give me a bus timetable?

  • 你有伯明翰到伦敦的火车时刻表可以借我吗?

    Do you have a Birmingham to London train timetable that I could borrow?

  • W:你好像来的正好,你有公交车时刻表吗?

    W: It seems that you have got here at a good time. Do you have a bus schedule?

  • 为什么铁路公司还要费心印制时刻表呢?

    Why did the railway company even bother to print a schedule?

  • 狗狗确认了时刻表后,乖乖坐在公交站的椅子上等车。

    The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided.

  • 飞机每天精确地按时刻表飞行在各条航线上.

    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precisely.

  • 若要当地公共汽车时刻表,请与达费德郡政务委员会联系。

    For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.

  • 你有(火车)时刻表 吗 ?

    Have you got a time - table?

  • 我们一定要自己去拿时刻表

    We must go to get the timetable ourselves.

  • 我可以看时刻表吗?

    May I see a timetable

  • 我知道你们都很忙,所以我很感谢你们从时刻表中腾出时间参加今天这个会议。

    I know you are all busy, so I appreciate your making time in your schedule to attend this meeting today.

  • 再听一遍并完成瑞克家的沐浴时刻表

    2b.listen again and complete this shower schedule for Rick's family.

  • 天气状况打乱了航空公司的时刻表

    The weather played havoc with airline schedules.

  • 我们没赶上火车,因为我们误用了一张过期的火车时刻表.

    We missed the train because we used an out of date timetable.

  • 我们不时查阅地图(一位旅伴在他铺位上订了一张大地图)和走廊上的时刻表

    There were the constant references to the map (a fellow traveller had pinned a huge map above his bunk) and the timetable in the corridor.

  • 这样他就可以在手机上看到详细的列车时刻表了。

    He then looks at the phone to read details of the train timetable displayed there.

  • 大暴风雪搞乱了火车时刻表

    The train schedule was disorganized by heavy snow-storms.

  • 我可以要一份时刻表吗?

    May I have a time schedule,please?

  • 公交时刻表

    Public transport schedules.

  • 学校的时刻表上写着每天的课程安排。

    The school timetable shows the daily schedule.

  • 汽车司机需要汽车和时刻表

    A bus driver needs a bus and timetable.

  • 我翻阅了铁路时刻表, 见有一班去韦斯赫温的快车,甚为满意.

    After consulting my railway time - table , I noted with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven.

  • 我一点都不知道这个列车时刻表.

    I haven't got a clue about the train schedule.

  • 我需要查看火车的时刻表

    I need to check the train timetable.

  • 列车时刻表安排得很紧凑,所以,如果一列火车晚点一会儿,就会引起巨大的多米诺效应。

    The timetable for trains is so tight that if one is a bit late, the domino effect is enormous.

  • 她把时刻表递给了我.

    She handed me the timetable.

  • 用于性能测试的文档包含模拟航班时刻表的信息。

    The documents I used for performance tests contain mock airline flight timetable information. Here's a sample document so you can get a feeling for the structure

  • 我们必须得把这专列安排进火车行车时刻表

    We have to fit the special train into the timetable.

  • 查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时间.

    Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.

  • 大暴风雪搞乱了火车时刻表.

    The train schedule was disorganised by heavy snow - storms.

  • 我想要一份火车时刻表好吗?

    I'd like a train schedule?

  • 他总是按照时刻表来安排自己的工作。

    He always arranges his work according to the timetable.

  • 你就会看见一个列车计划时刻表和实际抵达每站的时刻表

    It will show you a table of scheduled times and actual times at each station.

  • 你可在这一时刻表上找到你的火车时刻.

    You can find the times of your trains in this timetable.

  • 我们喜欢在约会时刻表上多些花样。

    We love when you add something sappy to the schedule.

  • 现运行线路全部车速下调并调整运行时刻表

    Existing lines have all cut their speeds and changed schedules.

  • 为了创造出非同一般的外形,并且创立切割时刻表,开发出了特别的软件。

    Special software components have been developed in order to create the shapes and to generate the cutting schedules.

  • 查火车时刻表上到北京的列车.

    Look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable.

  • 机场的时刻表显示了所有航班的起飞时间

    The airport timetable shows the departure times of all flights.

  • 时刻表有可能更改.

    The timetable is subject to alteration.

  • 我们必须得把这个列车安排进火车行车时刻表

    We must arrange this train into the train schedule.

  • 可以给我一份公交时刻表吗?

    Can I have a bus timetable?

  • 我检查了航班时刻表,结果发现航班延误了2小时。

    I check my flight schedule and learn that my flight is delayed by 2 hours.

  • 为了应对旅游需求下降,美国的航空公司继续对其航空时刻表进行“瘦身”。

    To counteract declining travel demand, U.S. airlines continue to trim their schedules.

  • 他为公共汽车时刻表心烦了整个晚上。

    He pothered all evening over the bus schedule.

  • 新的时刻表什么时候实行?

    When does the new timetable come into effect?

  • 我得先查阅飞机时刻表.

    I'll have to consult the plane time table first.

  • 用户将能够使用掌上装置查阅网上时刻表,搜索当地旅馆并核对他们的银行账户。

    Users will be able to use their handhelds to look up timetables on the net, search for a local hotel, and check their bank accounts.

  • 比方说刚才那位旅客,这样就会让手机去访问一个含有列车时刻表的网页。

    In the case of the traveller, this might be calling up a web page on which the train timetable is displayed.

  • 我不可能事事都按着你的时刻表安排!

    I can't arrange everything around your timetable!

  • 你有时刻表吗?

    Do you have a timetable?

  • 飞机每天精确地按时刻表飞行在各条航线上。

    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precision.

  • 所以,当你回顾历史,从十九世纪的末尾开始,虽然不太容易,但还是可以看出...,别以为历史是在固定轨道上行进的,别以为你只用拿时刻表,就知道新时代什么时候来临

    So, if you're looking back, say, from the end of the nineteenth century, it's not easy to see, but you can see these-- don't ever think that history runs on railroad tracks, and all you need is the timetable to show when modernization shows up.

  • 大部分搬重物的活都是我来干,这里的时刻表注明了他什么时间该做什么事。

    Now, I do most of the heavy lifting, but there's a timetable here so you can see what he has, when.

  • 我花了将近20分钟才从你电脑的网页浏览记录里查到你搜索过的电影时刻表

    It took me nearly 20 minutes to go through the browser history on your computer to see what movie times you looked up.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of