1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 12:32:10

address translation


address; addy; location; domicile; site


convert; transform; switch; change; leave; flit; toggle; mutate; conversion; transferral; switchover; shift; changeover; reversal; convertible

  • 在访问主存前,必须将虚拟存储器地址转换为实际存储器地址.

    The virtual memory addresses must be translated into actual memory addresses before main memory is referenced.

  • 分页部件将线性地址转换为物理地址。

    The paging unit translates linear addresses into physical ones.

  • 针对会话发起协议(SIP)穿越网络地址转换(NAT)的问题,提出一种基于端口探测的解决方案。

    To solve the problem of Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) traversing Network Address Translator(NAT), this paper describes a new method based on port detection.

  • 地址转换中使用的一种硬件电路.

    A hardware circuit that is used in address translation.

  • 路由器然后查看地址转换表,看有没有一个条目是这个内部本地地址对应的内部全局地址。

    The router then checks the address translation table to find if there is an entry existing for the inside local address with a corresponding inside global address.

  • 当开启地址转换时,VMM将请求Hypervisor将虚拟地址转换为正确的逻辑地址。

    When address translation is turned on, the VMM requests the hypervisor to convert a virtual address to a correct logical address.

  • tlb缓存条目重用(缓存命中)意味着更快的地址转换,还意味着对物理内存的更快的访问。

    TLB cache entry reuse (cache hit) equates to quicker address translation and subsequently faster access to physical memory.

  • NAT核心思想:将私网地址转换成公网地址,从而连接到公共网络。

    NAT technology enables private IP networks that use nonregistered IP addresses to connect to a public network.

  • 应用程序系统不能包含内部IP地址和网络地址转换(NAT)的网络通信。

    The application system must not involve communication between networks that use internal IP addresses and network address translation.

  • 接着研究了NAT协议的原理,深入地分析了NAT协议在各种应用场景下地址转换处理流程;

    Then with in-depth understanding of NAT principles, we analyse the process flow of network address translation in NAT protocol on various application scenarios.

  • 地址转换中使用的一种硬件电路。

    A hardware circuit that is used in address translation.

  • 路由器然后查看地址转换表,看有没有一个条目是这个内部本地地址对应的内部全局地址。

    The router then checks the address translation table to find if there is an entry existing for the inside local address with a corresponding inside global address.

  • 正如你所见, NAT 路由器将每台计算机的 IP 地址和端口号都存储在地址转换表中。

    As you can see, the NAT router stores the IP address and port number of each computer in the address translation table.

  • Win4L in会话可以配置为使用桥接连网或网络地址转换(NAT)连网。

    Win4Lin sessions can be configured with bridged networking or network address translation (NAT) networking.

  • 最常用的是一个叫做NAT64的网络地址转换技术,它工作在可以连接到服务提供者网络的装置上。

    The most common one is a network address translation technique called NAT64, which can run on an appliance attached to a service provider's network.

  • 边界路由器执行NAT功能,将内部私有地址转换成公网可路由的地址。

    The border gateway router performs the NAT process, translating the internal private address of a host to a public, external routable address.

  • 为了克服蜜罐的这个弱点,我们又设计了以网络地址转换为核心技术的网络分流装置.

    The kernel of NAT Router is Network Address Translation technique that distributes packets into different places.

  • 转换: 控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向.

    Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection.

  • 建立一个页表,把逻辑地址转换为物理地址。

    Set up a page table to translate logical to physical addresses.

  • Web站点留言本十分简单,它把姓名和地址转换为数据库中的字段。

    A Web-site guest book, which translates a name and address to fields in a database, is simple.

  • 这些计算机就会被分配内部全局地址,这就意味着他们不再需要地址转换

    These computers have inside global addresses which means that they do not require translation.

  • 根据正在运行的操作系统,地址转换控制器访问对应的地址转换缓冲器,以将虚拟地址转换成真实地址。

    According to a running operating system, an address translation controller accesses a corresponding address translation buffer to translate virtual addresses to real addresses.

  • 与遵循树的自然结构而进行的地址转换不同,机器上的任何设备都可以发起和终止中断信号。

    Unlike address range translation which follows the natural structure of the tree, Interrupt signals can originate from and terminate on any device in a machine.

  • 建立一个页表,把逻辑地址转换为物理地址。

    Set up a page table to translate logical to physical addresses.

  • 路由器将其目的地址换成它保存在地址转换表中的那个,然后将数据包发送到那台计算机。

    It changes the destination address to the one saved in the address translation table and sends it to that computer.

  • Hypervisor使用全局分区页表将虚拟地址转换为系统范围的物理地址。

    The hypervisor converts a virtual address to a system-wide physical address using the global partition page tables.

  • 当有多台内部计算机和一个公共ip地址时,客户端可能也需要网络地址转换(NAT)。

    Clients may also need Network address Translation (NAT) when there are multiple internal computers and only one public IP address.

  • 内存管理单元将虚拟地址转换为物理地址。

    The mmu translates virtual addresses to physical addresses.

  • ts子命令将地址转换为符号表示。

    Ts subcommand to translate the address to the symbolic representation.

  • 网络地址转换技术 ( NAT ) 和IP安全 体系结构(IPSec)在实际中都是得到广泛应用的技术.

    Network Address Translator ( NAT ) technology and IPSec technology are widely used in the Internet today.

  • IP2IPIP地址转换的小软件.

    IP 2 IP IP address translation of small software.

  • 分页部件将线性地址转换为物理地址.

    The paging unit translates linear addresses into physical ones.

  • Pacifica还可以使用宿主和客户内存管理单元(MMU)表来进行地址转换

    Pacifica also amends address translation with host and guest memory management unit (MMU) tables.

  • 现在,地址转换表就拥有了这台计算的不可路由 IP 地址到一个唯一 IP 地址的匹配映射。

    The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address matched with one of the unique IP addresses.

  • 转换: 控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向.

    Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection.

  • 然后它查看地址转换表确定数据包是属于哪一台存根域中的计算机。

    It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the packet belongs to.

  • 这意味着它无法通过网络地址转换(NAT),因此不能接收呼入服务。

    This means that it's behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) and therefore cannot receive inbound connections.

  • 边界路由器执行NAT功能,将内部私有地址转换成公网可路由的地址.

    NAT enabled device typically operates at the border of stub network.

  • 通过端口预测方法实现对称型网络地址转换的穿越。

    The symmetrical NAT traversal is achieved by using port prediction method.

  • 在访问主存前,必须将虚拟存储器地址转换为实际存储器地址。

    The virtual memory addresses must be translated into actual memory addresses before main memory is referenced.

  • a 选项试着将地址转换成名称。

    The a option attempts to convert addresses to names.

  • 因此,新的处理器提供DMA地址转换和权限检查以实现有效的设备透传,而不是捕获并模拟对管理程序下的物理设备的访问。

    So, instead of catching and emulating access to physical devices below the hypervisor, new processors provide DMA address translation and permissions checking for efficient device passthrough.

  • 操作系统并不清楚 Hypervisor 内部的地址转换

    The operating system is not aware of the address translation within the hypervisor.

  • 分页部件将线性地址转换为物理地址。

    The paging unit translates linear addresses into physical ones.

  • 使用较大的页面将提高性能,因为需要进行的硬件地址转换工作将更少。

    The use of larger pages increases performance because fewer hardware address translations would need to be made.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of