Well, assuming you're correct that your right humerus is no longer seated in the glenoid socket, I would certainly think so.
Everyone will have their own "about life difficult", both shoulders in order to balance.
During the spring of one year he was walking tipsily along the street when he saw, in the sunlight at the base of a wall, Whiskers Wang (T26) stripped to the waist catching lice.
Ball and socket joint at shoulder allows movement in 3 planes.
Persons with a cardiac pacemaker installed should not use any electro-massaging machine to avoid interference.
Have some regularly to raise the hand above the shoulders, such as tennis players and auto repair technicians, incidence of a disease can be as high as thirty percent.
I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things I wouldn't; be able to do, the things that I took for granted.
生肉马铃薯 、 绿色的香蕉 、 脉膊和高的直链淀粉玉蜀黍色的淀粉有高直链淀粉内容.
Raw potato, green bananas, pulses and high amylose maize starch have a high amylose content.
这些织物使用的纤维有:聚丙烯 、 烯烃 、 涤纶 、 尼龙以及丙烯膊纤维.
These fabrics are made of such fibers as polypropylene, olefin, polyester, nylon, and acrylic.
He took my temperature and my pulse.
Whether sleep on back or on side, it can fill up the space of neck and arms, and slack muscles and keep natural physiological conditions.
In the beginning the horizontal driver stage generates very small output pulses.
After that, Adam felt numbness on his shoulder and had trouble breathing, so the staff sent him to the Tseung Kwan O hospital.
He became famous overnight.
The Warden clapped his big hand on the young man's shoulder, then jumped ashore and went on to another boat.
辛楣 拍鸿 渐 的膊子道: “ 这恐怕就是‘有美玉于斯 ’ 了. ”
Hsin - mei nudged Hung - chien's arm and said, " It must be ` there's a beautiful gem here.'
简介:肩膊痛是一种常见的痛,约影响7 - 8%的人口。
Introduction: shoulder pain is a common pain, about 7-8% of the population.
Facial treatment includes cleansing, peeling, ozone steam, pore cleansing, high frequency, massage with treatment ampoule, face lifting, facial mask and shoulder massage.
他挺起胸脯, 肩膊抵着壁炉架.
He had thrust his chest out, supporting his shoulders against the mantel.
并利用自身材料深加工生产膊棉, 文胸内衣等.
And the use of their own responsibility cotton production and processing materials, such as underwear bra.
As long as you like, when you lost frustrated when most in need of a shoulder, told me, I will immediately arise.
有你的脉膊来源, 乔!
There's your pulse source, Joe!
He had thrust his chest out, supporting his shoulders against the mantel.
使用机器时,手 、 膊和后背不会感到太累.
Machines are much less fatiguing to your hands, arms, and back.
好的, 让我检查你的脉膊.
OK, let me feel your pulse.
Facial treatment includes cleansing, peeling, ozone steam, pore cleansing, high frequency, diathermy applications, facial massage, facial mask and shoulder massage.
连续的输入脉膊火车引起单稳线路, 而且控制信号调整门槛电压.
A continuous input pulse train triggers monostable circuit, and a control signal modulates the threshold voltage.
The boy stripped to the waist.
Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the representing Texans for 17 years.
So we all got to go home early.
He felt a pulse , rapid but strong.
He had never been one of the modern ladylike young men: rather bucolic even, with his ruddy face and broad shoulders.
His shoulders were broad and strong, his hands were very strong.
Raising arms : raise arms over the head with hands clasped ; to exercise the shoulders.
脉膊加快, 流淌的血液使她全身温暖轻松.
Her pulses beat fast , and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.
Eric had the luck to have close body contact with his female fans when they were playing games.
He had thrust his chest out, supporting his shoulders against the mantel .
These fabrics are made of such fibers as polypropylene, olefin, polyester, nylon, and acrylic.
她能感觉到自己的脉膊在跳动, 可还是鼓起勇气重新开始.
She could feel her pulse beating, but she braced herself and started again.
Attached with three tendons of origin in the scapula and humerus and a tendon of insertion on the ulna.
并利用自身材料深加工生产膊棉, 文胸内衣等.
And the use of their own responsibility cotton production and processing materials, such as underwear bra.
Attached with three tendons of origin in the scapula and humerus and a tendon of insertion on the ulna.
这些织物使用的纤维有:聚丙烯 、 烯烃 、 涤纶 、 尼龙以及丙烯膊纤维.
These fabrics are made of such fibers as polypropylene, olefin, polyester, nylon, and acrylic.
Just want to find a can bear my tears when I am frustrated; when I am happy, can let I bite shoulders.
The boy stripped to the waist.
● 膊
bó ㄅㄛˊ
- 上肢,近肩的部分:胳~。赤~(光膀子)。
- 〔厚~〕厚切肉。
- 分裂尸体而曝之:“杀而~诸城上”。
英语 shoulders, upper arms
法语 bras,épaule
◎ 膊 bó
(1) (形声。从肉,尃( fū)声。本义:肩臂) 同本义 [arm]。如:膊子(膀子,胳膊);赤膊
(2) 另见 bo
◎ 膊 bo
(1) ——见“胳膊”
(2) 另见 bó