1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 17:10:28
shēng huó fèi

living expenses; allowance

living expenses n.生活费;生活费用;生活开支;生计费用

allowance n.津贴;补贴;免税额;减免额;定额;定量;限额;折扣;(孩子的)零花钱

  • 生活费指数:108.3。

    Cost of living index: 108.3.

  • 他们搬到乡下是为了减少生活费

    They moved to the countryside to reduce their living expenses.

  • 我的生活费每个月大约是3000元。

    My living expenses are about 3000 yuan per month.

  • 生活费指数:103.6。

    Cost of living index: 103.6.

  • 生活费指数:147.4。

    Cost of living index: 147.4.

  • 生活费指数:108.7。

    Cost of living index: 108.7.

  • 生活费指数:102.9。

    Cost of living index: 102.9.

  • 法院假定生活费是按时支付的.

    The court presumes the maintenance payment is being paid on time.

  • 生活费指数:121.4。

    Cost of living index: 121.4.

  • 生活费指数:118.8。

    Cost of living index: 118.8.

  • 这包括12个月的生活费,估计为2万美元。

    That includes twelve months of living expenses estimated at twenty thousand dollars.

  • 生活费指数:111.9。

    Cost of living index: 111.9.

  • 他需要一份兼职来补贴生活费

    He needs a part-time job to cover his living expenses.

  • 当廖得知男孩连每月100元的学校生活费都付不起时,他感到难过,并开始每个月带上100块钱去他家。

    When Liao learned that the boy couldn't even afford the 100 yuan monthly school living fees, he felt upset and began going to his home every month, bringing 100 yuan.

  • 小农场主和他们的雇员需要挣生活费的。

    Small farmers and their employees need to make living wages.

  • 他在大学期间打工赚取生活费

    He works part-time to earn living expenses during college.

  • 生活费指数:109.44。

    Cost of living index: 109.44.

  • 生活费指数:184.3。

    Cost of living index: 184.3.

  • 最后,为了节省他的生活费,我们三个人决定不吃糖。

    At last, we decided that all three of us would give up sugar toward saving the cost of his keep.

  • 支出情况: 目前主要支出就是日常的生活费.

    Expenditures: current expenditure is the main day - to - day living expenses.

  • 生活费指数:125.4。

    Cost of living index: 125.4.

  • 生活费指数:139.7。

    Cost of living index: 139.7.

  • 自己的生活费还是自己去挣比较好.

    It is better that oneself living cost or he go earning.

  • 现在他每个月差不多要花80块钱的生活费.

    It was costing him nearly eighty dollars a month to live.

  • 生活费指数:116.1。

    Cost of living index: 116.1.

  • 结果, 能为家里提供的生活费微乎其微.

    As a result, the family were poorly provided for.

  • 听莱特布莱尔先生说生活费问题已经解决.

    Mr Letterblair tells me the financial question has been settled.

  • 生活费指数:138.2。

    Cost of living index: 138.2.

  • 生活费指数:133.5。

    Cost of living index: 133.5.

  • 我每个月可以得到五百元生活费.

    I can get 500 yuan living expenses every month.

  • 生活费指数:127.1。

    Cost of living index: 127.1.

  • 生活费指数:148.7。

    Cost of living index: 148.7.

  • 他每年将得到14 000元的日补贴,以弥补华盛顿较高的生活费

    He will get $14 000 a year in per diem to help with the higher costs of living in Washington.

  • 勤工助学帮助他支付了学费和生活费

    Taking a part-time job while studying at college helped him pay for his tuition and living expenses.

  • 工资与生活费不成正比.

    Wages is out of step with the cost of living.

  • 生活费的增加是个严重问题.

    Increase in the cost of living is a serious problem.

  • 生活费指数:116.4。

    Cost of living index: 116.4.

  • 生活费的下降和工农业产品价格的下降有着密切关系.

    The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.

  • 他们的生活费在不断上涨。

    Living expenses are constantly enhancing.

  • 他在大学期间靠兼职来支付生活费

    He paid his living expenses by working part-time during college.

  • 雷求学期间会在当地的农场干活赚取生活费

    Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.

  • 生活费的增加引起许多问题.

    The increased cost of living posed many problems.

  • 学习期间,雷将在当地农场挣取生活费

    Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.

  • 生活费指数:128.1。

    Cost of living index: 128.1.

  • 生活费指数:142.5。

    Cost of living index: 142.5.

  • 他必须付给前妻生活费

    He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.

  • 生活费指数:118.5。

    Cost of living index: 118.5.

  • 她每个月都要仔细计算生活费

    She carefully calculates her living expenses every month.

  • 他在大学期间做兼职赚取生活费

    He does part-time jobs to earn living expenses during college.

  • 咱俩把这笔钱平均分一下,每人每月的生活费还不到10英镑。

    Averaging it out between us there's less than £10 a month each to live on.

  • 我的伯父将支付我的学费并提供我的生活费.

    My uncle will pay my tuition and also provide for my living expenses.

  • 生活费指数:114.9。

    Cost of living index: 114.9.

  • 旅游时的生活费通常比平时高。

    Living expenses are usually higher when traveling.

  • 他要求叔叔在他收到薪金支票前为他提供生活费.

    He asked his uncle to accommodate him until his pay cheque arrived.

  • 生活费指数:134.4。

    Cost of living index: 134.4.

  • 作为一个学生,在伦敦你怎么计划你的生活费

    As a student, how do you manage living costs in London?

  • 你能说说伦敦的生活费吗?

    Can you tell us about the living cost in London?

  • 和你家乡相比,伦敦的生活费有什么不同?

    How is the living cost different between London and your hometown?

  • 然后,学生会得到一笔生活费用贷款,这个帮助学生支付生活费

    And then people get a maintenance loan which helps, like cover the cost of living




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of