1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-20 16:07:46


earn; struggle to get free; struggle to free oneself; try to throw off; make (money)

earn v.赚;赚得;挣得;获得;赢得;得到(尊重、名声等);招致;引起;生息;获利

  • “她多少(钱)?”

    'How much (money) does she earn?

  • 她一年10万美元。

    She earns $100 000 a year.

  • 我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问不到一分钱。

    I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.

  • 的钱不如我多。

    He doesn't earn as much as I do.

  • 我过去4万多。

    I used to make over 40k.

  • 耕种大片土地的农场主了钱。

    Farmers with many acres under cultivation profited.

  • 罚款对大钱的人来说无关紧要。

    Fines are meaningless to guys earning millions.

  • 如果你不介意我问的话,你多少钱?

    How much do you earn, if you don't mind me asking?

  • 在他看来,当老师是一种非常糟糕的钱方式,因为你有很多工作要做,的钱很少。

    In his opinion, being a teacher is a very bad way to earn money because you have a lot of work to do and earn very little money.

  • 罚款对于能几百万的人来说是不重要的。

    Fines are meaningless to guys earning millions.

  • 他们的工资与其能力不相称。

    They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability.

  • 我们不得不做些家务来零花钱。

    We had to earn our allowance by doing chores around the house.

  • 他们一天最多50卢布。

    The most they earn in a day is fifty rubles.

  • 的钱是她的两倍。

    He earns double what she does.

  • 我不怪他们想要些钱。

    I do not blame them for trying to make some money.

  • 他在60年代才开始大钱。

    He started earning serious money only in the sixties.

  • 的钱比他多。

    I make more money than he does.

  • 干那个,你能一大笔钱。

    You can earn serious money doing that.

  • 他们靠他的那点钱无法维持生活。

    They can't exist on the money he's earning.

  • 的钱比我少。

    He doesn't earn as much as me.

  • 生意兴隆,6个月中他们每天18000卢布。

    Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day.

  • 尽管维瓦尔蒂一生中了许多钱,但其挥霍如此之巨,以至在贫困中死去。

    Though Vivaldi had earned a great deal in his lifetime, his extravagance was such that he died in poverty.

  • 她一晚上大约能200元。

    She could earn $200 a night, more or less.

  • 作为一名社工,我每年仅15,000。

    I only pull in 15,000 a year as a social worker.

  • 他一周九十英磅。

    He earns ninety pounds a week.

  • 他们中的一些人的钱低于最低工资。

    Some of them earn below the minimum wage.

  • 他一天20卢比。

    He earns 20 rupees a day.

  • 她比你的钱多,你是不是觉得不自在?

    Does it bother you that she earns more than you?

  • 我们了多少?

    How much did we make?

  • 她使劲拴着她的绳子。

    She strained against the ropes that held her.

  • 的钱几乎不够养活他自己和家人。

    He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family.

  • 多少?

    How much do you earn?

  • 他们每天最多10卢布。

    The most they earn in a day is ten roubles.

  • 我有妻子和两个孩子,我们靠我的钱勉强糊口。

    I have a wife and two children and we live from hand to mouth on what I earn.

  • 很多钱。

    She earns a lot of money.

  • 你该找个工作自己的生活费了。

    It's about time you got a job to earn your keep.

  • 他父亲多少钱呀?

    How much money does his father make?

  • 的钱比我多三倍。

    Ben earns three times more than me.

  • 的钱足以时不时摆摆阔了。

    I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.

  • 她一年5万多英镑。

    She earns more than £50,000 a year.

  • 他既了钱,又做了免费的广告!

    He is making money and receiving free advertising to boot!

  • 为了点外快,她什么都肯做。

    She'd do anything for a bit of pin money.

  • 她得到了一份每月2000日元的兼职工作。

    She's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month.

  • 为了使它继续下去,勒努瓦捐出了自己演戏的钱。

    To keep it going, Lenoire kicked in her own earnings from acting.

  • 她存下了每一枚来的小钱。

    She saved every pice she earned.

  • 学习期间,雷将在当地农场取生活费。

    Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.

  • 的工资还算合理,但与她在大公司能的相比,还是小巫见大巫。

    She's earning a reasonable wage, but nothing to what she could make in a big company.

  • 我毫不隐瞒地说我们最差的顾问不到一分钱。

    I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.

  • 鲍勃唯一的人生目标就是很多的钱。

    Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money.

  • 他们一年能到3,000英镑左右。

    They can get something like £3,000 a year.

  • 的钱是我的三倍。

    She earns three times as much as I do.

  • 依我看,你的所有问题都可以通过多点钱来解决。

    You know, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.

  • 的钱不多。

    She doesn't earn much money.

  • 我保证在我这辈子剩下的时间里,你永远,你永远也不会在我90美分的时候你就能1美元

    And I will make it my life's mission to see to it that you never, never, ever make another dollar that I don't first take 90 cents.

  • 如果我到更多的钱,我就能从工作中抽身,带着美女来一趟潜艇之旅了。

    You know, if I made more money, I could take time off from work and give pretty girls submarine rides.

  • 我比你聪明。我为客户们了更多的钱。

    I'm smarter than you. I make more money for the clients.

  • 再多点钱,然后退休。

    and make some more money, and retire.

  • 这是正在玩触身式橄榄球的一组。这是一群正在强面包渣的鸽子。

    This is a group playing touch football. This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs.

  • 我父亲让他在自己公司工作,他给了我们房子,汉普顿的别墅,游艇,他一分钱都不用

    My father set him up with his own firm. He gave us the house that we live in, the Hamptons, the boat. He's never had to earn a dime.

  • 比尔·盖茨之所以能那么多钱,是因为我们的社会,经济和治安都很稳定。

    The reason why Bill Gates is able to make so much money is because we live in an economically and socially stable society.

  • 如果说这都是靠他自己辛苦来的,是他天赋所赐,我觉得这不算公平。

    I don't think it's fair to say that, you know, it's all on him, on his, you know, inherent, you know, hard work.

  • 那能多少钱?聚沙成塔。

    How much can that pay? Every little bit helps.

  • 可以,但那些上门的案子都不值多少钱,我们想快点到钱。

    Sure, but the cases that come through the door are too small. We want the money up front.

  • 了很多钱,你赚得塞牙缝都不够。

    I make plenty of money! You make peanuts!

  • 我在白宫永远不了这么多这工作是你安排的吗?不是。

    That's more than I would ever make at the White House. You arrange the job? No.

  • 是的,但现在我们是夫妻了,这意味着,你生病时我会照顾你,你很多钱时,我可以买东西。

    Yes, but we're married now. That means, when you get sick, I take care of you. And when you make a bunch of money, I get to buy stuff.

  • 但是,如果你看一下俱乐部从亚洲的钱,真是巨大的一笔呀。

    But if you look at the amount of money that the club makes from Asia, it's huge.

  • 我和妈妈靠这个到钱,妈妈是个很聪明的女士。

    That's how me and Mama got money. Mama was a real smart lady.

  • 就是一个人一年十万美元或者更多就是有钱人,

    pretty much anyone who's making like a hundred thousand dollars or more is,

  • 小家伙,我一天两百块呢,从我12岁起,一年365天无休,时间就是金钱,让开。

    I make 200 bucks a day, fluff. 365 days a year, since I was 12. And time is money. Hop along.

  • 也不是说你永远都不了那么多,但我很混乱,很紧张,是你让我感到紧张。

    Not that you can ever have enough money, but I'm rambling, and I'm nervous, and you make me nervous.

  • 我会针对你过去的每一分钱进行起诉

    And I'm gonna sue you for every cent that you have ever made.

  • 什么?伯纳黛特,这太好了,霍华德,你能巨额的钱吗?反正比你放巨额的屁强。

    What? Bernadette, that's great. Howard, do you make a buttload? Better than what you've got a buttload of.

  • 当下,在联邦最低工资标准下,一个员工每小时可以到$7.25。是时候,将其提高到每小时$10.10了。

    Right now, a worker on the federal minimum wage earns $7.25 an hour. It's time to raise that to $10.10 an hour.

  • 然后他就会看到,选择其他选项会到多少。

    And then people see what would have happened if they would have chosen the other option.

  • 这就是我了更多钱的原因。

    That's why I make more money.

  • 你说什么呢?我们了那么多的钱。

    What are you talking about? We make plenty of money.

  • 这些钱离不开他人的帮助,诸如队友,教练,教他打球的人。

    There were people who helped him make the money, the teammates, the coach, people who taught him how to play.

  • 如果你还想着外快,我愿意付钱让你把外套烧了。

    Hey, if you're still looking to make money, I will pay you to burn that jacket.

  • 顺利的话,你得到一个学位,的钱大概是你直接工作的两倍多。

    And hopefully getting a degree and earning probably twice the amount you would if you are working.

  • 厉害吧!又够钱送我一个孙子去好大学。他一出手,就是正中红心!你能相信这位青年才俊的孙子都上大学了吗?

    Boom! Just sent another grandkid to Brandeis. He shoots, he scores! Can you believe this young man has a grandkid in college?

  • 我想,街头表演是,就是一个街头演员在公共场所表演,从而点钱。

    Yeah, so busking I guess is, yeah, it's when a street performer is playing in a public space to try and get some money.

  • 你太糟糕了,常常喝得烂醉,跌跌撞撞地回来,把我辛辛苦苦来的东西抢走。

    You are no good, inclined to drunkenness and routs and final disgraceful robbery of the fruits of my 'umble labors in the haberdashery.

  • 也就是说,当他们认为自己能到钱时,伏隔核会活动起来。

    That is to say, when they think they are going to make money, the nuclues accumbens activates.

  • 还有人算出了,他一个小时能多少钱?

    Somebody else figured out, how much does he get paid on an hourly basis?

  • 依我看,你的所有问题都可以通过多点钱来解决。

    You know, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.

  • 假设受试者选择了“股票,然后了10块钱。

    T" Now, in this case, the subject has just chosen Stock T . and made 10 dollars.

  • 什么好处也没有,多少钱都没用。

    what good that's going to be, no matter how much money you make.

  • 然后他们等待看看自己能多少钱。

    Then they waited and saw how much they can made.

  • 就像我的年龄,我从哪里来,我多少钱。

    Like how old I am, where I'm from and how much money I make.

  • 终于要找份工作,些钱。

    you know, get a job and make some money, finally.

  • 对,我们了一大堆钱。

    Yes. We got more money than Davy Crockett.


zhēng ㄓㄥˉ

  • 〔~扎〕尽力支撑或摆脱,如“垂死~~”。

zhèng ㄓㄥˋ

  • 用力支撑或摆脱:~脱。~开。
  • 出力取得:~钱。~饭吃。

英语 strive, endeavor, struggle

德语 sich befreien, sich von etw. , jdn, frei machen, etw. abschütteln (V)​,sich verdienen, erwerben (V)​,sich befreien, abschütteln, sich frei machen von etw. (V)​,sich einhandeln, verdienen, erweben (V)

法语 lutter,se débattre,se libérer de,se débarrasser de,s'arracher de,gagner





(1) 撞;击 [strike]

摐金挣玉,吐宫咽征。——前蜀· 贯休《长持经僧》

(2) 用力张开 [open by force]


(3) 另见 zhèng






(1) 用力摆脱 [struggle to get free]




(2) 用力支撑 [support]




(3) 用力 [exert one's strength]



(4) 用力获取;赚取 [earn]



(5) 修饰 [bellish]

梳裹箱儿里取明镜,把脸儿挣得光莹。——· 董解元《西厢记诸宫调》


(6) 发呆,发怔 [stare blankly;be in a daze]


瞥然一见如风的,有甚心情更待随喜?立挣了浑身森地!——· 董解元《西厢记诸宫调》





(1) 漂亮 [beautiful]

做为挣,百事抢,只少天衣,便是捻塑的观音像。——· 董解元《西厢记诸宫调》


(2) 另见 zhēng



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of