1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 09:19:39
zěn me


how; why; what


what about; how about



how adv.(用于询问方式方法)怎样;如何;以什么方式;以何种方式;(用于询问数量、程度)怎么;多;几;多少;(强调程度)多么;何等;以多大程度地;(指状况、情况)怎么样;好吗;无论如何;不管用什么方法

why adv.(用于问句)为什么;为何;何故;出于何种原因;询问原因;询问目的;(反问;表示不必)何必

what pron.什么;哪些;多少;任何…的事物;…的事物;…的人;无论什么;凡是…的东西;凡是…的事物;所…的事物;不管什么;究竟什么;多么

what about phr.(用于问句句首,表示提出建议或请求)那么…怎么样;怎样;怎么样;如何;那么…呢;你认为…怎么样;(用于请某人解释原因)…怎么了

how about conv.(用于引出相关话题;提出建议或询问意见;邀请对方表态或做出选择)如何;怎么样;…怎么样

  • 返回马赛的路上,他们没怎么说话。

    On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little.

  • 怎么啦,宝贝儿?

    What's wrong, pet?

  • “她怎么回事?”——“我相信她快到了。”

    "What's happened to her?" — "I'm sure she won't be long."

  • 怎么啦?

    What's wrong with him?

  • 他们不怎么与邻居交往。

    They don't mix much with the neighbours.

  • 这个玩具卡车怎么

    How about this toy truck?

  • 蒂姆想知道他们究竟是怎么做到的。

    Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it.

  • 务必看看莫泽雷勒干酪是怎么制成的,在第65页。

    Be sure to read about how mozzarella is made, on page 65.

  • 我知道怎么缝上扣子。

    I know how to sew a button on.

  • 怎么知道这个解释错了?

    How do you know that this explanation is wrong?

  • 不管怎么说,追求的过程总比得手更为刺激。

    The chase is always much more exciting than the conquest anyway.

  • “你怎么能这么说?”

    "How can you say that?"

  • 在一些地区自由主义并不怎么受欢迎。

    There was less receptiveness to liberalism in some areas.

  • 他接着告诉丹去计算机房该怎么走。

    He proceeded to give Dan directions to the computer room.

  • 怎么想的就怎么说,这种习惯令人非常难堪。

    She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought.

  • 怎么能住在那里呢?

    How could she live there?

  • 打扰不断,让我怎么工作?

    How can I work with these perpetual interruptions?

  • 爸爸现在感觉怎么

    How does Dad feel now?

  • “菲特似乎不是这么想的。”——“别去管菲特怎么说。”

    "Fewter didn't seem to think so." — "Never mind what Fewter said."

  • 去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨。

    It hardly rained at all last summer.

  • “你是不是把这些都告诉警方了?”“呀,怎么会呢!”

    "Have you said all this to the police?" — "Aw, come on!"

  • 窗子怎么也动不了。

    The window refused to budge.

  • 怎么就长不大呢?

    Why don't you grow up?

  • 怎么拼写书这个词?

    How do you spell book?

  • 你今天怎么这么别扭?

    Why are you being so objectionable today?

  • 你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。

    You can dye your hair whatever colour you like.

  • 告诉你怎么做就怎么做,别跟我顶嘴!

    Do as you're told and don't give me any hassle!

  • 怎么知道你的号码?

    How did he know your number?

  • 怎么拼写“铅笔”?

    How do you spell "pencil"?

  • 每次我都很惊讶,尼尔怎么能讲出这么索然无味的东西。

    Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.

  • 我想怎么做就怎么做,行吗?

    I'll do it my way, OK?

  • 发动机怎么停了?

    Why has the engine stopped?

  • 你能告诉我怎么做吗?

    Can you tell me how?

  • 人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。

    You can't stop people saying what they think.

  • 你是怎么获得这份工作的?

    How did you get the job?

  • 昨晚我几乎没怎么睡。

    I slept very little last night.

  • 叫你怎么做你就怎么做!

    Do as you're told!

  • 他们想怎么做就怎么做。

    They are free to do as they please.

  • 保加利亚情况怎么样?

    What was Bulgaria like?

  • 你的学校旅行怎么

    How was your school trip?

  • 怎么会这么傻?

    How could I have been so stupid?

  • 我这个样子,怎么能对自己满意呢?

    How can I love myself when I look like this?

  • 怎么这么晚?

    How do you come to be so late?

  • 他们会怎么解决那个问题?他寻思着。

    How would they get over that problem, he wondered?

  • 这张令人难堪的照片是怎么落到媒体手中的?

    How had this com-promising picture come into the possession of the press?

  • 你感觉怎么样,爸爸?

    How do you feel, Dad?

  • 怎么回事?

    What's the matter?

  • 你今天怎么这么高兴?

    Why are you so bright and cheerful today?

  • 我们怎么分工呢?

    How shall we divide up the work?

  • 我在自己家里爱怎么穿就怎么穿!

    I'll dress how I like in my own house!

  • 怎么那么小气呢?

    How could you be so petty?

  • 这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。

    Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count.

  • 怎么啦,亲爱的?

    What's the matter, darling?

  • 我们怎么知道你不只是在为自己的朋友遮掩呢?

    How do we know you're not just covering up for your friend?

  • 那让我们来调用一次吧,让我们建立一个,怎么说。

    So if I call, let's , let's set up s to be, I don't know, some big long list.

  • 在历史上,人们很多次,直觉地感知到了这一点,但是他们不知道怎么去计算

    That's an idea that struck people intuitively at various times in history, but they didn't know how to do these calculations.

  • 我想我就关于你们要怎么做最终的项目,已经给大家一个提示了吧。

    I thought I'd give you a little glimpse at what you can do for your final project toward terms end.

  • 各位怎么?医生怎么说?

    Hey guys. Hey. Hi. Well? Okay, how'd it go at the doctor's?

  • 说我在辩护,当我给物理主义者辩护时我会说,别怪我们,我们还不知道怎么解释呢

    I'm defending, I'm defending the physicalist by saying, "Don't blame us. We don't know how to explain it yet."

  • 你可以想想你可以怎么做这个,对于做陈述的那个同学来说,要求有一点不同。

    You can be reflect about how you do this, but there is slightly different function that person giving a presentation has.

  • 听一听叶芝是怎么快速地,从一种情绪,一个情景中,转换到另一个里去的,就在这些三音韵的短诗句中。

    Listen to how quickly Yeats modulates from one feeling, one image, to another in these really very short, quick, three-beat lines.

  • 你在…你怎么…你在怎么

    What-what-what the, how how did-what the-how did-what?

  • 你们会怎么描写政治,如果让你们,描写这种情景下的政治?

    How do you describe the politics, if you like, of such a position?

  • 怎么敢!你说什么?

    How dare you! Beg your pardon?

  • 当有人把自己称作,全英国最有天赋的拉丁文学家的时候,弥尔顿很自然是-他怎么可能不是呢?

    As someone who would quickly establish himself as the most talented Latinist probably in all of England, Milton is naturally -- how could he not be?

  • 这是怎么回事?,谈到这个变化,我们必须要理解社会中的力量。

    How does that happen? You know, you've got to appeal to social forces if you're going to talk about change.

  • 怎么会…什么时候…

    How did you? How? How?

  • 毫无疑问,这些言辞非常激烈,我觉得,怎么高估它们的分量都不过分。

    These are unquestionably strong words, and I think it's impossible for us to overestimate the weight of these words.

  • 那么现在让我们来想想,怎么设计实验本身吧,这里有两个目标,或者多于两个目标。

    Now let's think about designing the experiment itself. The goal here, there are two goals. Or more than two.

  • 问题是该怎么进行生产,你怎么大批量生产这种微生物,即在可控条件下生产牛痘病毒

    So, how could you produce--the question is, how could you produce large quantities of this- of this microorganism, this virus vaccinia under controlled conditions?

  • 你在街边向几个行人问路。“我没法找到目的地了,我不知道该怎么走!”

    And you've asked several people on the street . "I just can't get there! I don't know where I'm going!" and

  • 你是怎么认识法兰西丝的?

    So how did you know Francis?

  • 我们这里一共有四个氢原子成键,我们可以考虑怎么来-,描述碳碳键。

    So we can have four total hydrogens bonding here, - and we can think about how to describe these carbon- carbon bonds.

  • 我得再问一次,怎么赚?

    Again I must go back to, how?

  • 因为我说:“听着,我有个好主意,我们研究吧。”我怎么说她就怎么做。

    because I said, "Listen, I got a great idea, let's go for it." And she did exactly what I said.

  • 你觉得怎么?好些了。

    How are you feeling? Better.

  • 你认识阿佐格?怎么回事?

    You know of Azog. How?

  • 至关重要的一步,我将在本周五跟大家细细道来,如果我很嚣张地失败了怎么办?

    What was the key step that I said I needed to do on Friday but failed very publicly to do so?

  • 这些都是怎么实现的呢?,布鲁克斯确信自己可以,从精神分析的角度理解这些问题,我们马上要解释。

    How does all this work? Brooks believes that he can understand it, as we'll try to explain, in psychoanalytic terms.

  • 所以,我自学怎样编程,因为我想,学习怎么在屏幕上画一张地图出来。

    So, I taught myself how to program because I wanted to learn how to draw a map on the screen.

  • 大屠杀中的辛德勒,以及另外一个人,我不知道他的名字怎么发音,卢斯赛伯吉纳,在卢旺达

    Schindler in the Holocaust, and then the other guy, in and I can't pronounce his name Rusesabagina, in Rwanda.

  • 戴着眼镜我也能看出来没人举手,有想法么?大家来帮帮我吧,你们对这个算法的增长率是怎么认为的?

    What do you think? Even with these glasses on, I can see no hands up, any suggestions? Somebody help me out.

  • 他花了很大笔墨很详细地描写了,他还在子宫里发生的事,但他是怎么知道的呢?

    He's narrating in great detail what happened while he was in the womb. Where does this knowledge come from?

  • 怎么没看到那些呢?

    How did I miss that?

  • 鱼缸乾净了!怎么会?

    The tank is clean! But how?

  • 你和乔伊的约会怎么

    How was your date with Joey?

  • 怎么能?我怎么能什么?

    How could you? How could I what?

  • 怎么会错得这么离谱?

    How could I be so wrong?

  • 怎么知道这值多少钱……

    How do you know how much…

  • 怎么醒的?你怎么赶走它的?

    Why am I back? How did you get him out?

  • 你,你怎么能不告诉他们?

    How can you not tell them?

  • 她对这个分子,二氟脱氧胞嘧啶核苷怎么抑制酶很感兴趣,要做这些研究。

    So, she is interested in how this molecule, gemcitabine, inhibits an enzyme. So, to do those studies, she needs to know a lot of the stuff on this list.

  • 怎么知道她还活着?

    How do you know if she made it?

  • 他们究竟把谁当目标又是怎么发现目标的,尽管我有一种感觉,他们的途径和我们的差不多。

    exactly who they were targeting and how, though I got the sense that their approach was similar to ours.

  • 好,需要怎么操控这能力?

    Okay. How do I control it?

  • 这个实验怎么工作的,我们先来做些计算,但我相信你们都已经。

    But I'm sure you can easily see how these styrofoam balls could, in fact, be a mono layer of gold nuclei.

  • 那你怎么变回来的呢?

    How do you change back?

  • 怎么知道这只是一个标志?,我怎么知道标志上写的是存在?

    How do I know it's a sign? How do I know it says 'exit'?

  • 荒野给了我们机会,来感受这些挑战,比如难以预测的天气,让我们自己想一想“该怎么做?“

    The wilderness allows us the opportunity to experience the challenges that come with unpredictable weather, and saying "How do I deal with it?"

  • 到10章节讲述了亚伦是怎么成为大祭司的,以及亚伦的后代是怎么成为以色列的祭司宗族的。

    Chapters 8 through 10 recount the installation of Aaron as high priest and the Aaronides then as the priestly clan within Israel.

  • 这些名字带来了许多联系,我想问的问题是:,怎么去对待这些名字?

    So, these names drag associations with them, and one question I want to ask is: what to do with those?

  • 但我想知道的是,你是怎么想的,你是怎么想的,才会为他们辩护。

    But what do you- I want to know what you think. You defend them.

  • 怎么知道,你怎么可能知道?

    You can't know that. How can you possibly know that?

  • 怎么可以?,我怎么敢自我感觉良好?

    How can I? How dare I feel good about myself?


怎么 zěnme

(1) [how] ——询问情状、性质、方式、原因、行动等


(2) [what]——用于虚指


(3) [however]——用于任指,其前常用“不论”、“不管”等词,其后常用“都”“也”等词相照应,或“怎么”连用


(4) [somewhat]——表示某些程度


(5) [how could]——用于反问或感叹,表示肯定、否定,或加强语气


(6) 犹如何,怎样






免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of